dr. marita haas curriculum vitae - IMW

dr. marita haas curriculum vitae - IMW

dr. marita haas curriculum vitae - IMW


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Name: Marita Haas (née Gruber)<br />

Date of Birth: January 9, 1977<br />

Ad<strong>dr</strong>ess: Feldstraße 15-17/2.08, 2345 Brunn am Gebirge, Austria<br />

Marital Status: Married, two chil<strong>dr</strong>en (Ivalina, 2008; Daria, 2012)<br />

Phone: +43 699 111 81 651<br />

E-mail: <strong>marita</strong>.<strong>haas</strong>@gmx.net<br />


� Researcher, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Management Science, project “Female Biography<br />

Analysis. Identity Constructions in Male-dominated vs. Female-dominated Professions”<br />

to be started 01/2013<br />

– Project manager<br />

– Synopsis: The planned study puts the focus on women, and the way women perceive their biographies in<br />

male-dominated vs. female-dominated professions. It is based on the fact that women’s lives are still based on<br />

family and work and the segregation of professions and professional hierarchies according to gender aspects.<br />

Narrative-biographical interviews and a comparative perspective of the two professional fields will lead to new<br />

insights on the interrelation of biographies with gender and professions.<br />

� Researcher, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Management Science, project “Leaky Pipeline”<br />

01/2010-12/2011<br />

– Deputy project manager<br />

– Responsible for biographical analysis (concept, analysis and interpretation; sub-project manager)<br />

– Synopsis: Given the observed low percentage of female students in science and technology as well as the<br />

high fluctuation of female scientists, a triangulation approach was used to examine specific conditions and<br />

their impact on women’s careers at a university. Narrative-biographical interviews with female students and<br />

scientists currently working at the VUT or having opted/<strong>dr</strong>opped out of the VUT were utilized to explore<br />

women’s life stories and careers as well as their self-perception in the environment of the VUT.<br />

� Researcher, University of Vienna, Institute of Labor and Employment Law, project for an Austrian city-town<br />

07/2009-05/2010<br />

– Project manager for the analysis of social services<br />

– Literature analysis, qualitative interviews, best practice analysis<br />

– Synopsis: Based on socio demographic changes, an Austrian city is analyzed according to its current and<br />

future capabilities to deal with current challenges such as over-aging, cross-cultural immigration and changing<br />

work and family concepts. Methods used for analysis include qualitative interviews with experts, document<br />

analysis and participatory observation.<br />

� Researcher, University of Vienna, Austrian Institute of Family Studies, research project on part-time work<br />

01/2008-05/2008<br />

– Project manager for effects of part time work from company’s point of view<br />

– Synopsis: Changes in labor law led to different applications of part time work, including an obligation for<br />

enterprises to (under certain conditions) offer part time work for parents. The study summarizes effects of part<br />

time work for employees on the one hand and employers on the other hand. To investigate employers’<br />

opinions on and their use of part time work, semi-structured interviews with human resource managers are<br />

conducted.<br />

� Researcher, University of Vienna, Institute of Business Administration, in cooperation with the Austrian Council<br />

for Research and Technology development 09/2007-02/2008<br />

– Project manager and solely responsible researcher for the study “Human Resources in Austria”<br />

– Synopsis: Austria, classified as an “innovation follower”, wants to sustain its competitiveness in Europe by<br />

developing into a leading knowledge-based economy. This requires the steady promotion and qualification of<br />

people living in Austria. A qualitative meta-analysis based on ~150 studies and reports from 2004-2007 leads<br />

to the identification of the most important challenges and future political activities in the field of human<br />

resources.<br />

� Researcher, eCommerce Competence Center (EC3), Department Digital Business Research, Development and<br />

Information Management 02/2006-08/2007<br />

– Research and consulting activities in the field of Cooperative Networks and eTourism<br />

– Research and publication activity in association with PhD thesis<br />


� Junior Researcher, University of Vienna, Institute of Business Administration, EU-funded research project<br />

VERITAS(Virtual Enterprises for Integrated Industrial Solutions) 06/2004-06/2006<br />

– Project manager for the research project including organizational and financial issues<br />

– Research and publication activity in association with PhD thesis<br />

� Teaching Assistant, University of Vienna, Institute of Business Administration 08/2002-01/2003<br />

– Assistance with courses for up to 600 students, administration of exams and written seminar papers<br />

– Supporting students, maintenance of teaching websites<br />


� Doctoral Studies in Economics and Social Sciences, University of Vienna (with distinction) 10/2004-01/2007<br />

– PhD thesis “The Formation Process of SME-Networks”<br />

– Synopsis: Based on the theory of cooperative networks, national networks in the machine and the steel<br />

industry in 3 countries (Austria, Belgium and Turkey) are created. The process of network creation is analyzed<br />

by adapting a sociological model including team building aspects. The thesis demonstrates that, instead of<br />

focusing on complementary competences, social processes between individuals enable and shape (future)<br />

cooperation activities. The methods used for analysis is case study research, including semi-structured<br />

interviews, document analysis and participatory investigation as well as quantitative questionnaires.<br />

� International Business Administration, University of Vienna 10/1998-01/2003<br />

– Main topics of studies: Organization Theory and Human Resource Management<br />

– Master Thesis: "Transparency as an Attribute of Quality in Organizations". Awarded the "Dr.-Franz-<br />

Silbermayr"-Prize (promotion award for junior scientists)<br />

– Synopsis: The thesis analyses recent management theories to improve efficiency in organizations such as<br />

Supply-Chain Management or the Balanced Scorecard and shows that, although coming from different<br />

disciplines, those management theories pursue the same goal and try to improve transparency and clarity<br />

within the organization.<br />

� College of Tourism (Kolleg für Freizeit- und Tourismuswirtschaft) in Oberwart 09/1995-06/1997<br />

� Secondary School with a focus on languages (Bundesgymnasium) in Hartberg 09/1989-06/1995<br />


� Lecture Applications of e-Business and e-Logistics University of Vienna (course for 30 master students)<br />

Summer Term 2008<br />

� Lecture Advanced Topics in Organization, University of Vienna (course for 30 master students)<br />

Winter Term 2007/2008<br />

� Lectures Organization and Human Resources, University of Vienna (courses for 50 undergraduate students)<br />

Winter Term 2004/2005 – Summer Term 2007, in total 9 courses held<br />

� English lessons for employees in international companies, Maryland Language Center, Santiago de Chile<br />

03/2002-06/2002<br />

� Private English lessons for several students During Secondary School<br />


� 2011: Hertha Firnberg (3 year fulltime funding for highly qualified female scientists on post-doc level)<br />

� 2008: Award of the Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG for innovative lectures<br />

� 2003: Dr. Franz-Sibermayr-Award for outstanding master thesis<br />


� Co-Founder and CFO (part-time) of pixel-orange OG, an Austrian IT-start up (authorized 235.000€ public<br />

funding of 2 different institutions to enhance academic spin-offs) 10/2007-12/2010<br />

� Volunteer (part-time) for CARE Austria (humanitarian aid), Marketing Department 03/2005-09/2006<br />

� Human Resource Assistant (full time) of T-Systems Austria. Responsible for Human Resource development<br />

(designing of curricula and career programs, moderation of workshops, consulting executive staff)<br />

03/2003-05/2004<br />

� Human Resource Assistant (part-time), Competence Call Center AG, (recruiting of new employees)<br />

04/2000-02/2002<br />


� Human Resource Manager (part-time volunteer), uniforce junior enterprise 04/2001-02/2002<br />

� Office management (part-time), Netway AG 06/1999-03/2000<br />


� Göttingen, Germany: participation at various research workshops based on an ongoing research cooperation<br />

with Prof. Gabriele Rosenthal since 05/2011<br />

� Tilburg, Netherlands: POLNET Summer School on Network Analysis 09/2005<br />

� Santiago de Chile, Chile: Exchange student at University of Chile 02/2002-06/2002<br />

� Bergün, Switzerland: Full-time job at local hotel and restaurant 05/1997-06/1998<br />

� Evian, France: Full time internship at 4-star hotel 06/1996-09/1996<br />


German (native), English (fluent), Spanish (advanced level), French (advanced level)<br />


Literature and film, Travelling<br />


Peer reviewed journals<br />

Haas, Marita; Koeszegi, Sabine T. and Matthias Noester (2007): Current Practice and Structural Patterns in Virtual<br />

Organizations: A Qualitative Analysis of 30 Cases. eJOV, The Electronic Journal for Virtual Organizations and<br />

Networks, Vol. 8. http://www.ejov.org/projects/264/Issues/eJOV%20Vol8/eJOV8_4_Haas_<br />

Current%20practice%20 and%20structural%20patterns.pdf.<br />

Books/Monographies<br />

Haas, Marita (2007): The formation process of SME-networks - A comparative case analysis of social processes in<br />

Austria, Belgium and Turkey. Deutscher Universitätsverlag Gabler, Wiesbaden (PhD thesis). Supervisor: Univ.-<br />

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Vetschera.<br />

Gruber, Marita (2003): Transparenz als Qualitätskriterium für Organisationen. Master Thesis, University of Vienna.<br />

Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Vetschera. Awarded with the „Dr.-Franz-Silbermayr“-prize (promotion award for<br />

junior scientists).<br />

Book chapters<br />

Noester, Matthias; Gruber, Marita (2005): Co-operative SME networks in manufacturing. Strengthening<br />

Competitiveness through Production Networks: A perspective from European ICT research projects in the field of<br />

‘Enterprise Networking’. Sixth Framework Programme, IST Priority, Ed. 2005. European Commission, Office for<br />

Official Publications of the European Communities, Brussels, p.38-46.<br />

Contributions to refereed conference proceedings<br />

Guenther, Elisabeth; Haas, Marita; Keinert, Christina, Koeszegi, Sabine T. and Eva Zedlacher (2010): To Boldly Go<br />

Where No Woman Has Gone Before: Career Perspectives of Women in Technology and Science - A Case Study.<br />

Abstract Proceedings Beyond the Leaky Pipeline. Challenges for Research in Gender and Science. Final<br />

Conference of the study "Meta-analysis of gender and science research", Bruessels (Belgium), October 19-20,<br />

2010, p. 3-4.<br />

Koeszegi, Sabine T.; Haas, Marita; Keinert, Christina, Zedlacher, Eva and Elisabeth Guenther (2010): To Boldly Go<br />

Where No Woman Has Gone Before: Understanding Resistance to Change in Gender Segregated Organizations -<br />

A Case Study at Vienna University of Technology; Abstract Proceedings M/O/T 2010. International Conference on<br />

Management Learning. Management makes the World Go Round: Learning for the Future in Management and<br />

Organizations. Vienna (Austria), December 1-4, 2010, p. 57 - 58.<br />

Gruber, Marita; Noester, Matthias (2005): Investigating Structural Settings of Virtual Organisations. In: Kulwant,<br />

Pawar, S; Weber, Frithjof; Thoben, Klaus-Dieter and Bernhard Katzy (Eds.): Proceedings of the 11th International<br />

Conference on Concurrent Enterprising: Integrated Engineering of Products, Services and Organisations. Munich<br />

(Germany). June 20-22, p. 245 – 251.<br />

Talks and poster presentations (peer reviewed)<br />

Guenther, Elisabeth; Haas, Marita; Keinert, Christina; Köszegi, Sabine T.; Zedlacher, Eva (2011): “Same same but<br />

Different” – Eine Triangulationsanalyse weiblicher Karrieren an der TU Wien. Neuer Strukturwandel der<br />


Öffentlichkeit - 3. gemeinsamer Kongress für Soziologie der Deutschen, Schweizerischen und Österreichischen<br />

Gesellschaften für Soziologie. Innsbruck, September 29 – October 1, 2011.<br />

Haas, Marita; Keinert, Christina, Koeszegi, Sabine T., Zedlacher, Eva (2011): New wine in old wineskins. New<br />

career boundaries for women in old networks in academia. 27 th EGOS colloquium: Reassembling organizations.<br />

Gothenburg (Sweden), July 6-9, 2011.<br />

Haas, Marita; Keinert, Christina, Koeszegi, Sabine; Zedlacher, Eva (2011): Breaking patterns: How opportunistic<br />

sponsorship and women’s moral compass shape careers of female scientists. HELENA International conference:<br />

Gender and Interdisciplinary Education for Engineers (GEEI), Paris (France), June 23-24, 2011.<br />

Guenther, Elisabeth; Haas, Marita; Keinert, Christina, Koeszegi, Sabine T. and Eva Zedlacher (2010): To Boldly Go<br />

Where No Woman Has Gone Before: Career Perspectives of Women in Technology and Science - A Case Study.<br />

Talk: Beyond the Leaky Pipeline. Challenges for Research in Gender and Science. Final Conference of the study<br />

"Meta-analysis of gender and science research", Bruessels (Belgium), October 19-20, 2010.<br />

Koeszegi, Sabine T.; Haas, Marita; Keinert, Christina, Zedlacher, Eva and Elisabeth Guenther (2010): To Boldly Go<br />

Where No Woman Has Gone Before: Understanding Resistance to Change in Gender Segregated Organizations -<br />

A Case Study at Vienna University of Technology. Talk: M/O/T 2010. International Conference on Management<br />

Learning., Management makes the World go round: Learning for the Future in Management and Organizations.<br />

Vienna (Austria), December 1-4, 2010.<br />

Haas, Marita; Lamp, Christian and Werthner, Hannes (2006): A framework for strategic positioning of DMOs. Talk:<br />

ENTER 2007 – The 14th International Conference on Information Technologies in Travel & Tourism. Ljubljana<br />

(Slovenia), January 24-26, 2007.<br />

Gruber, Marita; Noester, Matthias (2005): Investigating Structural Settings of Virtual Organisations. Talk: 11th<br />

International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising: Integrated Engineering of Products, Services and<br />

Organisations. Munich (Germany). June 20-22, 2005.<br />

Published research reports<br />

Buchebner-Ferstl, Sabine; Dörfler, Sonja, Haas, Marita and Diana Niksova (2011): Teilzeit. Eine Studie zu<br />

betrieblichen Effekten von Teilzeitbeschäftigung. In: Mazal, Wolfgang (Hg.): Forschungsbericht Nr. 6/2011.<br />

Universität Wien, Österreichisches Institut für Familienforschung (Studien-Endbericht vom 30. Juni 2008, 136<br />

pages).<br />

Haas, Marita (2008): Humanressourcen in Österreich. Eine vergleichende Studie im Auftrag des Rates für<br />

Forschung und Technologieentwicklung. Universität Wien, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. http://www.ratfte.at/tl_files/uploads/Studien/080421_Endbericht_Humanressourcen%20in%20Oesterreich_Haas.pdf<br />

(120 pages)<br />

Gruber, Marita (2006): Ubíqistas: Videotelephonie als Träger für innovative touristische Erlebniskonzepte. OCG<br />

Journal 2/2006, p.18.<br />

Noester, Matthias; Gruber, Marita; Feindt, Sylvie (2006): How to initiate cooperative networks. Practical guidelines<br />

for industry associations, development agencies and SMEs. Online publication on http://e.finland.fi/netcomm/news/<br />

showarticle.asp?intNWSAID=47179, January 31, 2006.<br />

Work in progress<br />

Haas, Marita; Keinert-Kisin, Christina, Koeszegi, Sabine T. and Eva Zedlacher (2012): Breaking patterns: How<br />

opportunistic sponsorship and women’s moral compass shape careers of female scientists. Gender, Work and<br />

Organization (currently under review).<br />

Haas Marita (2012): Biographien des Anders-Seins. Über Identitätskonstruktionen von Frauen an einer<br />

technischen Universität. Working Paper (planned for submission to Sozialer Sinn).<br />

Haas Marita (2012): Die berufliche Entwicklung von Sonja B.. Ein systematischer Vergleich der<br />

Auswertungsmethoden nach Rosenthal vs. Schütze. Working Paper (planned for submission to ZQF – Zeitschrift<br />

für qualitative Forschung).<br />

Köszegi, Sabine T.; Günther, Elisabeth; Haas, Marita; Keinert-Kisin, Christina; Zedlacher Eva (2013): Wie Fische<br />

im Wasser (Ergebnisdokumentation des Projektes „Leaky Pipeline“ in Buchform).<br />

Vienna, June 2012<br />


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