Bible & Reference Catalog 2012-2013 - B&H Publishing Group

Bible & Reference Catalog 2012-2013 - B&H Publishing Group

Bible & Reference Catalog 2012-2013 - B&H Publishing Group


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Study <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBThe Mission ofGod Study <strong>Bible</strong>The Mission of God Study <strong>Bible</strong> encouragesfollowers of Jesus Christ to see their everydaylife from God’s perspective and have His heartfor people. It’s a reminder that we live aroundpeople in desperate need of redemption andreconciliation with God, which can only befound in Jesus. The mission of God has neverbeen just for specialists; it is for all believersto live out through their daily lives and bysharing the good news of what God has donethrough the death and resurrection of His SonJesus. Wherever you are, you are on mission.In The Mission of God Study <strong>Bible</strong>, readers willhear from today’s top thinkers, theologians, andleading voices in the church about what it meansto live in the mission of God. Essay contributorsinclude Matt Chandler, Tullian Tchividjian,Ed Stetzer, Matthew Barnett, Andrea Mullins,Dave Ferguson, Christopher J. H. Wright, andmany others.Readers will also discover “Letters to theChurch” from elder statesmen that speak to thegrand narrative of God’s mission in Scripture.These words from Billy Graham, Jack Hayford,R. T. Kendall, Erwin Lutzer, Calvin Miller,and R. C. Sproul will inspire you to live God’smission daily.■ author: Mosesr■■ Date:Most likely written during Israel’s wandering in the wilderness (around1445–1406 b.c.)The biggest question about the creation of the world—why did God do it? Thebook of Genesis begins the answer.Did God get orders to invent a universe? No, there’s nobody calling the shotsbehind God’s back. To ask why God did it is to probe God alone, no one else.Did God need to create this planet? Its amazing beauty is a wonder to behold. But whydid God do it? Was He obligated? Everywhere the <strong>Bible</strong> relieves God of a “need to act.” Godis under no compulsion, no obligations. Creation was not a need-based decision for God.Nor was it for sheer enjoyment that God brought the world into existence. Youcan’t read two chapters into Genesis before God is disappointed and grieved. In muchof the <strong>Bible</strong>, there’s more grief for God than pleasure.God’s mission in creating theworld, from the Genesis account,was to glorify Himself by sharinglife. God lives, the Scripturesaffirm. All the rest of creationlives because God wanted to share this rare gift. Another word for this sharing is love.God’s nature and character is love. Love wants to share.From the first, God is reported to walk the earth conversing with Adam and Eve.Throughout Genesis, God is urging people to come alongside, share the journey, redeemthe relationship that will eventually bring His spoiled creation back to what it should be.Spoiled? Yes, spoiled rotten. The sharing God initiated had this one condition,also a core value of God’s character: holiness. God and sin are like fire and water, lightand dark. God and sin don’t keep company. When the first humans follow the serpent’salluring suggestion to eat from the infamous Tree in defiance of God’s command,creation breaks. This crisis could have been the end of it, but God’s resolve to share life,to be with us, overcomes the wreckage of Adam and Eve’s disobedience. The missionof God is to redeem, to save, to repair the break, to get back to love. God promises toredeem and restore in chapter 3. From that moment on, the <strong>Bible</strong>’s trajectory aims atreconciling men and women to their Creator, the God of love and holiness.Many notable persons show up in Genesis. Noah and his ark, Abraham and his son,Joseph and his colorful coat. These and other names are widely known, their storieslargely romanticized and made into fables of popular entertainment. But Genesis itselfis rock-solid serious. Humanity is in desperate trouble. Our link to life is broken by sin.We need God’s voice and presence, yet angels guard the gate to the paths where onceGod and humankind walked in peace and unity.Our trouble reconnecting with God requires a divine plan. Abraham is calledto move from his homeland, searching and trusting, as God shows the way back tofellowship and wholeness. Isaac is spared, and his son, the trickster Jacob, saves hisclan with Joseph’s help and sets the stage for the creation of a nation, which God willuniquely lead to a land of promise.genesisSample InteriorRelease Date: June 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 1,440 Trim Size: 6¾ x 9Type Size: 9 pt Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001050 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/StudyECPA: Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/Study/GeneralWatch &listento presentationson what it meansto be on mission.ISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0155-2 Trade Paper White $29.99978-1-4336-0156-9 Hardcover White $39.99978-1-4336-0157-6 Brown Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-4336-0158-3 Brown/Cream/Taupe Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-4336-0274-0 Brown/Tan Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $49.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com17

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