Bible & Reference Catalog 2012-2013 - B&H Publishing Group

Bible & Reference Catalog 2012-2013 - B&H Publishing Group

Bible & Reference Catalog 2012-2013 - B&H Publishing Group


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HCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>s141:1 Then God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear.” 1:13 This all occured on the third day, literally,“And there was evening and there was morning, a third day (or, ‘a period of time’).2:07 From the dust of the ground, or, “from a lump of soil,” or, “from clods in the soil,” or, “from a clod of clay.”15The Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong>The Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong> helps today’s Christians better understand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs in an ageof increased moral and spiritual relativism. More than one hundred key questions and articles placed throughoutthe volume about faith, philosophy, history, the sciences, and other worldviews prompt a rewarding study experienceevery time. Highlights include an introduction to each <strong>Bible</strong> book focusing on apologetics issues within the book, andprofiles of historic Christian apologists from Justin Martyr to C. S. Lewis. Also featured are valuable contributionsfrom a who’s-who of modern apologists such as Lee Strobel, Chuck Colson, Norm Geisler, Hank Hanegraaff, JoshMcDowell, Albert Mohler, Ravi Zacharias, and J. P. Moreland.BEST SELLING POINTS• Extensive study material from today’s leading apologists.• Study notes on “problem” passages, plus fifty sidebarsfocusing on <strong>Bible</strong> text misused by cults.• Topical index, annotated bibliography, and 62-page <strong>Bible</strong>concordance, and index of special articles.• Full color charts: Timeline of Apologists and NotableWorks• Selected Important Old and New TestamentArchaeological Finds• Manuscript Authority of the New Testament Compared toOther Classical Works• A Succinct Comparison of Naturalism and Theism• Comparison of Major World Religions• Comparison of the New Religious MovementsCarton Quantity: 12 Trim size: 6¾ x 9Page Count: 2048 Text: 9.5 ptBISAC: BIB001050 BIBLE/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/StudyECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Study/GeneralSee additional styles on pg 6.S C A NTHIS CODEto watch a shortvideo presentation.earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed.This food will be for you, 30 -for all the wildlifeof the earth, for every bird of the sky, and forevery creature that crawls on the earth—everythinghaving the breath of life in it. I havegiven every green plant for food.” And it wasso. 31 fGod saw all that He had made, and it wasvery good. Evening came, and then morning:the sixth day.So the heavens and the earth and everythingin them were completed. 2 fBy theseventh day, God completed His work thatHe had done, and He rested on the seventh and bone (also see Is 31:3). Because God is spirit, He isinvisible (Jn 1:18; Rm 1:20; Col 1:15; 1 Tm 1:17).2:2-3 “Rested” (shabat) does not imply fatigue but meansonly “ceased” because it is connected to the completionof the creation work.2:4-26 Chapter 2 is a second creation account only inthe sense that it gives a more detailed accounting, not acontradictory accounting. Chapter one provides a generaldescription, and chap. 2 is specific. Twofold creationTday from all His work that He had done. 3 -Godblessed the seventh day and declared it holy,for on it He rested from His work of creation.4 -These are the records of the heavens andthe earth, concerning their creation at thetime that the Lord God made the earth and theheavens. 5 -No shrub of the field had yet grownon the land, and no plant of the field had yetsprouted, for the Lord God had not made it rainon the land, and there was no man to workthe ground. 6 fBut water would come out of theground and water the entire surface of the land.7 fThen the Lord God formed the man out ofthe dust from the ground and breathedaccounts were common in ancient cosmogonies (e.g.,Babylonian Atrahasis). The differences in the order ofthe creation events are due to the narratives’ respectivepurposes. The first gives a loosely chronologicalaccount, gathering creation events into a discerniblepattern to show the symmetry of creation’s purpose.Chapter 2 is topical, focuses on the sixth day by expandingon the creation and the relationship of the man andwoman. Chapter 2 presupposes chap. 1 and does notAre the days of Genesis to be interpreted literally? by Ted Cabalhis question has stoked controversy among conservative Christians in recent times, but provenof little interest to theistic evolutionists and those rejecting Genesis as God’s inerrant word. Thedebate has been primarily between young and old earth creationists who believe God literally createdthe various kinds of living things (contra the common descent of Darwinism). Both sides hold thathumans have not descended from other species, and reject the atheism and macro-evolutionary theoryof neo-Darwinism.The two creationist camps, however, differ in interpreting the creation days of Genesis. Both sides understandthese days to be important in the relationship of the <strong>Bible</strong> to science. If the days were consecutive24-hour periods, and the earth was created on the first day, then calculations based on biblical genealogiesreveal the earth was created only thousands of years ago. If the days are either of indeterminate length ornon-consecutive, then the <strong>Bible</strong> does not reveal when the earth was created. Interestingly, both sides agree thegenealogies reveal Adam and Eve were specially created only thousands of years ago.Young earth creationists (YCs) interpret the days as 24-hour, consecutive periods for reasons suchas: (1) The days in Genesis chapter one are consecutively numbered and comprised of an “evening andmorning”; (2) Exodus 20:8-11 commands a literal week of six days work and one day rest based on God’soriginal creation/rest week: the two weeks are then of equal duration; and, (3) According to Rom. 5:12,“sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin,” but old earth creationism would haveanimal death entering the world before the sin of Adam and Eve.Old earth creationists (OCs) argue against 24-hour creation days for reasons such as: (1) The Hebrewword for “day” (yom) is used in different ways in the creation account: Gn 1:5 refers yom only to daytime(daylight), not nighttime, and Gn 2:4 literally translated speaks of “the yom that the Lord God made theearth and the heavens”; and (2) God’s rest on the seventh day has no evening and morning (Gen. 2:2-3),and Heb. 4:3-11 portrays this same Sabbath as continuing to the present day; and (3) a literal interpretationof Genesis chapter two precludes all its events taking place in 24 hours (e.g., Adam’s naming all thebirds and wild animals).Both sides believe they have strong, technical arguments favoring their interpretation and rebuttingthe other side. And debate regarding biblical interpretation has often led historically to a clearer understandingof God’s word. But it is also highly debatable whether this issue merits the rancor and divisiontoo often attending it. Some YCs accuse OCs of compromising the <strong>Bible</strong> with “evolutionary” science.Some OCs charge YCs with undermining biblical credibility by generating a false conflict between scienceand the Scriptures. Happily, one thing is not debatable among those who believe the <strong>Bible</strong>: evenif the correct interpretation of the creation days is not readily apparent in the present generation, the<strong>Bible</strong> can be trusted in every way. Debates about biblical interpretations should not be interpreted asthe failure of Holy Scripture.Sample Interiorthe breath of life into his nostrils,and the man became a living being.8 fThe Lord God planted a gardenGenesis 2:7ccording to modern-day psychics, this “breath ofAlife,” enables humans to exhibit supernatural abilities.Most people, however, do not know how to tap intothis power. Such a bizarre conclusion cannot be derivedfrom the text. A better interpretation is that the “breathof life” is simply the animating force of the body.in Eden, in the east, and there He placedthe man He had formed. 9 -The Lord God causedto grow out of the ground every tree pleasingin appearance and good for food, including thetree of life in the midst of the garden, as well asthe tree of the knowledge of good and evil.10 -A river went out from Eden to water thegarden. From there it divided and became thesource of four rivers. 11 -The name of the first isPishon, which encircles the entire land of theHavilah, where there is gold. 12 -Gold from thatland is pure; bdellium and onyx are also there.13 -The name of the second river is Gihon, whichencircles the entire land of Cush. 14 fThe nameof the third river is the Tigris, which flows tothe east of Assyria. And the fourth river is theEuphrates.15 -The Lord God took the man and placedhim in the garden of Eden to work it and watchover it. 16 -And the Lord God commanded theman, “You are free to eat from any tree of thegarden, 17 -but you must not eat from the tree ofthe knowledge of good and evil, for on the dayyou eat from it, you will certainly die.” 18 -Thenduplicate all the creation events.2:7,21-22 The creation of the first man and woman isnot myth. The author of the account intends to portraya historical event; the heading “these are the records/family records” (2:4a) occurs eleven times in Genesisand introduces genealogies and historical narratives(e.g., 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 11:27). The first “man” (Hb. adam)is treated in genealogies as a historical individual named“Adam” (5:1; Lk 3:38). Since the name Adam means“man(kind),” the author also used him to representhumanity in general (3:17-18; cp. Rm 12:12-21). Theaccount of the man and woman’s creation requires thatthe reader understands them as special creations, notmerely types of humans. Biological evolution does notcomport with the author’s intention of the narrative.2:10-14 The lack of archaeological evidence for thegarden of Eden does not mean the place is mythic lore.Despite the advances of archaeology, the recovery of ancientremains is a small percentage of the vast unexaminedNear East. The two rivers Tigris and Euphrates areknown today, located in modern Iraq. The identities ofthe Lord God said, “It is not good for the manto be alone. I will make a helper who is likehim.” 19 -So the Lord God formed out of theground each wild animal and each bird of thesky, and brought each to the man to see whathe would call it. And whatever the man calleda living creature, that was its name. 20 -The mangave names to all the livestock, to the birds ofthe sky, and to every wild animal; but for theman no helper was found who was like him.21 fSo the Lord God caused a deep sleep to comeover the man, and he slept. God took one of hisribs and closed the flesh at that place. 22 -Thenthe Lord God made the rib He had taken fromthe man into a woman and brought her to theman. 23 -And the man said:This one, at last, is bone of my bone,and flesh of my flesh;this one will be called woman,for she was taken from man.24 -This is why a man leaves his father andmother and bonds with his wife, and they becomeone flesh. 25 -Both the man and his wifewere naked, yet felt no shame.Now the serpent was the most cunning ofall the wild animals that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did Godreally say, ‘You can’t eat from any tree in thegarden’?”2 -The woman said to the serpent, “We mayeat the fruit from the trees in the garden. 3 -Butabout the fruit of the tree in the middle of thegarden, God said, ‘You must not eat it or touchit, or you will die.’f”the Gihon and Pishon are uncertain but may have beenlocal streams or canals. The topographical change thatthe region underwent could have occurred through theupheaval of floods, climatic changes, and land shifts.2:19 The verb rendered “formed” can also be “hadformed” (NIV), which would alleviate the alleged contradictionwith the order of animals created beforeman (1:24-26). Alternatively, chap. 2 is a topical telling,setting the creation of the animals in contrast to thecreation of the woman so as to highlight her dignity asfully human.3:1 Snakes do not speak, but this is not a folk etiologygiving the cause for the universal enmity betweenhumans and snakes. The animal’s life has a history thatwill end in a future destruction (“all the days of yourlife,” 3:14). Snakes in ancient times were associatedwith both life and death, wisdom and evil (Nm 21:6,8;Mt 10:16) and thus an effective symbol for wisdom thatgives life or for evil that leads to death. The serpentas a symbol in the garden stood for the evil being(Satan) that opposed God and the human couple (cp.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0285-6 Jacketed Hardcover w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap White $39.99978-1-4336-0291-7 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $79.99978-1-4336-0284-9 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $89.99978-1-4336-0286-3 Simulated Leather Brown Duotone w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-4336-0287-0 Simulated Leather Brown Duotone w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-4336-0291-7 NEW Simulated Leather Mahogany Duotone w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-4336-0289-4 NEW Simulated Leather Mahogany Duotone w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $69.99181-800-251-3225

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