Bible & Reference Catalog 2012-2013 - B&H Publishing Group

Bible & Reference Catalog 2012-2013 - B&H Publishing Group

Bible & Reference Catalog 2012-2013 - B&H Publishing Group


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KJVNew ReleaseKJV Study <strong>Bible</strong>2011 marked the 400th anniversary of the KingJames Version of the <strong>Bible</strong>, a landmark that gainedworldwide media attention and researched estimatesthat more than one billion copies of KJV editions havebeen sold to date. Indeed, the beloved, historicallyrich rendering of Scripture is an ongoing favoriteamong <strong>Bible</strong> readers.Holman <strong>Bible</strong> Publishers is excited to present theKJV Study <strong>Bible</strong>, a new edition modeled after its own2011 ECPA Christian Book Award-winning HCSBStudy <strong>Bible</strong>, where every well-conceived study helpis practically placed on the same page spread as therelated biblical text. It also features 15,000 studynotes, 141 photos, 62 timelines, 59 maps, 40-pageconcordance, 20 articles and essays, 16 illustrationsand reconstructions, 15 charts, and a helpfulglossary of 17th century expressions relative tothe KJV’s signature phrasing.Other details of the KJV Study <strong>Bible</strong> include a twocolumntext setting, center-column cross references,the words of Christ in red, one- and three year <strong>Bible</strong>reading plans, a notes section, four-color presentationpage, and two-piece die-cut gift box.Release Date: September 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 2240 Trim Size: 6 11 /16 x 9 1 /8Carton Quantity: 10BISAC: BIB006050 BIBLES/King James Version/StudyECPA: King James Version/Study/GeneralText: 9 ptFEATURES• 15,000 study notes• 141 photos• 59 maps• Brilliant full color page designs• Full color maps, charts & reconstructions• Extensive book introductions, commentarynotes and concordance• Essays on practical and theological issues• Feature-length articles on the origin andtransmission of the <strong>Bible</strong>• One-year and three-year <strong>Bible</strong> reading plans• A “King’s English” glossary of terms• Presentation page & family registryISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0034-0 Jacketed hardcover White $49.99978-1-4336-0033-3 Saddle Brown Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-4336-0035-7 Saddle Brown Sim. Leather – Indexed Gilded-Gold $79.99978-1-4336-0036-4 Mantova Brown Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-4336-0037-1 Mantove Brown Sim. Leather – Indexed Gilded-Gold $79.99978-1-4336-0038-8 Black Genuine Leather Gilded-Silver $79.99978-1-4336-0039-5 Black Genuine Leather – Indexed Gilded-Silver $89.9921-800-251-3225

New ReleaseKJVPart of POP Kit: 005505907Part of POP Kit: 005505907Part of POP Kit: 005505907Brilliant Full Color ~ Extensive Study HelpsBrilliant Full Color ~ Extensive Study HelpsBrilliant Full Color ~ Extensive Study HelpsKJV Study <strong>Bible</strong>End Cap Kit005505907Sample InteriorsBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com3

KJVNew ReleaseKJV Large PrintCompact <strong>Bible</strong>The KJV Large Print Compact <strong>Bible</strong> is a perfect giftfor someone on the go. It slips easily into a coat pocket,backpack, briefcase, or purse. Features include thewords of Christ highlighted in red type, end-of-versereferences, “How to Read the <strong>Bible</strong> Through” (52-weekreading plan), eight four-color maps, a concise concordance,presentation page, special notation of Messianicprophecies and their fulfillments, a harmony of thegospels outline, o-wrap packaging, and more.Release Date: October 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 1568 Trim Size: 3 15 /16 x 5 11 /16Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB006000 BIBLES/King James Version/General ECPA: King James Version/Specialty &Misc./Large & Giant PrintText: 8.25 ptISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0292-4 Mahogany Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-4336-0300-6 Pink/Brown Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $19.99See additional styles on pg 62.KJV Hand Size GiantPrint <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>Easy to read and easy to carry, the KJV Hand SizeGiant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> features as many helps asother editions twice its size, including 12 point type,a giant print concordance, two-piece gift box, andend-of-verse cross references. Other features includeeight full-color maps, a presentation page, the wordsof Christ highlighted in red, Old Testament Messianicprophecies indicated, New Testament fulfillment ofMessianic prophecies indicated, Miracles and Parablesof Jesus, Outline of a Harmony of the Gospels, an articleon how to read the entire <strong>Bible</strong>, 52-week plan forreading through the <strong>Bible</strong>, and a ribbon marker.Release Date: October 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 1568 Trim Size: 5 3 /8 x 8 1 /8Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB006040 BIBLES/King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong> ECPA: King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>/Large & Giant PrintText: 13 ptISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0299-3 Brown/Terracotta Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-4336-0301-3 Khaki/Rose Quartz Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $29.99See additional styles on pg 58.41-800-251-3225

New ReleaseKJVKJV Super Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>An ideal selection for pulpit use or for the vision impaired, the KJV SuperGiant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> includes 18-point type that’s twice as large asmost standard <strong>Bible</strong>s. Among the other features are a four-color presentationpage section (Presented to; Certificate of Marriage; Births; Marriages;Occasions to Remember; Deaths), eight four-color maps, topical concordance,two-column text setting, the words of Christ highlighted in red type, and atwo-piece die-cut gift box.Release Date: October 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 2016 Trim Size: 7 1 /16 x 10 5 /16Carton Quantity: 8BISAC: BIB006040 BIBLES/King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong> ECPA: King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>/Large & Giant Print Text: 18 ptISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0294-8 Black/Burgundy Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $49.99978-1-4336-0293-1 Black/Tan Duotone Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $49.99See additional styles on pg 64.BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com5

HCSBNew ReleaseThe ApologeticsStudy <strong>Bible</strong>The Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong> helps today’s Christiansbetter understand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs inthis age of increasing moral and spiritual relativism.More than one-hundred key questions and articlesplaced throughout the volume about faith and scienceprompt a rewarding study experience at every reading.Highlights of this thinking person’s edition of God’sWord include the full text of the popular HCSB translation,an introduction to each <strong>Bible</strong> book focusing on itsinherent elements of apologetics, and profiles of historicChristian apologists from Justin Martyr to C.S. Lewis.Also featured are valuable contributions from a who’swhoof modern apologists such as Chuck Colson, NormGeisler, Hank Hanegraaff, Josh McDowell, AlbertMohler, Ravi Zacharias, and 90+ more contributors.Plus a special lead article from best-selling author LeeStrobel (The Case for Christ) on how “How ApologeticsChanged My Life.”Release Date: October 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 2048Trim Size: 63/4 x 9Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001050 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/StudyECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Study/GeneralText: 9.5 ptOther features include full-color maps (5), charts (11),and a timeline of Christian apologists and their works,132 articles, two-color page layout, two-column textsetting, presentation page, and two-piece die-cut giftbox (excluding hardcover).BEST-SELLING POINTS• This top-selling <strong>Bible</strong> helps Christians betterunderstand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs;features complete HCSB translation, 132articles by leading modern apologists includingLee Strobel, Chuck Colson, Hank Hanegraaff,Josh McDowell, Ravi Zacharias, and more.• Life-to-date sales of the Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong>exceed 200,000 units.ISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0285-6 Hardcover White $39.99978-1-4336-0286-3 Brown/Tan Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-4336-0287-0 Brown/Tan Simulated Leather – Indexed Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-4336-0290-0 NEW Mahogany Duotone Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-4336-0289-4 NEW Mahogany Duotone Sim. Leather – Indexed Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-4336-0291-7 Black Genuine Leather Gilded-Silver $79.99978-1-4336-0284-9 Black Genuine Leather – Indexed Gilded-Silver $89.99See additional styles on pg 18.61-800-251-3225

New Release HCSBearth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed.This food will be for you, 30 -for all the wildlifeof the earth, for every bird of the sky, and forevery creature that crawls on the earth—everythinghaving the breath of life in it. I havegiven every green plant for food.” And it wasso. 31 fGod saw all that He had made, and it wasvery good. Evening came, and then morning:the sixth day. So the heavens and the earth and everythingin them were completed. 2 fBy theseventh day, God completed His work thatHe had done, and He rested on the seventh14day from all His work that He had done. 3 -Godblessed the seventh day and declared it holy,for on it He rested from His work of creation.4 -These are the records of the heavens andthe earth, concerning their creation at thetime that the Lord God made the earth and theheavens. 5 -No shrub of the field had yet grownon the land, and no plant of the field had yetsprouted, for the Lord God had not made it rainon the land, and there was no man to workthe ground. 6 fBut water would come out of theground and water the entire surface of the land.7 fThen the Lord God formed the man out ofthe dust from the ground and breathed1:1 Then God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear.” 1:13 This all occured on the third day, literally,“And there was evening and there was morning, a third day (or, ‘a period of time’).and bone (also see Is 31:3). Because God is spirit, He isinvisible (Jn 1:18; Rm 1:20; Col 1:15; 1 Tm 1:17).2:2-3 “Rested” (shabat) does not imply fatigue but meansonly “ceased” because it is connected to the completionof the creation work.2:4-26 Chapter 2 is a second creation account only inthe sense that it gives a more detailed accounting, not acontradictory accounting. Chapter one provides a generaldescription, and chap. 2 is specific. Twofold creationaccounts were common in ancient cosmogonies (e.g.,Babylonian Atrahasis). The differences in the order ofthe creation events are due to the narratives’ respectivepurposes. The first gives a loosely chronologicalaccount, gathering creation events into a discerniblepattern to show the symmetry of creation’s purpose.Chapter 2 is topical, focuses on the sixth day by expandingon the creation and the relationship of the man andwoman. Chapter 2 presupposes chap. 1 and does notAre the days of Genesis to be interpreted literally? by Ted Cabalhis question has stoked controversy among conservative Christians in recent times, but provenT of little interest to theistic evolutionists and those rejecting Genesis as God’s inerrant word. Thedebate has been primarily between young and old earth creationists who believe God literally createdthe various kinds of living things (contra the common descent of Darwinism). Both sides hold thathumans have not descended from other species, and reject the atheism and macro-evolutionary theoryof neo-Darwinism.The two creationist camps, however, differ in interpreting the creation days of Genesis. Both sides understandthese days to be important in the relationship of the <strong>Bible</strong> to science. If the days were consecutive24-hour periods, and the earth was created on the first day, then calculations based on biblical genealogiesreveal the earth was created only thousands of years ago. If the days are either of indeterminate length ornon-consecutive, then the <strong>Bible</strong> does not reveal when the earth was created. Interestingly, both sides agree thegenealogies reveal Adam and Eve were specially created only thousands of years ago.Young earth creationists (YCs) interpret the days as 24-hour, consecutive periods for reasons suchas: (1) The days in Genesis chapter one are consecutively numbered and comprised of an “evening andmorning”; (2) Exodus 20:8-11 commands a literal week of six days work and one day rest based on God’soriginal creation/rest week: the two weeks are then of equal duration; and, (3) According to Rom. 5:12,“sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin,” but old earth creationism would haveanimal death entering the world before the sin of Adam and Eve.Old earth creationists (OCs) argue against 24-hour creation days for reasons such as: (1) The Hebrewword for “day” (yom) is used in different ways in the creation account: Gn 1:5 refers yom only to daytime(daylight), not nighttime, and Gn 2:4 literally translated speaks of “the yom that the Lord God made theearth and the heavens”; and (2) God’s rest on the seventh day has no evening and morning (Gen. 2:2-3),and Heb. 4:3-11 portrays this same Sabbath as continuing to the present day; and (3) a literal interpretationof Genesis chapter two precludes all its events taking place in 24 hours (e.g., Adam’s naming all thebirds and wild animals).Both sides believe they have strong, technical arguments favoring their interpretation and rebuttingthe other side. And debate regarding biblical interpretation has often led historically to a clearer understandingof God’s word. But it is also highly debatable whether this issue merits the rancor and divisiontoo often attending it. Some YCs accuse OCs of compromising the <strong>Bible</strong> with “evolutionary” science.Some OCs charge YCs with undermining biblical credibility by generating a false conflict between scienceand the Scriptures. Happily, one thing is not debatable among those who believe the <strong>Bible</strong>: evenif the correct interpretation of the creation days is not readily apparent in the present generation, the<strong>Bible</strong> can be trusted in every way. Debates about biblical interpretations should not be interpreted asthe failure of Holy Scripture.the breath of life into his nostrils,and the man became a living being.8 fThe Lord God planted a gardenGenesis 2:7ccording to modern-day psychics, this “breath ofAlife,” enables humans to exhibit supernatural abilities.Most people, however, do not know how to tap intothis power. Such a bizarre conclusion cannot be derivedfrom the text. A better interpretation is that the “breathof life” is simply the animating force of the body.in Eden, in the east, and there He placedthe man He had formed. 9 -The Lord God causedto grow out of the ground every tree pleasingin appearance and good for food, including thetree of life in the midst of the garden, as well asthe tree of the knowledge of good and evil.10 -A river went out from Eden to water thegarden. From there it divided and became thesource of four rivers. 11 -The name of the first isPishon, which encircles the entire land of theHavilah, where there is gold. 12 -Gold from thatland is pure; bdellium and onyx are also there.13 -The name of the second river is Gihon, whichencircles the entire land of Cush. 14 fThe nameof the third river is the Tigris, which flows tothe east of Assyria. And the fourth river is theEuphrates.15 -The Lord God took the man and placedhim in the garden of Eden to work it and watchover it. 16 -And the Lord God commanded theman, “You are free to eat from any tree of thegarden, 17 -but you must not eat from the tree ofthe knowledge of good and evil, for on the dayyou eat from it, you will certainly die.” 18 -Then15the Lord God said, “It is not good for the manto be alone. I will make a helper who is likehim.” 19 -So the Lord God formed out of theground each wild animal and each bird of thesky, and brought each to the man to see whathe would call it. And whatever the man calleda living creature, that was its name. 20 -The mangave names to all the livestock, to the birds ofthe sky, and to every wild animal; but for theman no helper was found who was like him.21 fSo the Lord God caused a deep sleep to comeover the man, and he slept. God took one of hisribs and closed the flesh at that place. 22 -Thenthe Lord God made the rib He had taken fromthe man into a woman and brought her to theman. 23 -And the man said:This one, at last, is bone of my bone,and flesh of my flesh;this one will be called woman,for she was taken from man.24 -This is why a man leaves his father andmother and bonds with his wife, and they becomeone flesh. 25 -Both the man and his wifewere naked, yet felt no shame.2:07 From the dust of the ground, or, “from a lump of soil,” or, “from clods in the soil,” or, “from a clod of clay.”duplicate all the creation events.2:7,21-22 The creation of the first man and woman isnot myth. The author of the account intends to portraya historical event; the heading “these are the records/family records” (2:4a) occurs eleven times in Genesisand introduces genealogies and historical narratives(e.g., 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 11:27). The first “man” (Hb. adam)is treated in genealogies as a historical individual named“Adam” (5:1; Lk 3:38). Since the name Adam means“man(kind),” the author also used him to representhumanity in general (3:17-18; cp. Rm 12:12-21). Theaccount of the man and woman’s creation requires thatthe reader understands them as special creations, notmerely types of humans. Biological evolution does notcomport with the author’s intention of the narrative.2:10-14 The lack of archaeological evidence for thegarden of Eden does not mean the place is mythic lore.Despite the advances of archaeology, the recovery of ancientremains is a small percentage of the vast unexaminedNear East. The two rivers Tigris and Euphrates areknown today, located in modern Iraq. The identities ofNow the serpent was the most cunning ofall the wild animals that the Lord God hadmade. He said to the woman, “Did Godreally say, ‘You can’t eat from any tree in thegarden’?”2 -The woman said to the serpent, “We mayeat the fruit from the trees in the garden. 3 -Butabout the fruit of the tree in the middle of thegarden, God said, ‘You must not eat it or touchit, or you will die.’f”the Gihon and Pishon are uncertain but may have beenlocal streams or canals. The topographical change thatthe region underwent could have occurred through theupheaval of floods, climatic changes, and land shifts.2:19 The verb rendered “formed” can also be “hadformed” (NIV), which would alleviate the alleged contradictionwith the order of animals created beforeman (1:24-26). Alternatively, chap. 2 is a topical telling,setting the creation of the animals in contrast to thecreation of the woman so as to highlight her dignity asfully human.3:1 Snakes do not speak, but this is not a folk etiologygiving the cause for the universal enmity betweenhumans and snakes. The animal’s life has a history thatwill end in a future destruction (“all the days of yourlife,” 3:14). Snakes in ancient times were associatedwith both life and death, wisdom and evil (Nm 21:6,8;Mt 10:16) and thus an effective symbol for wisdom thatgives life or for evil that leads to death. The serpentas a symbol in the garden stood for the evil being(Satan) that opposed God and the human couple (cp.Sample InteriorBIBLE POP KIT005515988additional apologetics resourcesSee pg 19ApologeticsStudy <strong>Bible</strong>for StudentsSee pg 76HolmanQuickSourceGuide toChristianApologeticsSee pg 74Resurrection i-WitnessSee pg 11Jesus i-WitnessSee pg 75If God Made theUniverse, WhoMade God?BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com7

HCSBNew ReleaseThe Sports <strong>Bible</strong>For more than fifty-seven years Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) haspresented to athletes and coaches – who have an enormous influence onstudents -- the challenge of receiving Jesus as Lord and living the Christ lifein every relationship. The Sports <strong>Bible</strong> is designed to support this mission oftouching millions of lives, one heart at a time, with the truth of Jesus Christ.This special edition carries the full text of the HCSB together with 16 fullcolorfour-page inserts that will jump start <strong>Bible</strong> study for both individualreading and group sessions. Each insert includes the photo and Christiantestimony of a well-known professional athlete, devotions, and sportsprinciples that equip and encourage students to make a difference for Christ.Release Date: September 1, <strong>2012</strong>ISBN: 978-1-5864-0579-3Price: $29.99 Format: Simulated leatherPage Count: 896 Trim Size: 51/2 x 81/4Text: 7 pt Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB00100 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/General ECPA: Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralFEATURESFeatured athletes include:• Major League Baseball’sMark Teixeira• National Football League’s AaronKampman, Drew Brees, andTony Dungy• National Basketball Association’sAvery Johnson and Kyle Korver• NASCAR contributors includeJoe Gibbs and Trevor Bayne• Testimonies from Jarome Iginla(hockey), Zach Johnson (golf ),track stars Allyson Felix andRyan Hall, and the WNBA’sTamika Catchings and Ruth Riley.• Bound in brown simulatedleather• Features two maps• Brief topical concordance• <strong>Bible</strong> dictionary• Presentation page• “What the Cross Means to You”essay• Ribbon marker• Smart phone accessible QR codeslinking to online FCA videos.HCSB Large Print Compact <strong>Bible</strong>The HCSB Large Print Compact <strong>Bible</strong> has become one of the most popularsettings of the HCSB. Readable and portable at a reasonable price, it slipsnicely into a coat pocket, briefcase, or purse and also makes a nice gift. Itsfeatures include a presentation page, the words of Christ in red, end-of-paragraphreferences, eight full-color maps, a topical concordance, and severalother study helps plus a two-piece die-cut gift box.Release Date: October 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 1568 Trim Size: 3 15 /16 x 5 11 /16Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB001060 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/Text ECPA: Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/Text/Large & Giant Print Text: 8 ptISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0296-2 Brown/Tan Duotone Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $19.99See additional styles on pg 33.81-800-251-3225

New ReleaseHCSBHCSB UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>This edition of the HCSB UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> is based on a newtypesetting of the HCSB text, a more robust cross reference system, andbinding with a higher aesthetic appeal. Other standard features includea presentation page, family records section, eight full-color maps,concordance, plan of salvation,alternate readings, HCSB Bullet Notes,and a two-piece die-cut gift box.ISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0295-5 Mahogany Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-4336-0297-9 Pink/Brown Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $29.99See additional styles on pg 35.Release Date: October 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 1312 Trim Size: 51/2 x 81/2Carton Quantity: 22BISAC: BIB001040 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong> ECPA: Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>/Thinline & SlimlineText: 9 ptHCSB Large Print UltraThin<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>Combining readability and portability as well as durability, thisedition of the HCSB Large Print UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> is basedon a new typesetting of the HCSB text, a more robust cross referencesystem, and binding with a higher aesthetic appeal. Other standardfeatures include a presentation page, family records section, eightfull-color maps, concordance, plan of salvation, alternate readings,HCSB Bullet Notes, and a two-piece die-cut gift box.ISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0298-6 Mahogany Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $34.99978-1-4336-0288-7 Mantova Black Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $34.99978-1-4336-0302-0 Legacy Edition, Black Genuine Calfskin Leather Gilded-Gold $119.99See additional styles on pg 36.Release Date: October 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 1312 Trim Size: 61/4 x 91/4Carton Quantity: 18BISAC: BIB001040 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong> ECPA: Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>/Large & Giant PrintText: 10.5 ptBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com9

REF.New ReleaseThe New AmericanCommentaryRevelation (Volume 39)The New American Commentary series is for the ministeror <strong>Bible</strong> student who wants to understand and expound theScriptures. Notable features of each volume include:• commentary based on the New International Version (NIV)of Scripture;• the NIV text printed in the body of the commentary;• sound scholarly methodology that reflects capable researchin the original languages;• interpretation that emphasizes the theological unity of eachbook and of Scripture as a whole;• readable and applicable exposition.In the Introduction to his commentary on Revelation, L. PaigePatterson observes the widespread neglect of this closing bookof the New Testament.Release Date: September 1, <strong>2012</strong>ISBN: 978-0-8054-0139-4Price: $29.99Format: Jacketed hardcoverPage Count: 480Trim Size: 6 x 9Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: REL006050 RELIGION/Biblical Commentary/GeneralECPA: Biblical Studies/Commentaries/Set & Series“Aside from a few journal articles and fewer monographs, fewhomiletical adventurers have evidenced the moxie to enterthe eschatological lists and take on this book in the pulpit.This remains the case even though curiosity abounds in manycongregations where parishioners fervently wish that theirrespective pastors would explain the book to them. Amongthose who embark on this adventure, most sail no furtherthan the message to the seven churches . . . thus missing thegrandeur of the promises that proliferate in chapters 4-22.”Patterson writes with the strong conviction that preachersand professors can grasp Revelation and expound it fruitfully.To that end he has written this commentary, and in doingso, interacts with a wide array of interpreters of Revelationacross the centuries. The reader who follows Patterson’sinterpretive decisions will experience a virtual hermeneuticalworkshop but far more than that. He will see more clearlythan ever the glory and grandeur of Jesus Christ.BEST-SELLING POINT• A signature volume in the NIVbasedNew American Commentaryseries, Southern Baptist leader PaigePatterson offers his exposition of thebook of Revelation to give readersa deeper understanding of Christ’sglory and grandeur.ABOUT THE AUTHORL. Paige Patterson is the president ofSouthwestern Baptist TheologicalSeminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Heholds ThM and PhD degrees intheology from New Orleans BaptistTheological Seminary and was twiceelected president of the SouthernBaptist Convention.See additional The New American Commentary books on pg 99.101-800-251-3225

New ReleaseREF.Jesus iWitnessby Doug PowellComparable in style to the best-selling Ologies children’sfantasy book series, Jesus iWitness takes you on avisually immersive, interactive tour of his earthly lifeusing vintage photographs of the Holy Land along withrichly colored historical paintings.Across 32 intensively designed pages (16 spreads actingas individual chapters) – each containing informationthat is physically nested and must be actively openedto discover – readers witness the reality of the events,places, and people in the life of Christ. It’s a fresh andcompelling way for anyone 12 or older to let theWord of God speak through pictures into their own lives.Release Date: October 1, <strong>2012</strong>ISBN: 978-0-8054-9585-0Price: $19.99Format: Printed hardcoverPage Count: 32Trim Size: 10 x 12Carton Quantity: 16BISAC: REL067030 RELIGION/Christian Theology/ApologeticsECPA: Theology/Theology & Doctrine/ApologeticsBEST-SELLING POINTSABOUT THE AUTHOR• A brilliantly designed and illustrated book,comparable in style to the Ologies children’sfantasy books, that brings you actively intothe true story of Jesus’ life on earth usingremarkable photographs, paintings, andother visuals.• This is one of the first nonfiction Christianbooks of its kind.Doug Powell is a dynamic professional, combininghis passion for Christian apologetics with his skillsas a graphic designer and musician. He holds aMaster of Arts degree in Christian Apologeticsfrom Biola University. His design work has runthe gamut of media from online medical educationcourses and corporate Web sites to flash animation.Doug has recorded several albums; Rolling Stoneonce declared, “Powell makes music that’s largerthan life.” He lives in Nashville, Tennessee.Sample InteriorSee Resurrection iWitness on pg 74.BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com11

REF.New ReleaseHolman Illustrated<strong>Bible</strong> HandbookMany who would be willing to search for truth inthe <strong>Bible</strong> are intimidated by its size, the length oftime it spans, the different languages and cultureswithin, or questions about the historical reliability andcontemporary relevance of Scripture.The Holman Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> Handbook is designedwith an awareness of the obstacles people have tounderstanding the <strong>Bible</strong>. It begins with an essayon “How to Read and Study the <strong>Bible</strong>” before proceedingto chapters that provide a thorough overview of each ofthe <strong>Bible</strong>’s 66 books, summarizing each one’s content,author, evidences of authenticity, and historical context.In addition to the full-color maps, photographs,reconstructions, and charts that equip readersthroughout the volume, a smartphone-accessible QR codeis included for each chapter that leads to related onlineteaching from noted <strong>Bible</strong> scholar Gene Getz. There’salso an article by Jeremy Howard (general editor of theaward-winning HCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>) explaining how eachbook of the Old and New Testaments was accepted intothe <strong>Bible</strong>.BEST-SELLING POINTS• This handbook provides a full overview of all66 books in the <strong>Bible</strong> using full-color maps,photographs, reconstructions, and chartsplus selected essays and even a QR code foreach chapter that leads to related onlineteaching sessions.• A great resource for seekers and <strong>Bible</strong>scholars alike.Release Date: October 1, <strong>2012</strong>ISBN: 978-0-8054-9587-4Price: $17.99Format: Printed hardcoverPage Count: 512Trim Size: 41/2 x 7 1 /8Carton Quantity: 36BISAC: REL006680 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/HandbooksECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/Handbook121-800-251-3225

Resurrection iWitnessEach page contains information that isphysically nested and must be activelyopened to discover.What happened toJesus after his death?Explore and investigate the evidence presentedfor yourself and see the historical facts thatall biblical scholars (including atheistic, Jewishand liberal) accept. Resurrection iWitness isso graphically rich that you’ll be immersed inthe photos, diagrams, books, writings, andreports as if they were actually in front of you.Endorsements from Gary Habermas (consideredone of the top three experts in the world on theresurrection of Jesus), Craig Hazen (Directorof Apologetics at Biola University), and otherleading experts.The reader investigates the story of Christand weighs the evidence to determine itshistorical accuracy.Available as an Interactive Hardcover & iPad App.BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com

BACKLIST INDEXHCSB....................................................................................................................16-48Study <strong>Bible</strong>s..........................................................................................................................16-20Devotional <strong>Bible</strong>s................................................................................................................. 21, 47Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s.........................................................................................................21-28, 41-43Children’s <strong>Bible</strong>s...................................................................................................................29-32Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s......................................................................................................33-37Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>s............................................................................................................... 38-39Ministry <strong>Bible</strong>s..........................................................................................................................40Evangelism <strong>Bible</strong>s............................................................................................................... 44-46Audio <strong>Bible</strong>s...............................................................................................................................48KJV.........................................................................................................................50-68Study <strong>Bible</strong>s......................................................................................................................... 50, 52Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s............................................................................................................. 51, 53, 67Family <strong>Bible</strong>s.............................................................................................................................66Children’s <strong>Bible</strong>s ................................................................................................................. 54-56Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s..................................................................................................... 59-63Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>s..........................................................................................................57-58, 64Evangelism <strong>Bible</strong>s.....................................................................................................................68Ministry <strong>Bible</strong>s..........................................................................................................................65NKJV.............................................................................................................................70Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s........................................................................................................... 70Evangelism <strong>Bible</strong>s..................................................................................................................... 70CSB/CUV...................................................................................................................72Mandarin CUV-CSB Parallel New Testament......................................................................... 72REFERENCE..........................................................................................74-101SPANISH BIBLES........................................................................104-138RVC <strong>Bible</strong>s ....................................................................................................................... 104-106RVR 1960 <strong>Bible</strong>s .............................................................................................................. 107-131RV 1909 <strong>Bible</strong>s........................................................................................................................ 131LBLA <strong>Bible</strong>s.....................................................................................................................132-135Biblia Textual.......................................................................................................................... 136Biblia Peshitta......................................................................................................................... 137NBLH <strong>Bible</strong>.............................................................................................................................138SPANISH REFERENCE......................................................140-153


HCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>sHCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>.indb 412a 11:27 Gn 18:25;Jb 9:15; 23:7; Ps7:11; 50:6; 75:7;Is 33:22b 11:30 Gn 28:20;Nm 30:2; 1Sm1:11c 11:31 Ps 66:13d 11:32 Jdg 12:3;1Sm 14:10e 11:33 Lv 26:41;Jdg 3:30; 8:28;1Sm 7:13; 1Ch20:4; 2Ch 13:18;Ps 106:42f 11:34 Ex 15:20;32:19; Jdg 21:21;Sg 6:13ca 1300 b.c. – ca 600 b.c.c4ba21. Entrance2. Central Courtyarda. firepitb. cistern1bc3. Living Quarters (“long room”)644. Storage/Workshop/Kitchen4 a5. Rooftop (extra area for eating, workingand sleeping during warm weather)26c. roller - for recompacting clay roof followingrain. man shown is patching roof.6. Animal Pen1Israelite four-room house. Some interpreters believe Jephthah lived in a four-room house that was common inIsrael during the Iron Age. Many such houses had a room for the family’s animals. If Jephthah lived in such a house,his vow (11:30) may have been based on the assumption that one of his animals would be the first to greet him whenhe returned from victory over the Ammonites. For a different view, see the note at 11:29-33.356/23/10 5:28:12 PM1801a 1:1 Gn 1:1; Col1:18b Jn 1:14; 1Jn1:1; Rv 19:13c Jn 20:28; Php2:62 He was with God in the beginning. dd 1:2 Jn 8:38;3 All things were created e through Him, f 17:5; Ac 26:4e 1:3 Col 1:16;Heb 1:2f Rm 11:36g 1:4 1Jn 2:5h Ps 36:9; Jn12:46i 1:5 1Jn 2:8j Php 3:12k 1:6 Mk 1:4l 1:8 Jn 15:26m 1:9 Jn 12:46n Jn 18:37; 1Jn 13 who were born, w6 There was a man named John k2:8o 1:10 Jn 1:3p 1:12 2Jn 10q Jn 5:43r Mk 1:22; Ac9:14s Lk 1:7t Mt 5:9; Jn11:52; Rm 8:16;1Jn 3:1u Jn 3:16v Jn 10:25; 1Jn3:23w 1:13 1Pt 1:3 16:12; Eph 2:3; 2Tm 2:26; 2Pt 1:21 y Php 3:3 z 1Pt 1:3; 1Jn 2:29x1Co 7:37; aa 1:14 Jn 1:1 ab Php 2:7; 1Jn 4:2; 5:20 ac Mk 10:37; Jn 17:24A 1:1 The Word (Gk Logos) is a title for Jesus as the communication and the revealer of God the Father; Jn 1:14,18; Rv 19:13.B 1:3-4 Other punctuation is possible: . . . not one thing was created. What was created in Him was life C 1:5 Or grasp, orcomprehend, or overtake ; Jn 12:35 D 1:7 Or through it (the light) E 1:9 Or The true light who comes into the world gives lightto everyone, or The true light enlightens everyone coming into the world. F 1:11 The same Gk adjective is used twice in thisverse: the first refers to all that Jesus owned as Creator (to His own); the second refers to the Jews (His own people). G 1:12 Orbecome H 1:13 Lit bloods ; the pl form of blood occurs only here in the NT. It may refer either to lineal descent (that is, blood fromone’s father and mother) or to the OT sacrificial system (that is, the various blood sacrifices). Neither is the basis for birth into thefamily of God. I 1:13 Or not of human lineage, or of human capacity, or of human volition J 1:14 The eternally existent Word (v v. 1-2)took on full humanity but without sin; Heb 4:15. K 1:14 Or and dwelt in a tent ; lit and tabernacled ; this word occurs only here inJohn. A related word, referring to the Festival of Tabernacles, occurs only in 7:2; Ex 40:34-38.1:1-18 John’s prologue presents Jesus as the eternal, preexistentWord-become-flesh (v v. 1,14) and as the one-of-a-beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” John lo-1:1 In the beginning was the Word echoes Gn 1:1, “In thekind Son of the Father who is Himself God (v v. 1,18). Jesus cated Jesus’ existence in eternity past with God. “The Word”culminated God’s plan of salvation. Previous to Jesus this (Gk logos) conveys the notion of divine self-expression orplan included God giving the law through Moses (v. 17), His speech (Ps 19:1-4). God’s Word is effective. He speaks, anddwelling among His people in the tabernacle (v. 14), and the things come into being (Gn 1:3,9; Is 55:11-12).sending of John the Baptist (v v. 6-8,15). The prologue introducesseveral themes that are emphasized later in the1:4-5 The references to life . . . light, and darkness continue todraw on Genesis themes (cp. Gn 1:3-5,14-18,20-31; 2:7; 3:20).Gospel, including Jesus as life, light, and truth, believers asLight symbolism is also found in later OT messianic passagesGod’s children, and the world’s rejection of Jesus.(Is 9:2; 42:6-7; 49:6; 60:1-5; Mal 4:2; cp. Lk 1:78-79).1:7-8 On John as a witness to Jesus, see note at 5:31-47.Greek Pronunciation [LAH gahss]1:11 His own people did not receive Him refers to the Jewishpeople, the recipients of God’s covenants, the law, andHCSB Translation WordUses in John’s Gospel 40promises of a Messiah (Rm 9:4). Messiah’s rejection by theUses in the NT 330Jews despite convincing proofs of His messiahship (esp. theFocus Passage John 1:1,14“signs”) is a major subject in the first half of John’s Gospel(cp. 12:37).Like the related verb lego (to speak), the noun logos most oftenrefers to either oral or written communication. It means statementor report in some contexts, but most often in John’s Gospel acterization of Israel as God’s children (Dt 14:1; cp. Ex 4:22).1:12-13 <strong>Reference</strong> to children of God builds on the OT char-(and in the NT in general) logos refers to God’s Word (that is, the Born, not of blood . . . but of God makes clear that trueOld Testament) or to Jesus’ words. Thus, the primary use of logos children of God come into being through faith in Messiah,is to denote divine revelation in some form or another. John used not physical birth or ethnic descent (8:41-47; cp. 3:16). Thisthe term in its most exalted sense when he personified logos to opens the way for Gentiles to become God’s children (11:51-refer to Christ. The Logos eternally existed as God (the Son) and 52; cp. 10:16).with God (the Father)—He was in fact the Creator (Jn 1:1-3)—butHe became a human being (v. 14), Jesus of Nazareth, so that He1:14 The Word continues the theme of 1:1. Became fleshcould reveal the Father and His will for humanity (v. 18).does not mean the Word stopped being God; rather, theWord was made flesh. Took up residence among us literallyHCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>.indb 18016/9/10 4:18:10 PMHCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>Developed in direct response to what consumer focusgroups asked for, only one study <strong>Bible</strong> delivers more thanyou’d expect—right where you’d expect it.When reading a passage in the <strong>Bible</strong>, you shouldn’t haveto wonder where to find supporting reference notes andcommentary that go along with it. That’s why the HCSBStudy <strong>Bible</strong>—featuring approximately 15,000 studynotes—is designed so that every clarifying resource isthere on the same page spread as the biblical text to whichit refers. You’ll never again forget what you were lookingfor, because the pertinent note, map, chart, word study,or illustration is already there. And when an even deeperview is desired, there are also introductions for each book,outlines, timelines, a topical concordance, and more.For the growing believer whose desire is to knowScripture more intimately and live out its lovinginstruction, the HCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong> always keeps you andGod on the same page.Features• 290 word studies • 141 photographs • 62 timelines• 59 maps • 24 articles • 16 illustrations/reconstructions• 15 charts • Four-color presentation pages• Two-column text setting • One-year <strong>Bible</strong> reading plan• Two-piece gift box (non-hardcover) • Topical subheads• Center column references • Black letter textPage Count: 2,368Trim Size: 6 11 /16 x 9 1 /8Carton Quantity: 10BISAC: BIB001050 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/StudyECPA: Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/Study/GeneralText: 9 ptS C A NTHIS CODEto watch a shortvideo presentation.ISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0506-9 Jacketed Hardcover White $49.99978-1-5864-0505-2 Black Bonded Leather Gilded-Silver $69.99978-1-5864-0504-5 Black Bonded Leather, Indexed Gilded-Silver $79.99978-1-5864-0553-3 Blush/Brown Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $69.99978-1-5864-0502-1 Black/Grey Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $69.99978-1-4336-0123-1 Black/Grey Simulated Leather, Indexed Gilded-Silver $79.99978-1-5864-0503-8 Brown/Tan Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-4336-0122-4 Brown/Tan Simulated Leather, Indexed Gilded-Gold $79.99978-1-5864-0508-3 Black Genuine Leather Gilded-Silver $79.99978-1-5864-0507-6 Black Genuine Leather, Indexed Gilded-Silver $89.99978-1-5864-0457-4 Black Premium Deluxe Leather Gilded-Gold $150.00978-1-4336-0234-4 NEW Purple Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $69.99978-1-4336-0238-2 NEW Brown Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $69.99confused the deities of Moab and Ammon. Elsewhere in the three towns that defined the traditional border between<strong>Bible</strong>, Chemosh is the god of Moab, while Molech is the god Israel and Ammon. In between empowerment and victory,of Ammon. Balak earlier had tried to curse Israel by means though, there was an intervening episode that underminedof the prophet Balaam, but he was unable to do so (Nm 22– Jephthah’s triumph. Jephthah sought to ensure the Lord’s24). The Lord would be the ultimate Judge of their dispute. favor by vowing to sacrifice as a whole burnt offering whatever(or whoever) came out of the doors of his house toAt this point diplomacy was over, and the war began.greet him after he had won his victory.11:29-33 The spirit of the Lord came on Jephthah, empoweringhim for action. He toured Gilead and Manasseh to mind, since animals do not normally come out to greet theIt seems probable that Jephthah had a human sacrifice inmuster his troops and headed out against the Ammonites. returning troops. Just as he confused Chemosh and MolechThe Lord in turn gave him victory over the Ammonites, from in the previous section, so now he confused the Lord withAroer all the way to . . . Minnith and to Abel-keramim— Chemosh and Molech. The gods of the Moabites and Am-Judges 11:26 412of Zippor, king of Moab? Did he ever contendwith Israel or fight against them? 26 WhileIsrael lived 300 years in Heshbon and its villages,in Aroer and its villages, and in all thecities that are on the banks of the Arnon, whydidn’t you take them back at that time? 27 Ihave not sinned against you, but you havewronged me by fighting against me. Let theLord who is the Judge a decide today betweenthe Israelites and the Ammonites.” 28 But theking of the Ammonites would not listen toJephthah’s message that he sent him.Jephthah’s Vow and Sacrifice29 The Spirit of the Lord came on Jephthah,who traveled through Gilead and Manasseh,and then through Mizpah of Gilead. Hecrossed over to the Ammonites from MizpahTypical Israelite Home of the Iron Ageof Gilead. 30 Jephthah made this vow b to theLord: “If You will hand over the Ammonitesto me, 31 whatever comes out of the doors ofmy house to greet me when I return in peacefrom the Ammonites will belong to the Lord,and I will offer it as a • burnt offering.” c32 Jephthah crossed over to the Ammonitesto fight against them, and the Lord handedthem over d to him. 33 He defeated 20 of theircities with a great slaughter from Aroer all theway to the entrance of Minnith and to Abelkeramim.So the Ammonites were subdued ebefore the Israelites.34 When Jephthah went to his home in Mizpah,there was his daughter, coming out tomeet him with tambourines and dancing! fShe was his only child; he had no other son5 (upper level)3 (lower level)Sample InteriorJohn 1:1410 PrologueHe was in the world,1 In the beginning a was the Word, A, band the world was created oand the Word was with God,through Him,and the Word was God. cyet the • world did notrecognize Him.11 He came to His own, Fand apart from Him not one thingand His own people Fwas createddid not receive Him.12that has been created.But to all who did receive p Him, q4 Life was in Him, B, gHe gave them the right r to be Gand that life was the light h of men.children s of God, t5 That light shines i in the darkness,to those who believe uyet the darkness did not overcome C it. jin His name, vnot of blood, Hwho was sent from God.or of the will x of the flesh, y7 He came as a witnessor of the will of man, Ito testify about the light,but of God. zso that all might believe through him. D148 The WordHe was not the light,aa J, abbecame fleshand took up residencebut he came to testify l about the light.K among us.9 We observed His glory,The true light, m who gives lightacto everyone,was coming into the world. E, nlogos161-800-251-3225

Study <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBThe Mission ofGod Study <strong>Bible</strong>The Mission of God Study <strong>Bible</strong> encouragesfollowers of Jesus Christ to see their everydaylife from God’s perspective and have His heartfor people. It’s a reminder that we live aroundpeople in desperate need of redemption andreconciliation with God, which can only befound in Jesus. The mission of God has neverbeen just for specialists; it is for all believersto live out through their daily lives and bysharing the good news of what God has donethrough the death and resurrection of His SonJesus. Wherever you are, you are on mission.In The Mission of God Study <strong>Bible</strong>, readers willhear from today’s top thinkers, theologians, andleading voices in the church about what it meansto live in the mission of God. Essay contributorsinclude Matt Chandler, Tullian Tchividjian,Ed Stetzer, Matthew Barnett, Andrea Mullins,Dave Ferguson, Christopher J. H. Wright, andmany others.Readers will also discover “Letters to theChurch” from elder statesmen that speak to thegrand narrative of God’s mission in Scripture.These words from Billy Graham, Jack Hayford,R. T. Kendall, Erwin Lutzer, Calvin Miller,and R. C. Sproul will inspire you to live God’smission daily.■ author: Mosesr■■ Date:Most likely written during Israel’s wandering in the wilderness (around1445–1406 b.c.)The biggest question about the creation of the world—why did God do it? Thebook of Genesis begins the answer.Did God get orders to invent a universe? No, there’s nobody calling the shotsbehind God’s back. To ask why God did it is to probe God alone, no one else.Did God need to create this planet? Its amazing beauty is a wonder to behold. But whydid God do it? Was He obligated? Everywhere the <strong>Bible</strong> relieves God of a “need to act.” Godis under no compulsion, no obligations. Creation was not a need-based decision for God.Nor was it for sheer enjoyment that God brought the world into existence. Youcan’t read two chapters into Genesis before God is disappointed and grieved. In muchof the <strong>Bible</strong>, there’s more grief for God than pleasure.God’s mission in creating theworld, from the Genesis account,was to glorify Himself by sharinglife. God lives, the Scripturesaffirm. All the rest of creationlives because God wanted to share this rare gift. Another word for this sharing is love.God’s nature and character is love. Love wants to share.From the first, God is reported to walk the earth conversing with Adam and Eve.Throughout Genesis, God is urging people to come alongside, share the journey, redeemthe relationship that will eventually bring His spoiled creation back to what it should be.Spoiled? Yes, spoiled rotten. The sharing God initiated had this one condition,also a core value of God’s character: holiness. God and sin are like fire and water, lightand dark. God and sin don’t keep company. When the first humans follow the serpent’salluring suggestion to eat from the infamous Tree in defiance of God’s command,creation breaks. This crisis could have been the end of it, but God’s resolve to share life,to be with us, overcomes the wreckage of Adam and Eve’s disobedience. The missionof God is to redeem, to save, to repair the break, to get back to love. God promises toredeem and restore in chapter 3. From that moment on, the <strong>Bible</strong>’s trajectory aims atreconciling men and women to their Creator, the God of love and holiness.Many notable persons show up in Genesis. Noah and his ark, Abraham and his son,Joseph and his colorful coat. These and other names are widely known, their storieslargely romanticized and made into fables of popular entertainment. But Genesis itselfis rock-solid serious. Humanity is in desperate trouble. Our link to life is broken by sin.We need God’s voice and presence, yet angels guard the gate to the paths where onceGod and humankind walked in peace and unity.Our trouble reconnecting with God requires a divine plan. Abraham is calledto move from his homeland, searching and trusting, as God shows the way back tofellowship and wholeness. Isaac is spared, and his son, the trickster Jacob, saves hisclan with Joseph’s help and sets the stage for the creation of a nation, which God willuniquely lead to a land of promise.genesisSample InteriorRelease Date: June 1, <strong>2012</strong>Page Count: 1,440 Trim Size: 6¾ x 9Type Size: 9 pt Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001050 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/StudyECPA: Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/Study/GeneralWatch &listento presentationson what it meansto be on mission.ISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0155-2 Trade Paper White $29.99978-1-4336-0156-9 Hardcover White $39.99978-1-4336-0157-6 Brown Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-4336-0158-3 Brown/Cream/Taupe Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-4336-0274-0 Brown/Tan Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $49.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com17

HCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>s141:1 Then God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear.” 1:13 This all occured on the third day, literally,“And there was evening and there was morning, a third day (or, ‘a period of time’).2:07 From the dust of the ground, or, “from a lump of soil,” or, “from clods in the soil,” or, “from a clod of clay.”15The Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong>The Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong> helps today’s Christians better understand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs in an ageof increased moral and spiritual relativism. More than one hundred key questions and articles placed throughoutthe volume about faith, philosophy, history, the sciences, and other worldviews prompt a rewarding study experienceevery time. Highlights include an introduction to each <strong>Bible</strong> book focusing on apologetics issues within the book, andprofiles of historic Christian apologists from Justin Martyr to C. S. Lewis. Also featured are valuable contributionsfrom a who’s-who of modern apologists such as Lee Strobel, Chuck Colson, Norm Geisler, Hank Hanegraaff, JoshMcDowell, Albert Mohler, Ravi Zacharias, and J. P. Moreland.BEST SELLING POINTS• Extensive study material from today’s leading apologists.• Study notes on “problem” passages, plus fifty sidebarsfocusing on <strong>Bible</strong> text misused by cults.• Topical index, annotated bibliography, and 62-page <strong>Bible</strong>concordance, and index of special articles.• Full color charts: Timeline of Apologists and NotableWorks• Selected Important Old and New TestamentArchaeological Finds• Manuscript Authority of the New Testament Compared toOther Classical Works• A Succinct Comparison of Naturalism and Theism• Comparison of Major World Religions• Comparison of the New Religious MovementsCarton Quantity: 12 Trim size: 6¾ x 9Page Count: 2048 Text: 9.5 ptBISAC: BIB001050 BIBLE/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/StudyECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Study/GeneralSee additional styles on pg 6.S C A NTHIS CODEto watch a shortvideo presentation.earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed.This food will be for you, 30 -for all the wildlifeof the earth, for every bird of the sky, and forevery creature that crawls on the earth—everythinghaving the breath of life in it. I havegiven every green plant for food.” And it wasso. 31 fGod saw all that He had made, and it wasvery good. Evening came, and then morning:the sixth day.So the heavens and the earth and everythingin them were completed. 2 fBy theseventh day, God completed His work thatHe had done, and He rested on the seventh and bone (also see Is 31:3). Because God is spirit, He isinvisible (Jn 1:18; Rm 1:20; Col 1:15; 1 Tm 1:17).2:2-3 “Rested” (shabat) does not imply fatigue but meansonly “ceased” because it is connected to the completionof the creation work.2:4-26 Chapter 2 is a second creation account only inthe sense that it gives a more detailed accounting, not acontradictory accounting. Chapter one provides a generaldescription, and chap. 2 is specific. Twofold creationTday from all His work that He had done. 3 -Godblessed the seventh day and declared it holy,for on it He rested from His work of creation.4 -These are the records of the heavens andthe earth, concerning their creation at thetime that the Lord God made the earth and theheavens. 5 -No shrub of the field had yet grownon the land, and no plant of the field had yetsprouted, for the Lord God had not made it rainon the land, and there was no man to workthe ground. 6 fBut water would come out of theground and water the entire surface of the land.7 fThen the Lord God formed the man out ofthe dust from the ground and breathedaccounts were common in ancient cosmogonies (e.g.,Babylonian Atrahasis). The differences in the order ofthe creation events are due to the narratives’ respectivepurposes. The first gives a loosely chronologicalaccount, gathering creation events into a discerniblepattern to show the symmetry of creation’s purpose.Chapter 2 is topical, focuses on the sixth day by expandingon the creation and the relationship of the man andwoman. Chapter 2 presupposes chap. 1 and does notAre the days of Genesis to be interpreted literally? by Ted Cabalhis question has stoked controversy among conservative Christians in recent times, but provenof little interest to theistic evolutionists and those rejecting Genesis as God’s inerrant word. Thedebate has been primarily between young and old earth creationists who believe God literally createdthe various kinds of living things (contra the common descent of Darwinism). Both sides hold thathumans have not descended from other species, and reject the atheism and macro-evolutionary theoryof neo-Darwinism.The two creationist camps, however, differ in interpreting the creation days of Genesis. Both sides understandthese days to be important in the relationship of the <strong>Bible</strong> to science. If the days were consecutive24-hour periods, and the earth was created on the first day, then calculations based on biblical genealogiesreveal the earth was created only thousands of years ago. If the days are either of indeterminate length ornon-consecutive, then the <strong>Bible</strong> does not reveal when the earth was created. Interestingly, both sides agree thegenealogies reveal Adam and Eve were specially created only thousands of years ago.Young earth creationists (YCs) interpret the days as 24-hour, consecutive periods for reasons suchas: (1) The days in Genesis chapter one are consecutively numbered and comprised of an “evening andmorning”; (2) Exodus 20:8-11 commands a literal week of six days work and one day rest based on God’soriginal creation/rest week: the two weeks are then of equal duration; and, (3) According to Rom. 5:12,“sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin,” but old earth creationism would haveanimal death entering the world before the sin of Adam and Eve.Old earth creationists (OCs) argue against 24-hour creation days for reasons such as: (1) The Hebrewword for “day” (yom) is used in different ways in the creation account: Gn 1:5 refers yom only to daytime(daylight), not nighttime, and Gn 2:4 literally translated speaks of “the yom that the Lord God made theearth and the heavens”; and (2) God’s rest on the seventh day has no evening and morning (Gen. 2:2-3),and Heb. 4:3-11 portrays this same Sabbath as continuing to the present day; and (3) a literal interpretationof Genesis chapter two precludes all its events taking place in 24 hours (e.g., Adam’s naming all thebirds and wild animals).Both sides believe they have strong, technical arguments favoring their interpretation and rebuttingthe other side. And debate regarding biblical interpretation has often led historically to a clearer understandingof God’s word. But it is also highly debatable whether this issue merits the rancor and divisiontoo often attending it. Some YCs accuse OCs of compromising the <strong>Bible</strong> with “evolutionary” science.Some OCs charge YCs with undermining biblical credibility by generating a false conflict between scienceand the Scriptures. Happily, one thing is not debatable among those who believe the <strong>Bible</strong>: evenif the correct interpretation of the creation days is not readily apparent in the present generation, the<strong>Bible</strong> can be trusted in every way. Debates about biblical interpretations should not be interpreted asthe failure of Holy Scripture.Sample Interiorthe breath of life into his nostrils,and the man became a living being.8 fThe Lord God planted a gardenGenesis 2:7ccording to modern-day psychics, this “breath ofAlife,” enables humans to exhibit supernatural abilities.Most people, however, do not know how to tap intothis power. Such a bizarre conclusion cannot be derivedfrom the text. A better interpretation is that the “breathof life” is simply the animating force of the body.in Eden, in the east, and there He placedthe man He had formed. 9 -The Lord God causedto grow out of the ground every tree pleasingin appearance and good for food, including thetree of life in the midst of the garden, as well asthe tree of the knowledge of good and evil.10 -A river went out from Eden to water thegarden. From there it divided and became thesource of four rivers. 11 -The name of the first isPishon, which encircles the entire land of theHavilah, where there is gold. 12 -Gold from thatland is pure; bdellium and onyx are also there.13 -The name of the second river is Gihon, whichencircles the entire land of Cush. 14 fThe nameof the third river is the Tigris, which flows tothe east of Assyria. And the fourth river is theEuphrates.15 -The Lord God took the man and placedhim in the garden of Eden to work it and watchover it. 16 -And the Lord God commanded theman, “You are free to eat from any tree of thegarden, 17 -but you must not eat from the tree ofthe knowledge of good and evil, for on the dayyou eat from it, you will certainly die.” 18 -Thenduplicate all the creation events.2:7,21-22 The creation of the first man and woman isnot myth. The author of the account intends to portraya historical event; the heading “these are the records/family records” (2:4a) occurs eleven times in Genesisand introduces genealogies and historical narratives(e.g., 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 11:27). The first “man” (Hb. adam)is treated in genealogies as a historical individual named“Adam” (5:1; Lk 3:38). Since the name Adam means“man(kind),” the author also used him to representhumanity in general (3:17-18; cp. Rm 12:12-21). Theaccount of the man and woman’s creation requires thatthe reader understands them as special creations, notmerely types of humans. Biological evolution does notcomport with the author’s intention of the narrative.2:10-14 The lack of archaeological evidence for thegarden of Eden does not mean the place is mythic lore.Despite the advances of archaeology, the recovery of ancientremains is a small percentage of the vast unexaminedNear East. The two rivers Tigris and Euphrates areknown today, located in modern Iraq. The identities ofthe Lord God said, “It is not good for the manto be alone. I will make a helper who is likehim.” 19 -So the Lord God formed out of theground each wild animal and each bird of thesky, and brought each to the man to see whathe would call it. And whatever the man calleda living creature, that was its name. 20 -The mangave names to all the livestock, to the birds ofthe sky, and to every wild animal; but for theman no helper was found who was like him.21 fSo the Lord God caused a deep sleep to comeover the man, and he slept. God took one of hisribs and closed the flesh at that place. 22 -Thenthe Lord God made the rib He had taken fromthe man into a woman and brought her to theman. 23 -And the man said:This one, at last, is bone of my bone,and flesh of my flesh;this one will be called woman,for she was taken from man.24 -This is why a man leaves his father andmother and bonds with his wife, and they becomeone flesh. 25 -Both the man and his wifewere naked, yet felt no shame.Now the serpent was the most cunning ofall the wild animals that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did Godreally say, ‘You can’t eat from any tree in thegarden’?”2 -The woman said to the serpent, “We mayeat the fruit from the trees in the garden. 3 -Butabout the fruit of the tree in the middle of thegarden, God said, ‘You must not eat it or touchit, or you will die.’f”the Gihon and Pishon are uncertain but may have beenlocal streams or canals. The topographical change thatthe region underwent could have occurred through theupheaval of floods, climatic changes, and land shifts.2:19 The verb rendered “formed” can also be “hadformed” (NIV), which would alleviate the alleged contradictionwith the order of animals created beforeman (1:24-26). Alternatively, chap. 2 is a topical telling,setting the creation of the animals in contrast to thecreation of the woman so as to highlight her dignity asfully human.3:1 Snakes do not speak, but this is not a folk etiologygiving the cause for the universal enmity betweenhumans and snakes. The animal’s life has a history thatwill end in a future destruction (“all the days of yourlife,” 3:14). Snakes in ancient times were associatedwith both life and death, wisdom and evil (Nm 21:6,8;Mt 10:16) and thus an effective symbol for wisdom thatgives life or for evil that leads to death. The serpentas a symbol in the garden stood for the evil being(Satan) that opposed God and the human couple (cp.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0285-6 Jacketed Hardcover w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap White $39.99978-1-4336-0291-7 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $79.99978-1-4336-0284-9 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $89.99978-1-4336-0286-3 Simulated Leather Brown Duotone w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-4336-0287-0 Simulated Leather Brown Duotone w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-4336-0291-7 NEW Simulated Leather Mahogany Duotone w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-4336-0289-4 NEW Simulated Leather Mahogany Duotone w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $69.99181-800-251-3225

A4S-02-Exo 9-14-09.indd 59EXODuS 32:28a 1:5 Lit of people issuing from Jacob’s loins b 1:5 LXX, DSS read 75 ; Gn 46:27; Ac 7:14 c 1:12 Or Egyptians loathed d 1:16 Lit birth, look at the stonese 1:22 Sam, LXX, Tg; MT omits to the Hebrews f 2:2 Or healthyof chapter 1 occurred at least 150 years prior to Rameses II’sreign. The city’s name means literally “Born of [the god] Ra.”Ra was one of the most popular gods in the history of Egypt,worshiped since at least the Fourth Dynasty (ca 2772 b.c.). Itis entirely possible that a city honoring this popular god wasbuilt hundreds of years before Rameses II.1:19 Were the Hebrew midwives lying? The Hebrew midwivesmisled Pharaoh in order to save innocent human lives. The<strong>Bible</strong> teaches that lying is wrong (20:16; Lv 19:11; Eph 4:29;Col 3:9; Rv 22:15) and that people should tell the truth (Zch8:16). What the midwives did is not meant as an example ofbehavior of which God approves. Nevertheless, their act wasmatter, he did not deserve to hear the truth from these women.and pure evil, and one is sometimes compelled to choose theleast sinful alternative. Christians are to speak the truth in love(2 Co 4:2; Eph 4:15). Jesus set the example for Christians bytelling the truth even when it produced personal pain and suffering(Mt 26:63-66; Jn 8:40-59).599/15/2009 11:09:10 AMa 32:29 Text emended; MT reads Today dedicate yourselves ; LXX, Vg read Today you have dedicated yourselves b 33:2 Sam, LXX add GirgashitesA4S-02-Exo 9-14-09.indd 9494ExoDus 33:20Skeptics say this verse contradicts Exodus 33:11, which saysMoses saw God “face to face” (also see Gn 32:30; Dt 5:4).However, some <strong>Bible</strong> passages are not meant to be takenliterally. The expression “face to face” figuratively means thatGod spoke directly and openly with Moses (Nm 12:8), not thatGod literally stood eyeball to eyeball with him. If the <strong>Bible</strong> didnot include figurative language, we would be required to believethat God has wings and feathers (Ps 91:4), and that Jesus ismade up of flour (Jn 6:35) and wood (Jn 10:9). Furthermore,God the Father is spirit and is therefore invisible (Jn 1:18; 1Tm1:17). Yet God sometimes accommodated the human context bypresenting Himself as if He had a body (e.g., Gn 3:8), and manyscholars believe that Jesus personally appeared to some peoplein the OT as the preincarnate Angel of the Lord (Gn 22:11-18). Inany event, no one can gaze at God in His full essence, which isthe point Exodus 33:20 is making.9/15/2009 11:10:39 AMStudy <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBApologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong> for StudentsHard Questions, Straight AnswersGeneral Editor: Sean McDowellThe Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong> for Students will anchor younger Christians in the truths of Scripture by equippingthem with thoughtful and practical responses for whenever the core issues of their faith and life are challenged.Research studies have shown that spiritual focus often weakens among teenagers as they head into theattention-dividing realm of young adulthood. Up to 66 percent of them leave church altogether. The ApologeticsStudy <strong>Bible</strong> for Students works against that trend by helping this audience begin to better articulate its beliefs.In addition to the complete HCSB text and dozens of articles collected from today’s most popular youth leaders,including general editor Sean McDowell, this new study <strong>Bible</strong> also features:Sean McDowell leads the <strong>Bible</strong> department at Capistrano Valley Christian Schools in California. The awardedteacher is also a popular national youth speaker and has authored several books including UnderstandingIntelligent Design (with William Dembski). Sean and his wife have two children.BEST SELLING POINTS• Two-color, design-intensivelayout on every page for thevisual generation• Sixty “Twisted Scriptures”explanations• Fifty “Bones & Dirt” entries(archaeology meets apologetics)• Fifty “Notable Quotes”• Twenty-five “Tactics” againstcommon anti-Christian arguments• Twenty “Personal Stories” of howGod has worked in real lives• Twenty “Top Five” lists to helpremember key apologetics topics• Includes contributions fromJosh McDowell, C. S. Lewis,Dan Kimball, HankHanegraaff, and many more.S C A NTHIS CODEto watch a shortvideo presentation.1…ExodusIsrael Oppressed in Egyptmortar and in all kinds of fieldwork. They ruthlessly imposedThese are the names of the sons of Israel who came all this work on them.15 to Egypt with Jacob; each came with his family: Then the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives,one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other Puah,2 16Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah;“When you help the Hebrew women give birth, observe3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin;them as they deliver. d If the child is a son, kill him, but if it’s a4 Dan and Naphtali; Gad and Asher.daughter, she may live.” 17 The Hebrew midwives, however,• feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt had told5 The total number of Jacob’s descendants a was 70; b Josephwas already in Egypt.moned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you donethem; they let the boys live. 18 So the king of Egypt sum-6 Then Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation But this and it’s let the not boys live? that ” way.So what if you don't believe?died. 7 But the Israelites were fruitful, increased rapidly, multiplied,and became extremely numerous so that the land not The like world the Egyptian You does don’t women, not for make belong they are the vigorous to you. universe. and giveis was filled with them.But it’s birth not before that a midwife can get to them.”19 The You But midwives don’t it’s said make not to Pharaoh, the that “The universe. way.So what if you don't believe?Hebrew women are8 A new king, who had not known Joseph, came to power The way.So to what buy the if you lie don't that believe? God20 So God was good You worldto don’t doesmidwives, set notand the the belongpeople rules. to you.So is what to mul-You don’t make in Egypt. 9 He said to his people, “Look, the Israelite people tiplied and became very You thenumerous. don’t universe.Not buy that if the you easy. is lie fiction don't To that not and God believe believe? you’re inset 21 Since the midwives rules.are more numerous and powerful than we are. 10 Let us deal The world does not belong to you.is fiction and you’re infeared God, He gave them families. 22 Pharaoh‘Everythen commandedall Youman fasten his sword to his side; go back and forth Moses went out to the tent, all the people would stand is to buy the lie that Charge. Godshrewdly with them; otherwise they will multiply ⎣further⎦,But it’shis people: don’tnot“You setthatmust theway.throw rules. everythroughson bornthetocamp from entrance to entrance, and each of up, each one at the door of his tent, and they would watchis to buy the lie that is fiction God Charge.and you’re inand if war breaks out, they may join our enemies, fightYou don’t make the the Hebrews e into the Nile, but let every daughteryou universe.live.”kill his brother, his friend, and his neighbor.’ ” is fiction and you’re in28 The Moses until he entered the tent. 9 When Moses entered theagainst us, and leave the country.” 11 So the Egyptians assignedtaskmasters over the Israelites to oppress them with Moses’ Birth and Adoption You don’t set the rules. fell dead that day among the people. Charge.The world does not belong Levites did to as you. Moses commanded, and about 3,000 men tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and remain atforced labor. They built Pithom and Rameses as supply cities Now a man from the family of Levi married a Levitefor Pharaoh. 12 But the more they oppressed them, the more woman.they multiplied and spread so that the Egyptians came to 229 Afterward Moses the entrance to the tent, and ⎣the Lord⎦ would speak withsaid, “Today you have been dedicated a to the Lord, since Moses. 10 As all the people saw the pillar of cloud remainingat the entrance to the tent, they would stand up, then2 The woman became pregnant each and man gave went against his son and his brother. Thereforebirth to a son; when she saw that he you was have beautiful,f she hid him for three months. 3 30brought a blessing on yourselves today.” bow in worship, each one at the door of his tent. 11 Thedread c the Israelites. 13 They worked the Israelites ruthlesslyBut when she The could following day Moses said to the people, “You have Lord spoke with Moses face to face, just as a man speaks14 and made their lives bitter with difficult labor in brick and no longer hide him, she got a papyrus basket committed for him and a grave sin. Now I will go up to the Lord; perhapsI will be able to atone for your sin.”his assistant, the young man Joshua son of Nun, would notwith his friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but31 So Moses returned to the Lord and said, “Oh, these leave the inside of the tent.people have committed a grave sin; they have made a godof gold for themselves. 32 Now if You would only forgive their The Lord’s Glory12sin. But if not, please erase me from the book You haveMoses said to the Lord, “Look, You have told me, ‘Leadwritten.”this people up,’ but You have not let me know whom You33 The Lord replied to Moses: “I will erase whoever haswill send with me. You said, ‘I know you by name, and yousinned against Me from My book. 34 Now go, lead the peoplehave also found favor in My sight.’ 13 Now if I have indeedfound favor in Your sight, please teach me Your ways, andto the place I told you about; see, My angel will go beforeI will know You and find favor in Your sight. Now consideryou. But on the day I settle accounts, I will hold them accountablefor their sin.” 35 And the Lord inflicted a plague on 14 Then He replied, “My presence will go ⎣with you⎦, andthat this nation is Your people.”I will give you rest.”1:5 The number 70 mentioned here and in Gn 46:27 seems tocontradict Stephen’s figure of 75 in Ac 7:14. The number 75can also be found at Ex 1:5 within the Septuagint (the Greektranslation of the OT) and the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, thesetwo numbers can be reconciled. The higher figure includes 5additional sons born to Ephraim and Manasseh sometime afterJacob and his other clan members arrived in Egypt. These additionalindividuals are named in Nm 26:28-37 and 1Ch 7:14-23, as well as in the Greek version of Gn 46:27.1:8 The biblical writer’s use of the term “king” to refer to thesupreme leader of Egypt has been used as evidence that Mosescould not have written the book of Exodus, since anyone familiarwith Egyptian culture would have used the Egyptianterm “pharaoh.” But “pharaoh” is used 185 times elsewhere inthe Torah. Moses was writing this document to a Hebrew, notEgyptian, audience. In the language of the original readers theterm “king” (Hb melek) referred to the highest governmentalofficial within a social system. Perhaps, for the sake of clarityfor his readers as well as for literary variety, Moses chose touse the usual Hebrew term.1:11 The mention of a city named Rameses cannot be used toprove that the events of this narrative took place during thedays of Rameses II (c. 1290 b.c.). However, the <strong>Bible</strong>’s chronologicalreferences (see esp. 1 Kg 6:1) suggest that the eventsSampleInteriorintended to avert a far greater wrong — the murder the of people inno-focent children. Because of Pharaoh’s wicked intentions in thiswhat they did with the calf Aaron had made.Others in the OT were recorded as deliberately misleading The Tent peo-Outsidple in order to protect innocent human life, including Samuel The Lord spoke to Moses: “Go, leave here,the Camp(1Sm 16:2) and Jeremiah (Jr 38:24-27). In a world marredby sin it is not always possible to choose between pure good you and the people you brought up from33the land of Egypt, to the land I promisedto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying: I will give it to your• offspring. 2 I will send an angel ahead of you and will driveout the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, b Hivites,and Jebusites. 3 ⎣Go up⎦ to a land flowing with milk andhoney. But I will not go with you because you are a stiffneckedpeople; otherwise, I might destroy you on the way.”4But it’s not that way. When the people heard this bad news, they mourned anddidn’t put on their jewelry.You But don’t it’s not make that way. the universe.5 For the Lord said to Moses: “Tell the Israelites: You are aThe world You don’t does make not the belong universe. stiff-necked to you. people. If I went with you for a single moment,But it’s not The that world way.You does don’t not belong set I would the to destroy you. rules. you. Now take off your jewelry, and I willYou don’t You make don’t set the rules. universe.decide what to do with you.”The worldButdoes not belong to you.6 So the Israelites ⎣remained⎦stripped of their jewelry from Mount Horeb ⎣onward⎦.Youit’s notdon’tthat way. 7You don’tsetmakethe Now Mosestherules. took a tent and set it up outside the camp,far away from the universe. camp; he called it the tent of meeting.The world does not Anyone belong who wanted to consult you. the Lord would go to thetent of meeting that was outside the camp.You don’t set the rules.8 WheneverSTwistedc r i p t u r e32:32-33 Does God keep a book with people’s names in it? Several 33:11 If the Lord spoke face to face with Moses, why does theverses indicate that God keeps written recbook later suggest that Moses never saw His face (33:20-ords (17:14; Ps 56:8; 23)? On three occasions the <strong>Bible</strong> states that God spoke “face69:28; 139:16; Dn 12:1; Mal 3:16; Rv 3:5; 5:1-9; 10:2-10; to face” with Moses (33:11; Nm 12:8; Dt 5:4). However, it13:8; 17:8; 20:12-15; 21:27; 22:7-19). But such expressions is also clear that this expression was not meant to be takencould be metaphors, using a human analogy—keeping accountbooks—to symbolize the fact that God remembers what equated with “openly, and not in riddles” (Nm 12:8). For aliterally; in the book of Numbers, “speaking face to face” ispeople do, just as biblical language regarding God’s eye or hand discussion of Moses’ seeing God, see note on Ex 3:6.is figurative. The point is that every person will be held accountablefor his actions and words (Ec 12:14; Mt 12:36).But it’s not that way.You But don’t it’s not make that way.the universe.The world You don’t does make not the belong universe.to you.But it’s not The that world way.You does don’t not belong set the to you.rules.You don’t You make don’t set the rules.universe.The world does not belong to you.You don’t set the rules.Not that easy. To not believeNot that easy. To not believeNot that easy. To not believeCharge.Page Count: 1440 Trim Size: 63/4 x 9 Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001050 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/StudyECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Study/GeneralText: 9.5 ptISBN Binding Material price978-1-5864-0495-6 Trade paper $22.99978-1-5864-0493-2 Printed hardcover with O-sleeve packaging $29.99978-1-4336-0163-7 Black/Gray simulated leather w/two-piece, die-cut gift box $39.99978-1-5864-0494-9 Tri-tone simulated leather w/two-piece, die-cut gift box $39.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com19

HCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>sLife Essentials Study <strong>Bible</strong>Biblical Principles to Live ByThe First Ever Multi-Media Study <strong>Bible</strong>.It’s time to engage the entire range of your God-given abilities. Here’s how. You read the <strong>Bible</strong> text. Study notesnot only help you understand the meaning of what you’re reading but draw out practical principles that informyour thoughts, attitudes, and actions. And with this study <strong>Bible</strong> it’s only the beginning.You can next access Dr. Gene Getz’s in depth presentations of the principle or principles inherent in the Scripture youhave just read. Do this by scanning the QR code with your smart phone or going to LifeEssentialsStudy<strong>Bible</strong>.com. Yourcomprehension and memory of what you’ve read has just increased significantly with these additional interactions.Visit LifeEssentialsStudy<strong>Bible</strong>.com for a full array of <strong>Bible</strong> study tools. Read. Watch. Listen. Understand. Do.BEST-SELLING POINTS• Over 250 hours of access to in-depth videoand audio presentations on each of the 1,500principles by Dr. Gene Getz.• Available through your smart phone or the<strong>Bible</strong>’s website.• 1,500 principles from Genesis to Revelationembedded in the portion of text from which theprinciple is drawn.• “Reflection & Response” questions at the end ofeach principle to help you immediately beginapplying the <strong>Bible</strong> in your life.ABOUT THE EDITORDr. Gene Getz has been a church-plantingpastor in Dallas since 1972. He is also presidentof the Center for Church Renewal, pastoremeritus of Chase Oaks Church (formerlyFellowship <strong>Bible</strong> Church North) in Plano, Texas,an adjunct professor at Dallas TheologicalSeminary and the host of “Renewal Radio”heard on stations across the U.S. as well asonline worldwide.SampleInteriorS C A NTHIS CODEto watch a shortvideo presentation.ISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0045-3 Printed Hardcover White $44.99978-1-5864-0033-0 Printed Hardcover – Indexed White $54.99978-1-5864-0042-2 Brown Duotone Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $59.99978-1-5864-0043-9 Brown Duotone Simulated Leather – Indexed Gilded-Silver $69.99978-1-5864-0044-6 Brown/Green Duotone Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $59.99978-1-5864-0036-1 Brown/Green Duotone Simulated Leather – Indexed Gilded-Silver $69.99978-1-4336-0220-7 Brown/Blue Duotone Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $59.99978-1-4336-0221-4 Brown/Blue Duotone Simulated Leather – Indexed Gilded-Silver $69.99Page Count: 1904 Trim Size: 63/4 x 9Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001050 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/StudyECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Study/GeneralText: 9 pt201-800-251-3225

Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBReading God’s StoryA Chronological Daily <strong>Bible</strong>God’s Grand Story. Your Story.Reading God’s Story will take you on a one-year journey through the entire <strong>Bible</strong> as the sequence actually unfoldedin three easy-to-remember acts and 17 memorable scenes. This unique design will help you clearly see the grandstory of the <strong>Bible</strong> as well as better understand how the smaller parts fit within the larger story. Unlike otherchronological <strong>Bible</strong>s, this arrangement is not date specific, so you can begin using thisedition at any point in the calendar year.• You’ll get a better view of God’s grand story in three easy-to-remember acts and 17 memorable scenes—Act 1: God’s Plan for All People • Act 2: God’s Covenant People • Act 3: God’s New Covenant People• Introductions are provided for each act and scene to orient you to their importance as well as a reminder to whereyou are in the grand story.• Plus, you’ll never lose your spot with a 52-week reading plan page design (six readings a week).BEST-SELLING POINTS• This daily reading <strong>Bible</strong>, featuring two-colorinterior page layout, arranges the text inchronological order to emphasize the grandnarrative of Scripture (three major acts,seventeen scenes) and show God’s desire todraw people into the ongoing story of whatHe is doing in the world.• Always in season: designed to begin usingany day of the year.ABOUT THE EDITORGeorge H. Guthrie is the Benjamin W. PerryProfessor of <strong>Bible</strong> at Union University inJackson, Tennessee. He helped establish andis now a Senior Fellow at Union’s Ryan Centerfor Biblical Studies, which is committed topromoting sound <strong>Bible</strong> reading, study, andinterpretation at the grassroots level of thechurch. Guthrie is also the author of Read the<strong>Bible</strong> for Life and has participated in developingor revising several popular <strong>Bible</strong> translationsincluding the HCSB, English Standard Version,and New Living Translation.S C A NTHIS CODEto watch a shortvideo presentation.SampleInteriorPage Count: 1440Trim Size: 51/2 x 81/2Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001000 BIBLES/ChristianStandard <strong>Bible</strong>/GeneralECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralText: 10 ptISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0111-8 Trade paper White $16.99978-1-4336-0112-5 Printed hardcover White $19.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com21

HCSB Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>sHCSB Heroes <strong>Bible</strong>sThe events of September 11, 2001 heightened our great respect for emergency medical services personnel, firefighters,and police officers. Those brave men and women who turned Ground Zero into a place of heroes—and others like themnationwide—show true courage and faith in daily putting their lives on the line for someone else in need.Even with a strong sense of calling, such work is especially stressful and full of uncertainty for these servant-heartedpeople and their families. HCSB Heroes <strong>Bible</strong>s—separate editions thoughtfully designed for EMS professionals,firefighters, and law enforcement—pair the complete text of the popular HCSB translation with an extendeddevotional section of articles, prayers, and spiritual guidance.The smaller trim size, durable simulated leather binding, and added inspirational notes and helps make these<strong>Bible</strong>s easy to use in the field. Other features include a special presentation page, the words of Christ in red, theplan of salvation, and a two-piece gift box.Page Count: 1,184 Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB001020 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/DevotionalECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>sText: 7 pt6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.SPECIAL CONTENT• “EMT Code of Ethics”• “Why God Made Paramedics”• “Healing Emotional Trauma and Grief”• “The Fire Fighter’s Code of Conduct”• “What Do You Do When the Dust Settles?”• “Law Enforcement Code of Ethics”• “Police Officer’s Prayer”• “Recovering Heroes”ISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0248-1 EMS: Blue Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $24.99978-1-4336-0247-4 Firefighter’s: Red Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $24.99978-1-4336-0242-9 Law Enforcement: Black Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $24.99221-800-251-3225

Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBHCSB Heroes <strong>Bible</strong>sSpeaking at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day in 2009, President Barack Obama called the soldiers,sailors, airmen, marines, and coastguardsmen “the best of America.” Indeed, these men and women move beyondnarrow self-interest, volunteering to put their lives on the line for people they don’t personally know. They have thesame spirit as those who signed the Declaration of Independence, who, with firm reliance on the protection of DivineProvidence, mutually pledged “to each other, our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.”HCSB Heroes <strong>Bible</strong>s are uniquely designed for each military branch, with the full text of the popular HCSB translationand an extended section of essays, prayers, patriotic hymns, and spiritual guidance. The smaller trim size, durablesimulated leather binding, and added inspirational notes make them easy to use in the field. Other features include aspecial presentation page, the words of Christ in red, the plan of salvation, and a two-piece gift box.SPECIALCONTENT• “U.S. Armed Forces Code of Conduct”• “The Pledge of Allegiance”• “General George S. Patton’s Prayer”• “How Should a Warrior Pray?”• “Captain Eddie Rickenbacker’s Prayers”6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0244-3 Soldier’s: Green Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $24.99978-1-4336-0245-0 Sailor’s: Black Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $24.99978-1-4336-0243-6 Airman’s: Blue Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $24.99978-1-4336-0246-7 Marine’s: Burgundy Simulated Leather Gilded-Gold $24.99978-1-4336-0249-8 Coast Guardsman’s: Blue Simulated Leather Gilded-Silver $24.99Page Count: 1,184 Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB001020 BIBLES/ChristianStandard <strong>Bible</strong>/DevotionalECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>sText: 7 ptBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com23

HCSB Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>sThe Doctor’s <strong>Bible</strong>The Doctor’s <strong>Bible</strong> combines the full text of the popular HCSB ®translation with sixty pages of additional information andinspiration for dentists and physicians. The ancillary materialis provided by Christian Medical and Dental Associations, anorganization of doctors that exists to motivate, educate, andequip Christian doctors to glorify God through their work. This<strong>Bible</strong>’s portable design and brief specialty entries enable usersto step back for just a few minutes to refocus on the importantin the midst of the urgent.ISBN: 978-1-5864-0477-2 Price: $24.99 Format: Black bondedleather with die-cut gift box Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: Gilded-Silver Page Count: 1184Trim Size: 4 3 / 8 x 6 1/2 Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB001020 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/DevotionalECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralText: 7 pt Color: BlackFeatures• Devotions include The Mission of a Christian Doctor,The Practice of Compassion, A Question of Character,The Other Side of the Curtain, Lazarus at Our Gate,and more.• Words of Jesus in red• 28 pages of full-color insights and advice• 32-page devotional section ideal for personal or group<strong>Bible</strong> study• Words of Christ in red, ribbon marker, plan of salvation• Full-color presentation page, two-column text setting• Footnotes and HCSB ® Bullet Notes6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.The Nurse’s <strong>Bible</strong>The Nurse’s <strong>Bible</strong> combines the full text of the popular HCSB ®translation with sixty pages of additional information andinspiration for those medical professionals who form thefrontline of healthcare around the world. The ancillary materialis provided by the Nurses Christian Fellowship/USA and editedby Judith Allen Shelly, R.N. B.S.N., M.A., D.Min, who has wonnumerous awards from the Evangelical Press Association. This<strong>Bible</strong>’s portable design and brief specialty entries enable nursesto step back for just a few minutes to refocus on the importantin the midst of the urgent.ISBN: 978-1-5864-0484-0 Price: $24.99 Format: Dark Blue bondedleather with die-cut gift box Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: Gilded Silver Page Count: 1184Trim Size: 4 3 / 8 x 6 1/2 Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB001020 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/DevotionalECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralText: 7 pt Color: Dark BlueFeatures• 58-page devotional and inspirational section• Words of Jesus in red• Ribbon marker• Plan of Salvation• Full-color presentation page• Two-column text setting• Footnotes and HCSB ® Bullet Notes6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.241-800-251-3225

Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBThe Graduate’s& Bride’s <strong>Bible</strong>These pocket-sized <strong>Bible</strong>s make perfect giftsfor a variety of occasions and they feature thelargest type size of any Pocket <strong>Bible</strong> available.Graduate’s• Fresh Start—The First Month:31 Daily Devotions for theGraduate• Your Place in This WorldBride’s• Deluxe White Pearlescent FinishCover with silver embossing• Jesus and the Ten Commandments• Lord, Teach Us to Pray• Predictions Made By Jesus• Prophecies of Jesus’ Second Coming• Subject Index to the Old and NewTestaments• Table of Weights and Measures• The Harmony of the Life of Christ• The Miracles of Jesus• The Parables of Jesus• Titles of Jesus• Where to Turn verse encouragementsfeatures• 4-color gift box• 4-color Presentation Pages• Table of contents to study helps• Plan of Salvation• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Topical subheads• Footnotes• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ® Page Count: 1152 Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2 Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB001020 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/DevotionalECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./General Text: 7 pt6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0173-3 Graduate’s: Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Slide-Tab Gilded-Gold $24.99978-1-5864-0064-4 Bride’s: White Pearlescent w/ribbon marker Slide-Tab Gilded-Silver $29.99978-1-5864-0065-1 Bride’s: White Pearlescent w/ribbon marker Slide-Tab Gilded-Gold $29.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com25

HCSB Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>sISBN: 978-1-5864-0323-2 Price: $24.99Format: Bonded Leather w/ribbon markerBinding Style: Slide-Tab Page Edges: Gilded-Gold Page Count: 1174 Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x61/2 Carton Quantity: 24 BISAC: BIB001020BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/DevotionalECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty &Misc./General Text: 7 pt Color: British TanThe Golfer’s <strong>Bible</strong>The Golfer’s <strong>Bible</strong> links one of today’s most popular sports with the mostpopular book the world has ever known. Interspersed throughout the biblicaltext are thirty-two full-color pages of inspirational messages teed up to reachthe golfer’s heart, plus thirty-two more pages of devotions at the back of thisspecial edition.Features• Thirty-two, full-color pages of prayers, quotations, and otherinspirations for golfers interspersed throughout this <strong>Bible</strong> edition.• Thirty-two pages of devotions also included in the backmatter.• Added material comes from the best-selling book The Master’s Grip:Lessons for Winning in Life and Golf by Jim Sheard and Scott Lehmanfrom the In His Grip Golf Association.• 4-color gift box• 4-color Presentation Pages• Table of contents to study helps• Plan of Salvation• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Topical subheads• Footnotes• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®The Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong>6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.The perfect gift for Father’s Day, a son’s birthday, graduation, or any time,The Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong> is ideal to slip into a pocket and carry into the field.In addition to the full text of the HCSB ® translation, The Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong>contains numerous devotions written for hunters and fishermen that connectthe timeless principles of God’s Word with the passion of millions of NorthAmerican outdoors enthusiasts.ISBN: 978-1-5864-0322-5 Price: $24.99Format: Bonded LeatherBinding Style: Zipper ClosurePage Edges: Non-glare Page Count: 1168Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2 Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB001020 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/Devotional ECPA: Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/Devotional/CompactText: 7 pt Color: Mothwing CamouflageFeatures• MothWing TM fall mimicry camouflage cover with zipper closure• Non-glare page edges• Field Insights: God the Hunter, Outdoorsman’s Survival Kit,Setting Up a Ground Blind and many more• Devotionals: A Better Man, Original Creativity, The GreatestFishing Guide Who Ever Lived, and many more• Fisherman’s Code of Conduct• Where to Turn verse encouragements• How to Get the Most From Your Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong>• Hunter’s Code• 4-color gift box• 4-color Presentation Pages• Table of contents to study helps• Plan of Salvation• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Topical subheads• Footnotes• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.261-800-251-3225

Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBMen’s Fraternity <strong>Bible</strong>Living God’s Plan for Authentic ManhoodThe Men’s Fraternity <strong>Bible</strong> is a valued resource to menworldwide, with notes and biblical principles pulled fromthe Men’s Fraternity ministry based upon the videoteachings of pastor Robert Lewis.This <strong>Bible</strong> offers a wealth of study materials to helpmen discover and apply biblical principles of authenticmanhood.Features• Nearly 100 pages of concise notes & articleson authentic manhood divided in thesethree sections:The Quest for Authentic ManhoodThe Great AdventureWinning at Work and Home• 4-color gift box• 4-color presentation page• Table of contents to study helps• Plan of Salvation• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Topical subheads• Translation footnotes• HCSB ® bullet notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®THE PARADOX PRINCIPLE — DIE TO LIVEThe key to winning at work and home is the paradox principle, “Die to Live.”By paradox we mean a concept that is true but appears to be absurd. “Die tolive” is such a concept. It says you must die to yourself a little every day to winat life. But can a better life really come from dying? Jesus said it does. In Luke9:23-24 He says, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, takeup his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, butwhoever loses his life because of Me will save it.”4 STEpS of ThE pArAdox principlE — In Jesus’ statement above,we find four steps of the Paradox Principle. The steps are illustrated below withthe cross of Christ — the very symbol of dying to self.Step 1: AwarenessStep 2: VisionAsk yourselfAsk yourselfDo I understand howCan I see a betterto win at life?alternative to “my way”?Best answerBest answerNot really, thoughIt takes humility to seeoften I think I do.a better wayJesus’ adviceJesus’ advice“Deny yourself,”“Take up your cross” — aand look to Me for help.metaphor for true humilityStep 3: StrategyStep 4: ExecutionAsk yourselfAsk yourselfDo I know how to makeWill I apply this newthis better way work?way of living?Best answerBest answerNot without taking theNot without firsttime to learn it.dying to selfJesus’ adviceJesus’ advice“Follow Me,” I’ll show“Whoever loses hisyou how.life will save it.”Outcome of the Paradox PrincipleBy following Jesus and living out the four steps of the Paradox Principle, you willexperience a better life at home and at work. Life works best when you die to live.To watch a video presentation of any session, go to www.mensfraternity.comWinning at Work and Home— Session 1THE MYSTERIOUS WORLD OF WOMENImmature men assume women see life the same way they do. Real men knowbetter and work to recognize and appreciate the differences that exist betweenthemselves and their wives. They die to live.Some Things You Need to Know about WomenThE GEndEr diffErEncE — Neurobiologists tell us that thereare over 100 million differences between men and women. Men are wired foraction, women for relationship. Men’s brains are wired to focus with laser-likeintensity on one thing while women’s brains take a more wholistic approach.These and other differences reflect God’s design and cannot be ignored.ThE nEEd diffErEncE — Here are four key needs of a woman:Security — Women want to feel safe financially and relationally. Even incases where working wives out earn their husbands, they want to know thattheir income is not necessary for the survival of the family. Relationally, wiveswant to know that they can trust their husbands to always tell them the truthand stay committed to them for life.Conversational Companionship — It is through conversation that a wifeexperiences her husband’s life and shares her life with him. Studies show thatthe chief complaint of women is that once married, their men shut downconversationally. Talk to your wife!Significance — Women want to feel valued, esteemed and appreciated.Wives in particular are good at picking up on the times when their husbandsare taking them for granted. Find ways daily to communicate significance toyour wife.Affection — There are many ways to show your wife affection. Hugs,words of praise, going shopping with her, bragging on her in public. Show heryou care and she will do likewise (Luke 6:38).ThE ScorinG diffErEncE — While men score their relationshipwith women on the basis of size — bigger acts of love score more points thansmall acts — women score every act of love the same. So there is no gettingahead and coasting to the finish. Husbands must score daily.ThE pErSonAliTy diffErEncE — Personality is a lifelongimprint that is given to each of us by God. Do you know your wife’spersonality; have you come to terms with this aspect of her life that cannot bechanged? Do you value and praise her personality and recount its strengths?Are you sensitive to the weaknesses of her personality?Winning at Work and Home — Session 2ISBN: 978-1-5864-0442-0Price: $24.99Format: British Tan Simulated Leather with Ribbon MarkerBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: Gilded GoldPage Count: 1216 Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2 Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB001020 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/DevotionalECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./Men’sText: 7 ptColor: British Tan6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.MFB.indb 34Sample InteriorMFB.indb 5/31/07 1:48:42 35 PM5/31/07 1:48:50 PMBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com27

HCSB Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>sThe Between Pocket <strong>Bible</strong>Ages8-12The Between Pocket <strong>Bible</strong> combines the cool and clearheadedmaterial from author Vicki Courtney’s bestsellingBetween and Between Us Girls with Holman’s pocket <strong>Bible</strong>format. Devotional material and insights give young girlsbiblical advice on faith, family, fashion, friendship, boysand more.Features• 28 pages of full-color pre-teen friendlycontent providing Biblical advice on faith,family, fashion, friendship, boys and more.• 32-page devotional section ideal for personalor small group reading• Portable size that slips easily into any purseor backpack• Words of Jesus in red• Plan of Salvation• Full-color presentation page• Two-column text setting• Footnotes and HCSB ® Bullet NotesISBN: 978-1-5864-0467-3Price: $24.99Format: Pink Simulated LeatherBinding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: Gilded SilverPage Count: 1174Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB001070 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Youth & TeenECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./Personal SizeText: 7 ptColor: Pink6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.The <strong>Bible</strong> teachesus what is trueand helps us knowright from wrong.Many people who say the <strong>Bible</strong> isn’t trueand inspired by God say that becausethey don’t want to admit that some ofthe things they are doing are wrong. As Christians, itis very important that we have some answers as to whywe believe the <strong>Bible</strong> is true and inspired by God.Scripture has the same meaning all the time.Never Ever forget that God loves you.Never Ever believe that God will stoploving you.Never Ever forget that God happily grantsforgiveness to those who ask.Never Ever think you can make God forgetabout you.Never Ever accept the lie that you haveto be perfect for God to love you.Never Ever believe that the Devil isstronger than God.Never Ever feel as though you have toask God to save you over and over again.Once is enough.Never Ever forget God has assigned angelsto watch over you.Never Ever forget the <strong>Bible</strong> will help youwith your everyday problems.Some people think that because the <strong>Bible</strong> was written in a different language andthen put into our language (English), that it may not have the same meaning today.The <strong>Bible</strong> was originally written in three languages: Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic.Can you understand those languages? No way! Neither can I! So it makes sensethat the <strong>Bible</strong> has to be put into our language so we can understand it. The actualmeaning of the words in the <strong>Bible</strong> has not changed; there have been only smallchanges in spelling and grammar.10God would want the <strong>Bible</strong> put into other languages so as many people as possiblecan understand SUPERCOOLtheir instruction manual and know how to live their lives. So thereyou have it. You can’t ask for a better or more dependable instruction manualthan the <strong>Bible</strong>!THINGS ABOUTTHEBIBLEBtweenPB_ColorIn_wed.indd 4-1811. It was written by about 40 different God-inspired people over morethan 1600 years.Sometimes people joke and say theywish life came with some sort of2. It was the first-ever major printed and distributed book (printed in 1450).instruction manual. Have you ever3. It tells one main story from Genesis tofelt that way? Well, I have good news. It does!Revelation: God sent his Son to save peopleGod has left us the <strong>Bible</strong> as our instruction manual.from their sins to give them eternal life.4. It is the all-time, best-selling bookThe <strong>Bible</strong> containsin history.everything we need to know5. It’s been translated into moreto make it through life.languages than any other book(1,200).Some people will say that it is just a book, that it’s nothing special. The <strong>Bible</strong> ismuch more than a book. It has the power to change lives. Listen to what one6. It tells people the truthverse says about the <strong>Bible</strong>.about where they came fromand where they’re going.“All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching,7. There is no conflict betweenfor rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness,the <strong>Bible</strong> and the true factsso that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”of science.(2 TI moTHY 3:16–17)8. You can read it out loud inseventy hours.9. The word God or Lord neverAll Scripture is inspired by God.appears in the book of Esther.This means that He told the men who wrote10. The <strong>Bible</strong> contains aboutthe <strong>Bible</strong> exactly what words to write.719,089 words!2/15/08 12:00:44 PMBtweenPB_ColorIn_wed.indd 2-3Sample Interior pages2/15/08 12:00:27 PM281-800-251-3225

HCSB Children’s <strong>Bible</strong>sHCSB Ill. Kid's.book Page 916 Friday, August 18, 2006 11:28 AM30JOHN 13:35 916love one another. 35 By this all people will knowthat you are My disciples, if you have love forone another.”Peter’s Denials Predicted36 “Lord,” Simon Peter said to Him, “whereare You going?”Jesus answered, “Where I am going you cannotfollow Me now, but you will follow later.”37 “Lord,” Peter asked, “why can’t I followYou now? I will lay down my life for You!”38 Jesus replied, “Will you lay down your lifefor Me? I assure you: A rooster will not crowuntil you have denied Me three times.do even greater works than these, because I amgoing to the Father. 13 Whatever you ask in Myname, I will do it so that the Father may be glorifiedin the Son. 14 If you ask Me f anything inMy name, I will do it. gAnother Counselor Promised15 “If you love Me, you will keep h My commandments.16 And I will ask the Father, andHe will give you another •Counselor to be withyou forever. 17 He is the Spirit of truth. Theworld is unable to receive Him because itdoesn’t see Him or know Him. But you do knowHim, because He remains with you and will be iin you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I amcoming to you.The Way to the Father“Your heart must not be troubled.14 Believe a in God; believe also in Me. 2 In The Father, the Son, and the Holy SpiritMy Father’s house are many dwelling places; b if 19 “In a little while the world will see Me nonot, I would have told you. I am going away to longer, but you will see Me. Because I live, youprepare a place for you. 3 If I go away and preparewill live too. 20 In that day you will know that Ia place for you, I will come back and receive am in My Father, you are in Me, and I am in you.you to Myself, so that where I am you may be 21 The one who has My commands and keepsalso. 4 You know the way where I am going.” c them is the one who loves Me. And the one who5 “Lord,” Thomas said, “we don’t know where loves Me will be loved by My Father. I also willYou’re going. How can we know the way?” love him and will reveal Myself to him.”6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and 22 Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, howthe life. No one Verse comes Sample to the Father except is it You’re going to reveal Yourself to us and notthrough Me.to the world?”23 Jesus answered, “If anyone loves Me, heJesus Reveals the Fatherwill keep My word. My Father will love him,Page 7 Count: 1080 Trim Size: 6 x 9“If you know Me, you will also knowCarton Quantity: 18 BISAC: BIB001010 BIBLES/My and We will come to him and make Our homeChristian Father. Standard From now <strong>Bible</strong>/Children on you do ECPA: know Christian Him and with him. 24 SampleThe one who doesn’t love Me willStandard have seen <strong>Bible</strong>/Children’s/General Him.”Text: 9.5 pt not keep My words. The word that you hear isInterior Pages8 “Lord,” said Philip, “show us the Father, and not Mine but is from the Father who sent Me.that’s enough for us.”25 “I have spoken these things to you while IISBN 9 Jesus said to him, Binding “Have I Material been among you remain with you. 26 But the Binding Counselor, StylethePAGE edges price978-1-4336-0071-5 all this time without Printed your knowing Hard Cover Me, Philip? Holy Spirit—the Father will Semi-Overlap send Him in MyWhite $19.99The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. name—will teach you all things and remind you978-1-5864-0473-4 How can you say, Pink ‘Show Simulated us Leather Father’? w/ribbon of marker everything I have told you. Semi-Overlap White $29.99978-1-5864-0472-7 10 Don’t you believe Brown that I Simulated am in the Leather Father and w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap White $29.99the Father is in Me? The words I speak to you I Jesus’ Gift of Peacedo not speak on My own. The Father who lives 27 “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give toin Me does His works. 11 Believe Me that I am you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Yourin the Father and the Father is in Me. Otherwise,heart must 1-800-251-3225not be troubled or fearful. 28 Youbelieve e because of the works themselves. have heard Me tell you, ‘I am going away andI

Children’s <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBIllustrated Study <strong>Bible</strong> for KidsThis newly designed hardcover edition of the popular Illustrated Study <strong>Bible</strong> for Kids features the complete HCSBtranslation plus dozens of full-color illustrations, maps, and reconstructions. Also included are easy-to-read studyhelps like The Ten Commandments for Kids, How to Have a Quiet Time, Test Your <strong>Bible</strong> Knowledge, and <strong>Bible</strong>Dictionary for Kids. Other features include red letter text, the plan of salvation, forty-four color pages, seven colormaps, seven color biblical reconstructions, and various other parent-acclaimed topical helps.FEATURES• An ideal gift for that special occasion.• Unique die-cut gift box with front coverstamping art.• 44 full-color pages• 4-color presentation page• Loaded with special study helps (The ABC’s ofBecoming a Christian, How to Study the <strong>Bible</strong>,What is a Quiet Time and many more)• <strong>Bible</strong> dictionary for kids• Topical concordance for kids• Large, easy-to-read type• Words of Jesus in red• Two-column text setting• Translation footnotes and exclusiveHCSB ® bullet notes• Durable, 4-color hardcover edition• Large, easy-to-read type• Topical subheads• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• HCSB translation is endorsed by respectedChristian authors including Beth Moore andDr. Gary Chapman.• Illustrated pages are updated to match newcover design.COMPANION PRODUCTHolman Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong>Dictionary for KidsISBN-13: 978-0-8054-9531-7Retail Price: $14.99Features• Seven 4-color maps• Seven 4-color reconstructions• Studying Your <strong>Bible</strong>• Test Your <strong>Bible</strong> Knowledge• A Short History of the <strong>Bible</strong>• Biblical Musical Instruments• Books of the <strong>Bible</strong> by Division• Books of the Old Testament• <strong>Bible</strong> Skills for First—Sixth Graders• Expanded Harmony: A Simplified Harmony• Favorite <strong>Bible</strong> Stories for Kids• How Can the <strong>Bible</strong> Help You?• Important Family Trees• Kids in the <strong>Bible</strong>• Note to Parents• Prayers in the <strong>Bible</strong>• Psalms for All Times• The Apostles of Jesus• The Books of Law• The Books of Old Testament History• The Books of Paul’s Letters• The Books of Poetry• The Books of the General Lettersand New Testament Prophecy• The Books of the Gospels andNew Testament History• The Books of the Major Prophets• The Books of the Minor Prophets• The Life of Jesus• The Miracles of Jesus• The Names of God• The Names of Jesus• The Parables of Jesus• The Ten Commandments• The Ten Plagues of Egypt• Table of Contents to <strong>Bible</strong> Study Helps• Tables of Weights and Measures• Introduction to the HCSB ®More information on page 81.BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com31

HCSB Children’s <strong>Bible</strong>sDrill <strong>Bible</strong>This durable hard cover Drill <strong>Bible</strong> will withstand years of use by childrenwho will enjoy the high level of readability and accuracy.Features• Drill participation recordsection• Two black & white maps• Presentation page• Plan of Salvation• Subject Index to the <strong>Bible</strong>• Table of Weights and Measures• Where to Turn When…• Harmony of the Life of Christ• Jesus & the TenCommandments• The Miracles of Jesus• The Parables of Jesus• The Apostles and Their History• Prophecies of Jesus’ SecondComing• Lord, Teach Us to Pray• A Short History of the <strong>Bible</strong>ISBN: 978-1-4336-0172-9 Price: $12.99 Format: Burgundy Hardcover Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: White Page Count: 816 Trim Size: 5 5 /16 x 7 11 /16 Carton Quantity: 32BISAC: BIBOO1010 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Children ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Text/General Text: 7.5 ptBaby’s New Testament with PsalmsWith soft, pastel-colored, durable bindings, the Baby’s New Testament withPsalms will add special meaning to special times.Features• Beautiful gift box• Presentation Page• Plan of Salvation• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• A Short History of the <strong>Bible</strong>ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0084-2 Light Blue Imitation Leather w/ribbon marker Limp Gilded-Silver $6.99978-1-5864-0081-1 White Imitation Leather w/ribbon marker Limp Gilded-Silver $6.99978-1-5864-0079-8 Pink Imitation Leather w/ribbon marker Limp Gilded-Silver $6.99Carton Quantity: 180 Trim size: 2¾ x 41/4 Page Count: 512 BISAC: BIB001030 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/New Testament & Portions ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/New Testament Text: 6 ptEconomy New TestamentThis red-letter Economy New Testament is specifically designed forevangelism and outreach and is priced to buy in quantity for organizationson even the smallest budgets. It features the words of Christ in red, the planof salvation and self pronouncing text.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0082-8 Black Paperback Flush Cut White $2.99978-1-5864-0080-4 Burgundy Paperback Flush Cut White $2.99978-1-5864-0083-5 White Paperback Flush Cut White $2.99978-1-5864-0091-0 Illustrated Paperback Flush Cut White $2.99978-0-8400-4250-7 Prepack (6 Black, 6 Burgundy, 6 White, 6 Illustrated $71.76Carton Quantity: 192 Trim size: 2¾ x 41/4 Page Count: 512 BISAC: BIB001000 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/GeneralECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/New Testament Text: 6 pt321-800-251-3225

Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBLarge PrintCompact <strong>Bible</strong>*This <strong>Bible</strong> strikes a marvelous balance betweenbeing easy-to-read and easy-to-carry. The LargePrint Compact <strong>Bible</strong> fits nicely into a coat pocket,briefcase or purse and is perfect for someone onthe go who wants to keep the Word on hand.Features• 4-color Presentation Page• Bonded Duo-Grain Leather Cover• Easy-to-read type• Eight 4-color maps• Topical Concordance• Topical subheads• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• How to Use This <strong>Bible</strong>• Messianic Scriptures That Jesus Fulfilled• Plan of Salvation• Table of Contents to study helps• Table of Weights and Measures• Titles of Jesus• Where to Turn verse encouragements• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• Footnotes• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ® Page Count: 1568 Trim Size: 3 15 /16 x 5 11 /16Carton Quantity: 24 BISAC: BIB001000 BIBLES/ChristianStandard <strong>Bible</strong>/General ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>/Large & Giant Print Text: 8 pt6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0242-6 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $14.99978-1-5864-0243-3 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $14.99978-1-5864-0249-5 Blue Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $14.99978-1-5864-0244-0 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap-Flap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-5864-0245-7 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap-Flap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-5864-0246-4 Blue Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap-Flap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-4336-0193-4 Black/Gray Duotone, Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap White $19.99978-1-4336-0194-1 Chocolate/Pink Duotone, Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap White $19.99978-1-4336-0296-2 NEW Brown/Tan Duotone, Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-4336-0191-0 Dark Brown Cross Design, Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-4336-0192-7 Burgundy Cross Design, Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-5864-0329-4 Crimson Red Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-5864-0330-0 Olive Green Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $17.99978-1-5864-0331-7 Tan Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $17.99More about new styles on page 8.* Due to inventory and an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com33

HCSB Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s993 JOHN 14:11be fulfilled: The one who eats My bread A hasraised his heel against Me. B19“I am telling you now before it happens,so that when it does happen you will believethat I am He .20I assure you: Whoever receivesanyone I send receives Me, and the one whoreceives Me receives Him who sent Me.”Judas’s Betrayal Predicted21When Jesus had said this, He was troubledin His spirit and testified, “I assure you:One of you will betray Me! ”22The disciples started looking at one another— uncertain which one He was speakingabout. 23 One of His disciples, the oneJesus loved, was reclining close beside Jesus. C The Way to the Father24Simon Peter motioned to him to find out “Your heart must not be troubled. Believein God; believe also in Me. 2 In Mywho it was He was talking about. 25 FSo he 14Gleaned back against Jesus and asked Him, Father’s house are many dwelling places; if“Lord, who is it? ”not, I would have told you. I am going away26Jesus replied, “He’s the one I give the to prepare a place for you. 3 If I go away andpiece of bread to after I have dipped it.” When prepare a place for you, I will come back andHe had dipped Page Count: the bread, 1,168 He Trim gave Size: it to 51/2 Judas, x 81/4 Carton receive you Quantity: to Myself, 22 so that where I am youSimon Iscariot’s BISAC: BIB001040 son. D 27After BIBLES/Christian Judas ate the Standard may be <strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>also. 4 You know the way to where IHpiece of ECPA: bread, Christian Satan entered Standard him. <strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>/Personal ThereforeJesus Text: told 9 pt him, “What you’re doing,am going.” Sizedoquickly.”28None of those reclining at the tableknew why He told him this. 29 Since Judaskept the money-bag, some thought thatJesus was telling him, “Buy what we needfor the festival,” or that he should givesomething to the poor. 30 After receiving thepiece of bread, he went out immediately.And it was night.know that you are My disciples, if you havelove for one another.”Peter’s Denials Predicted36“Lord,” Simon Peter said to Him, “whereare You going? ”Jesus answered, “Where I am going youcannot follow Me now, but you will followlater.”37“Lord,” Peter asked, “why can’t I followYou now? I will lay down my life for You! ”38Jesus replied, “Will you lay down your lifefor Me? I assure you: A rooster will not crowuntil you have denied Me three times.5“Lord,” Thomas said, “we don’t knowwhere You’re going. How can we know theway? ”6Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.Jesus Reveals the Father7“If you know Me, you will also knowIMyFather. From now on you do know Him andhave seen Him.”8“Lord,” said Philip, “show us the Father,and that’s enough for us.”9Jesus said to him, “Have I been among1-800-251-3225UltraThin <strong>Bible</strong>These slightly modified editions of the HCSBUltraThin <strong>Bible</strong> boast increased portability,exceptional design, top quality binding, andthe acclaimed accurate, readable text of theHCSB translation.• Four-color Presentation page• Eight page four-color map section• Words of Christ in red• Footnotes• Topical subheads• Table of weights and measures• Plan of salvation• Introduction to the HCSB ®• Ribbon marker• Two-piece die-cut gift boxThe New Commandment31When he had gone out, Jesus said, “Nowthe • Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorifiedin ISBN Him. 32 EIf God is glorified Binding Him, Material you all this time without your knowing Me, Binding Style PAGE edges priceGod will also glorify Him in Himself and will Philip? The one who has seen Me has seenglorify Him 978-1-4336-0120-0 at once. Black/Pearl Gray the Duotone, Father. Simulated How can Leather you say, ‘Show us the Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $24.9933“Children, 978-1-4336-0119-4 I am with you Dark a little Brown/Brown while Father’? Duotone, 10 Don’t Simulated you believe Leather that I am in the Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $24.99longer. You will look for Me, and just as I Father and the Father is in Me? The words Itold the • 978-1-4336-0121-7 Jews, ‘Where I am going Black you Calfskin, cannot Genuine speak to Leather you I do not speak on My own. The Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $119.99come,’ so 978-1-4336-0235-1 now I tell you. NEW Brown Simulated Father Leather who lives in Me does His works. 11 BelieveMe that I am in the Father and the Fa-Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $24.9934“I give you a new command: Love oneanother. 978-1-4336-0236-8 Just as I have loved you, NEW you Blush/White must Duotone Simulated Leather Jther is in Me. Otherwise, believe because of Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $24.99also love 978-1-4336-0237-5 one another. 35 By this NEW all people Green/White will the Duotone works themselves. Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $24.99A 13:18 Other mss read eats bread with Me B13:18 Ps 41:9 C13:23 Lit reclining at Jesus’ breast ; that is, on His right;Jn 1:18 D 13:26 Other mss read Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son E13:32 Other mss omit If God is glorified in Him F 14:1 OrYou believe G 14:2 The Vg used the Lat term mansio , a traveler’s resting place. The Gk word is related to the verb meno ,meaning remain or stay, which occurs 40 times in John.34H14:4 Other mss read this verse: And you know where I amgoing, and you know the way I14:7 Other mss read If you had known Me, you would have known J 14:11 Other mss readbelieve MeFEATURES

Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBUltraThin<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>*These elegant and bold editions areavailable in three popular bindings:genuine leather, simulated leather, andbonded leather.Features• 4-color Presentation Pages(Presented to; Certificate ofMarriage; Births; Marriages;Occasions to Remember; Deaths)• Center-column references• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Easy-to-read type• Eight 4-color maps• Plan of Salvation• Table of Contents• Topical Concordance• Topical subheads• Words of Jesus highlightedin red• Footnotes• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®• Die-cut gift boxPage Count: 1280 Trim Size: 51/2 x 81/2Carton Quantity: 22BISAC: BIB001040 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/ Specialty &Misc/Thinline & SlimlineText: 9 ptMore about new styles on page 9.6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0134-4 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.97978-1-5864-0133-7 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.97978-1-5864-0140-5 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.97978-1-5864-0137-5 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.97978-1-5864-0136-8 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.97978-1-5864-0135-1 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.97978-1-5864-0139-9 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.97978-1-5864-0138-2 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.97978-1-4336-0295-5 NEW Mahogany Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-4336-0297-9 NEW Pink/Brown Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $29.99* Due to inventory and an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com35

HCSB Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s*Large Print UltraThin<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>These perennially popular editions come inbeautiful genuine leather, bonded leather,and are available with and without indexing.Features• Easy-to-read, large print type• 4-color Presentation Pages (Presented to;Certificate of Marriage; Births; Marriages;Occasions to Remember; Deaths)• Center-column references• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Eight 4-color maps• Plan of Salvation• Table of Contents• Topical Concordance• Topical subheads• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• Footnotes• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®Page Count: 1280 Trim Size: 61/4 x 91/4Carton Quantity: 18BISAC: BIB001040 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/ Specialty &Misc/Thinline & SlimlineText: 10.5 ptMore about new styles on page 9.6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0118-4 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-5864-0119-1 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.99978-1-5864-0123-8 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-5864-0124-5 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.99978-1-5864-0121-4 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-5864-0122-1 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-5864-0126-9 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-5864-0125-2 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-4336-0298-6 NEW Mahogany Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.99978-1-4336-0288-7 NEW Mantova Black Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.99978-1-4336-0302-0 NEW Legacy Edition, Black Genuine Calfskin Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $119.99* Due to inventory and an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.361-800-251-3225

Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBHand Size Giant Print<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>Easy-to-carry and easy-to-read, this hand-sized<strong>Bible</strong> has the same quality features as the fullsizededitions and integrates cross referencesat the bottom of paragraphs rather than inthe center-column. Known as the Jewel Verse<strong>Reference</strong> System , this is the most convenientlyarranged <strong>Bible</strong> reference system available.Features• Large, easy-to-read type• 4-color Presentation Pages (Presented to;Certificate of Marriage; Births; Marriages;Occasions to Remember; Deaths)• Eight 4-color maps• End of paragraph Jewel Verse<strong>Reference</strong> System TM• How to Use This <strong>Bible</strong>• Messianic Promises That Jesus Fulfilled• Plan of Salvation• Where to Turn verse encouragements• Table of Contents to Books of the <strong>Bible</strong>and Additional Material• Table of Weights and Measures• Titles of Jesus• Topical Concordance• Topical subheads• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Footnotes• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®Page Count: 1568 Trim Size: 5 3 /8 x 81/4Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001040 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>/Large & Giant PrintText: 10.5 pt6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0166-8 Black Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded Gold $19.99978-1-4336-0167-5 Black Simulated Leather, Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded Gold $29.99978-1-4336-0168-2 Brown Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded Gold $19.99978-1-4336-0169-9 Brown Simulated Leather, Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded Gold $29.99978-1-4336-0170-5 Dark & Light Brown Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded Gold $24.99978-1-4336-0171-2 Black & Gray Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded Silver $24.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com37

HCSB Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>s*Giant Print<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>This full reference <strong>Bible</strong> includes comfortable 14 pointtype with cross references in Holman’s end-of-paragraphJewel Verse <strong>Reference</strong> System.Page Count: 1824 Trim Size: 61/4 x 91/4 Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001040 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralText: 14 ptFeatures• Giant, easy-to-read type• 4-color Presentation Pages (Presented to;Certificate of Marriage; Births; Marriages;Occasions to Remember; Deaths)• Eight 4-color maps• End of paragraph Jewel Verse <strong>Reference</strong> System TM• Plan of Salvation• Table of Weights and Measures• Topical Concordance• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Where to Turn verse encouragements• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• Footnotes• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0157-3 Black Imitation Leather Semi-Overlap Stained Gold $24.97978-1-5864-0162-7 Burgundy Imitation Leather Semi-Overlap Stained Gold $24.97* Due to inventory and an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.381-800-251-3225

Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBSuper Giant Print<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>*This full reference <strong>Bible</strong> includes comfortable 18 pointtype with over 20,000 cross references in Holman’s endof-paragraphJewel Verse <strong>Reference</strong> System .Features• Super giant print, easy-to-read type• 4-color Presentation Pages (Presented to;Certificate of Marriage; Births; Marriages;Occasions to Remember; Deaths)—only availablein Bonded and Genuine leather editions.• Eight 4-color maps• End of paragraph Jewel Verse <strong>Reference</strong> System TM• Plan of Salvation• Table of contents to study helps• Table of Weights and Measures• Topical Concordance• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Where to Turn verse encouragements• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• Footnotes• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®Page Count: 1824 Trim Size: 7 1 /16 x 10 5 /16 Carton Quantity: 8BISAC: BIB001040 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>/Large & Giant PrintText: 18 ptISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0259-4 Black Imitation Leather Die Cut Stained-Gold $29.99978-1-5864-0260-0 Black Imitation Leather – Indexed Die Cut Stained-Gold $39.99978-1-5864-0265-5 Burgundy Imitation Leather Die Cut Stained-Gold $29.99978-1-5864-0270-9 Burgundy Imitation Leather – Indexed Die Cut Stained-Gold $39.99978-1-5864-0261-7 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.99978-1-5864-0262-4 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-5864-0266-2 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.99978-1-5864-0267-9 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-5864-0263-1 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-5864-0264-8 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-5864-0268-6 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-5864-0269-3 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $69.99* Due to inventory and an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com39

HCSB Ministry <strong>Bible</strong>sGift and Award <strong>Bible</strong>Packed full of special features and priced for bulk buying, this freshtranslation is the perfect achievement award for young people in churchor school programs.Features• Presentation Page• <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary• Plan of Salvation• Table of Contents to study helps• Topical Concordance• Two 4-color maps• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Words of Jesus in red• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®Page Count: 832 Trim Size: 5 5 /16 x 7 11 /16Carton Quantity: 28BISAC: BIB001000 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/General ECPA: Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralText: 7.5 pt6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0069-9 Black Imitation Leather Die Cut Gold-Stained $6.99978-1-5864-0070-5 Burgundy Imitation Leather Die Cut Gold-Stained $6.99978-1-5864-0072-9 White Imitation Leather Die Cut Gold-Stained $6.99978-1-5864-0071-2 Blue Imitation Leather Die Cut Gold-Stained $6.99Pew <strong>Bible</strong>A side-by-side companion to the popular BaptistHymnal, complete with a durable cover towithstand years of congregational use.Features• Durable hardcover• God’s Plan of Salvation• Where to Turn• Table of Weights and Measurements• HCSB ® Bullet NotesPage Count: 1168 Trim Size: 6 x 9Carton Quantity: 18BISAC: BIB001060 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/TextECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralText: 10 pt6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0310-5 Black Printed Hardcover White $10.99978-1-4336-0312-9 Slate Blue Printed Hardcover White $10.99978-1-4336-0311-2 Deep Garnet Maroon Printed Hardcover White $10.99401-800-251-3225

Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBThe NoteTaker’s <strong>Bible</strong>Wide Margin EditionThe NoteTaker’s <strong>Bible</strong> has the largest point size among <strong>Bible</strong>s of this kind. In addition, it features easy-to-navigatecenter-column references. These cross-references direct the reader to other Scripture passages that illuminatethe passage being studied so that the reader can insert salient passages from other parts of the <strong>Bible</strong> alongside thepassage they’re studying. The NoteTaker’s <strong>Bible</strong> contains an easy-to-use concordance that enriches the capacityto make notes centered around Scripture’s key usage of a word.Features• Wide margins with easy-to-use rule linesfor journaling or personalized study notes• Two-column text setting w/center-columnreferences• 9-point type• Concordance• Ribbon marker• Words of Jesus in red• Translation footnotes andexclusive HCSB ® bullet notesECCLESIASTES 8:4 626whatever he wants. 4 For the king’sthe wise man claims to know it, he isword is authoritative, and who can sayunable to discover it.to him, “What are you doing?” a 5 Theone who keeps a command will not experienceanything harmful, b and a wiseIndeed, I took all this to heart andEnjoy Life Despite Deathheart knows the right time and procedure.9 explained it all: the righteous, the6 For every activity there is a rightwise, and their works are in God’stime and procedure, c even thoughhands. r •People don’t know whetherman’s troubles are heavy on him. 7 Yet⎣to expectno one knows what will happen, d ⎦ love or hate. Everything liesTEXT SAMPLE (ACTUAL SIZE) 9 pt becauseahead of them. 2 Everything is thewho can tell him what will hap-same for everyone: s there is one fatepen? 8 8:4No one has authority over theJb 9:12;Dn 4:35 for the righteous and the wicked, t forwind a to restrain it, e and there is no authorityover the day of death; f 8:5 b Rm 13:3 the good and the bad, c for the cleanthere is 8:6 c Ec 3:1,17 and the unclean, for the one who sacrificesand the one who does not sacri-no furlough in battle, and wickedness 8:7will not allow those who practice it toEc 3:22;6:12; 9:12; 10:14 fice. As it is for the good, so it is for theescape. 9 All this I have seen, applying 8:8 e Ps 148:8; sinner, as for the one who takes anmy mind to all the work that is done underthe sun, at a time when one man3Pr 30:4; Mk 4:39f Jn 10:18;oath, so for the one who fears an oath.2Tm 1:10 This is an evil in all that is done underhas authority over another to his harm. 8:1010 In such circumstances, I saw theEc 9:5 the sun: there is one fate for everyone.8:11wicked buried. They came and wentRm 2:4;In addition, the hearts of people are full2Pt 3:9 of evil, and madness is in their heartsfrom the holy place, g and they were 8:12 i Ec 7:15 while they live u —after that they go topraised b jin the city where they did so. Dt 12:25; the dead. 4 But there is hope for whoeveris joined d with all the living, sinceThis too is futile. 11 Ps 37:11; Pr 1:33;Because the sentenceagainst a criminal act is not car-Is 3:10ried out quickly, h 8:13therefore the heart ofIs 3:11a live dog is better than a Carton dead lion. Quantity: 12 Trim size: 71/4 x 9 3 /16l Jb 14:2; Ec 6:12 5 For the living know that they Page will Count: die, 1280•people is filled ⎣ with the desire ⎦ to commitcrime. 12 8:14 m Ec 7:15 but the dead don’t know anything.nAlthough a sinner commitscrime a hundred times andbecause the memory of them <strong>Bible</strong>/General is forgot-ECPA: Christian StandardJb 21:7; Ps 73:3;BISAC: BIB001000 BIBLES/Christian StandardThere is no longer a reward for themJr 12:1prolongs his life, i 8:15yet I also know that itEc 2:24ten. v 6 Their love, their hate, <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty and their & Misc./Generalwill go well with God-fearing people, j 8:16 p Ec 1:13-14envy have already disappeared, Text: 9 pt and8:17for they are reverent before Him.Ec 3:11;there is no longer a portion for them in7:25-29; 11:513 However, it will not go well with theall that is done under the sun.wicked, k 9:1and they will not lengthenDt 33:37 Go, eat your bread with pleasure,their days like a shadow, l 9:2for they areJb 9:22t Ec 2:14 and drink your wine with a cheerfulnot reverent before God.9:3heart, for God has already accepted14 There is a futility that is done onEc 1:17your works. w 8 Let your clothes be9:5the earth: there are righteous peopleEc 2:16white all the time, and never let oil be9:7who get what the actions of theEc 2:24;lacking on your head. x 9 Enjoy life withwicked deserve, m 3:13; 5:18; 8:15and there are 9:8 x Ps 23:5 the wife you love all the days of yourwicked people who get what the actionsof the righteous deserve. n 9:9 fleeting e life, y which has been given toI sayEc 6:12; 7:15z Ec 2:10 you under the sun, all your fleetingthat this too is futile. 15 So I commended9:10 aa Rm 12:11; days. For that is your portion in life andenjoyment, because there isCol 3:23in your struggle z ab Ec 9:5under the sun.Sample Interiornothing better for man under the sun10 Whatever your hands find to do, do9:11except to eat, drink, and enjoy himself,15⎣ all ⎦ your strength, aa because thereAm 2:14-withfor this will accompany him in ad 2Ch 20:15 is no work, planning, knowledge, orISBN Binding his Material labor during the years of his days 9:12 ae Ec 8:7 wisdom Binding •Sheol Style where you are going.PAGE edges pricethat God gives him under the sun.978-1-5864-0476-5 Printed over 16 When Cloth I Hardcover applied my mind to knowSemi-Overlap Antique Gilding $29.99wisdom978-1-5864-0475-8 Printed over Cloth and to observe the activityThe Limitations of WisdomHardcover Semi-Overlap Antique Gilding $29.99that is done on the earth (even thoughone’s eyes do not close in sleep day ornight), 17 I observed all the work of God⎣and concluded ⎦ that man is unable todiscover the work that is done underthe sun. Even though a man labors hardto explore it, he cannot find it; q even ifBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com11 Again I saw under the sun that therace is not to the swift, ac or the battle tothe strong, ad or bread to the wise, orriches to the discerning, or favor to theskillful; rather, time and chance happento all of them. 12 For man certainly doesnot know his time: ae like fish caught in41

HCSB Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>sThe Minister’s <strong>Bible</strong>The Minister’s <strong>Bible</strong> is designed for pulpit use with largetype, wide margins, and extensive ancillary notes frommany of today’s top pastors and church leadershipvoices. Available in HCSB as well as KJV bindings,all editions are packaged in a two-piece gift box andinclude:Page Count: 1824 Trim Size: 61/4 x 91/4 Carton Quantity: 18BISAC: BIB001060 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/TextECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Text/Pastor & Preaching Text: 9.5 ptHCSB Minister's <strong>Bible</strong>.book Page 1674 Tuesday, December 21, 2004 3:49 PMWEDDINGSGuidelines for Premarital CounselingJim Henry1674The initial premarital conference between the couple and minister performingthe ceremony should be held as early in wedding planning as possible. Inour church, no couple will be married unless both parties are believers, foronly Christian marriages will be performed. If one or both parties are notChristians, the pastor first will counsel these individuals in matters of faithand seek to lead these individuals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Oncethe minister is assured about matters of faith, the couple’s responses to the premaritalcounseling information will be discussed, as well as the meaning of aChrist-filled marriage.PREMARITAL COUNSELING INFORMATIONDate of Interviews___________________________________________Wedding Date _____________________________________________Name of Groom ____________________________________________Date of Birth_______________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Home Phone_______________________________________________Work Phone _______________________________________________E-mail ___________________________________________________Christian? _________________________________________________Church Member? ___________________________________________Where? ___________________________________________________Name of Bride______________________________________________Date of Birth_______________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Home Phone ______________________________________________Work Phone _______________________________________________E-mail ___________________________________________________Christian? _________________________________________________Church Member? ___________________________________________Where? ___________________________________________________HCSB Minister's <strong>Bible</strong>.book Page 1675 Tuesday, December 21, 2004 3:49 PM1675 WeddingsQUESTIONS FOR BOTH GROOM AND BRIDEThe minister may ask both the groom and the bride to answer some or all ofthese questions in writing prior to the time of the counseling conference.Spiritual1. Do you have a personal relationship with God through your respondingin faith to the offer of salvation through Jesus Christ? At what age didyou truly profess Jesus to be your Lord and Savior?2. What is the greatest thing God has ever done for you?3. What evidence is there in your life that you are a true believer in Christ?4. What evidence is there in your potential mate’s life that he/she is a truebeliever in Christ?5. What would you like to see God do in and through your marriage?6. As a couple, how do you see God using you to serve others?7. Are you and your potential mate comfortable praying with each other?Are you comfortable studying God’s Word together?8. Which church do you attend? Which church does your potential mateattend? Do you plan on worshipping at the same church? If not, why?9. If you have children, do you and your potential mate agree on raisingchildren in the family of faith? Do you both desire to worship with yourchildren as a family at the same church?General Information1. How long have you known each other?2. How did you meet?3. How would you describe your dating life?4. How long have you been engaged?5. Does your family approve of your choice of a mate? If not, what are theirreservations?6. Are you well acquainted with your potential mate’s immediate family?Describe your relationship with them.7. Do you dislike any of your potential mate’s family? If so, why?8. Name several reasons that led you to desire to marry your potential mate.9. What would you say makes a good marriage?10. List three strengths and three weaknesses in your potential mate.11. List three strengths and three weaknesses in yourself.12. Are there any areas of your life that you find difficult to discuss openlywith your potential mate? If so, what are they?FEATURES• Wide margins for taking notes• Eight 4-color maps• Where to Turn When…• Plan of Salvation• Four-color presentation page• Various wedding and funeral outlinesby Jim Henry• “8 Traits of Effective Church Leaders”by Thom S. Rainer• “21 Essentials of Authentic Ministry”by James T. Draper• “Four Kinds of Expositional Preaching”by Ed Stetzer• “30 Keys to Giving an Invitation”by O. S. Hawkins• “Leading a Child to Christ” by Bill Emeott• “Reaching Students with the Gospel”by Lynn H. Pryor• “The Importance of Baptism and Communion”by Rick White• Commitment Counseling• The Christian Year and Church Calendar• The Apostles and Their History• Table of Weights and Measures• Single-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Seventy-two page HCSB concordance• HCSB Bullet NotesSample Interior6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0086-9 Genuine Cowhide Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $99.99978-1-4336-0087-6 Simulated Black leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99421-800-251-3225

Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBThe Legacy <strong>Bible</strong>The Legacy <strong>Bible</strong> is crafted of genuine leather and thefinest <strong>Bible</strong> paper, with heirloom spine detail. Here isa <strong>Bible</strong> that is a pleasure to carry and read.Features• Supple, flexible genuine leather• Lifetime Guarantee• Easy-to-read, large print type• 4-color Presentation Pages (Presented to;Certificate of Marriage; Births; Marriages;Occasions to Remember; Deaths)• Center-column references• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Eight 4-color maps• Plan of Salvation• Table of Contents• Topical Concordance• Topical subheads• Words of Jesus highlighted in red• Footnotes• HCSB ® Bullet Notes• Introduction to the HCSB ®6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN: 978-1-5864-0120-7 Price: $100.00Format: Black Genuine Leather with Ribbon Markers Binding Style:Semi-Overlap Page Edges: Gilded-Gold Page Count: 1280 TrimSize: 61/4 x 91/4 Carton Quantity: 18 BISAC: BIB001000 BIBLES/ChristianStandard <strong>Bible</strong>/General ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty& Misc./General Text: 10.5 pt Color: BlackBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com43

HCSB EvangelismONLY99 ¢ISBN: 978-1-5864-0496-3 Price: $0.99Format: Trade Paper Page Count: 64Trim Size: 51/4 x 7 Carton Quantity: 20BISAC: BIB001030 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/New Testament & PortionsECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/New Testament/GeneralONLY50 ¢ISBN: 978-1-5864-0334-8 Price: $0.50Format: Paperback Page Count: 256Trim Size: 4 x 6 Carton Quantity: 100BISAC: BIB001030 BIBLES/Christian Standard<strong>Bible</strong>/New Testament & PortionsECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc,/GeneralIs Jesus Alive Today?The Evidence and Why It Matters to YouA remarkably affordable resource for personal, group, or church-wide study,Easter devotions, or year-round evangelism, Is Jesus Alive Today? featuresthe entire Gospel of John from the popular Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong>with articles by leading Christian apologists such as Gary Habermasand Hank Hanegraaff. The book also contains a special introductionfocusing on the death and resurrection of Jesus and a word from LeeStrobel about the power of apologetics.FEATURES• Perfect for the Easter season, and a low-cost year-round evangelismresource.• Articles include Strobel’s “How Apologetics Changed My Life,”Hanegraaff’s “Is There Evidence for Life After Death,” JeremyRoyal Howard’s “Is Jesus Alive Today?” and contributions from J. P.Moreland, Barbara B. Pemberton,John Mark Terry, William LaneCraig, and more.• Also includes Plan of Salvation, 6 “Twisted Scriptures,” study notes,and a completeintroduction to the book of John.• Additional study helps (including video discussion starters) at Apologetics<strong>Bible</strong>.com.The InvitationNew TestamentThis is your invitation to find hope.The dreams that energize us always seem destined to pass away–apromotion comes buthe new job grows old, a wedding day passes and athrilling romance turns routine, a dream house becomes just anotherplace to live. Each one leaves us looking for the next hope that will liftour spirits. There is one hope, though, that never wears out, never disappoints,an never leaves our emothins drained.Your are invited to discover this hope–an every day relationship withJesus Christ. He will give you a hope that doesn’t fade and He will makeeach day feel like the gift from God that it truly is. This New Testamentwill help you discover that relationship. Explore it, and as you turn eachpage, you will find that this is your invitation to find real hope and live thelife you’ve always wanted.441-800-251-3225

Evangelism HCSBShare Jesus Without FearNew TestamentThis New Testament puts the focus of sharing your faith on the Word ofGod and the Spirit of God.Features• 36 Response Scripts toObjections to Receiving Christ• Three-step witnessing planwith suggested Scriptures• Introduction and specialnotes by Bill Fay• Share <strong>Bible</strong> Directions• Convenient pocket size• Commitment• Presentation Page• Brass corner reinforcements• Single-column text• Table of Contents• Topical subheads• Words of Jesus highlightedin red• Introduction to the HCSB ®ISBN: 978-1-5864-0012-5 Price: $12.99 Format: Bonded Leather w/ribbon markerBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: Gilded-Gold Page Count: 480Trim Size: 31/4 x 61/4 Carton Quantity: 48 BISAC: BIB001030 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/New Testament & Portions ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralText: 8 pt Color: BlackALSO AVAILABLEin PAPERBACK:ISBN-13: 978-1-5864-0445-1Binding Material: PaperbackRetail Price: $8.00 eachPage Count: 464Trim Size: 31/4 x 61/4Share Jesus Without FearNew Testament Student EditionISBN-13: 978-1-5864-0445-CBinding Material: PaperbackRetail Price: $96.00Carton Quantity: 48Page Count: 464Trim Size: 31/4 x 61/4ALSO AVAILABLEIN CASE ORDERS6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.This New Testament puts the focus of sharing your faith on the Word of Godand the Spirit of God.Features• 36 Response Scripts toObjections to Receiving Christ• Three-step witnessing planwith suggested Scriptures• Introduction and specialnotes by Bill Fay• Share <strong>Bible</strong> Directions• Convenient pocket size• Commitment• Presentation Page• Brass corner reinforcements• Single-column text• Table of Contents• Topical subheads• Words of Jesus highlightedin red• Introduction to the HCSB ®ISBN: 978-1-5864-0013-2 Price: $12.99 Format: Bonded Leather w/ribbon markerBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: Gilded-Silver Page Count: 480Trim Size: 31/4 x 61/4 Carton Quantity: 48 BISAC: BIB001030 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/New Testament & Portions ECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralText: 8 pt Color: Black6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com45

HCSB EvangelismHere’s HopeNew TestamentThis New Testament contains the “Roman Road”plan of salvation and the low price makes quantitypurchases in reach for evangelistic purposes.Features• Are You Ready to Receive God’s Offer ofEternal Life and Hope?• Back cover presentation space• Footnotes• Here’s Hope: Jesus Cares for You• Introduction• My Record of Salvation• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• What Happens After You Receive HopeFrom God?• Where to Find It verse encouragementsONLY$1 50Carton Quantity: 48 (Sold in carton quantities only)Trim size: 5 1 /8 x 7 3 /8 Page Count: 260BISAC: BIB001030 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/New Testament & PortionsECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Specialty & Misc./GeneralText: 8.5 ptISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0003-3 Paperback Flush Cut White $1.50978-0-8054-2868-1 48-Pack Flush Cut White $72.00461-800-251-3225

Student Devotional <strong>Bible</strong>s HCSBiStand One Minute <strong>Bible</strong>365 Daily Devotions to Change Your WorldThe 365 devotions in the iStand One Minute <strong>Bible</strong> challenge and empowerGod’s people to make God-honoring choices in real life situations throughsolid, biblical teachings.Each devotion includes a daily Scripture reading that focuses oncourageous choices made by men and women of the <strong>Bible</strong> plus anAnchor Point (foundational Scriptural truth), No Brainer (commandof God), and Tough Choice (personal challenge).There are also profiles of people who have made bold choices throughouthistory up to the twenty-first century, insightful questions for personalreflection, weekly worship themes, and more.Ages16-20Features• A daily Scripture reading focusing on courageous choices men andwomen of the <strong>Bible</strong> made• Anchor Points – foundational truths of Scripture• No Brainer – commands of God• Tough Choice – personal situation or life challenges• Tough Questions – facing the loose ends, trusting beyond answers• Just Like Me – profiles• Week End – reading/challenge/reflection on the week• Week Start – Worship themeISBN: 978-0-8054-4793-4 Price: $17.99Format: Trade paper Page Count: 416Trim Size: 5 1/4 x 8 1/4 Carton Quantity: 36BISAC: JNF049120 JUVENILE NONFICTIONReligion/Devotional & Prayer ECPA: Youth/Youth Interests/Devotional & PrayerOne-Minute <strong>Bible</strong> for Students366 Devotions Connecting You with God Every DayThe One-Minute <strong>Bible</strong> ® for Students offers 366 daily one-minute readingsfrom the world’s greatest treasure… the <strong>Bible</strong>. Reading one minute a daywill allow you to survey the heart of the <strong>Bible</strong> in one year. Daily readingsfollow the general flow of biblical history, interspersed with several topicalseries for occasions such as Easter and Mother’s Day.Ages16-20Features• 366 daily readings that survey the themes of God’s Word in oneyear at the rate of one minute per day.• Concise topical index• Thoughtful quotes from presidents, authors, and philosophers• In Other Words (theological terms defined in everyday language)• Biography sketches of major <strong>Bible</strong> characters• One Minute Memory (to memorize verses)• Related texts at the end of each day to direct you to nearly 1,800passages of Scripture that will further your understanding of thetopics covered in that day’s reading.ISBN: 978-0-8054-4540-4 Price: $14.99Format: Trade paper Page Count: 416Trim Size: 5 1/4 x 8 1/4 Carton Quantity: 36BISAC: JNFO49060 JUVENILE NON-FICTION/Religion/Devotional & Prayer/General ECPA: Youth/Youth Interests/Devotional & PrayerBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com47

HCSB Audio <strong>Bible</strong>sExperiencingThe Word <strong>Bible</strong>read by David Payne with OriginalMusic by Michael StantonThe HCSB ® is designed to be read aloud and listenedto. Here you have the entire <strong>Bible</strong> set against abackground of rich musical underscoring, composedjust for the text being read. Performed by nationallyacclaimed actor David Payne, you’ll find this richwork a brilliant achievement that will keep youcoming back for more.David Payne has become widely acclaimed forhis stage portrayals of C.S. Lewis in the stageproductions of Shadowlands, In Search of Joy, andWeep for Joy.Michael Stanton is a gifted composer andinstrumentalist whose music has been featured onmore than a dozen recordings. His musical creditsalso include original scores for four feature films.ISBN: 978-1-5581-9947-7 Price: $99.97Description: 64 Audio CDsPackage Size: 111/2 x 61/2 x 21/2Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001060 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/TextECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Audio/GeneralFEATURES• Presented with deep warmth and emotionby British actor David Payne• Set against a bed of original music composedby Michael Stanton• Ideal for as-you-go listening, <strong>Bible</strong> studies,and even worship experiences• Full-color packaging that also doubles as aconvenient carrying caseALSO AVAILABLE: Experiencing The Word New TestamentISBN: 978-1-5864-0015-6Price: $49.99Description: 16 Audio CDsCarton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB001060 BIBLES/Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/TextECPA: Christian Standard <strong>Bible</strong>/Audio/General481-800-251-3225


Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s KJVKJV 400thAnniversary <strong>Bible</strong>Four hundred years after the King James Version of the<strong>Bible</strong> was completed in 1611 by the Church of England,it still ranks among the top two or three best-sellingtranslations of Scripture in the United States eachmonth. Just in time for 2011, the KJV 400th Anniversary<strong>Bible</strong> celebrates this passionate rendering of God’s Word,presenting it in a highest quality format for those who lovethe translation’s rich heritage and reverent language.Features include genuine cowhide leather (black), 13 pointtype, and a giant print concordance. There are also40 pages of ancillary material related to the 400thanniversary including the original introductory essay to theKing James <strong>Bible</strong> (“Translators to the Reader”) and modernessays by Leland Ryken, Jerry Vines, and Ed Blum, eachdiscussing the paramount importance of the KJV in historyas well as in modern and future times.Features• UltraClear Print (13 point type)• Words of Christ in Red• Giant Print Concordance• End-of-verse cross references• 8 full-color maps covering each key epoch of<strong>Bible</strong> history• Old Testament Messianic prophecies indicated• New Testament Messianic prophecy fulfillmentsindicated• “The Historical Impact of the King James Versionof the <strong>Bible</strong>” by Leland Ryken• “Steps to a Classic: The Making of the King JamesVersion of the <strong>Bible</strong>” by Ed Blum• “The Ongoing Power and Place of the King JamesVersion of the <strong>Bible</strong>” by Jerry Vines• Miracles and parables of Jesus• A harmony of the life of Christ• Favorite readings from the <strong>Bible</strong>• <strong>Bible</strong> study helps/How to use this <strong>Bible</strong>• Article on how to read the entire <strong>Bible</strong>• A short history of the <strong>Bible</strong>• Ribbon marker• Two-piece gift boxISBN: 978-1-4336-0108-8 Price: $99.99Format: Genuine cowhide black leatherPage Count: 1600 Trim Size: 6¼ x 9¼ Carton Quantity: 18BISAC: BIB006000 BIBLES/King James Version/GeneralECPA: King James Version/Specialty & Misc./Large & Giant PrintText: 13 ptBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com51

KJV Study <strong>Bible</strong>The MasterStudy <strong>Bible</strong>Page Count: 2040 Trim Size: 6¼ x 9 3 /16 Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB006050 BIBLES/King James Version/StudyECPA: King James Version/Study/GeneralText: 9 ptThe Master Study <strong>Bible</strong> center-column reference systemlinks you to thousands of related passages in the KingJames text, as well as alternate readings for obscure anddifficult-to-translate words. They create a systematicapproach to <strong>Bible</strong> study, allowing the <strong>Bible</strong> itself to serveas it’s own best commentary.Features• Over 500-page encyclopedia• 8 presentation pages• 8 full-color maps• Over 400-page topicalconcordance• The Authorized King JamesVersion—the world’s best-sellingtranslation• Life of Christ• How to read and study the <strong>Bible</strong>• <strong>Bible</strong> book introductions• Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s <strong>Bible</strong>reading plan• Center-column reference system• Parables of our Lord• Miracles of our Lord• A Harmony of the Gospels• <strong>Bible</strong> concordance• “Who Is Jesus Christ?”• Titles for Jesus• The Gospel message• Teachings of Jesus• Jesus and the TenCommandments• Messianic prophecies• Predictions made by Jesus• Prophecies of Jesus’ SecondComingISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5581-9890-6 Burgundy Hardcover w/ribbon marker Padded Hardcover White $24.97978-1-5581-9891-3 Burgundy Hardcover w/ribbon marker – Indexed Padded Hardcover White $34.97978-1-5581-9892-0 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Stained-Gold $34.97978-1-5581-9893-7 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Stained-Gold $44.97978-1-5581-9894-4 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.97978-1-5581-9895-1 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.97978-1-5581-9896-8 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.97978-1-5581-9897-5 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $54.97978-1-5581-9898-2 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.97978-1-5581-9899-9 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.97521-800-251-3225

Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s KJVThe KJV Military <strong>Bible</strong>For the men and women who serve the cause of freedom around the world,Holman <strong>Bible</strong> Publishers is pleased to provide the KJV Military <strong>Bible</strong> in alarge print compact format that is handsome, easy to carry, and designed tomeet the specific needs of those who serve in the most difficult of situations.Features• The full text of the beloved King James Version• Lyrics to patriotic songs and battle-themed hymns• Transcribed prayers from past and present American military andpolitical leaders, and more.• Unique faith-based patriotic features include words to “The StarSpangled Banner,” “America the Beautiful,” “Battle Hymn of theRepublic,” and “Onward Christian Soldiers,” prayers and quotesfrom military and political leaders such as General George Pattonand President George W. Bush, the Pledge of Allegiance, EnlistedPersonnel Oath, and more.• Words of Christ in red• End-of-verse reference system• Concise concordance• 8 four-color maps• Presentation pageThe KJV Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong>The perfect gift for Father’s Day, a son’s birthday, graduation, or any time,The KJV Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong> is ideal for slipping into a pocket and carryinginto the field. In addition to the full text of the beloved King James Version,this large print compact <strong>Bible</strong> edition contains numerous devotions writtenfor hunters and fishermen that connect the timeless principles of God’s Wordwith the passion of millions of North American outdoors enthusiasts.ISBN: 978-1-5864-0365-2 Price: $19.99Format: Simulated Leather with die-cut giftbox Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: Gilded-Gold Page Count:1568 Trim Size: 3 15 /16 x 5 11 /16Carton Quantity: 24 BISAC: BIB006000BIBLES/King James Version/GeneralECPA: King James Version/Specialty &Misc./Compact Text: 8.25 ptFeatures• The KJV Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong> combines the complete text of one of themost longstanding and beloved <strong>Bible</strong> translations with ancillary fieldnotes and devotions especially for the Christian outdoors enthusiast.• Includes forty pages of devotionals and field guide tips• Insights for hunters and fishermen with contributions fromJimmy Sites (host, Spiritual Outdoor Adventures), Jay Yelas (2003BASS Angler of the Year), Rob Keck (CEO, National Wild TurkeyFederation), and more.• Words of Christ in red• End-of-verse reference system• Concise concordance• 8 four-color maps• Presentation pageISBN: 978-1-5864-0366-9 Price: $19.99Format: Simulated Leather with die-cut giftbox Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: Tan-StainedPage Count: 1568 Trim Size: 3 15 /16 x 5 11 /16Carton Quantity: 24 BISAC: BIB006000BIBLES/King James Version/GeneralECPA: King James Version/Specialty &Misc./Compact Text: 8.25 ptBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com53

KJV Children’s <strong>Bible</strong>sKJV Read-to-Me <strong>Bible</strong> for KidsAges3-6Fresh and inviting, this King James edition of the popular Read-to-Me-<strong>Bible</strong> for Kids helps to build a firm scriptural foundation for every child’sChristian faith. Designed especially for pre-schoolers during “family time”or in a classroom setting, this book is filled with classic illustrations thatimmediately draw children into their favorite <strong>Bible</strong> stories.Features• Article on how to use the King James Version with children• Two reading options are available: read the entire story toolder children or read only the bold type for an abbreviated formof the story for younger children.• 30 four-color <strong>Bible</strong> teaching pictures with corresponding<strong>Bible</strong> stories on the back• 30 <strong>Bible</strong> stories told in language appropriate to use withyoung childrenISBN: 978-1-5581-9845-6 Price: $19.99Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Full Color CoverPage Edges: WhitePage Count: 1560 Trim Size: 51/2 x 81/2Carton Quantity: 18 BISAC: BIB006010BIBLES/King James Version/ChildrenECPA: King James Version/Children/General Text: 12 ptKJV Drill <strong>Bible</strong>This sturdy hardcover <strong>Bible</strong> is specially designed for young peopleparticipating in Scripture drill programs. A page to record <strong>Bible</strong> drillparticipation is provided.Features• Drill participation record section• Durable binding• Full-color maps• Presentation pageISBN: 978-0-8798-1600-1 Price: $12.99Format: Blue Lexotone Binding Style: HardcoverPage Edges: White Page Count: 1080Trim Size: 5¼ x 73/4 Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB006060 BIBLES/King James Version/TextECPA: King James Version/Text/GeneralText: 8 ptSample Interior PAGES541-800-251-3225

Children’s <strong>Bible</strong>s KJVKJV IllustratedStudy <strong>Bible</strong>for KidsThis KJV <strong>Bible</strong> for ages 6 to 10 containsstudy helps to inspire and equip kids tobetter understand God’s Word. Parentswill appreciate the added learningresources, and kids will love the easy-toreadtype and brightly colored exteriorand interior designs. Features includeforty-eight full-color pages highlightingkey <strong>Bible</strong> concepts (Ten Commandments,becoming a Christian, etc.), topicalconcordance and <strong>Bible</strong> dictionary forkids, “Kids in the <strong>Bible</strong>,” red letter text,and more.Page Count: 768 Trim Size: 6 x 9Type: 8 Carton Quantity: 18BISAC: BIB006010 BIBLES/King James Version/ChildrenECPA: King James Version/Children’s/GeneralISBN Binding Material price978-1-4336-0062-3 Orange printed hardcover $19.99978-1-4336-0064-7 Pink simulated leather (die-cut gift box) $29.99978-1-4336-0063-0 Blue simulated leather (die-cut gift box) $29.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com55

KJV Children’s <strong>Bible</strong>sKJV Baby New Testamentwith PsalmsWith soft-color, durable bindings, these precious littleNew Testaments with Psalms add special meaning tothe most memorable times in a young child’s life.Features• Words of Christ in red• Presentation pages• Full-color presentation certificate• Gift-boxedPage Count: 512 Trim Size: 2 11 /16 x 4¼ Carton Quantity: 180BISAC: BIB006030 BIBLES/King James Version/NewTestament & Portions ECPA: King James Version/Children/General Text: 6 ptISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5581-9043-6 Light Blue Simulated Leather Limp Gilded-Silver $6.99978-1-5581-9042-9 Pink Simulated Leather Limp Gilded-Silver $6.99978-1-5581-9044-3 White Simulated Leather Limp Gilded-Silver $6.99Economy New Testamentwith PsalmsAffordable New Testaments with Psalms that add specialmeaning to the most memorable times in a young child’s life.Features• New Testament and Psalms• Words of Christ in red• Pocket-sized• Value-priced• Self-pronouncing text• Gold foil stampedPage Count: 512 Trim Size: 2 11 /16 x 4¼Carton Quantity: 192BISAC: BIB006030 BIBLES/King James Version/NewTestament & Portions ECPA: King James Version/Children/General Text: 6 ptISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5581-9037-5 Black Paperback Flush Cut White $2.99978-1-5581-9039-9 Burgundy Paperback Flush Cut White $2.99978-1-5581-9040-5 White Paperback Flush Cut White $2.99978-1-5581-9038-2 Illustrated Cover Flush Cut White $2.99978-0-8400-4028-2 KJV Economy pre-pack: 8 illustrated and 4 each of Black,Burgundy and WhiteFlush Cut White $59.80561-800-251-3225

Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>s KJVKJV Giant Print<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>These comprehensive reference <strong>Bible</strong>s include more study helpsthan any other giant-print King James editions available.Features• 4-color Presentation Pages (Presented to;Certificate of Marriage; Births; Marriages;Occasions to Remember; Deaths)• A Harmony of the Life of Christ• Appearances After the Resurrection• Eight 4-color maps• Favorite Readings From the <strong>Bible</strong>• Giant print study helps• Giant Print Topical Concordance• How to Read the <strong>Bible</strong> Through• Messianic Prophecies Noted• Miracles of Our Lord• Parables of Our Lord• Table of Contents• Table of Contents to study helps• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• UltraClear Giant Print• Words of Jesus highlighted in redPage Count: 1568 Trim Size: 6¼ x 9¼ Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB006040 BIBLES/King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: King James Version/Specialty & Misc./Large & Giant PrintText: 14 ptImitation LEATHER LEATHERISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5581-9773-2 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.97978-1-5581-9774-9 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.97978-1-5581-9777-0 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.97978-1-5581-9778-7 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.97978-1-5581-9775-6 Blue Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.97978-1-5581-9776-3 Blue Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.97978-1-5581-9812-8 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.97978-1-5581-9813-5 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $54.97978-1-5581-9814-2 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.97978-1-5581-9815-9 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $54.97978-1-5581-9751-0 Black Imitation Leather Semi-Overlap Stained Gold $18.97978-1-5581-9752-7 Black Imitation Leather – Indexed Semi-Overlap Stained Gold $28.97978-1-5581-9755-8 Burgundy Imitation Leather Semi-Overlap Stained Gold $18.97978-1-5581-9772-5 Burgundy Imitation Leather – Indexed Semi-Overlap Stained Gold $28.97978-1-5581-9753-4 Blue Imitation Leather Semi-Overlap Stained Gold $18.97978-1-5581-9754-1 Blue Imitation Leather – Indexed Semi-Overlap Stained Gold $28.97978-1-5864-0513-7 Black/Tan Duotone Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.99978-1-5864-0514-4 Black/Burgundy Duotone Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com57

KJV Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>s*KJV Hand SizeGiant Print<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>Easy to read and carry, the KJV HandSize Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> is nowavailable in two duotone simulated leathereditions. This <strong>Bible</strong> features many of thesame helps as other editions twice its size,including giant print study helps andconcordance, 52-week reading plan, fourcolormaps, presentation page, red lettertext, and more.Page Count: 1568 Trim Size: 5³/8 x 8 1 /8 Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: BIB006060/BIBLES/King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>/Large & Giant PrintText: 13 ptMore about new styles on page 4.Features• UltraClear Print (12 point type)• Giant print concordance• 8 full-color maps covering each keyepoch of <strong>Bible</strong> history• Presentation page• Words of Christ in red• End-of-verse cross references• Old Testament Messianic propheciesindicated• New Testament fulfillment ofMessianic prophecies indicated• Miracles and Parables of Jesus• Outline of a Harmony of the Gospels• Article on how to read the entire <strong>Bible</strong>• 52-week plan for reading through the<strong>Bible</strong>• Favorite readings from the <strong>Bible</strong>• Ribbon marker• Gift boxISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0100-2 Black Bonded Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $24.99978-1-4336-0101-9 Black Bonded Leather –Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.99978-1-4336-0102-6 Burgundy Bonded Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $24.99978-1-4336-0103-3 Burgundy Bonded Leather – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.99978-1-4336-0105-7 Black Genuine Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.99978-1-4336-0104-0 Black Genuine Leather – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.99978-1-4336-0106-4 Burgundy Genuine Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $34.99978-1-4336-0107-1 Burgundy Genuine Leather – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $44.99978-1-4336-0070-8 Brown Duotone Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-4336-0069-2 Pink Duotone Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-4336-0299-3 NEW Brown/Terracotta Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-4336-0301-3 NEW Khaki/Rose Quartz Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.99*Due to an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.581-800-251-3225

Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s KJVKJV Personal<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>The KJV Personal <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> delivers exceptionalquality and content at a price far less than most<strong>Bible</strong>s offering comparable features. From centercolumn references to a 63-page concordance, eachstudy help is there to aid the reader’s interpretationand knowledge of Scripture. This edition, available inespecially durable black, white, and burgundy bondedleathers, also includes an introduction for each bookof the <strong>Bible</strong>, eight full-color maps, two-piece gift box,and an inspiring essay by best-selling author CalvinMiller (“Why Read the King James Version?”).Features• 63-page concordance (three columns per page)• 8 full-color maps covering each key epochof <strong>Bible</strong> history• Presentation page• “Why Read the King James Version?” essayby Calvin Miller• Introduction to each book of the <strong>Bible</strong>• Self-pronouncing text• Words of Christ in red• Miracles of Our Lord• Outline of a Harmony of the Gospels• Plan of salvation• Commitment record• Ribbon marker• Gift BoxPrice: $17.99Page Count: 992 Trim Size: 5³/8 x 8Page Edges: Gold Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB006040 BIBLES/King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>/Personal SizeText: 9 pt6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0093-7 Black Bonded Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-4336-0095-1 White Bonded Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $17.99978-1-4336-0094-4 Burgundy Bonded Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $17.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com59

KJV Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>sKJV UltraThin<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>No other King James <strong>Bible</strong> offers both a trimsize and readable type. At only 5/8” thin, theKJV UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> is compactenough to slip into any briefcase or purse. Yet,its crisp printing and unique opaque papermake it easy on the eyes—whether readingin church or for personal study. Available inelegant bindings at an affordable price, this isa can’t miss <strong>Bible</strong> for gift giving.Features• 2-color Presentation Pages (Presentedto; Certificate of Marriage; Births;Marriages; Occasions to Remember;Deaths)• A Harmony of the Gospels• Books of the <strong>Bible</strong> in alphabeticalorder• Center-column references• Eight 4-color maps• Footnotes• Introduction to the KJV• Key to <strong>Bible</strong> Maps• Map Index• Miracles of Our Lord• Parables of Our Lord• Table of Contents• Topical Concordance• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Words of Jesus highlighted in redPage Count: 1200 Trim Size: 51/2 x 81/2 Carton Quantity: 22BISAC: BIB006040 BIBLES/King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>/Thinline & SlimlineText: 9 ptISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-0-8798-1924-8 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.97978-0-8798-1960-6 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.97978-0-8798-1928-6 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.97978-0-8798-1964-4 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.97978-0-8798-1930-9 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.97978-0-8798-1966-8 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.97978-0-8798-1934-7 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.97978-0-8798-1970-5 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.97978-1-4336-0189-7 Brown/Tan Duotone, Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded - Gold $24.99978-1-4336-0190-3 Gray/Periwinkle Duotone, Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded - Silver $24.99601-800-251-3225

Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s KJVKJV Large PrintUltraThin <strong>Reference</strong><strong>Bible</strong>The King James tradition continues with thiseasy-to-read and easy-to-carry <strong>Bible</strong> designedfor those who appreciate larger type.Features• 4-color Presentation Pages (Presentedto; Certificate of Marriage; Births;Marriages; Occasions to Remember;Deaths)• 16 pages for note taking• A Harmony of the Gospels• Books of the <strong>Bible</strong> in AlphabeticalOrder• Center-column references• Concordance• Eight 4-color maps• Explanatory notes• Footnotes• Key to <strong>Bible</strong> Maps• Messianic Prophecies of theOld Testament• Miracles of Our Lord• Parables of Our Lord• Predictions Made by Jesus• Prophecies of Jesus’ Second Coming• Table of contents• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Why Read the King James Version?by Calvin Miller• Words of Jesus highlighted in redPage Count: 1200 Trim Size: 6¼ x 9 3 /16 Carton Quantity: 18BISAC: BIB006040 BIBLES/King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>/Thinline & SlimlineText: 10.5 ptISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5581-9657-5 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-5581-9658-2 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.99978-1-5581-9661-2 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $29.99978-1-5581-9662-9 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.99978-1-5581-9663-6 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-5581-9664-3 Black Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99978-1-5581-9665-0 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-5581-9667-4 Burgundy Genuine Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $59.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com61

KJV Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s*KJV Large PrintCompact <strong>Bible</strong> &KJV Large Print Compact<strong>Bible</strong> with Snap FlapThe KJV Large Print Compact <strong>Bible</strong> slips nicely into a coat pocket,briefcase or purse and is a perfect gift for a person on the go whowants to keep the Word on hand at work or when traveling.Page Count: 1568 Trim Size: 3 15 /16 x 5 11 /16 Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB006000 BIBLES/King James Version/GeneralECPA: King James Version/Specialty & Misc./Large & GiantPrint Text: 8.25 ptFeatures• Words of Christ in red• End of verse references• How to Read the <strong>Bible</strong>Through (52-weekreading plan)• Favorite readings• Messianic propheciesand their fulfillments• Harmony of the Gospels• Miracles of Christ• Parables of Christ• Eight 4-color maps• Concise concordance• Presentation page*Page Count: 1568 Trim Size: 3 15 /16 x 5 11 /16 Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB006000 BIBLES/King James Version/GeneralECPA: King James Version/Specialty & Misc./Large & Giant PrintText: 8.25 ptMore about new styles on page 4.ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5581-9876-0 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $14.99978-1-5581-9878-4 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $14.99978-1-5581-9877-7 Blue Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $14.99978-1-5864-0465-9 Burgundy Simulated Leather w/ heat stamped Cross Design Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-5864-0464-2 Brown Simulated Leather w/ heat stamped Cross Design Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-5864-0515-1 Brown/Tan Duotone Simulated Leather w/ foil stamped Cross Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-4336-0227-6 Brown/Purple DuotoneSimulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-4336-0224-5 Brown/Blue DuotoneSimulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-4336-0300-6 NEW Pink/Brown Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99978-1-4336-0292-4 NEW Mahogany Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.99SNAP FLAP978-1-5581-9879-1 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap Flap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-5581-9881-4 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap Flap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-5581-9880-7 Blue Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap Flap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-5581-9882-1 Chesnut Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap Flap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-5581-9883-8 Pine Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap Flap Gilded-Gold $17.99978-1-4336-0226-9 Brown Simulated Leather Snap Flap Gilded-Gold $19.99*Due to an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.621-800-251-3225

Compact/Portable <strong>Bible</strong>s KJVKJV Pocket-Size<strong>Bible</strong>These pocket-sized <strong>Bible</strong>s make perfect giftsfor a variety of occasions and they feature thelargest type size of any Pocket <strong>Bible</strong> available.Features• 4-color Presentation Pages (Presentedto; Occasions to Remember)• Daily Bread Reading Plan• Jesus and the Ten Commandments• Predictions Made By Jesus• Prophecies of Jesus’ Second Coming• Subject Index to the Old andNew Testaments• Tables of Weights and Measures• The Apostles and Their History• The Harmony of the Life of Christ• The Miracles of Jesus• The Parables of Jesus• Titles of Jesus• Topical subheads• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Where to Turn verse encouragements• Why Read the King James Version?by Calvin Miller• Words of Jesus highlighted in redPage Count: 1024 Trim Size: 4 1 /8 x 6¼ Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: BIB006000 BIBLES/King James Version/GeneralECPA: King James Version/Specialty & Misc./CompactText: 7 ptISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5864-0192-4 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.97978-1-5864-0193-1 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $19.97978-1-5864-0194-8 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap Flap Gilded-Gold $24.97978-1-5864-0195-5 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap Flap Gilded-Gold $24.97978-1-5864-0196-2 British Tan Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Snap Flap Gilded-Gold $24.97BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com63

KJV Super Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>s*KJV Super Giant Print<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>Page Count: 2016 Trim Size: 7 1 /16 x 10 5 /16Carton Quantity: 8 BISAC: BIB006040 BIBLES/KingJames Version/<strong>Reference</strong> ECPA: King James Version/Specialty & Misc./Large & Giant Print Text: 18 ptFeatures• 4-color Presentation Pages• A Harmony of the Life of Christ• A Survey of Each Book ofthe <strong>Bible</strong>• Appearances After theResurrection• Eight 4-color maps• How to Read the <strong>Bible</strong> ThroughMore about new styles on page 5.• End of paragraph Jewel Verse<strong>Reference</strong> System TM• Miracles of Our Lord• Parables of Our Lord• Plan of Salvation• Topical Concordance• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• Word of Jesus highlighted in redISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5581-9634-6 Black Simulated Leather Die-Cut Stained Gold $29.99978-1-5581-9635-3 Black Simulated Leather – Indexed Die-Cut Stained Gold $39.99978-1-5581-9638-4 Burgundy Simulated Leather Die-Cut Stained Gold $29.99978-1-5581-9639-1 Burgundy Simulated Leather – Indexed Die-Cut Stained Gold $39.99978-1-5581-9636-0 Blue Simulated Leather Die-Cut Stained Gold $29.99978-1-5581-9637-7 Blue Simulated Leather – Indexed Die-Cut Stained Gold $39.99978-1-5581-9640-7 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.99978-1-5581-9641-4 Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-5581-9642-1 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $39.99978-1-5581-9643-8 Burgundy Bonded Leather w/ribbon marker – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-5864-0186-3 Black Genuine Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-5864-0187-0 Black Genuine Leather – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $79.99978-1-5864-0188-7 Burgundy Genuine Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $69.99978-1-5864-0189-4 Burgundy Genuine Leather – Indexed Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $79.99978-1-4336-0294-8 NEW Black/Burgundy Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99978-1-4336-0293-1 NEW Black/Tan Duotone Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Gold $49.99*KJV Pulpit <strong>Bible</strong>Features• Super giant 18 point type• Giant print study helps• <strong>Bible</strong> book survey• Favorite <strong>Bible</strong> readings• 52-week reading plan• Self-pronouncing text• Full-color maps• Words of Christ in red• Messianic prophesies noted• “How to read through the<strong>Bible</strong>” section• Miracles and parables ofour Lord• Harmony of the Gospels• Family records section• Giant-print concordance• Presentation page• Plan of SalvationISBN: 978-1-5864-0190-0 Price: $79.99 Format: Black Padded Hardcover w/ribbon marker Binding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: Gilded-GoldPage Count: 2016 Trim Size: 7 1 /16 x 10 5 /16 Carton Quantity: 8 BISAC: BIB006040 BIBLES/King James Version/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: King James Version/Specialty & Misc./Large & Giant Print Text: 18 pt*Due to an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.641-800-251-3225

Ministry <strong>Bible</strong>s KJVKJV Gift & Award <strong>Bible</strong>Features• Words of Christ in red• History of the <strong>Bible</strong>• History of the apostles• Favorite <strong>Bible</strong> stories• Self-pronouncing text• <strong>Bible</strong> dictionary• Redi-reference section• Full-color presentationpage• “Life of Jesus” chart• Harmony of the Gospels• Four-color mapsISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-0-8798-1460-1 Black Imitation Leather Die-Cut Stained Gold $6.99978-0-8798-1461-8 Blue Imitation Leather Die-Cut Stained Gold $6.99978-0-8798-1464-9 White Imitation Leather Die-Cut Stained Gold $6.99978-0-8798-1463-2 Burgundy Imitation Leather Die-Cut Stained Gold $6.99Page Count: 768 Trim Size: 5 5 /16 x 7 11 /16Carton Quantity: 32BISAC: BIB006060 BIBLES/King JamesVersion/Text ECPA: King James Version/Text/Gift & Award Text: 8 ptKJV Pew <strong>Bible</strong>Features• Durably bound for years of use• Binding colors coordinate withBaptist HymnalsISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-5581-9250-8 Black Hardcover White $10.99978-1-4336-0184-2 Blue Hardcover White $10.99978-1-4336-0041-8 Deep Garnet Maroon Hardcover White $10.99Page Count: 1080 Trim Size: 51/2 x 8Carton Quantity: 24 BISAC: BIB006060BIBLES/King James Version/Text ECPA: KingJames Version/Text/Pew Text: 8 ptKJV Gift <strong>Bible</strong>: Premium EditionThe KJV Gift <strong>Bible</strong>: Premium Edition (available in gray or purple simulatedleather) is nicely designed and affordably priced for those seeking the perfectgift for a variety of occasions.Features• A Short History of the Holy <strong>Bible</strong>• Words of Christ in red• Redi-<strong>Reference</strong> Topical Concordance• <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary• Miracles and Parables of Our Lord• Chart and Harmony of theLife of Christ• The Apostles and Their History• Two four-color maps(Palestine in the time of Jesus,Paul’s missionary journeys)ISBN Binding Material Binding Style PAGE edges price978-1-4336-0258-0 Gray Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $14.99978-1-4336-0259-7 Purple Simulated Leather Semi-Overlap Gilded-Silver $14.99Page Count: 768 Trim Size: 5 5 /16 x 7 11 /16Carton Quantity: 32 BISAC: BIB006000BIBLES/King James Version/General ECPA:King James Version/Specialty & Misc./Gift &Award Text: 8 ptBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com65

KJV Family <strong>Bible</strong>sKJV Cornerstone Family <strong>Bible</strong> &Holman Family <strong>Bible</strong> - Deluxe EditionFeaturesCornerstone Family <strong>Bible</strong>• 20 Masters’ paintings, full color• Three-column format• Finding God’s Will as a Familyby Charles Swindoll• Padded cover with full color onlay• Words of Christ in red• Key Verse call-out on most pages• Presentation page• 15-page family records sectionISBN: 978-1-5581-9887-6Price: $19.97Format: White Simulated Leather w/ribbon markerBinding Style: Padded HardcoverPage Edges: Gold StainedPage Count: 560Trim Size: 8¼ x 103/4Carton Quantity: 8BISAC: BIB006000 BIBLES/King James Version/General ECPA: King James Version/Specialty &Misc./FamilyText: 9 ptFeaturesHolman Family <strong>Bible</strong> - Deluxe Edition• 32 full-color Masters’ paintings• Finding God’s Will as a Familyby Charles Swindoll• Padded cover with full-color onlay of Christand gold foil stamping• Two-column format• Words of Christ in red• A Short History of the Holy <strong>Bible</strong>• A Chart of the Life of Jesus Christ• A Harmony of the Life of Christ• Miracles of Our Lord• Parables of Our Lord• Redi-reference• Favorite <strong>Bible</strong> stories• <strong>Bible</strong> dictionary• Presentation page• Beautiful 15-page family records section• Full-color gift box (lid and tray)ISBN: 978-1-5581-9886-9 Price: $49.99 Format: White BondedLeather w/ribbon marker Binding Style: Padded HardcoverPage Edges: Gilded-Gold Page Count: 768 Trim Size: 8¼ x 103/4Carton Quantity: 8 BISAC: BIB006000 BIBLES/King JamesVersion/General ECPA: King James Version/Specialty & Misc./Family Text: 10 pt661-800-251-3225

Specialty <strong>Bible</strong>s KJVKJV Minister’s <strong>Bible</strong>Holman’s premiere edition of the KJV Minister’s<strong>Bible</strong> is ideal for pulpit use with its large type, widemargins, and extensive ancillary notes from manyof today’s top preachers and church leadershipvoices. It’s the perfect presentation item for a varietyof special occasions including Pastor AppreciationMonth (October).Features• Lifetime guarantee• Two-piece gift box• Two column <strong>Bible</strong> text setting• One inch outside margins for taking notes• Sixty-six page KJV concordance• Eight 4-color maps• Where to Turn When…• Plan of Salvation• Four-color presentation page• Various wedding and funeral outlinesby Jim Henry• “Why Read the King James Version?”by Calvin Miller• “8 Traits of Effective Church Leaders”by Thom S. Rainer• “21 Essentials of Authentic Ministry”by James T. Draper• “Four Kinds of Expositional Preaching”by Ed Stetzer• “30 Keys to Giving an Invitation”by O. S. Hawkins• “Leading a Child to Christ” by Bill Emeott• “Reaching Students with the Gospel”by Lynn H. Pryor• “The Importance of Baptism and Communion”by Rick White• Commitment Counseling• The Christian Year and Church Calendar• The Apostles and Their History• Table of Weights and Measures• Large, easy-to-read type• Miracles of Our Lord• Parables of Our Lord• Plan of Salvation• Table of contents• Topical Concordance• Two-column <strong>Bible</strong> text settingISBN-13: 978-1-4336-0078-4Retail Price: $59.99 Format: Black Simulated LeatherPage Count: 1616 Trim Size: 6 3 /8 x 9¼Spine Width: 1.5” Weight: 2 lbs Carton Quantity: 18BISAC: BIB006060 BIBLES/King James Version/TextECPA: King James Version/Text/Pastor & PreachingText: 11.5 ptBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com67

KJV Evangelismfor a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.3And he went out about the third hour, andsaw others standing idle in the marketplace,4And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard,and whatsoever is right I will give you.And they went their way.5Again he went out about the sixth and ninthKJV hour, and did Here’s likewise.6HopeAnd about the eleventh hour he went out,and found others standing idle, and saith untoNew them, Why stand Testamentye here all the day idle?23And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the bap7They say unto him, Because no man hath tism that I am baptized with: but to sit on mhired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into right hand, and on my left, is not mine to givethe vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall but it shall be given to them for whom it is preye receive.8• Easy-to-read formatpared of my Father.So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard• saith Convenient unto his steward, sizeCall the labourers, with indignation against the two brethren.24And when the ten heard it, they were moveand • give Priced them their for hire, quantity beginning purchasefrom the last25But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Yunto • the “Roman first.9Road” plan of salvationknow that the princes of the Gentiles exercisAnd when they came that were hired aboutFeaturesthe eleventh hour, they received every man apenny.10But when the first came, they supposed that soever will be great among you, let him be youISBN: they should 978-1-5581-9231-7 have received Price: more; $1.75 and they Format: likewisereceived Style: every Flush man Cut a Page penny. Edges: White Page 27Paperback minister;Binding And Count: whosoever 308 will be chief among you, le11Trim And Size: when 5 1 /8 x they 7 3 /8 Carton had received Quantity: it, they 48 murmuredBIB006030 against the goodman BIBLES/King of the James house,him be your servant:BISAC:28Version/New Even Testament as the Son & Portions of man came not to be min12ECPA: Saying, King James These last Version/New have wrought Testament/Generalbut one istered unto, but to minister, and to give his lifText:hour,9andptthou hast made them equal unto us,which have borne the burden and heat of theday.13But he answered one of them, and said,Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agreewith me for a penny?14Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will giveunto this last, even as unto thee.15Is it not lawful for me to do what I willwith mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I amgood?desiring a certain thing of him.21And he said unto her, What wilt thou? Shsaith unto him, Grant that these my two sonmay sit, the one on thy right hand, and the otheon the left in thy kingdom.22But Jesus answered and said, Ye know nowhat ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cuthat I shall drink of, and to be baptized with thbaptism that I am baptized with? They say unthim, We are able.dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.26But it shall not be so among you: but whoa ransom for many.29And as they departed from Jericho, a greamultitude followed him.30And, behold, two blind men sitting by thway side, when they heard that Jesus passed bycried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lordthou son of David.31And the multitude rebuked them, becausthey should hold their peace: but they cried thmore, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thoson of David.KJV VBS Book.indb 20 6/3/08KJV Share Jesus WithoutFear New TestamentFeatures• Brass corner reinforcements• Convenient pocket size• Introduction and special notes by Bill Fay• Presentation Page• Single-column text• Three-step witnessing plan withsuggested Scriptures• Topical subheads• Words of Jesus highlighted in redISBN: 978-1-5581-9793-0 Price: $12.99Format: Black Bonded Leather w/ribbon markerBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: Gilded-SilverPage Count: 512Trim Size: 3¼ x 6¼ Carton Quantity: 48BISAC: BIB006030 BIBLES/King James Version/New Testament& Portions ECPA: King James Version/New Testament/GeneralText: 7.75 pt681-800-251-3225


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CSB/CUVMandarin CSB/CUV Parallel New TestamentThe Mandarin CSB/CUV Parallel New Testament pairs the most widely used Chinese Union Version (CUV) withthe premiere of the all-new Chinese Standard <strong>Bible</strong> (CSB). Honoring tradition while presenting God’s Word in afresh linguistic style carefully translated by prominent Chinese <strong>Bible</strong> scholars, this special edition is released inpartnership with the Asia <strong>Bible</strong> Society. The black bonded leather and gift box help present an affordable, higherquality New Testament with more features than other Chinese <strong>Bible</strong> products.BEST SELLING POINTS• The CSB is based on the original biblicallanguages and translated directly intoMandarin Chinese. The Asia <strong>Bible</strong> Societybased its translation philosophy on theHCSB ® , one of the most popular Englishlanguage translations today.• Global Chinese population is 1.3 billion.• Large number of evangelical Chinese peoplein major U.S. cities including Los Angeles,San Francisco, Seattle, and New York.Features• Full-color presentation page and maps• CSB translation introduction• Words of Christ in red• Plan of Salvation• Where to Turn When… scripture finder• ConcordanceThe Asia <strong>Bible</strong> Society was established for the sole purpose of <strong>Bible</strong> translation, assembling and supporting teamsof scholars, editors, stylists, and proofreaders in many <strong>Bible</strong> translation projects now under way in Asia. It providesa systematic approach and methodology to <strong>Bible</strong> translation, developing software tools and platforms to facilitatebetter practices and collaboration among interdisciplinary teams working to advance Biblical interpretation throughlanguage analysis.201 3 : 30ISBN-13: 978-1-4336-0012-8Retail Price: $14.99 Format: Black bonded leather with two-piece gift boxBinding Style: Semi-overlap Page Edges: Gilded goldPage Count: 13 688 Trim Size: • 5 3 a 若 说 天 上 的 事 , 如 何 能 信 呢 ? 13 /8 x 81/2 Carton Quantity: 28 除 了 从BISAC: BIB018060 14 BIBLES/Other Translations/Text天 降 下 仍 旧 在 天 的 人 子 , 没 有 人 升 过 天 。 15 14ECPA Category: Other Languages/Parallel 摩 西 & 在 Interlinear/General旷 野 怎 样 举 蛇 , 人 子 也 必 照 样 b 被 举 起 来 , 15 叫 一 切 信 他 的 都 得 永 生 a 。7216 • 17 c 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 d 26 1-800-251-322516“ 神 爱 世 人 , 甚 至 将 他 的 独 生 子 赐给 他 们 , 叫 一 切 信 他 的 不 致 灭 亡 , 反 得 永生 。 17 因 为 神 差 他 的 儿 子 降 世 , 不 是 要 定世 人 的 罪 b , 乃 是 要 叫 世 人 因 他 得 救 。 18 信他 的 人 不 被 定 罪 , 不 信 的 人 罪 已 经 定 了 ,因 为 他 不 信 神 独 生 子 的 名 。19“ 光 来 到 世 间 , 世 人 因 自 己 的 行 为是 恶 的 , 不 爱 光 倒 爱 黑 暗 , 定 他 们 的 罪就 是 在 此 。 20 凡 作 恶 的 便 恨 光 , 并 不 来就 光 , 恐 怕 他 的 行 为 受 责 备 ; 21 但 行 真理 的 必 来 就 光 , 要 显 明 他 所 行 的 是 靠 神而 行 。”22这 事 以 后 , 耶 稣 和 门 徒 到 了 犹 太地 , 在 那 里 居 住 , 施 洗 。 23 约 翰 在 靠 近撒 冷 的 哀 嫩 也 施 洗 , 因 为 那 里 水 多 , 众人 都 去 受 洗 。 24 那 时 约 翰 还 没 有 下 在 监里 。 25 约 翰 的 门 徒 和 一 个 犹 太 人 辩 论 洁净 的 礼 , 26 就 来 见 约 翰 , 说 :“ 拉 比 , 从前 同 你 在 约 旦 河 外 、 你 所 见 证 的 那 位 , 现在 施 洗 , 众 人 都 往 他 那 里 去 了 。” 27 约 翰说 :“ 若 不 是 从 天 上 赐 的 , 人 就 不 能 得 什么 。 28 我 曾 说 我 不 是 基 督 , 是 奉 差 遣 在 他


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REF.If God Made theUniverse, WhoMade God?Christian apologetics is the discipline and growingbody of knowledge that equips believers to addresstheir own doubts, to converse with seekers and criticsfrom a position of strength, and to bear witness toChrist with confidence. This book collects 130 essayswritten in defense of the Christian faith. Contributorsinclude some of the preeminent apologists of ourtime, from Lee Strobel and Charles Colson to HankHanegraaff, J. P. Moreland, and Ravi Zacharias. Thecontent is arranged into ten topics:Features• Apologetics: Introductory Issues• Ethics• Jesus Christ• Theology• Science and Faith• The Scriptures• Cults and World Religions• Heaven and Hell• The Existence of God• EvangelismISBN: 978-0-8054-9580-5 Price: $9.99Format: Trade Paper Page Count: 224Trim Size: 5 x 81/2 Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: REL067030 RELIGION/Christian Theology/ApologeticsECPA: Theology/Theology & Doctrine/ApologeticsBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com75

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REF.Holman QuickSource GuidesThe ancients no longer walk among us. Their times are forgotten, their cities are covered over by water and earth,and their languages are no longer spoken. But there is a way back. A chance to walk in the ancient ways, explore thecities of renown, and comprehend the old tongues. Let the Holman QuickSource Guides take you there and help inunderstanding the <strong>Bible</strong> times, or help in understanding and defending your faith in the modern age.dead sea scrolls• Provides an understanding and overviewof the Dead Sea Scrolls• Outlines their importance to Christianity• Addresses the scholarship and discoveryof the Scrolls• Includes key dates and archaeologicalsignificanceDICTIONARY• Definitions of people, places, things, events,and theological concepts in the <strong>Bible</strong>• Full-color maps, photos, charts, andreconstructions of biblical objects• Summary definitions that begin eachentry for quick reference• A variety of <strong>Bible</strong> translations used —the only dictionary that includes HCSB,NIV, KJV, RSV, NRSV, REB, NASB,ESV, and TEV.atlas• Sparks interest in <strong>Bible</strong> study• Easy to carry• Organized for easy use• Four-color maps, photos, charts,and reconstructions• Over 100 four-color maps• Over 20 full-color reconstructionsof places or objects in the <strong>Bible</strong>APOLOGETICS• Time-honored approaches for a new generation• Four-color interiors• The perfect addition to our QuickSource series• Visit www.apologeticsbible.com for moreapologetics study toolsBIBLE• Kivar cover, four-color throughout• Photos, maps, charts• What the name of the book means;key texts; key term; one-sentence summary• God’s message in the book; God’s story;original historical setting; literary featuresJESUS• Old Testament teachings about God, humanity,and Messiah• The impact of Jesus on history• Jesus in the twenty-first century• An overview of Jesus’ inheritance, life,the Cross, His teachings, and His followersALL GUIDESFormat: Soft CoverBinding Style: Lay FlatCarton Quantity: 28Page Edges: WhiteTrim Size: 5 x 91/4CREATION• A one-stop source for grasping key issuesand understanding the perspectives differentChristians take as they try to arrive at a solidunderstanding of the biblical and scientifictestimonies about creation.BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com77

REF.Illustrated Life of JesusPocket <strong>Reference</strong> Editionby Herschel H. HobbsThe tranquil Sea of Galilee at sunrise, the snow-cappedpeaks of Mount Hermon, and the majestic temple inJerusalem: see where Christ walked, preached, andministered in this pocket-size edition of Illustrated Lifeof Jesus. More than 250 full-color photos and graphicsadd clarity to significant artifacts and locations relatedto his teaching and time on earth. They are pairedwith an illuminating narrative by noted theologianHerschel H. Hobbs who retraces Christ’s life from theannouncement of his birth to his glorious ascension.Features• This pocket-size overview of the life of Jesuscombines a neatly arranged narrative by theologianHerschel Hobbs with more than 250 full-colorphotographs, maps, charts, and illustrations.• Newly redesigned to match the look, size, andexceptionally low price of Holman’s popularillustrated pocket reference books.Release Date: November 1, 2011ISBN: 978-0-8054-9541-6Price: $9.99Format: Trade paperPage Count: 340Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2Carton Quantity: 36BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Jesus, the Gospels & ActsECPA: Biblical Studies/New Testament Studies/Gospels & Acts182A shepherd caring for a single sheep183that there is more rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner than overthe many who do not regard themselves as needing to repent.The second parable was like unto the first. It pictured a woman who hadten pieces of silver but had lost one of them. Jesus portrayed the diligentsearch of the woman until she had found the lost coin, and He repeated thelesson derived from the first parable.The third parable, however, took on quite a different turn. Whereasthe first two emphasized heaven’s joy over finding one lost person as overagainst those who did not consider themselves to be lost, the third parablecontrasted the Father’s attitude toward the lost with that of the Pharisees.It is commonly called the Parable of the Prodigal Son, referring to the lostone. Actually Jesus placed His emphasis upon the merciless attitude of theelder brother.The story is too familiar to need recounting, but certain elements willbear emphasis. The younger son, chafing under the father’s discipline,went into a far country where he wasted his inheritance in foolish living.The degree of his degeneracy is seen in that he wound up feeding swinewhich were not his own. Imagine a Jew in such a predicament! Finally herealized what a mess he had made of his life, and in abject repentance hedetermined to return to his father’s house. In unparalleled art Jesus picturedthe yearning heart of the father. The son had determined to request,not that he be restored to as a son, but that he simply be allowed to be as ahired servant. Before he could finish his repentant request, his compasionatefather restored him to full sonship. Actually in the father’s heart hehad never ceased to be a son or the object of his father’s love. It was onlythat his sin had separated him from his father’s grace. His forgiveness andrestoration waited only upon his repentance, and to celebrate the lost son’sreturn, the father made a great feast.Sample InteriorILJBook.indb 1833/18/10 9:30:33 AM781-800-251-3225

REF.Holman Illustrated<strong>Bible</strong> DictionaryThe Holman Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary sets thestandard for what a <strong>Bible</strong> dictionary should be—avast storehouse of easy-to-find, easy-to-grasp, usefulinformation. Designed both for those who needinformation quickly and those who want in-depthtreatments on hundreds of topics.Features• 630 full-color photos and illustrations• 12 charts• 29 unique scale drawings and reconstructionsof biblical places and objects based on carefularchaeological research• 62 new, full-color maps• Major articles on theological topics• Collective articles on plants, animals,occupations, etc.• Pronunciation guide for all proper nounsand other hard-to-pronounce words• Archaeological information from excavationsin Israel• Time line of biblical history compared toworld history• Summary definitions begin each entry forquick reference. Exhaustive definitions ofpeople, places, things, events, and theologicalconcepts—practically every subject in the <strong>Bible</strong>• A variety of <strong>Bible</strong> translations used—the onlydictionary to include the HCSB, NIV, KJV, RSV,NRSV, REB, NASB, ESV, and TEV• Many articles based on the original languagesbut written in user-friendly style. Technicallanguage and abbreviations avoided.• Extensive cross-referencing of related articles• Quicktabs—marginal alphabetical guides forquick and easy location of informationISBN: 978-0-8054-2836-0 Price: $29.97Format: Printed Hardcover Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: White Page Count: 1744Trim Size: 61/2 x 91/4 Carton Quantity: 6BISAC: REL006670 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/Dictionaries& Encyclopedias ECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/DictionaryText: 7 pt6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.Sample InteriorPAGESBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com79

REF.Holman Giant PrintIllustrated<strong>Bible</strong> DictionaryThe Holman Giant Print Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary isthe most comprehensive, four-color <strong>Bible</strong> dictionary inthe world, containing more than 3,600 entries arrangedalphabetically and lavishly illustrated throughout.Featuring the largest type available in the giant printformat, this essential <strong>Bible</strong> reference tool will bewelcomed by the large percentage of persons who usereading glasses today.Features• Over 300 full-color photos and illustrations• Contains over 3,600 entries• Features the largest type available in the giantprint format.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9497-6 Price: $19.99 Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: WhitePage Count: 400 Trim Size: 81/4 x 10 7 /8 Carton Quantity: 10BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralText: 14 ptTEXT SAMPLE(ACTUAL SIZE) 14 pt801-800-251-3225

REF.Holman Illustrated<strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary for KidsThe Holman Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary for Kids helpschildren ages 5 to 10 understand 750 <strong>Bible</strong> terms throughvivid design and clear definitions. More than 500 of thefeatured words are paired with full-color photographs,illustrations, maps, or reconstructions to enhancecomprehension.This unique reference tool is perfect for churchclassrooms, families, home-schooling environments,Christian school classrooms and libraries, churchlibraries, and public libraries.Features• A <strong>Bible</strong> reference product for kids ages 5 to 10that defines 750 key words, people, places, andconcepts, 500 of them accompanied by color photos,illustrations, maps, and more.• Content is provided by the Children and Preschooldepartment at one of the largest church resourceproviders in the world and will be advertised toSunday school leaders and churches nationwide.• An excellent companion to the bestselling HolmanStudy Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> for Kids (150,000 units soldto date).ISBN: 978-0-8054-9531-7Price: $14.99Format: Printed Hardcover Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: White Page Count: 224Trim Size: 81/2 x 11 Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: JNF049010 JUVENILE NONFICTION/Religion/Biblical StudiesECPA: Youth/Youth Interests/<strong>Bible</strong> StudyAaBbCcArkArkA large boat God told Noah to build because God was planning to send a flood on the earth.Genesis 6:14-16Asia/Asia MinorArmor of GodArmor is the protective covering for the body used by soldiers in battle. Paul refereed the “armor of God” as a way forChristians to battle evil: a belt of truth, breastplate (vest) of righteousness, sandals of the gospel, shield of faith, helmet ofsalvation, and the sword of God’s Word. Ephesians 6:13-18AaBbCcDdDdEeEeFfFfGgGgHhHhJjJjKkKkLlLlMmMmNnNnOoPpArtist’s rendering of Noah’s Ark.Illustration:Answers in Genesis,used by permission.OoPpQqQqRrRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZzArk of theCovenantA wooden box covered ingold that contained thestone tablets on which theTen Commandments werewritten, a jar of manna, andAaron’s rod that budded.Hebrews 9:3-410Ascension(uh SEN shuhn) To moveupward. Jesus ascended toheaven at the end of Hisministry on earth.Acts 1:9-10Asia/Asia Minor(AY zhuh; AY zhuh MIGH nuhr) A Roman province on thewest of Asia Minor whose capital was Ephesus. The citiesof Asia Minor were located on the Anatolian peninsula(modern-day Turkey). They included Alexandria Troas,Assos, Ephesus, Miletus, Patara, Smyrna, Pergamum,Sardis, Thyatira, Philadelphia, Laodicea, Colossae, Attalia,Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, and Tarsus.Acts 16:611SsTtUuVvWwXxYyZzSAMPLE INTERIORBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com81

REF.The Holman <strong>Bible</strong>Concordance for KidsA Personal Guide Through the Word forKids Who Want AnswersExciting graphics, creative style, and a wealth ofresources make this a dynamic guide to Scripturefor young people.Features• Pronunciation guide for <strong>Bible</strong> words• Definitions of biblical terms• <strong>Reference</strong> maps• Graphic interior design• Comprehensive Scripture references• Personal note pagesISBN: 978-0-8054-9373-3Price: $14.99Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: WhitePage Count: 350Trim Size: 6 x 9Carton Quantity: 16BISAC: REL006660 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/ConcordancesECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/ConcordanceSAMPLE INTERIOR PAGE821-800-251-3225

REF.Holman ConciseTopical ConcordanceFeatures• Hundreds of contemporary and traditional topicsarranged alphabetically• Thousands of <strong>Bible</strong> verses cited• Line drawings of <strong>Bible</strong> artifacts, buildings, and placesISBN: 978-0-8054-9549-2 Price: $14.99Format: Printed Hardcover Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: White Page Count: 696Trim Size: 51/4 x 81/4 Carton Quantity: 16BISAC: REL006660 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/ConcordancesECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/ConcordanceHolman Concise<strong>Bible</strong> CommentarySimple Straight forward Commentaryon Every Book of the <strong>Bible</strong>Features• Introductions to the ten major units of Scripture• Commentary on each of the 66 books of the <strong>Bible</strong>• Sidebars for those who want more depth on a topicISBN: 978-0-8054-9546-1 Price: $14.99Format: Printed Hardcover Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: White Page Count: 688Trim Size: 51/4 x 81/4 Carton Quantity: 16BISAC: REL006050 RELIGION/Biblical Commentary/GeneralECPA: Biblical Studies/Commentaries/One VolumeHolman Concise<strong>Bible</strong> DictionaryFeatures• Over 2,800 entries• Summary of each <strong>Bible</strong> book• Articles on how the <strong>Bible</strong> relates to contemporary topics: abortion,AIDS, animal rights, assisted suicide, birth control, birth defects,career, child abuse, credit cards, cremation, and dinosaursISBN: 978-0-8054-9548-5 Price: $14.99Format: Printed Hardcover Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: White Page Count: 664Trim Size: 51/4 x 81/4 Carton Quantity: 16BISAC: REL006670 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/Dictionaries & EncyclopediasECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/DictionaryALSO AVAILABLE AS A 3 VOLUME SETISBN: 978-0-8054-2837-7 Price: $29.97BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com83

REF.Holman IllustratedPocket <strong>Bible</strong> DictionaryFeatures• Four-color throughout• Color photographs, maps,reconstructions, and charts• Concise definitions• Based on a wide varietyof <strong>Bible</strong> translations• Light weight• CompactISBN: 978-1-5864-0314-0 Price: $9.99 Format: Trade Paper Binding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 400 Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2 Carton Quantity: 32BISAC: REL006670 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/Dictionaries & EncyclopediasECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/DictionaryHolman IllustratedPocket <strong>Bible</strong> HandbookFeatures• Four-color throughout• Color photographs, maps,reconstructions, and charts• Overview of each book ofthe <strong>Bible</strong>• Key verses in each book• Key word for each book• One sentence summaryof the book• Background informationthat sets the context forunderstanding the bookISBN: 978-1-5864-0313-3 Price: $9.99 Format: Trade Paper Binding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 400 Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2 Carton Quantity: 32BISAC: REL006680 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/HandbooksECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/HandbookHolman Pocket <strong>Bible</strong>ConcordanceFeatures• 6,241 Key Words• 1,084 biographical or geographical references• 48,893 Scriptures citedISBN: 978-0-8054-9452-5 Price: $7.97 Format: Trade Paper Binding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 640 Trim Size: 4 3 /8 x 61/2 Carton Quantity: 32BISAC: REL006660 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/ConcordancesECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/Concordance841-800-251-3225

REF.HCSB ComprehensiveConcordanceA Complete Concordance of TermsProviding Fast Access to the Entire <strong>Bible</strong>The HCSB Comprehensive Concordance is an essentialtool for the pastor as well as for any serious student ofthe <strong>Bible</strong>. It contains 300,000 concordance entries. Only362 common words are omitted; all the rest of the wordsin the HCSB ® are completely listed. This book will assurethat you can find the passage you are looking for, and itwill be indispensable for your word studies and devotions.Because it is smaller than an exhaustive concordance,it can be kept handy at your desk or carried with you tochurch and <strong>Bible</strong> study.Features• The only comprehensive concordance availablefor the HCSB ®• Approximately 300,000 concordance entries• All included words are completely listed• Smaller format than an exhaustive concordanceISBN: 978-0-8054-9459-4Price: $19.97Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: WhitePage Count: 1216Trim Size: 61/2 x 91/4Carton Quantity: 6BISAC: REL006660 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/ConcordancesECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/ConcordanceBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com85

REF.HCSB Super GiantPrint Dictionary &ConcordanceAccording to The National Eye Institute, millions ofAmericans are visually impaired, and numbers areexpected to greatly increase over the next thirty yearsas Baby Boomers age, and eyestrain from computer usecontinues among all generations. The 18-point “Aphont”type of the HCSB Super Giant Print Dictionary andConcordance is designed specifically for persons who arevisually impaired.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9489-1Price: $29.99Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: WhitePage Count: 1320Trim Size: 7 1 /16 x 10 15 /16Carton Quantity: 6BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralText: 18 ptTEXT SAMPLE (ACTUAL SIZE) 18 pt861-800-251-3225

REF.KJV Super GiantPrint Dictionary &ConcordanceAccording to The National Eye Institute, more Americansare visually impaired than ever before, and the numbersare expected to greatly increase over the next thirty yearsas Baby Boomers age, and eyestrain from computer usecontinues to have an effect among all generations.In this context, the KJV Super Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>Dictionary and Concordance is unique as a <strong>Bible</strong>reference tool. The 18-point “APHont” type, created bythe American <strong>Publishing</strong> House for the Blind, is designedspecifically for persons who are visually impaired.This edition features more than five thousand dictionaryentries and forty thousand Scripture references basedon one of the world’s most beloved and popular <strong>Bible</strong>translations.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9492-1Price: $24.99Format: Printed HardcoverPage Edges: WhitePage Count: 1248Trim Size: 7 1 /16 x 10 15 /16Carton Quantity: 6BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralText: 18 ptTEXT SAMPLE (ACTUAL SIZE) 18 ptBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com87

REF.HCSB Harmony ofthe GospelsHCSB Harmony of the Gospels is a standard, four-columnsynchronized reading of the Gospels based on the workof John A. Broadus and A.T. Robertson. In addition to theharmony itself, articles are included to addressissues that arise when one compares the four Gospelsand seeks to give a harmonized account of the life andteachings of Jesus. Designed for pastors, lay <strong>Bible</strong> teachers,professors, and students, this edition also features eightfour-color maps that illuminate Christ’s life and ministryplus the full text of the four Gospels from the HolmanChristian Standard <strong>Bible</strong> ® translation.Features• A standard four-column harmony of the Gospels(using the HCSB translation) based onthe work of John A. Broadus and A.T. Robertson.Also includes helpful articles and eight fullcolor maps.• Supported by ongoing campaigns for the HCSB–already one of the top five best-sellingtranslations in the United States.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9444-0Price: $24.99Format: Printed HardcoverPage Count: 400Trim Size: 7 x 10Spine Width: 0.9375”Weight: 1.8 lbsCarton Quantity: 18BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/<strong>Bible</strong>/<strong>Reference</strong>ECPA: <strong>Reference</strong>/<strong>Bible</strong> Study & <strong>Reference</strong>/<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>881-800-251-3225

REF.A Simplified Harmonyof the GospelsThe Gospel Harmonies presented in one seamless narrative,streamlined in chronological order.Features• The four Gospels woven into a single, running narrative• All Scriptures taken from the HCSB ®• Sidebars call attention to major themes and difficultpassages in the Gospels• Hundreds of study notes—a regular feature of everypage—illuminate the text• Useful for both lesson and sermon preparation aswell as stand-alone reading• Systematic reading plan for family worship anddevotional useISBN: 978-0-8054-9423-5 Price: $14.99 Format: Trade PaperBinding Style: Flush Cut Page Edges: WhitePage Count: 270 Trim Size: 8 x 10 Carton Quantity: 36BISAC: REL006710 RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Jesus, theGospels & Acts ECPA: Biblical Studies/New TestamentStudies/Gospel & ActsThe Secret of theTalpiot TombUnraveling the Mystery ofthe Jesus Family TombThe Secret of the Talpiot Tomb is a full-color text and visual presentationof the most compelling evidence for Jesus’ victory overdeath. Written by research professor Gary Habermas, consideredby many to be the world’s leading apologist for the historicity ofJesus’ resurrection, this case for Christ’s immortality is placed inthe context of new claims made about the alleged bones of Jesushaving been discovered in the so-called Talpiot Tomb located insoutheast Jerusalem.Features• The compelling case for Jesus’ resurrection as a historicalevent is presented here with great clarity, precision, andcolorful design.• Takes account of the ongoing debate between scholarsover the claim that the Talpiot Tomb contained Jesus’bones.• Provides believers with a frame of reference with whichthey can evaluate and respond to other such sensationalclaims that will be forthcoming.• Counters current wave of best-selling atheist books suchas God Is Not Great, The God Delusion, and Letters to aChristian Nation.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9506-5 Price: $7.99 Format: Trade PaperBinding Style: Flush Cut Page Edges: WhitePage Count: 96 Trim Size: 4 x 7 1 /8 Carton Quantity: 36BISAC: REL006710 RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Jesus, theGospels & Acts ECPA: Biblical Studies/New TestamentStudies/Jesus StudiesBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com89

REF.Holman <strong>Bible</strong> HandbookFind information on ancient civilizations, biblical chronology andarchaeology, practical study tips and the history of the <strong>Bible</strong> aswe know it today.Features• Articles, outlines, and commentary fromleading evangelical scholars• Full-color photos, illustrations,charts, and maps• Special section on historical backgroundand recent findings in biblical archaeology• Points out theological teaching andethical message of each <strong>Bible</strong> book• Study questions for further reflectionISBN: 978-1-5581-9332-1 Price: $24.97Format: Printed Hardcover Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: White Page Count: 912 Trim Size: 6 5 /8 x 9 3 /16Carton Quantity: 10BISAC: REL006680 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/Handbooks ECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/HandbookHolman Book ofBiblical Charts, Maps,and ReconstructionsVisualizing biblical people in the places and events that shapedworld history just became easier. This complete one-volume set ofcharts, maps and artist renderings of biblical cities and artifactswill open the eyes of your understanding in a fresh new way.ISBN: 978-1-5581-9359-8 Price: $17.99 Format: PrintedHardcover (Spiral Bound) Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: White Page Count: 176Trim Size: 81/2 x 11 Carton Quantity: 20BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralFeatures• Spiral binding allows book to open flat for easy displayand reference• 21 full-color pages of reconstructions of biblical citiesand objects• Color-coded tabs separate each section• 88 pages of charts summarize information succinctly• Time lines of biblical and church history shown in relationto world history• 52-week <strong>Bible</strong> reading plan• Cross-references to the Holman <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary and theHolman Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> Handbook• Tables of weights and measures• 22 pages of carefully detailed full-color maps of <strong>Bible</strong> lands• Map index901-800-251-3225

REF.Holman <strong>Bible</strong> AtlasMaps, charts, and color photographs guide readers through eachbiblical era, illustrating the land, sites, and archaeology of theancient world of the <strong>Bible</strong>. The Holman <strong>Bible</strong> Atlas includes anextended bibliography, 132 maps, 153 photos, and a text thatpresents a chronological overview of biblical history.Features• Accessible to laypersons and students• Enhances <strong>Bible</strong> teaching in classes and groups• 153 full-color photographs• Index of places• Ideal for ministers, Sunday school teachers,students of <strong>Bible</strong> colleges and seminaries• 140 mapsISBN: 978-1-5581-9709-1 Price: $29.97Format: Printed Hardcover Binding Style: Semi-OverlapPage Edges: White Page Count: 304 Trim Size: 81/2 x 11Carton Quantity: 16BISAC: REL006650 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/AtlasesECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/AtlasesHolman Treasury ofKey <strong>Bible</strong> WordsAccurate, detailed definitions of 400 key <strong>Bible</strong> words from theiroriginal Greek or Hebrew text.Features• English translation of the Hebrew or Greek word• Definition and transliteration of the word• Associated Strong’s numbers• Examples of how the word is used throughout the <strong>Bible</strong>• List of key <strong>Bible</strong> passages where the word occursISBN: 978-0-8054-9352-8 Price: $14.99 Format: PaperbackBinding Style: Flush Cut Page Edges: WhitePage Count: 440 Trim Size: 6 x 9 Carton Quantity: 28BISAC: REL006410 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/Language Study ECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/Word StudiesBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com91

REF.52 Words Every ChristianShould KnowIn 52 Words Every Christian Should Know, author KendellH. Easley provides a <strong>Bible</strong> verse in which each word orconcept is used, a succinct definition, and helpful articlesfurther explaining the significance of each entry. Finally,he poses interactive questions to the readers, drawing themcloser into a personal relationship with God.ISBN: 978-0-8054-4058-4 Price: $4.99Format: Trade Paper Binding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 128 Trim Size: 51/2 x 81/2Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: REL006410 RELIGION/Biblical<strong>Reference</strong>/Language Study ECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/Word StudiesFeatures Features• Informs on basic biblical and theological terms• Offers a basic understanding of essentialChristian words• Easley is also the author of The Illustrated Guide toBiblical History (see page 91 for more information).The Holman Guide toInterpreting the <strong>Bible</strong>Experience the basics of interpreting, applying, andcommunicating the Word of God in teaching and preaching.• The Importance of Biblical Interpretation• A Brief History of the Use and Interpretationof the <strong>Bible</strong>• Interpreting the <strong>Bible</strong>• Tying Interpretation to Life: Guidelines forApplication• Communicating the Results of Interpretation• Steps to interpretation are summarized in achart that assists with lesson or sermon preparationISBN: 978-0-8054-2858-2 Price: $5.99 Format: Trade PaperBinding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 104Trim Size: 51/4 x 81/4 Carton Quantity: 48BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/General921-800-251-3225

REF.The Illustrated Guideto Biblical HistoryWith Photos from the Archivesof the Biblical IllustratorPhotos, maps, time lines, and text all work together to helpstudents of the <strong>Bible</strong> come to a new level of understanding.Features• Prologue: The Need for Redemption• Chapter One: God Builds His Nation, 2091-931 BC• Chapter Two: God Educates His Nation, 931-586 BC• Chapter Three: God Keeps a Faithful Remnant, 586-6 BC• Chapter Four: God Purchases Redemption and Begins theKingdom, 6 BC-AD 30• Chapter Five: God Spreads the Kingdom Through theChurch, AD 30• Chapter Six: God Consummates His Eternal Kingdom• Redemption Completed• Epilogue: New Heaven and New EarthThe Illustrated Life of JesusWith four-color graphics and sidebar information about Jesus’teachings, this book features Herschel Hobbs’ beloved narrativeof the life of Christ that weaves together the Gospel writers’differing perspectives.ISBN: 978-0-8054-2834-6 Price: $24.99 Format: PrintedHardcover Binding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: WhitePage Count: 320 Trim Size: 8 x 10 Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: REL006630 RELIGION/Biblical Studies/History &Culture ECPA: Biblical Studies/General Studies/BiblicalHistory & CultureFeatures• Specific events in Christ’s life placed in a broaderhistorical context• Herschel Hobbs’ beloved narrative of the life of Christ• Visual references and side notes• Easy-to-use reference tool for both public and churchlibraries• Attractive, durable Smyth-sewn hardcover binding• Full-color maps• Selections from the HCSB ®ISBN: 978-0-8054-9368-9 Price: $24.99 Format: PrintedHardcover Binding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: WhitePage Count: 320 Trim Size: 8 x 10 Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: REL006710 RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Jesus, theGospels & Acts ECPA: Biblical Studies/New TestamentStudies/Jesus StudiesBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com93

REF.Word Pictures in theNew TestamentFeatures• Focuses on word pictures in the Greek• New Testament arranged in canonical order• New reader-friendly edition of a classic resource• Makes this important resource attractive to many more readers• Durable binding stands up under heavy use• Introduction to each book of the New TestamentAlso Available:Word Pictures6 Volume SetISBN: 978-0-8054-1307-6Price: $129.99ISBN: 978-0-8054-9055-8Price: $14.97 Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: WhitePage Count: 704 Trim Size: 6 x 9Carton Quantity: 16BISAC: REL006410 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/Language StudyECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/Word StudiesBoyd’s <strong>Bible</strong> DictionaryThough compact in size, this dictionary includes thousands of biblicalreferences. It lists and identifies proper names in the <strong>Bible</strong>, andprovides information on places and events described in Scripture—complete with pronunciations, definitions, and textual references.Features• Listing of proper names in the <strong>Bible</strong>• Additional information on places and eventsdescribed in Scripture• Textual referencesISBN: 978-0-8798-1087-0 Price: $6.99Format: Trade Paper Binding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 351Trim Size: 4 3 /16 x 61/2 Carton Quantity: 32BISAC: REL006670 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/Dictionaries & EncyclopediasECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/Dictionary941-800-251-3225

REF.Women’s EvangelicalCommentaryThe Women’s Evangelical Commentary is written for21st century women who love the <strong>Bible</strong> and want toprobe its depths under the guidance of women who haveunique scholarly preparation. The team is comprised ofonly women; and, without apology, has been preparedfor women to use. We are passionate about woman-towomanexposition, and the passages selected for commentaddress the needs of and questions from women. Mayevery woman who uses this commentary find a renewedcommitment of personal time and the determination toacquire resources that will unlock the riches of God’sWord for her and then make her a conduit for women whowant to pursue serious study of Scripture.Features• Introductory background (author, recipients,setting, outline, and themes)• Verse-by-verse exposition, giving special attentionto passages of interest to women withoutsidestepping difficult-to-interpret passages• Charts, maps, and word studies• Character sketches of women• Pronunciation guide for difficult proper names• Archaeological notes• Featured articles on topics of interest to women• Devotional insights and inspirational notes• Suggested bibliography for further studyNEW TESTAMENTISBN: 978-0-8054-9567-6Price: $39.99Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Notch AdhesivePage Edges: WhitePage Count: 1032Trim Size: 6 1 /8 x 91/4Carton Quantity: 12BISAC: REL006070 RELIGION/Biblical Commentary/New TestamentECPA: Biblical Studies/Commentaries/New TestamentOLD TESTAMENTISBN: 978-0-8054-2856-8Price: $44.99Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Notch AdhesivePage Edges: WhitePage Count: 1600Trim Size: 6 1 /8 x 91/4Carton Quantity: 10BISAC: REL006060 RELIGION/Biblical Commentary/Old TestamentECPA: Biblical Studies/Commentaries/Old TestamentBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com95

REF.Holman Old Testament Commentary SeriesThe Ultimate “Everyman’s” CommentaryPrice: $19.99 (per Volume) Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: WhitePage Count: 400 Trim Size: 61/4 x 91/4Carton Quantity: Varies per VolumeBISAC: REL006060 RELIGION/Biblical Commentary/Old TestamentECPA: Biblical Studies/Commentaries/Old TestamentComplete Old Testament CommentaryISBN: 978-0-8054-9523-2 Price: $299.97Features• Choice quotations• Capsule summary• Illustrations for openers• Verse-by-verse commentary• Principles• Points of application• Illustrations for closing• Teaching plan• Discussion starters• Closing prayerISBN volume name author price978-0-8054-9461-7 Genesis (Volume 1) Stephen Bramer & Kenneth O. Gangel $19.99978-0-8054-9462-4 Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers (Volume 2) Glen S. Martin $19.99978-0-8054-9463-1 Deuteronomy (Volume 3) Doug McIntosh $19.99978-0-8054-9464-8 Joshua (Volume 4) Kenneth O. Gangel $19.99978-0-8054-9465-5 Judges, Ruth (Volume 5) W. Gary Phillips $19.99978-0-8054-9466-2 1 & 2 Samuel (Volume 6) Stephen J. Andrews & Robert D. Bergen $19.99978-0-8054-9467-9 1 & 2 Kings (Volume 7) Gary Inrig $19.99978-0-8054-9468-6 1 & 2 Chronicles (Volume 8) Winfried Corduan $19.99978-0-8054-9469-3 Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Volume 9) Knute Larsen & Kathy Dahlen $19.99978-0-8054-9470-9 Job (Volume 10) Steven J. Lawson $19.99978-0-8054-9471-6 Psalms 1-75 (Volume 11) Steven J. Lawson $19.99978-0-8054-9481-5 Psalms 76-150 (Volume 12) Steven J. Lawson $19.99978-0-8054-9472-3 Proverbs (Volume 13) Max Anders $19.99978-0-8054-9482-2 Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Volume 14) David G. Moore & Daniel L. Akin $19.99978-0-8054-9473-0 Isaiah (Volume 15) Trent C. Butler $19.99978-0-8054-9474-7 Jeremiah, Lamentations (Volume 16) Fred Wood & Ross McLaren $19.99978-0-8054-9475-4 Ezekiel (Volume 17) Mark Rooker $19.99978-0-8054-9476-1 Daniel (Volume 18) Kenneth O. Gangel $19.99978-0-8054-9477-8 Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah (Volume 19) Trent C. Butler $19.99978-0-8054-9478-5 Nahum - Malachi (Volume 20) Stephen R. Miller $19.99961-800-251-3225

REF.Holman New Testament Commentary SeriesThe Ultimate “Everyman’s” CommentaryPrice: $19.99 (per Volume) Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: WhitePage Count: Varies Per Volume Trim Size: 61/4 x 91/4Carton Quantity: Varies Per VolumeBISAC: REL006070 RELIGION/Biblical Commentary/New Testament ECPA: Biblical Studies/Commentaries/New TestamentFeatures• Choice quotations• Capsule summary• Illustrations for openers• Verse-by-verse commentary• Principles• Points of application• Illustrations for closing• Teaching plan• Discussion starters• Closing prayerComplete New Testament CommentaryISBN: 978-0-8054-2828-5Price: $179.97ISBN volume name author price978-0-8054-0201-8 Matthew Stuart K. Weber $19.99978-0-8054-0202-5 Mark Rodney Cooper $19.99978-0-8054-0203-2 Luke Trent C. Butler $19.99978-0-8054-0204-9 John Kenneth O. Gangel $19.99978-0-8054-0205-6 Acts Kenneth O. Gangel $19.99978-0-8054-0206-3 Romans Kenneth Boa & William Kruidenier $19.99978-0-8054-0207-0 1 & 2 Corinthians Richard Pratt $19.99978-0-8054-0208-7 Galatians - Colossians Max Anders $19.99978-0-8054-0209-4 1 Thessalonians - Philemon Knute Larson $19.99978-0-8054-0211-7 Hebrews and James Thomas Lea $19.99978-0-8054-0210-0 1 & 2 Peter - Jude Max Anders & David Wells $19.99978-0-8054-0212-4 Revelation Kendell Easley $19.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com97

REF.New American Commentaries - Old TestamentFor the Serious Student of the WordPrice: Varies per Volume Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: WhitePage Count: Varies Per Volume Trim Size: 6 x 9Carton Quantity: Varies Per Volume BISAC: REL006060RELIGION/Biblical Commentary/Old TestamentECPA: Biblical Studies/Commentaries/Old TestamentFeatures• Written from an evangelical perspective withallegiance to the complete authority and inerrancyof the <strong>Bible</strong>• User-friendly format• Pertinent, integral word studiesISBN volume name author price978-0-8054-0101-1 Genesis 1-11:26 (Volume 1A) Kenneth A. Mathews $29.99978-0-8054-0141-7 Genesis 11:27-50:26 (Volume 1B) Kenneth A. Mathews $29.99978-0-8054-0102-8 Exodus (Volume 2) Douglas Stuart $32.99978-0-8054-0103-5 Leviticus (Volume 3A) Mark F. Rooker $29.99978-0-8054-9503-4 Numbers (Volume 3B) R. Dennis Cole $29.99978-0-8054-0104-2 Deuteronomy (Volume 4) Eugene H. Merrill $29.99978-0-8054-0105-9 Joshua (Volume 5) David M. Howard, Jr. $29.99978-0-8054-0106-6 Judges, Ruth (Volume 6) Daniel I. Block $32.99978-0-8054-0107-3 1, 2 Samuel (Volume 7) Robert D. Bergen $29.99978-0-8054-0108-0 1, 2 Kings (Volume 8) Paul R. House $29.99978-0-8054-0109-7 1, 2 Chronicles (Volume 9) J. A. Thompson $29.99978-0-8054-0110-3 Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Volume 10) Mervin Breneman $29.99978-0-8054-0111-0 Job (Volume 11) Robert L. Alden $29.99978-0-8054-0114-1 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Volume 14) Duane A. Garrett $29.99978-0-8054-0115-8 Isaiah (Volume 15A) Gary V. Smith $29.99978-0-8054-0144-8 Isaiah (Volume 15B) Gary V. Smith $29.99978-0-8054-0116-5 Jeremiah, Lamentations (Volume 16) F. B. Huey, Jr. $29.99978-0-8054-0117-2 Ezekiel (Volume 17) Lamar Eugene Cooper, Sr. $29.99978-0-8054-0118-9 Daniel (Volume 18) Stephen R. Miller $29.99978-0-8054-0119-6 Hosea, Joel (Volume 19A) Duane A. Garrett $29.99978-0-8054-0142-4 Amos, Obadiah, Jonah (Volume 19B) Billy K. Smith & Frank S. Page $29.99978-0-8054-0120-2 Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah (Volume 20) Kenneth L. Barker & Waylon Bailey $29.99978-0-8054-0121-9 Haggai, Malachi (Volume 21A) Richard A. Taylor & E. Ray Clendenen $29.99978-0-8054-9494-5 Zechariah (Volume 21B) George L. Klein $29.99981-800-251-3225

REF.New American Commentaries - New TestamentFor the Serious Student of the WordPrice: $29.99 (per Volume) Format: Printed HardcoverBinding Style: Semi-Overlap Page Edges: WhitePage Count: Varies Per Volume Trim Size: 6 x 9Carton Quantity: Varies Per Volume BISAC: REL006070RELIGION/Biblical Commentary/New TestamentECPA: Biblical Studies/Commentaries/New TestamentFeatures• Conservative theological exegesis• Bibliographies and indexes• Practical exposition• Emphasis on theological unity of each bookand the <strong>Bible</strong> as a whole• Transliterated Hebrew and Greek• Historical background of each book• Includes full text of the New International VersionISBN volume name author price978-0-8054-0122-6 Matthew (Volume 22) Craig L. Blomberg $ 29.99978-0-8054-0123-3 Mark (Volume 23) James A. Brooks $ 29.99978-0-8054-0124-0 Luke (Volume 24) Robert H. Stein $ 29.99978-0-8054-0125-7 John 1-11 (Volume 25A) Gerald L. Borchert $ 29.99978-0-8054-0143-1 John 12-21 (Volume 25B) Gerald L. Borchert $ 29.99978-0-8054-0126-4 Acts (Volume 26) John B. Polhill $ 29.99978-0-8054-0127-1 Romans (Volume 27) Robert H. Mounce $ 29.99978-0-8054-0129-5 2 Corinthians (Volume 29) David E. Garland $ 29.99978-0-8054-0130-1 Galatians (Volume 30) Timothy George $ 29.99978-0-8054-0132-5 Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (Volume 32) Richard R. Melick, Jr. $ 29.99978-0-8054-0133-2 1, 2 Thessalonians (Volume 33) D. Michael Martin $ 29.99978-0-8054-0134-9 1, 2 Timothy, Titus (Volume 34) Thomas D. Lea & Hayne P. Griffin, Jr. $ 29.99978-0-8054-0135-6 Hebrews (Volume 35) David L. Allen $ 32.99978-0-8054-0136-3 James (Volume 36) Kurt A. Richardson $ 29.99978-0-8054-0137-0 1, 2 Peter, Jude (Volume 37) Thomas R.Schreiner $ 29.99978-0-8054-0138-7 1, 2, 3 John (Volume 38) Daniel L. Akin $ 29.99978-0-8054-0139-4 Revelation Paige Patterson $ 29.99BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com99

REF.Shepherd’s NotesChristian Classics and<strong>Bible</strong> Summary SeriesISBN volume name price978-0-8054-9347-4 Mere Christianity — C.S.Lewis $ 5.95978-0-8054-9353-5 The Problem of Pain/A Grief $ 5.95Observed — C.S.Lewis978-0-8054-9199-9 The Confessions — Augustine $ 5.95978-0-8054-9200-2 Calvin’s Institutes $ 5.95978-0-8054-9394-8 Miracles — C.S.Lewis $ 5.95978-0-8054-9196-8 Lectures to My Students — Charles $ 5.95Haddon Spurgeon978-0-8054-9220-0 The Writings of Justin Martyr $ 5.95978-0-8054-9345-0 The City of God — Augustine $ 5.95978-0-8054-9198-2 The Cost of Discipleship —Bonhoeffer$ 29.99Price: $5.95 (per Volume) Format: Trade Paper Binding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 112 Trim Size: 51/4 x 81/4Carton Quantity: 120 BISAC: REL012040 RELIGION/Christian Life/Inspirational ECPA: Inspiration/Motivation/ClassicsISBN volume name price978-0-8054-9377-1 Old Testament $ 5.95978-0-8054-9378-8 New Testament $ 5.95978-0-8054-9384-9 Life & Teachings of Jesus $ 5.95978-0-8054-9385-6 Life & Letters of Paul $ 5.95Price: $5.95 (per Volume) Format: Trade Paper Binding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 112 Trim Size: 51/4 x 81/4Carton Quantity: 120 BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/General ECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralISBN volume name price978-0-8054-9028-2 Genesis $ 5.95978-0-8054-9056-5 Exodus $ 5.95978-0-8054-9069-5 Leviticus, Numbers $ 5.95978-0-8054-9027-5 Deuteronomy $ 5.95978-0-8054-9058-9 Joshua, Judges $ 5.95978-0-8054-9057-2 Ruth & Esther $ 5.95978-0-8054-9063-3 1 & 2 Samuel $ 5.95978-0-8054-9007-7 1 & 2 Kings $ 5.95978-0-8054-9064-0 1 & 2 Chronicles $ 5.95978-0-8054-9194-4 Ezra, Nehemiah $ 5.95978-0-8054-9006-0 Job $ 5.95978-0-8054-9339-9 Psalms 1-50 $ 5.95978-0-8054-9340-5 Psalms 51-100 $ 5.95978-0-8054-9341-2 Psalms 101-150 $ 5.95978-0-8054-9016-9 Proverbs $ 5.95978-0-8054-9059-6 Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon $ 5.95978-0-8054-9197-5 Isaiah $ 5.95978-0-8054-9070-1 Jeremiah, Lamentations $ 5.95978-0-8054-9078-7 Ezekiel $ 5.95978-0-8054-9015-2 Daniel $ 5.95978-0-8054-9326-9 Hosea-Obadiah $ 5.95978-0-8054-9334-4 Jonah-Zephaniah $ 5.95978-0-8054-9065-7 Haggai-Malachi $ 5.95978-1-5581-9688-9 Matthew $ 5.95978-0-8054-9071-8 Mark $ 5.95978-0-8054-9004-6 Luke $ 5.95978-1-5581-9693-3 John $ 5.95978-1-5581-9691-9 Acts $ 5.95978-0-8054-9005-3 Romans $ 5.95978-0-8054-9325-2 1 Corinthians $ 5.95978-0-8054-9335-1 2 Corinthians $ 5.95978-1-5581-9690-2 Galatians $ 5.95978-0-8054-9327-6 Ephesians $ 5.95978-1-5581-9689-6 Philippians, Colossians, Philemon $ 5.95978-0-8054-9000-8 1 & 2 Thessalonians $ 5.95978-1-5581-9692-6 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus $ 5.95978-0-8054-9336-8 Hebrews $ 5.95978-0-8054-9018-3 James $ 5.95978-0-8054-9019-0 1 & 2 Peter, Jude $ 5.95978-0-8054-9214-9 1, 2 & 3 John $ 5.95978-0-8054-9017-6 Revelation $ 5.95Price: $5.95 (per Volume) Format: Trade Paper Binding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 112 Trim Size: 51/4 x 81/4Carton Quantity: 120 BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/General ECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/General1001-800-251-3225

REF.That’s Easy for You to SayYour Quick Guide to Pronouncing<strong>Bible</strong> NamesAn indispensable tool for <strong>Bible</strong> study groups, ministers, andteachers, this book and interactive CD-ROM offer pronunciationhelp for over 7,000 <strong>Bible</strong> words.Features Features• Interactive CD-ROM, System requirements:works with Windows ® 95, 98, NT 4.x, 2000, ME and XP• Guidance on how to pronounce more than 7,000 words• Special section lists meaning of <strong>Bible</strong> namesISBN: 978-1-5581-9695-7 Price: $14.99Format: Trade Paper with CD-ROMBinding Style: Flush Cut Page Edges: WhitePage Count: 220 Trim Size: 6 x 9 Carton Quantity: 16BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralSo That’s in the <strong>Bible</strong>?From Advertising to Zeal and Hundredsof Topics in Between• For use with HCSB, KJV, NIV, NKJV, CEV, TLB and NRSV• Topical index• List of sidebar topics• Special sections include: “For the Record”—Brief yetdetailed information on selected topics, “In OtherWords… ”—Concise definitions of common terms,“<strong>Bible</strong> Bios”—Thumbnail descriptions, “Strange ButTrue”—Fascinating details that enhance <strong>Bible</strong> study,“Daily Life”—Facts about life in <strong>Bible</strong> times, “Where inthe World?”—Geographical information in capsule formand “Heart Word”—High-impact termsISBN: 978-1-5581-9474-8 Price: $14.99Format: Trade Paper Binding Style: Flush CutPage Edges: White Page Count: 596Trim Size: 6 x 9 Carton Quantity: 24BISAC: REL006160 RELIGION/Biblical <strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralECPA: Biblical Studies/<strong>Reference</strong>/GeneralBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com101


RVC Biblia Oraciones y Promesas(RVC Prayers and Promises <strong>Bible</strong>)ACERCA DE la bibliaLa Biblia Oraciones y Promesas pone de relieve innumerables tesoros bíblicos. Con el texto bíblico dela RVC (Reina Valera Contemporánea), esta Biblia resalta en color más de 800 oraciones que ofrecenuna perspectiva más amplia de lo que la oración ha representado desde la creación del mundo. Lasección de promesas incluye una colección de más de 1000, que aparecen grisadas en el texto y luegoordenadas temáticamente y también por libro de la Biblia.Con el equilibro justo entre el lenguaje clásico de la versión Reina Valera y terminología y estilolatinoamericano, esta Biblia comunica verdades eternas con absoluta claridad.La Biblia Oraciones y Promesas es ideal para la lectura devocional y como obsequio para todaocasión. El material incluye:• La oración en la Biblia• Qué significa orar en el nombre de Jesús• Curiosidades sobre las oraciones en la Biblia• Una mirada a las oraciones del Señor Jesús• Oraciones de personajes bíblicos en un sinfínde ocasiones• La oración según la palabra hebrea palál• La oración según la palabra griega proseujé• Estudio del Padrenuestro• Las promesas en la Biblia• Los nombres de Dios encierran promesas• Curiosidades sobre la Biblia y las promesasde la Biblia• Selección de promesas por temas• Selección de promesas según los librosde la Biblia• Profecías de la primera venida de Cristo• Profecías sobre la segunda venida de Cristo• Diario de oración• Página de presentación y dedicatoria• Una cinta marcadora• Empacado en faja abierta• Opción de cubierta en tapa dura color, imitaciónpiel en negro, y símil piel en tres novedososcolores (canela, verde manzana y azul cobalto)About the <strong>Bible</strong>The Prayers and Promises <strong>Bible</strong> showcases countless biblical treasures. Using the RVC (ReinaValera Contemporánea) text of the <strong>Bible</strong>, it uses colors to highlights over 800 prayers that show abroad perspective of what prayer has meant since the creation of the world. This <strong>Bible</strong> also offersa collection of more than 1000 promises which appear grayed out in the text, and then arrangedtopically as well as book by book of the <strong>Bible</strong>.With the right balance between the classic language of the Reina Valera 1960 and acontemporary Latin American language and style, this <strong>Bible</strong> communicates eternal truths in acrystal-clear way.The Prayers and Promises <strong>Bible</strong> is ideal for devotional reading, and makes a great gift for alloccasions. The material includes:• Prayer in the <strong>Bible</strong>• What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus• Trivia about the prayers in the <strong>Bible</strong>• A look at the prayers of the Lord Jesus• Prayers of biblical characters in countlessoccasions• Prayer according to the Hebrew word palál• Prayer according to the Greek word proseujé• A Study of the Lord's Prayer• Promises in the <strong>Bible</strong>• The names of God hold promises• T r i v i a about the <strong>Bible</strong> and the promises ofthe <strong>Bible</strong>• A collection of promises by theme• A collection of promises by books of the <strong>Bible</strong>• Prophecies of the first coming of Christ• Prophecies about the second coming of Christ• Prayer journal• Presentation page• A ribbon marker• J-wrap packaging• Cover options include color printed hardcover,black imitation leather, and simulated leatherin three new colors (cinnamon, apple greenand cobalt blue)Páginas (Page Count): 896Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 5 /16 x 7 11 /16Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 7.5Colores (Color)104

ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0266-5 Tapa dura a todo color (Printed Hardcover) Tapa Dura (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $17.99978-1-4336-0267-2 Imitacíon piel, Negro (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $19.99978-1-4336-0269-6 Símil piel, Canela (Cinnamon Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $24.99978-1-4336-0272-6 Símil piel, Canela, con índice (Cinnamon Simulated Leather, Indexed) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $32.99978-1-4336-0268-9 Símil piel, Verde Manzana (Apple Green Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $24.99978-1-4336-0271-9 Símil piel, Verde Manzana, con índice (Apple Green Sim. Leather, Indexed) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $32.99978-1-4336-0270-2 Símil piel, Azul Cobalto (Cobalt Blue Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $24.99978-1-4336-0273-3 Símil piel, Azul Cobalto, con índice (Cobalt Blue Sim. Leather, Indexed) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $32.99105

Biblia RVC Letra GrandeTamaño Manual(RVC Hand Size Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>)ACERCA DE LA BIBLIALa Biblia RVC Letra Grande Tamaño Manual se ofrece entapa dura, imitación piel en color negro, y símil piel, colorchocolate/cobrizo o tostado/azul. Presenta la nueva versiónReina Valera Contemporánea de las Escrituras, que equilibrael lenguaje clásico con el moderno para reflejar el verdaderoestilo latinoamericano contemporáneo. Incluye una concordanciatemática, las palabras de Cristo resaltadas en rojo, el plan desalvación, mapas y empacado en faja abierta (esto último excluyela edición de tapa dura).MAYOR ARGUMENTO DE VENTAEsta edición de la Biblia se caracteriza por la traducción RVC(que combina el lenguaje clásico con terminología moderna paraarmonizarse con el estilo latinoamericano contemporáneo).También incluye una concordancia y las palabras de Cristoresaltadas en rojo.Fecha de publicación (Release Date):1 de Octubre de <strong>2012</strong> (October 1, <strong>2012</strong>)Páginas (Page Count): 1728Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 2 /5 x 5 5 /16Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12About the <strong>Bible</strong>Available in hardcover, black imitation leather, and brown/rust or tan/blue simulated leather editions, the RVC Hand SizeGiant Print <strong>Bible</strong> presents the new Reina Valera Contemporáneaversion of Scripture that balances classic and modern languageto reflect true Latin American diction today. Features include atopical concordance, the words of Christ highlighted in red, planof salvation, maps, and (excluding hardcover) J-wrap packaging.BEST-SELLING POINTFeaturing the RVC translation (blending classic and modernlanguage with updated terminology to match Latin Americandiction today), this <strong>Bible</strong> edition also includes a concordance andChrist’s words highlighted in red.Colores (Color)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 12ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0260-3 Tapa dura a todo color (Hardcover) Tapa Dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $20.99978-1-4336-0261-0 Imitación piel, Negro (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $25.99978-1-4336-0262-7 Símil piel, Chocolate/Cobrizo (Brown/Rust Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $35.99978-1-4336-0263-4 Símil piel, Chocolate/Cobrizo, con índice (Brown/Rust Sim. Leather Indexed) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $43.99978-1-4336-0264-1 Símil piel, Tostado/Azul (Tan/Blue Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $35.99978-1-4336-0265-8 Símil piel, Tostado/Azul, con índice (Tan/Blue Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $43.99106

RVR 1960 Bibliade Estudio Arco Iris(RVR 1960 Rainbow Study <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaLa característica principal de esta Biblia es la codificación delos versículos en 12 colores, que representan diferentes temasbíblicos tales como Dios, discipulado, amor, familia y profecía,entre otros. Además esta Biblia cuenta con el plan de salvación,una armonía de los Evangelios y las palabras de la Trinidadsubrayadas para darles mayor énfasis.Características• Introducción para cada libro de la Biblia• Mapas en el texto• Concordancia• 8 páginas de presentación y registro familiar• Selección especial de versículos para memorizar• Palabras de la Trinidad subrayadas• Referencias en columna central• Bosquejos de los libros• 365 citas bíblicas populares• Calendario anual de lectura biblica diaria• El plan de salvación• Concordancia de 88 páginasAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>The entire <strong>Bible</strong> featured in color-coded verses, with eachof the 12 colors representing a different biblical theme suchas God, Discipleship, Love, Family, and Prophecy. Otherspecial features include the Plan of Salvation, Harmony ofthe Gospels, and the Words of the Trinity underlined foradded emphasis.Features• Book Introductions• In-text maps• Concordance• 8 presentation pages and family records section• Special memory verse selections• Words of the Trinity underlined• Center column references• Outlines of each <strong>Bible</strong> book• Daily <strong>Bible</strong> reading calendar• Plan of salvation• 88-page concordancePáginas (Page Count): 1536Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 3 ⁄16 x 91⁄4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12Colores (Colors)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 11ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9555-4 Tapa dura color (Printed Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $39.99978-1-5581-9556-1 Tapa dura color con índice (Printed Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $47.99978-1-5581-9557-8 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $49.99978-1-5581-9558-5 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $57.99978-1-5581-9559-2 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $49.99978-1-5581-9560-8 Rojizo, piel fabricada con índice (Burgundy Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $57.99107

Páginas (Page Count): 1952Tamaño (Trim Size): 63/4 x 9Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12ColorTamaño de letra (Point Type): 10ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0020-3 Tapa dura (Hardcover) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $39.99978-1-4336-0021-0 Tapa dura, con índice (Hardcover, Indexed) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $47.99978-1-4336-0022-7978-1-4336-0023-4978-1-4336-0026-5978-1-4336-0027-2Negro, imitación piel (envoltura en manga)Black Imitation Leather (o-wrap packaging)Negro, imitación piel, con índice (envoltura en manga)Black Imitation, Indexed (o-wrap packaging)Negro, piel fabricada (caja para regalo troquelada de dos piezas)Black Bonded Leather (two-piece die-cut gift box)Negro, piel fabricada, con índice (caja para regalo troquelada de dos piezas)Black Bonded, Indexed (two-piece die-cut gift box)Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $49.99Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $57.99Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $59.99Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $67.99108

RVR 1960 Biblia de Estudio de Apologética(The RVR 1960 Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong>)ACERCA DE la bibliaPreguntas reales. Respuestas directas. Fe más profunda. LaBiblia de Estudio de Apologética contribuye a que el cristianode hoy día pueda comprender mejor, defender y proclamarsus creencias en este tiempo de creciente relativismo moral yespiritual. Hay más de cien preguntas clave y artículos sobre lafe y la ciencia, distribuidos en todo el volumen, para incentivara una gratificante experiencia de estudio con cada lectura.Entre los detalles salientes de esta edición de la Palabra deDios para personas pensantes se incluyen el texto completode la divulgada versión RVR 1960 de la Biblia, un diseñobicolor de páginas, una introducción a cada libro de la Bibliaorientada a sus inseparables elementos de apologética, yperfiles de apologistas cristianos de la historia, desde JustinoMártir hasta C. S. Lewis. También se incluyen valiosascontribuciones de destacados apologistas modernos, talescomo Lee Strobel, Chuck Colson, Hank Hanegraaff, JoshMcDowell y Ravi Zacharias.MAYORES ARGUMENTOS DE VENTA• Cuando la fe es cuestionada, la Biblia de Estudio deApologética contribuye a que los cristianos puedancomprender mejor, defender y proclamar sus creencias eneste tiempo de creciente relativismo moral y espiritual. Estapublicación también comprende intenso material de estudiode apologistas contemporáneos.• La Biblia contiene más de cien artículos sobre cate-goríascomo: Ética, el impacto de la arqueología y la historia ennuestra comprensión de la Biblia, la interpretación bíblicaa la luz de la ciencia, la Biblia a la luz de la teología, lafe cristiana y los sistemas de creencias no cristianos, la fecristiana y la filosofía.• Asimismo, se caracteriza por notas de estudio sobrepasajes “problemáticos”, cincuenta recuadros “Escrituradistorsionada” sobre pasajes bíblicos usados indebidamentepor sectas, una concordancia bíblica de 39 páginas y uníndice de los artículos especiales.• ¡A la fecha se han vendido más de 150.000 ejemplares de laversión en inglés!About the <strong>Bible</strong>Real Questions. Straight Answers. Stronger Faith. TheApologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong> helps today’s Christians betterunderstand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs in this age ofincreasing moral and spiritual relativism. More than onehundredkey questions and articles placed throughout thevolume about faith and science prompt a rewarding studyexperience at every reading.Highlights of this thinking person’s edition of God’s Wordinclude the full text of the popular RVR 1960 <strong>Bible</strong> translation,two-color page layout, an introduction to each <strong>Bible</strong> bookfocusing on its inherent elements of apologetics, and profilesof historic Christian apologists from Justin Martyr to C. S.Lewis. Also featured are valuable contributions from a who’swhoof modern apologists such as Lee Strobel,Chuck Colson,Norm Geisler, Hank Hanegraaff, Josh McDowell, AlbertMohler, Ravi Zacharias, and J. P. Moreland.BEST-SELLING POINTS• When faith is under fire, The Apologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong>helps Christians better understand, defend, and proclaimtheir beliefs in this age of increasing moral and spiritualrelativism. Extensive study material from today’s leadingapologists included.• More than one-hundred articles featured throughoutthe <strong>Bible</strong> in categories such as: Ethics, The Impact ofArchaeology and History on Our Understanding the <strong>Bible</strong>,Interpreting the <strong>Bible</strong> in the Light of Science, The <strong>Bible</strong> inLight of Theology, Christian Faith and Non-Christian BeliefSystems, Christian Faith and Philosophy.• Also features study notes on “problem” passages, fiftysidebars focusing on <strong>Bible</strong> text misused by cults, a 39-page<strong>Bible</strong> concordance, and an index of the special articles.• More than 150,000 copies of English edition sold to date!109

Páginas (Page Count): 1650Tamaño (Trim Size): 61/4 x 9 3 ⁄16Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 16Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9Colores (Colors)Tamaño Personal (Personal Size)Páginas (Page Count): 1344Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 5 /16 x 8 1 /16Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 16Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 8Two-Piece Gift BoxColorRVR 1960 Bibliade Estudio Scofield(RVR 1960 Scofield Study <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaManteniendo siempre el texto Reina-Valera 1960, esta Bibliaofrece en un dinámico formato toda la teología dispensacional yescatológica del incomparable Dr. C. I. Scofield.Características• Introducciones a las distintas secciones y a cada libro• Bosquejos abreviados de cada libro• Numerosos subtítulos en el texto bíblico• Unas 1700 notas a pie de página• Referencias en columna central (AT) y columnas laterales (NT)• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Sistema de referencias temáticas en cadena• Índice de los temas principales de notas a pie de página• Guía de citas del AT en el NT• Breve concordancia• Mapas a todo color• Página de presentación y registro familiarAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>Based on the traditional RVR 1960 text, this <strong>Bible</strong> features thedispensational theology and eschatology first presented by Dr.C. I. Scofield.Features• Introductions to sections and books• Brief outline of each <strong>Bible</strong> book• Many subheadings throughout the biblical text• Some 1,700 footnotes• Center-column references (for the OT)• Side-column reference (for the NT)• Words of Christ in red• A system of subject chain references• Index to annotations• Guide of OT quotations in the NT• Brief concordance• Full color maps• Presentation page and family records sectionISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9798-5 Tapa dura color (Printed Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $39.99978-1-5581-9799-2 Tapa dura color con índice (Printed Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $47.99978-1-5581-9800-5 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $49.99978-1-5581-9801-2 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $57.99978-1-5581-9802-9 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $49.99978-1-5581-9803-6 Rojizo, piel fabricada con índice (Burgundy Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $57.99978-1-4336-0183-5 Nuevo (New) Chocolate, símil piel (Dark Brown Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $49.99Tamaño Personal (Personal Size)978-1-4336-0250-4 Nuevo (New) Símil, Chocolate Oscuro (Dark Brown Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $45.99110

RVR 1960 Edición Especialcon Referencias, yMaxi Concordancia(RVR 1960 Special <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>with Expanded Concordance)Acerca de la BibliaLa Biblia RVR 1960 Edición Especial con Referencias tambiéndisponible con todas las características de siempre más unaconcordancia de 320 páginas.Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Página de presentación/sección de registro familiar• Resumen de cada libro• Armonía de la vida de Cristo• Plan de salvación• Mapas a todo color• Concordancia de 320 páginas• Referencias al pie decada página• Índice a dos colores• Cinta marcadora• Referencias a pie de página• Cómo leer toda la Biblia• Panorama histórico dela Biblia• Apariciones luego de laresurrección• Qué leer cuando• Jesús y los diezmandamientos• Historia de los apóstolesPáginas (Page Count): 1360Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 5 ⁄16 x 8 1 ⁄4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24About the <strong>Bible</strong>The RVR 1960 Special <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> is also available with allof the features below plus an expanded 320-page concordance.Features• Words of Christ in red• Presentation page/familyrecord section• Summaries of each book• Harmony of the life of Christ• Plan of salvation• Full-color maps• 320-page topical concordance• Cross references featured atbottom of page• Color-coded index tabs• Ribbon Marker• End-of-page references• How to read the whole <strong>Bible</strong>• <strong>Bible</strong> history overview• Appearances after theresurrection• Where to turn when…• Jesus and the TenCommandments• Apostolic HistoryColores (Colors)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0016-6 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $25.99978-1-4336-0017-3 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $33.99978-1-4336-0047-0 Chocolate, símil piel (Dark Brown Imitation Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap Dorado (Gold) $24.99978-1-4336-0048-7 Tostado/Azul marino, símil piel (Navy Blue & Khaki Imitation Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap Dorado (Gold) $24.99111

RVR 1960 Biblia Edición Especial con Referencias(RVR 1960 Special <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaCompleta con más referencias especiales de las que ustedesperaría tener en una sola Biblia. La RVR 1960 Biblia EdiciónEspecial con Referencias incluye ayudas de estudio que sólo seencuentran en ediciones más costosas.Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Página de presentación/sección de registro familiar• Resumen de cada libro• Armonía de la vida de Cristo• Plan de salvación• Mapas a todo color• Cinta marcadora• Referencias a pie de página• Cómo leer toda la Biblia• Panorama histórico de la Biblia• Apariciones luego de la resurrección• Qué leer cuando• Jesús y los diez mandamientos• Historia de los apóstoles• Concordancia de 62 páginasAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>Packed with more special features than you'd ever expect inone <strong>Bible</strong>. The RVR 1960 Special <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> includes studytools found in more costly editions.Features• Words of Christ in red• Presentation page/family record section• Summaries of each book• Harmony of the life of Christ• Plan of salvation• Full-color maps• Ribbon Marker• End-of-page references• How to read the whole <strong>Bible</strong>• <strong>Bible</strong> history overview• Appearances after the resurrection• Where to turn when…• Jesus and the Ten Commandments• Apostolic History• 62-page concordance112

RVR 1960 Edición Especial con Referencias (RVR 1960 Special <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9371-0 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $19.99978-1-5581-9393-2 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $27.99978-1-5581-9373-4 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $19.99978-1-5581-9395-6 Rojizo, piel fabricada con índice (Burgundy Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $27.99978-1-5581-9537-0 Blanco, piel fabricada (White Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $19.99978-1-5581-9538-7 Blanco, piel fabricada con índice (White Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $27.99Colores (Colors)RVR 1960 Edición Especial con Referencias(RVR 1960 Special <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)Páginas (Page Count): 1024Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 5 ⁄16 x 81/4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9Edición Imitación piel (Imitation Leather Edition)ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0015-9 Café y Verde Agua, símil piel (Teal & Brown Imitation Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $24.99978-1-4336-0013-5 Morado, símil piel (Purple Imitation Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $24.99978-1-4336-0014-2 Azulino, símil piel (Blue Imitation Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $24.99978-1-4336-0080-7 Bicolor tela jean y tostado, símil piel (Tan simulated leather and denim) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado(Gold) $24.99Páginas (Page Count): 1024Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 5 ⁄16 x 8 1 ⁄16Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Colores (Colors)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9113

RVR 1960 Biblia LetraGrande Edición Especialcon Referencias(RVR 1960 Large PrintSpecial <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaCompleta con más referencias especiales de las que ustedesperaría tener en una sola Biblia. La RVR 1960 Biblia LetraGrande Edición Especial con Referencias incluye ayudas deestudio que sólo se encuentran en ediciones más costosas.Edición Letra Grande (Large Print Edition)Páginas (Page Count): 1007Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 1 ⁄16 x 9 1 ⁄4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 11Colores (Colors)Tamaño de letra(Point Type): 11Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Página de presentación/sección de registro familiar• Ayudas especiales para lalectura de la Biblia• Resumen de cada libro• Pasajes favoritos de la Biblia• Armonía de la vida de Cristo• Plan de salvación• Milagros de nuestro Señor• Parábolas de nuestro Señor• Mapas a todo color• Cinta marcadora• Referencias a pie de página• Concordancia de 62 páginas• Cómo leer toda la Biblia• Apariciones luego de laresurrecciónAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>Packed with more special features than you'd ever expect inone <strong>Bible</strong>. sThe RVR 1960 Large Print Special <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>includes study tools found in more costly editions.Features• Words of Christ in red• Presentation page/familyrecord section• Special helps for <strong>Bible</strong>readings• Summaries of each book• Favorite Scripture readings• Harmony of the life of Christ• Plan of salvation• Miracles of our Lord• Parables of our Lord• Full-color maps• Ribbon marker• End-of-page references• 62-page concordance• How to read the whole <strong>Bible</strong>• Appearances after theresurrectionISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9909-5 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $25.99978-1-5581-9833-3 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $33.99978-1-5581-9910-1 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $25.99978-1-5581-9834-0 Rojizo, piel fabricada con índice (Burgundy Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $33.99114

RVR 1960 BibliaCompacta LetraGrande conReferencias(RVR 1960 LargePrint Compact Quick<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)Páginas (Page Count): 1280Tamaño (Trim Size): 4 1 ⁄2 x 6 5 ⁄8Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9Colores (Colors)Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Concordancia temática de 82 páginas• Página de presentación• Sección de registro familiar• 8 mapas a todo color• Referencias a pie de página• Cinta marcadora• Calendario de 365 citas paramemorización y meditaciónFeatures• Words of Christ in red• 82-page concordance• Presentation page• Family records section• Full-color maps (8)• End-of-page references• Ribbon marker• 365-day calendar for meditationand memorizationColores (Colors):"Colección Joyas" Gems CollectionISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9287-4 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $24.99978-1-5581-9288-1 Rojizo, imitación piel (Burgundy Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $24.99978-1-5581-9289-8 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $29.99978-1-5581-9290-4 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $29.99978-1-5581-9291-1 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Con cierre (With Zipper) Dorado (Gold) $34.99978-1-5581-9292-8 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Con cierre (With Zipper) Dorado (Gold) $34.99978-1-4336-0011-1 Cristal Rosado, simulación piel (Blush, Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $24.99978-1-4336-0009-8 Zafiro Azul, simulación piel (Sapphire Blue, Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $24.99978-1-4336-0010-4 Esmeralda Sutil, simulación piel (Pale Emerald, Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $24.99978-1-4336-0084-5 Tela jean, tapa suave (Denim) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado(Gold) $22.99978-1-4336-0083-8 Oro Blanco, simulación piel (White Gold, Sim. Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado(Gold) $24.99978-1-4336-0085-2 Topacio Azul, simulación piel (Aquamarine, Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado(Gold) $24.99978-1-4336-0216-0 Nuevo (New) Simulación piel, Topacio Cobrizo (Copper Topaz Sim. Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $24.99978-1-4336-0218-4 Nuevo (New) Simulación piel, Turquesa (Turquoise Simulated Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $24.99978-1-4336-0217-7 Nuevo (New) Simulación piel, Cuarzo Grisado (Smoky Quartz Sim. Leather) Tapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $24.99*Debido a un nuevo diseño en curso, lo recibido tal vez no sea lo que se muestra en el catálogo para embalaje y envoltorio.(Due to an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.)115

RVR 1960 Biblia LetraGrande con Referencias(RVR 1960 Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaVersión con letra clara y legible. Sus páginas espaciosas ofrecenreferencias al final del versículo y la posibilidad de escribirnotas y subrayar pasajes con comodidad.Páginas (Page Count): 1738Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 1 ⁄4 x 9 1 ⁄4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12Colores (Colors) Nuevo (New)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 14Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• 8 páginas de presentación/sección de registro familiar• Cinta marcadora (no en tapa dura)• Concordancia de letra grande• Cómo leer toda la Biblia• El plan de salvación• 8 mapas a todo color• Resumen de los libros de la Biblia• Referencias al final del versículo• Qué leer cuandoAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>Clear, readable type on large page formats allows amplespace for personal notes, Scripture underlining and end-ofversereferences without clutter.Features• Words of Christ in red• 8-page presentation section/family record section• Ribbon marker (not in hardcover)• Giant-print concordance• How to read the whole <strong>Bible</strong>• Plan of salvation• 8 full-color maps• Survey of <strong>Bible</strong> books• End-of-verse references• Where to turn when…ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9270-6 Negro, tapa dura (Black Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $25.99978-1-5581-9316-1 Negro, tapa dura con índice (Black Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $33.99978-1-5581-9268-3 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $29.99978-1-5581-9314-7 Negro, Imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $37.99978-1-5581-9269-0 Rojizo, imitación piel (Burgundy Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $29.99978-1-5581-9315-4 Rojizo, Imitación piel con índice (Burgundy Imitation-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $37.99978-1-5581-9266-9 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $50.99978-1-5581-9312-3 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $58.99978-1-4336-0148-4 Nuevo (New) Negro/gris, símil piel (Black and Gray Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $50.99978-1-4336-0147-7 Nuevo (New) Chocolate, símil piel (Dark Brown Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $50.99116

RVR 1960 Biblia LetraGrande Tamaño Manualcon Referencias(RVR 1960 Hand-sized Giant Print<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaCon su práctico tamaño, esta Biblia presenta un textoclaro y legible. Los lectores disfrutarán de la versatilidadde su sistema especial de referencias.Características• 8 páginas de presentación/sección de registro familiar• Concordancia de 62 páginas(Biblia Letra Grande TamañoManual con Referencias)• Cómo leer toda la Biblia• Síntesis de cada librode la Biblia• El plan de salvación• 8 mapas a todo color• Las palabras de Cristoen rojo• Cinta marcadoraAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>With its slender 5 3 ⁄8” x 7 7 ⁄8” size, this <strong>Bible</strong> displays a beautifullyclear and readable text, and readers will enjoy the versatilityof the special reference system.Features• 8-page presentation section/family record section• 62-page concordance(Hand-sized Giant Print<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)• How to read the whole <strong>Bible</strong>• Summary of each <strong>Bible</strong> bookRVR 1960 Biblia Letra GrandeTamaño Manual con Referencias• Referencias al final delos versículos• Qué leer (RVR cuando 1960 Hand Size Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)Páginas (Page Count): 1728Tamaño (TrimRVRSize):19605 3 ⁄8 x 7Biblia Letra Grande7 ⁄8Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12Tamaño de(RVRletra1960(PointHandType):Size Giant12Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)• Plan of salvation• 8 full-color maps• Words of Christ in red• Ribbon marker• End-of-verse references• Where to turn when…Colores (Colors)Nuevo (New)Tamaño Manual con ReferenciasISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9057-3 Negro, tapa dura (Black Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $20.99ABOUT THE BOOK978-1-5581-9058-0 Negro, tapa dura con índice (Black Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) Release Date: $28.99 January 1, <strong>2012</strong>Beyond standard black and burgundy bindings (with or without Retail Price: $35.99978-1-5581-9059-7 Negro, imitación ABOUT piel (Black THE Imitation BOOKRelease Date: January 1, <strong>2012</strong>Leather) Tapa semisaliente the thumb index (Semi-Overlap) feature), the popular RVR 1960 Dorado Hand antiguo Size Giant (Antique Gold) Format: Wine/blush $25.99 duotoneBeyond standard black and burgundy bindings (with or without Retail Price: $35.99Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> is now available in two additional duotonesimulated leather with gift box978-1-5581-9060-3 Negro, Imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $33.99the thumb index feature), the popular RVR 1960 Hand Size simulated Giant leather editions: Format: wine/blush Wine/blush and sky blue/khaki. duotone EachISBN-13: 978-1-4336-0222-1includes a gift box, 8-page presentation/family record section, the978-1-5581-9061-0 Rojizo, imitación Print piel <strong>Reference</strong> (Burgundy <strong>Bible</strong> Imitation is now Leather) available in two additional Tapa duotone semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) simulated leather Dorado with gift antiguo box(Antique Gold) Format: Sky $25.99 blue/khaki duotonewords of Christ highlighted in red type, 62-page concordance,simulated leather editions: wine/blush and sky blue/khaki. simulated leather with gift box978-1-5581-9062-7 Rojizo, imitación piel con índice (Burgundy Imitation-Indexed) Tapa semisalienteend-of-verse Each references,(Semi-Overlap)and ISBN-13: a ribbon marker. 978-1-4336-0222-1Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) ISBN-13: $33.99 978-1-4336-0229-0includes a gift box, 8-page presentation/family record section, theFormat: Sky blue/khaki duotone Page Count: 1,728978-1-5581-9063-4 Negro, piel fabricada words of (Black Christ Bonded highlighted Leather) in red type, 62-page concordance,Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $35.99simulated leather with gift box Trim Size: 5 3/8 x 7 7/8end-of-verse references, and a ribbon marker.978-1-5581-9064-1 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold)Type Size:$43.9912ISBN-13: 978-1-4336-0229-0Spine Width: 1.47”978-1-5581-9065-8 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Page Count: 1,728 Dorado (Gold) Weight: 1.79 $35.99 lbsCarton Quantity: 12Trim Size: 5 3/8 x 7 7/8978-1-5581-9066-5 Rojizo, piel fabricada con índice (Burg. Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) BISAC: BIB019040 $43.99Type Size: 12BIBLES/Reina Valera/<strong>Reference</strong>978-1-4336-0082-1 Combinación marrón oscuro y canela (Dark brown and tan) Símil piel (Duo-tone imitation Spine polyurethane) Width: 1.47” Dorado (Gold)ECPA Category:$35.99Reina Valera/Weight: 1.79 lbs<strong>Reference</strong>/Large & Giant Print978-1-4336-0081-4 Combinación negro y borgoña (Black and burgundy) Símil piel (Duo-tone imitation polyurethane) Dorado (Gold) $35.99Carton Quantity: 12Rights: Worldwide978-1-4336-0117-0 Nuevo (New) Gris oscuro, símil piel (Charcoal Gray Sim. Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver)BISAC: BIB019040 BIBLES/Copyright $35.99 Year: <strong>2012</strong>978-1-4336-0118-7 Nuevo (New) Borravino perlado, símil piel (Pearl Burg. Sim. Leather) Tapa semisaliente BHinternational.com (Semi-Overlap) Reina Valera/<strong>Reference</strong> Dorado (Gold) $35.99978-1-4336-0222-1ECPA Category: Reina Valera/Nuevo (New) Borravino/Rosado, símil piel (Wine/BlushTapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver)Duotone Simulated Leather)<strong>Reference</strong>/Large & Giant Print$35.99978-1-4336-0229-0Rights: WorldwideNuevo (New) Celeste/Caqui, símil piel (Sky blue/KhakiTapa Semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Copyright Year: Dorado <strong>2012</strong> (Gold)Duotone Simulated Leather)$35.99BHinternational.com117

RVR 1960 Biblia Letra GrandeTamaño Manual conReferencias, Maxi Concordancia(RVR 1960 Hand-sized Giant Print<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, Expanded Concordance)Páginas (Page Count): 1984Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 3 ⁄8 x 8 7 ⁄8Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12ColorTamaño de letra (Point Type): 12Acerca de la BibliaCon su práctico tamaño, esta Biblia presenta un textoclaro y legible. Los lectores disfrutarán de la versatilidadde su sistema especial de referencias.Características• 8 páginas de presentación/sección de registro familiar• Concordancia de 320 páginas (Biblia Letra Grande TamañoManual con Referencias, Maxi Concordancia)• Cómo leer toda la Biblia• Síntesis de cada libro de la Biblia• El plan de salvación• 8 mapas a todo color• Las palabras de Cristo en rojo• Cinta marcadora• Referencias al final de los versículos• Qué leer cuandoAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>With its slender 5 3 ⁄8” x 7 7 ⁄8” size, this <strong>Bible</strong> displays a beautifullyclear and readable text, and readers will enjoy the versatilityof the special reference system.Features• 8-page presentation section/family record section• 320-page concordance (Hand-sized Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong><strong>Bible</strong> with Expanded Concordance)• How to read the whole <strong>Bible</strong>• Summary of each <strong>Bible</strong> book• Plan of salvation• 8 full-color maps• Words of Christ in red• Ribbon marker• End-of-verse references• Where to turn when…ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0049-4 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $32.99978-1-4336-0051-7 Negro, imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $40.99978-1-4336-0053-1 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $40.99978-1-4336-0055-5 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $48.99118

RVR 1960 Biblia Letra SúperGigante con Referencias(RVR 1960 Super Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaLa Biblia Letra Súper Gigante con Referencias le ofrecela comodidad de la letra bien grande.Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Plan de salvación• Síntesis de los librosde la Biblia• Referencias al final delversículo• Cómo leer la Biblia• Sección de registrofamiliar• Qué leer cuando…• Plan de lectura Biblicade 52 semanas• “Jesús y los diezmandamientos”• Cinta marcadora• “Panorama histórico de laBiblia” is already on page• Armonía de los evangelios• Apariciones luego de laresurrecciónAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>This RVR 1960 Super Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> offers thecomfort of a larger print <strong>Bible</strong>.Páginas (Page Count): 1680Tamaño (Trim Size): 7 1 ⁄16 x 10 5 ⁄16Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12Features• Words of Christ in red• Plan of Salvation• Survey of <strong>Bible</strong> books• End-of-verse references• “How to Read the <strong>Bible</strong>”section• Family record section• <strong>Bible</strong> history overview• Where to turn when…• 52-week plan for readingthe <strong>Bible</strong>• Ribbon marker• “Jesus and the TenCommandments”• Harmony of the Gospels• Appearances after theresurrectionColores (Colors) Nuevo (New)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 17ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5864-0303-4 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $32.99978-1-5864-0310-2 Negro, imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $40.99978-1-5864-0311-9 Rojizo, imitación piel (Burgundy Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $32.99978-1-5864-0312-6 Rojizo, imitación piel con índice (Burgundy Imitation-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $40.99978-1-5864-0357-7 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $46.99978-1-5864-0304-1 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $54.99978-1-5864-0356-0 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $46.99978-1-5864-0305-8 Rojizo, piel fabricada con índice (Burgundy Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $54.99978-1-5864-0306-5 Edición para púlpito (Pulpit Edition) Tapa acolchonada (Padded Hardcover) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $49.99978-1-4336-0195-8 Nuevo (New) Marrón, símil piel (Brown Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $49.99978-1-4336-0196-5 Nuevo (New) Doble tonalidad negro/gris, símil piel(Black/Gray Duotone)Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $49.99119

RVR 1960 Biblia UltrafinaTamaño Bolsillo(RVR 1960 Ultrathin Pocket-Size <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaUn diseño favorito para personas activas, la RVR 1960 BibliaUltrafina Tamaño Bolsillo viene repleta de características queusted necesita, en un formato fácil de llevar en el bolsillo o labolsa de mano. Una excelente Biblia para dar testimonio opara evangelizar.Páginas (Page Count): 1024Tamaño (Trim Size): 4 1 ⁄16 x 61/4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Plan de salvación• Página de presentación• Concordancia de 62 páginas• Ayudas para el estudio de la Biblia• Síntesis de cada libro• Qué leer cuando...• Jesús y los Diez Mandamientos• Panorama histórico de la Biblia• Historia de los apóstoles• Cinta marcadora• Cómo leer toda la Biblia• Armonía de la vida de Jesús• Apariciones luego de la resurrecciónColorTamaño de letra (Point Type): 7About the <strong>Bible</strong>Always a favorite <strong>Bible</strong> design for people on the go, the RVR1960 Ultrathin Pocket-Size <strong>Bible</strong> comes packed with the featuresyou need but in a format convenient to carry anywhere you go.A great <strong>Bible</strong> for evangelism or witnessing; this <strong>Bible</strong> fits easilyinto a pocket or purse.Features• Words of Christ in red• Plan of Salvation• Presentation page• 365 <strong>Bible</strong> verses for devotional meditations• 62-page topical concordance• Helps for <strong>Bible</strong> study• Summary of each <strong>Bible</strong> book• What to read when...• Jesus and the Ten Commandments• <strong>Bible</strong> history overview• The apostles and their history• Ribbon marker• How to read the whole <strong>Bible</strong>• Harmony of the life of Christ• Appearances after the resurrectionISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9622-3 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $25.99978-1-5581-9997-2 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $33.99120

RVR 1960 Santa Bibliacon Referencias(RVR 1960 <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)ACERCA DE LA BIBLIAEsta notablemente económica edición bíblica con tapa suavecontiene el texto completo de la divulgada versión española RVR1960. Hay tres tapas de diseño exclusivo para escoger.CARACTERÍSTICAS• Las palabras de Cristo en rojo• Referencias al final de la página• Página de dedicatoria• Resumen de cada libro de la Biblia• Cómo leer toda la Biblia• Panorama de la historia de la Biblia• Armonía de la vida de Jesús• Qué leer cuando…• Jesús y los Diez Mandamientos• Historia de los apóstoles• Concordancia de 62 páginas• Plan de salvaciónAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>This remarkably affordable trade paper <strong>Bible</strong> edition containsthe full text of the popular RVR 1960 Spanish translation.Choose from one of three uniquely designed covers.features• Words of Christ in red• End of page references• Presentation page• Summary of each <strong>Bible</strong> book• How to read the whole <strong>Bible</strong>• Overview of the history of the <strong>Bible</strong>• Harmony of the life of Jesus• What to read when…• Jesus and the Ten Commandments• History of the apostles• 62-page concordance• Plan of SalvationPáginas (Page Count): 1024Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 3 ⁄16 x 8Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0146-0 Tapa suave: diseño “Abstracto” (Trade paper: “Abstract” design) Tapa al corte (Flush Cut) Blanco (White) $8.99978-1-4336-0145-3 Tapa suave: diseño “Floral” (Trade paper: “Blossoms” design) Tapa al corte (Flush Cut) Blanco (White) $8.99978-1-4336-0144-6 Tapa suave: diseño “Hojas” (Trade paper: “Leaves” design) Tapa al corte (Flush Cut) Blanco (White) $8.99121

RVR 1960 Biblia TamañoPersonalizado(RVR 1960 Personal Size <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaHaga de la Palabra de Dios algo muy personal. La BibliaRVR 1960 Tamaño Personalizado viene en una duraderaencuadernación de símil cuero y se ofrece en siete diseñoscoloridos para satisfacer una amplia variedad de estilospersonales. Incluye las palabras de Cristo en rojo, unapágina de dedicatoria, una concordancia de 62 páginas, elplan de salvación y dos mapas de todo color.About the <strong>Bible</strong>Take God’s Word personally. Bound in durable simulatedleather and available in seven colorful designs to match awide variety of individual styles, the RVR 1960 PersonalSize <strong>Bible</strong> includes the words of Christ in red, a presentationpage, 62-page concordance, plan of salvation, and twofull-color maps.Páginas (Page Count): 896Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 3 ⁄10 x 9 17 ⁄25Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Colores (Colors)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0206-1 Geométrico café, Símil piel (Brown Squares Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $17.99978-1-4339-0207-8 Lilas en flor, Símil piel (Purple Flowers Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $17.99978-1-4336-0209-2 Pradera verda, Símil piel (Green Grass Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $17.99978-1-4336-0210-8 Reflejos cobrizos, Símil piel (Rust Rays Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $17.99978-1-4336-0208-5 Rosado floral, Símil piel (Pink Blossoms Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $17.99978-1-4336-0204-7 Capullos naranja, Símil piel (Orange Lotus, Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $17.99978-1-4336-0205-4 Geométrico turquesa, Símil piel (Teal Squares Simulated Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $17.99122

RVR 1960 Biblia EdiciónExclusiva con Referencias(RVR 1960 Exclusive Edition <strong>Bible</strong>with <strong>Reference</strong>s)ACERCA DE LA BIBLIALa Biblia RVR 1960 Edición Exclusiva con Referencias ofreceel texto completo de las Escrituras e incluye las palabrasde Cristo resaltadas en rojo. Se presenta en un tamañoconveniente y encuadernada en vinilo negro resistente.También incluye una concordancia de 62 páginas.About the <strong>Bible</strong>The RVR 1960 Exclusive Edition <strong>Bible</strong> with <strong>Reference</strong>s offersthe complete text of the <strong>Bible</strong> and features the words of Christhighlighted in red. Conveniently sized and bound in durableblack vinyl, it also includes a 62-page concordance.Fecha de publicación (Release Date):1 de Octubre de <strong>2012</strong> (October 1, <strong>2012</strong>)ISBN: 978-1-4336-0282-5Formato (Format): Tapa semisaliente,vinilo (Semi-Overlap, Vinyl)Precio minorista (Retail Price): $17.99Páginas (Page Count): 1024Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 2 /5 x 8Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9123

RVR 1960 La Biblia Léemela(RVR 1960 Read-To-Me <strong>Bible</strong>)ACERCA DE LA BIBLIALa popular Biblia Léemela RVR 1960 es la edición ideal para lospadres, abuelos y maestros a quienes les gusta leer a sus niños.Esta Biblia no sólo ha sido actualizada con un novedoso diseñode tapa y nuevas ilustraciones a todo color, sino que tambiénincluye estas ayudas:Características• Cómo usar la Biblia• 44 relatos bíblicos favoritospara niños• Sección exclusiva paraguiar el desarrollo espiritualde un niño• Página de dedicatoria• Plan de salvación• Lecturas bíblicas favoritas• Los versículos y pensamientosbíblicos más importantesAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>The popular RVR 1960 Read-To-Me <strong>Bible</strong> is an ideal edition forparents, grandparents, and teachers who enjoy reading to theirchildren. Updated with an all-new cover design and dozens ofnew full-color illustrations, this <strong>Bible</strong> also features these helps:Features• How to Use the <strong>Bible</strong>• 44 standout favoritechildren’s <strong>Bible</strong> stories• Exclusive section on guiding achild’s spiritual development• Presentation page• Plan of salvation• Favorite Scripture readings• Key <strong>Bible</strong> verses andthoughtsISBN: 978-1-4336-0223-8Precio (Retail Price): $17.99Formato (Format): Tapa dura a todo color(Printed Hardcover)Páginas (Page Count): 992Tamaño (Trim Size): 51/4 x 81/4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 18462-2462-3Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9la noche máS hermoSamateo 1:18-25lee la historia en la página 37aSorpreSa maravilloSa para loS paStoreSlucas 2:9-20lee la historia en la página 38a124

RVR 1960 BibliaRecuerdo de Boda(RVR 1960 Keepsake Bride’s <strong>Bible</strong>)ACERCA DE LA BIBLIALa Biblia RVR 1960 recuerdo de Boda para Novias es el regaloperfecto para compromisos, despedidas de soltera o el día de laboda. Con un bello diseño y una elegante caja de regalo, seráun tesoro para toda la vida. Disponible en tres tipos de imitaciónpiel: blanco con impresión en cubierta y cantos dorados, blancocon impresión en cubierta y cantos plateados, y blanco conimpresión en cubierta y cantos color champagne.Precio (Retail Price): $29.99Páginas (Page Count): 1280Tamaño (Trim Size): 41/2 x 6 5 ⁄8Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9Características• Página de presentación• Sección de registro familiar• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Referencias al pie de cada página• Resumen de cada libro• Lecturas favoritas de la Biblia• Concordancia de 82 páginas• Tabla de pesos y medidas• Cinta marcadora• Caja de regaloAbout the BIBLEThe RVR 1960 Keepsake Bride’s <strong>Bible</strong> makes a perfect giftupon engagement, at bridal showers, or on a wedding day.Beautifully designed and with an elegant gift box, it will be atreasure for as long as they both shall live. Available in threesimulated leather editions: white with gold stamping and pageedges, white with silver stamping and page edges, and whitewith champagne stamping and page edges.features• Presentation page• Special memories record section• Words of Christ in red• End-of-page references• Summaries of each <strong>Bible</strong> book• Favorite Scripture readings• 82-page concordance• Table of weights and measures• Ribbon marker• Gift boxISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0043-2 Blanco con canto dorado, símil piel (White with Gold Stamping) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $29.99978-1-4336-0044-9 Blanco con canto plateado, símil piel (White with Silver Stamping) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $29.99978-1-4336-0058-6 Blanco con canto champagne, símil piel (White with Champagne Stamping) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Champaña(Champagne)$29.99126

RVR 1960 BibliaMis Quince(RVR 1960 Holy <strong>Bible</strong>“Sweet 15” Edition)ACERCA DE LA BIBLIALa Biblia RVR 1960 Mis Quince engalana la tradición decelebrar de manera especial el décimoquinto cumpleaños de lajovencita al regalarle esta Biblia especial. La presente ediciónde imitación piel con cantos dorados a la plata está bellamentediseñada y se encuentra disponible en rosa con impresión decubierta en morado o en blanco con impresión de cubierta enplateado. Viene en caja de regalo y cuenta con una sección donderegistrar recuerdos especiales.Características• Página de presentación• Sección de registro familiar• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Referencias al pie de cada página• Ayudas especiales para la lectura de la biblia• Concordancia de 82 páginas• Tabla de pesos y medidas• Cinta marcadora• Caja de regaloAbout the BIBLEThe RVR 1960 Biblia Mis Quince honors the tradition ofcelebrating a girl’s fifteenth birthday by presenting her with aspecial <strong>Bible</strong>. This simulated leather edition with gilded silverpage edges is beautifully designed and available in pink withpurple stamping or white with silver stamping. It is alsogift-boxed and features a section for keeping record of specialmemories.Páginas (Page Count): 1280Tamaño (Trim Size): 41/2 x 6 5 ⁄8Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Colores (Colors)features• Presentation page• Special memories record section• Words of Christ in red• End-of-page references• Special helps for <strong>Bible</strong> reading• 82-page concordance• Table of weights and measures• Ribbon marker• Gift boxISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0045-6 Blanco, estampado plata, símil piel (White with Silver Stamping) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $29.99978-1-4336-0046-3 Rosa, estampado violeta, símil piel (Pink with Purple Stamping) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Plateado (Silver) $29.99127

RVR 1960 Nuevo TestamentoHay vida en Jesús(RVR 1960 Here’s Hope New Testament)Una herramienta eficiente y efectivapara testificar en eventos especiales opara el trabajo misionero. Incluye elplan de salvación.An efficient and effective tool fortestifying at special events or usingin missionary work. Includes the planof salvation.Características• Esperanza para la vida• Pasajes bíblicos especiales• Plan de salvaciónFeatures• Hope for Today• Special <strong>Bible</strong> passages• Plan of salvationISBN: 978-1-5581-9228-7 Precio (Retail Price): $1.75Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper) Páginas (Page Count): 264 Tamaño(Trim Size): 5 3 ⁄16 x 7 3 ⁄8 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 48 Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9RVR 1960 Nuevo TestamentoTestifique de Cristo sin Temor(RVR 1960 Share Jesus without Fear New Testament)El Nuevo Testamento RVR 1960Testifique de Cristo sin Temor es laedición en español de la obra ShareJesus Without Fear New Testament,inspirada por el popular método deevangelismo creado por Bill Fay. Coneste libro, los lectores podrán prepararsepara testificar eficazmente de Jesús encualquier entorno. Además del textobíblico, este Nuevo Testamento incluye:Características• Introducción y notas especiales deBill Fay• 36 respuestas a objeciones que unopuede tener para recibir a Cristo• Plan de testimonio de 3 pasos con citasbíblicas sugeridas• Página de dedicatoria• Texto en una sola columna• Subtítulos temáticos• Las palabras de Cristo en rojoRVR 1960 Nuevo Testamento Testifiquede Cristo sin Temor is the Spanishedition of the Share Jesus Without FearNew Testament inspired by author BillFay’s popular outreach evangelismmethod. It will equip readers toeffectively share their Christian faithin any setting. Along with the text ofScripture, this New Testament features:Features• Introduction and special notes byBill Fay• 36 response scripts for objections onemay have to receiving Christ• 3-step witnessing plan withsuggested Scriptures• Presentation page• Single-column text• Topical subheadings• Words of Christ in redISBN: 978-1-4336-0182-8 Precio (Retail Price): $6.99Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper) Páginas (Page Count): 512Tamaño (Trim Size): 3 1 ⁄4 x 6 1 ⁄4 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 48 Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 8128

RVR 1960/HCSBBiblia Bilingüe(RVR 1960/HCSB Bilingual <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaLa Biblia Bilingüe RVR 1960/HCSB establece un paralelo entrela clásica versión española con la nueva y exitosa versión inglesaHCSB en una sola edición que es fácil de seguir y cumplirá susexpectativas.Características• Página de presentación• Cinta marcadora• Armonía de la vida de Cristo• Plan de salvación• Qué leer cuando…• Jesús u los Diez Mandamientos• Historia de los apóstoles• Senor, enséñanos a orarAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>The RVR 1960/HCSB Bilingual <strong>Bible</strong> parallels the classicSpanish language translation with the best-selling newEnglish language HCSB in one fulfilling, easy-to-follow edition.Features• Presentation page• Ribbon marker• Harmony of the life of Christ• Plan of salvation• Where to turn when…• Jesus and the Ten Commandments• The apostles and their history• Lord, teach us to prayPáginas (Page Count): 1900Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 5 ⁄16 x 91⁄4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12Colores (Colors)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 10ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5864-0213-6 Negro, tapa dura (Black Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $24.99978-1-5864-0204-4 Negro, tapa dura con índice (Black Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $32.99978-1-5864-0208-2 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $29.99978-1-5864-0205-1 Negro, imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $37.99978-1-5864-0207-5 Rojizo, imitación piel (Burgundy Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $29.99978-1-5864-0206-8 Rojizo, imitación piel con índice (Burgundy Imitation-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $37.99*Debido a un nuevo diseño en curso, lo recibido tal vez no sea lo que se muestra en el catálogo para embalaje y envoltorio.(Due to an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.)129

RVR 1960/KJVBiblia Bilingüe(RVR 1960/KJV Bilingual <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaCuenta con toda la elegancia de la Reina-Valera 1960 combinadacon la belleza poética de la versión King James.Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Página de presentación• Armonía de la vida de Cristo• Cinta marcadora (en ediciones de piel fabricada)• Edición con índice en españolAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>All the elegance of the Reina-Valera 1960 combined with thepoetic beauty of the King James.Páginas (Page Count): 1824Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 5 ⁄16 x 91/4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12Features• Words of Christ in red• Presentation page• Harmony of the life of Christ• Ribbon marker (bonded editions only)• Indexed edition features Spanish tabsColores (Colors)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 10ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9027-6 Negro, tapa dura (Black Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $24.99978-1-5581-9028-3 Negro, tapa dura con índice (Black Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $32.99978-1-5581-9029-0 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $29.99978-1-5581-9030-6 Negro, imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $37.99978-1-5581-9031-3 Rojizo, imitación piel (Burgundy Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $29.99978-1-5581-9032-0 Rojizo, imitación piel con índice (Burgundy Imitation-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $37.99978-1-5581-9033-7 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $40.99978-1-5581-9034-4 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $48.99978-1-5581-9035-1 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $40.99978-1-5581-9036-8 Rojizo, piel fabricada con índice (Burgundy Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $48.99*Debido a un nuevo diseño en curso, lo recibido tal vez no sea lo que se muestra en el catálogo para embalaje y envoltorio.(Due to an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.)130

RVR 1960 Biblia paraRegalos y Premios(RVR 1960 Gift & Award <strong>Bible</strong>)Esta Biblia para Regalos y Premiosincluye una y una página de presentacióna todo color para que esa ocasiónespecial sea inolvidable.Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Subtítulos temáticos• Página de presentación• Concordancia de 62 páginas• Mapas a todo color• Plan de salvaciónThis Gift & Award <strong>Bible</strong> features a fullcolorendleaf presentation page to helpmake any special occasion extra special.Features• Words of Christ in red• Topical subheadings• Presentation page• 62-page concordance• Full-color maps• Plan of SalvationPáginas (Page Count): 1248Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 3 ⁄8 x 7 11 ⁄16Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 28Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 10ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9137-2 Negro, tapa dura (Black Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $9.99978-1-5581-9138-9 Azul, tapa dura (Blue Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $9.99978-1-5581-9139-6 Rojizo, tapa dura (Red Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $9.99978-1-5581-9140-2 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $12.99978-1-5581-9141-9 Rojizo, imitación piel (Burgundy Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $12.99978-1-5581-9144-0 Blanco, imitación piel (White Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Blanco (White) $12.99*Debido a un nuevo diseño en curso, lo recibido tal vez no sea lo que se muestra en el catálogo para embalaje y envoltorio.(Due to an ongoing redesign, packaging shown here may not be what is received.)RV 1909 Biblia Clásicacon Referencias(RV 1909 <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>)La Biblia Clásica con Referencias RVR1909 es el regalo perfecto para todosaquellos que aman la tan confiable edición1909 delas Escrituras en la tradicionalversión Reina-Valera.Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Subtítulos en cada página• Referencias en columna central• Concordancia temática de 68 páginas• Plan de salvación• Mapas a todo color• Página de presentación conregistro familiar• Cinta marcadora (no en tapa dura)The Reina-Valera 1909 Classic <strong>Reference</strong><strong>Bible</strong> is a perfect gift for anyone who lovesthe trusted 1909 edition of the Scripturesin the traditional Reina-Valera version.Features• Words of Christ in red• Topical subheads• Center column references• 68-page topical concordance• Plan of salvation• Full-color maps• Presentation page and family register• Ribbon marker (not in hardcover)Páginas (Page Count): 1376Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 1 ⁄2 x 8 1 ⁄2Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 18Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 11ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5581-9958-3 Negro, tapa dura (Black Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $17.99978-1-5581-9954-5 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $22.99978-1-5581-9960-6 Negro, imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado antiguo (Antique Gold) $30.99131

LBLA Biblia de Estudio(LBLA Study <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaProfundice la Palabra de Dios con la Biblia de EstudioLBLA, una edición durable de letra negra grande queincluye más de 100.000 notas temáticas aclaratorias,términos y referencias cruzadas.Páginas (Page Count): 2048Tamaño (Trim Size): 61⁄2 x 91⁄4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12Colores (Colors)Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 10Características• Más de 14.000 notas y comentarios• Índice temático con más de 19.000 temas y subtemas• Diccionario bíblico y concordancia con más de 2500 términos• Más de 90.000 referencias bíblicas cruzadas• Introducción y resumen para cada libro de la Biblia• 8 páginas de mapas a todo color y gráficos explicativos• Cinta marcadora• Ayudas de estudio sobre Apocalipsis• 28 ayudas de estudio suplementariasAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>Dig deep into God’s Word with the LBLA Study <strong>Bible</strong>, a durablelarge-type black letter edition packed with more than 100,000enlightening topical notes, terms, and cross references.Features• More than 14,000 notes and comments• Topical index with more than 19,000 topics and subtopics• <strong>Bible</strong> dictionary and concordance with more than2,500 terms• More than 90,000 biblical cross references• Introduction and outline for each book of the <strong>Bible</strong>• 8 pages of full-color maps and explanatory graphs• Ribbon marker• Study helps for Revelation• 28 supplementary <strong>Bible</strong> study helpsISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5864-0361-4 Tapa dura color (Printed Hardcover)) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $29.99978-1-5864-0362-1 Tapa dura color con índice (Printed Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $37.99978-1-5864-0354-6 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $39.99978-1-5864-0355-3 Negro, imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $47.99978-1-5864-0363-8 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $49.99978-1-5864-0364-5 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $57.99978-1-5864-0358-4 Rojizo, piel fabricada (Burgundy Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $49.99978-1-5864-0359-1 Rojizo, piel fabricada con índice (Burgundy Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $57.99132

LBLA Biblia Letra GrandeTamaño Manual(LBLA Hand Size Giant Print <strong>Bible</strong>)Acerca de la BibliaLa Biblia Letra Grande Tamaño Manual LBLA, de tamañoconveniente pero fácil de leer, presenta el texto de la traducciónLBLA (apta para el público general y aun así adecuada para elestudio en profundidad), mapas a todo color, una concordanciay otras ayudas clave para una experiencia de lectura bíblicasiempre gratificante.Características• Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Concordancia temática• Panorama de la Biblia• Principios de la traducción de la Biblia LBLA• Mapas a color• Página de dedicatoria• Sección de registro familiar• Cinta marcadora• Referencias al final de los versículosAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>Conveniently sized and still easy to read, the LBLA Hand SizeGiant Print <strong>Bible</strong> features the full text of the LBLA translation(understandable to the general public and still suitable forserious study), full-color maps, a concordance and other keyhelps for a <strong>Bible</strong> reading experience that is always rewarding.Features• Words of Christ in red• Topical concordance• Overview of the <strong>Bible</strong>• Principles of LBLA <strong>Bible</strong> translation• Color maps• Dedication page• Family record section• Ribbon marker• End-of-verse referencesPáginas (Page Count): 1728Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 3 ⁄8 x 7 7 ⁄8Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12ColorTamaño de letra (Point Type): 12ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5864-0389-8 Negro, tapa dura (Black Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $20.99978-1-5864-0390-4 Negro, tapa dura con índice (Black Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $28.99978-1-5864-0391-1 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $25.99978-1-5864-0392-8 Negro, imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $33.99978-1-5864-0395-9 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $35.99978-1-5864-0396-6 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $43.99133

LBLA Biblia paraRegalos y Premios(LBLA Gift & Award <strong>Bible</strong>)Con una variedad de encuadernaciones,concordanciade 64 páginas y ayudas de estudioadicionales, esta Biblia es siempre un regaloapropiado para premiaciones diversas.Características• Subtítulos temáticos• Texto a dos columnas• Notas sobre la traducción• Plan de salvación• Página de presentación• Letra negra únicamente• Dónde encontrar ayudaPáginas (Page Count): 864Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 5 ⁄16 x 7 11 ⁄16Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 71⁄2Featuring an assortment of bindings, a 64-pageconcordance and additional helps, this <strong>Bible</strong> isalways an appropriate gift for event presentations.Features• Topical subheadings• Two-column text• Notes regarding this translation• Plan of salvation• Presentation page• Black letter text• Where to turn when...ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-5864-0316-4 Negro, tapa dura (Black Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $8.99978-1-5864-0317-1 Azul, tapa dura (Blue Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $8.99978-1-5864-0318-8 Rojizo, tapa dura (Red Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $8.99134

LBLA Evangelio de Juan: Plan de la Vida(LBLA Plan of Life Gospel of John)El Evangelio de Juan – Plan de la Vida brindaorientación, esperanza y la promesa de vidaeterna a todos los que confían en Jesucristocomo su Salvador personal. Este Evangelio, presentadoen la versión “La Biblia de las Américas”,utiliza el español moderno para comunicarclaramente el plan de Dios para nuestra vida.Características• Incluye el plan de salvación• Una oración modelo para recibir a Cristo• Una página para registrar la decisión de fePlan de la Vida provides direction, hope, anda promise of everlasting life to all who believein Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. ThisGospel of John, presented in the “La Biblia delas Américas” version, uses modern Spanish toclearly communicate God’s plan for our lives.Features• Includes the plan of salvation• A model prayer to receive Christ• A commitment of faith pageISBN: 978-1-5864-0399-7 Precio (Retail Price): $0.59 Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper) Páginas (Page Count): 96Tamaño (Trim Size): 3 1 ⁄2 x 5 1 ⁄2 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 240 en paquetes de 12 (in packs of 12)LBLA Santa Biblia, Edición Ríos de Agua Viva(LBLA Living Water <strong>Bible</strong>)“Ríos de agua viva”, una magnífica ilustraciónpara esta Biblia de 800 páginas. El simbolismo esclaro. El mensaje, la profunda pero sencilla palabrade Dios en el texto de la LBLA, de muy fácil lectura.A un precio difícil de resistir, esta singularedición es la elección apropiada para grandescantidades de la popular traducción LBLA.Características• Subtítulos temáticos• Texto a dos columnas• Notas sobre la traducción• Plan de salvación• Página de presentación• Dónde encontrar ayuda...“Streams of living water” are dramaticallyillustrated on this special 800-page <strong>Bible</strong>. Thesymbolism is clear. The message, the simpleword of God in the very readable LBLA text.With a spectacular price point, this uniqueedition is a natural choice when quantity isneeded in the popular LBLA translation!Features• Topical subheadings• Two-column text• Notes regarding this translation• Plan of salvation• Presentation page• Where to turn when...ISBN: 978-1-5864-0319-5 Precio (Retail Price): $4.99 Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper) Páginas (Page Count): 800Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 5 ⁄16 x 7 11 ⁄16 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24 Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 7.5LBLA Nuevo Testamento Jesús Salva(LBLA Jesus Saves New Testament)El Nuevo Testamento JESÚS SALVA ofreceuna hermosa cubierta que incluye uno de lossímbolos de la fe cristiana.Características• Dónde encontrar ayuda• Plan de salvación• Oración de compromiso con CristoThe JESUS SAVES New Testament featuresa beautifully illustrated cover depicting one ofthe symbols of the Christian faith.Features• Where to find help• The plan of salvation• Prayer of commitmentISBN: 978-1-5864-0351-5 Precio (Retail Price): $1.75 Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper)Páginas (Page Count): 264 Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 3 ⁄16 x 7 3 ⁄8 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 48Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 7.5135

Biblia Textual(Biblia Textual)ACERCA DE LA BIBLIALa Biblia Textual es la traducción más literal de la Biblia alespañol basada en el texto crítico disponible en el mercado actual.Esta versión constituye una respetada herramienta de referenciaentre cristianos de habla hispana que la usan para enseñar laBiblia y profundizar su estudio. B&H Español se enorgullece dehaber adquirido ahora los derechos exclusivos de publicación aescala mundial para esta traducción, la cual se ofrecerá con elsencillo título de Biblia Textual en ediciones de tapa dura y pielelaborada de color negro, con o sin índice.También se incluyen más de 8200 notas a pie de página a travésdel texto bíblico, además de material en la parte posterior de laBiblia con 166 notas sobre pasajes difíciles.Páginas (Page Count): 1360Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 x 91/4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity):Tapa dura (Hardcover) 16Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) 12ColorTamaño de letra (Point Type): 12Características• Página de dedicatoria a cuatro colores• Ocho páginas de mapas a cuatro colores• Texto en letra negra• Texto distribuido en dos columnas• Cinta marcadora y canto dorado en las edicionesde piel elaboradaAbout the BIBLEBiblia Textual is the most literal Spanish <strong>Bible</strong> translationbased on the critical text available in the market today and is arespected reference tool among Spanish speaking Christians fordeep <strong>Bible</strong> study and teaching. B&H Español is excited to nowhave exclusive worldwide publishing rights for this translationand will offer the simply titled Biblia Textual in hardcover andblack bonded leather editions with and without the thumb indexfeature. Also included are more than 8,200 footnotes throughoutthe text plus back matter material containing 166 notes ondifficult <strong>Bible</strong> passages.features• Four-color presentation page• Eight pages of four-color maps• Black letter text• Two-column text setting• Ribbon marker and gilded page edges on bondedleather editionsISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-1-4336-0065-4 Tapa dura (Printed Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $24.99978-1-4336-0066-1 Tapa dura con índice (Printed Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $32.99978-1-4336-0067-8 Negro piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $39.99978-1-4336-0068-5 Negro piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $47.99136

Biblia Peshitta en Español (The Peshitta <strong>Bible</strong> in Spanish)Acerca de la BibliaBasada en el texto Peshita, un antiguo manuscrito bíblico enarameo, el idioma del Señor Jesucristo y sus apóstoles.El resurgimiento del interés actual por el arameo bíblico semanifiesta principalmente en la traducción del texto Peshitta alespañol. Este texto, obra cumbre de la literatura aramea, dejóregistrado para la posteridad el mensaje del evangelio en unidioma claro, sencillo y directo, que es el significado de “Peshitta”.El lector encontrará referencias a pasajes de relevancia y tablascomparativas entre los textos tradicionales (basados en textohebreo y griego) y el texto Peshitta.Características• Letra roja para pasajes mesiánicos en el AT,y palabras de Cristo en el NT• Notas y referencias cruzadas a pie de página• Mapas a todo color• Página de presentación y registro familiar• Plan de salvación• Cinta marcadora (no en tapa dura)• Alefato arameoAbout the <strong>Bible</strong>Based on the Peshitta text, an ancient <strong>Bible</strong> manuscript writtenin Aramaic, the language spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ andHis apostles.This work, the ultimate masterpiece in Aramaic literature,left the message of the gospel as a historical record in a “clear,simple, straightforward” language, and this is what the word“Peshitta” means. In the final section, the reader will findreferences to relevant text selections and comparative tables betweentraditional Hebrew and Greek texts with the Peshitta text.Features• Red letter for OT messianic passages andwords of Jesus Christ in NT• Notes and references at bottom of page• Full-color maps• Presentation and family record section• Plan of salvation• Ribbon marker (not in hard cover)• List of Aramaic charactersPáginas (Page Count): 1376Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 x 9Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12ColorTamaño de letra (Point Type): 10.5ISBN material de encuadernación (Binding Material) estilo (Binding Style) cantos (Edges) precio (Price)978-9-7041-0000-1 Tapa dura a todo color (Printed Hardcover) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $25.99978-9-7041-0001-8 Tapa dura a todo color con índice (Printed Hardcover-Indexed) Tapa dura (Hardcover) Blanco (White) $33.99978-9-7041-0002-5 Negro, imitación piel (Black Imitation Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $27.99978-9-7041-0003-2 Negro, imitación piel con índice (Black Imitation Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $35.99978-9-7041-0006-3 Negro, piel fabricada (Black Bonded Leather) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $35.99978-9-7041-0007-0 Negro, piel fabricada con índice (Black Bonded Leather-Indexed) Tapa semisaliente (Semi-Overlap) Dorado (Gold) $43.99137

Nueva BibliaLatinoamericana de Hoy(NBLH <strong>Bible</strong>)ACERCA DE LA BIBLIALa Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy (NBLH), una opciónpráctica para lecturas devocionales y estudios bíblicos, constituyeun enfoque menos formal que el de la traducción de La Biblia delas Américas. Entre las características de esta edición se incluyenreferencias al final de los versículos, texto ampliado, resumen decada libro de la Biblia, un plan para leer la Biblia en un año, ymapas en blanco y negro.About the <strong>Bible</strong>A practical choice for devotional and study times, Nueva BibliaLatinoamericana de Hoy (NBLH) is a less formal take on theLBLA translation. Features of this edition include end-of-versereferences, amplified text, overview of each <strong>Bible</strong> book, “How toRead the <strong>Bible</strong> in One Year,” and black and white maps.ISBN: 978-1-4336-0257-3Precio (Retail Price): $12.99Formato (Format): Tapa dura a todo color(Printed Hardcover)Páginas (Page Count): 992Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 3 /8 x 8 1 /2Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 16Tamaño de letra (Point Type): 9138


Diccionario BíblicoIlustrado Holman(Holman Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary)Acerca del libroEl Diccionario Bíblico Ilustrado Holman se ha diseñadopara quienes necesitan información rápidamente y quienesprocuran el tratamiento en profundidad de cientos detemas. A través de sus fotografías, ilustraciones y gráficosa todo color, esta excelente herramienta de referenciaconduce a los lectores directamente al mundo de la Bibliay los faculta para comprender mejor la Palabra de Dios.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9490-7 Precio (Retail Price): $34.99Encuadernación (Format): Tapa dura a todo color(Printed Hardcover) Páginas (Page Count): 1696Tamaño (Trim Size): 61⁄2 x 91⁄4Cantidad Color profile: Generic CMYK printer en profile la caja (Carton Quantity): 6Composite Default screenEEFESIOS, CARTA A LOS 512Reconstrucción del gran templo de Artemisa (Diana, en la mitología romana), en Éfeso, en la antigua AsiaMenor (Turquía actual), que se comenzó en el 360 a.C. en honor a la antigua diosa de muchos pechos, dela región de Anatolia. Fue un culto adoptado por Alejandro Magno de Grecia, con el nombre de Artemisa.Los griegos completaron el templo y terminó siendo una de las siete maravillas del mundo antiguo, cuatroveces más grande que el Partenón de Atenas.Bautisterio del período romano ubicado en la iglesiade Santa María, en la antigua Éfeso.La fachada de mármol, reconstruida, de la bibliotecade Celso en la antigua Éfeso.Diccionario Holman / SAMPLE PAGESSunday, February 24, 2008 3:58:29 PMLa calle Curetes en la antigua Éfeso, con la bibliotecade Celso en el fondo.El gran teatro de Éfeso y, como trasfondo, la víaArcadiana, que llevaba al antiguo puerto.Más deun millónde ejemplaresvendidosen inglés(Over 1 millionsold in English)Características• Cada entrada comienza con una definición resumidapara brindar una referencia rápida. Hay luegodefiniciones exhaustivas de personas, lugares, cosas,eventos y conceptos teológicos• Resúmenes y bosquejos de cada libro de la Biblia• Más de 600 fotografías, ilustraciones y gráficosa todo color• Exclusivos dibujos a escala y reconstrucciones delugares y objetos bíblicos en base a una esmeradainvestigación arqueológica• Artículos destacados sobre temas teológicos.• Información arqueológica de excavaciones en Israel• Cronograma de la historia bíblica comparada con lahistoria mundial• Rotulado alfabético para localización rápida y sencillade la informaciónAbout the BookNow available in Spanish, the popular Holman Illustrated<strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary is designed for those who need informationquickly and those who want in-depth treatments of hundredsof topics. Through its full-color photographs, illustrations,and charts, this exceptional reference tool brings readersright into the world of the <strong>Bible</strong> and enables them to betterunderstand God’s Word.Features• Summary definitions begin each entry for quick reference.Exhaustive definitions of people, places, things,events, and theological concepts• Summaries and outlines for every <strong>Bible</strong> book• Over 600 full-color photos, illustrations, and charts• Unique scale drawings and reconstructions of biblical placesand objects based on careful archaeological research• Major articles on theological topics• Archaeological information from excavations in Israel• Time line of biblical history compared to world histor.• Quicktabs—marginal alphabetical guides for quick andeasy location of information140

El Tabernáculo:Guía ilustradaIllustrated Guide to the TabernacleACERCA DEL LIBROPor medio de decenas de ilustraciones a todo color más seis láminastransparentes de exclusivo diseño, El Tabernáculo: Guía ilustradapermite al lector «ver» el interior del tabernáculo del AntiguoTestamento en el desierto de Sinaí para comprender mejor elpropósito de lo que allí acontecía, así como el de su elaborado mobiliario(el arca del pacto, la mesa del pan de la proposición, etc.).CARACTERÍSTICAS• Ilustraciones detalladas de cada parte del tabernáculo(el atrio, el lugar santo, el lugar santísimo)• Visuales y explicaciones del mobiliario (el altar de bronce, lafuente, el candelero de oro, el altar del incienso, la mesa delpan de la proposición, el arca del pacto, el propiciatorio)• Los sacrificios y el calendario de las fiestas y los días santos• La vestimenta de los sumos sacerdotes• Decenas de cuadros y cronologías que se pueden reproducir(el éxodo, los pactos del Antiguo Testamento, los sacrificios en elTabernáculo, comparación entre los sacerdotes, los levitas y lossumos sacerdotes, Jesús y el velo, Jesús y el arca del pacto)About the bookUsing dozens of full-color illustrations plus six uniquelydesigned clear plastic overlays, Illustrated Guide to theTabernacle allows readers to “see inside” the Old Testamenttabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai to better understand thepurpose of its important events and elaborate furnishings(Ark of the Covenant, Table of Showbread, etc.).FEATURES• Detailed illustrations of each tabernacle section (the courtyard,the holy place, the most holy place)• Visuals and explanations of furnishings (bronze altar, laver,golden lampstand, altar of incense, table of showbread, Ark ofthe Covenant, mercy seat)• The sacrifices and calendar of feasts and holy days• Garments of the high priests• Dozens of reproducible charts and time lines (Exodus, OldTestament covenants, sacrifices in the Tabernacle, comparisonof Priests, Levites, and the High Priest, Jesus and the Veil,Jesus and the Ark of the CovenantISBN: 978-0-8054-9543-0Precio (Retail Price): $29.99Formato (Format): tapa dura con espiral oculto(Concealed spiral-bound)Páginas (Page Count): 124 a todo color(full color throughout)Tamaño (Trim Size): 81/2 x 11Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12141

Colección Temas de Fe (Themes of Faith Collection)La Colección Temas de Fe pone al alcance de la manoinformación sencilla, fácil de usar, sobrediversos temas. ¡El tamaño es perfecto parainsertarlo en la parte posterior de una Bibliao un cuaderno de apuntes!Cada folleto de catorce páginas a todo color tieneabundantes ilustraciones, incluye un títuloexplicativo y sirve como herramienta de refe-renciapráctica para uso personal o en el campo misionero.The Themes of Faith collection provides simple, easyto-useand accessible information on a variety of topicsright at your fingertips. Each booklet is sized to fitperfectly in the back of a <strong>Bible</strong> or study notebook!Each fourteen-page, full-color booklet is richlyillustrated, carries a self-explanatory title and servesas an always-ready reference tool for personal use orin the mission field.Precio (Retail Price): $3.99Encuadernación (Format): Folleto (Pamphlet)Páginas (Page Count): 14Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 1 ⁄2 x 8 1 ⁄2Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity):500, en paquetes de 10 (Sold in packs of 10)005171305: Exhibidor para el mostrador (24)005449512: Exhibidor acrílico para el mostrador (4)005449530: Exhibidor acrílico para el mostrador (6)005449531: Exhibidor acrílico para el mostrador (12)Pregúntenos cómo puede recibireste exhibidor.Ask how you can receive this display.El diseño inteligenteIntelligent DesignISBN: 978-0-8054-9540-9Cronología de la historiade la iglesiaChristian History TimelineISBN: 978-0-8054-9539-3Preguntas difíciles sobreel cristianismoTough QuestionsAbout ChristianityISBN: 978-0-8054-9538-6Cristo y la PascuaChrist in the PassoverISBN: 978-0-8054-9537-9Qué tiene degrandioso el cieloWhat’s So GreatAbout Heaven?ISBN: 978-0-8054-9536-2EsterEstherISBN: 978-0-8054-9532-4La fe cristiana:Doctrina produnda perosincillaEssential DoctrineMade EasyISBN: 978-0-8054-9525-6El fin de los tiempos: CuatroperspectivasFour Views on theEnd TimesISBN: 978-0-8054-9527-0El Salmo 23Psalm 23ISBN: 978-0-8054-9528-710 Preguntas y Respuestassobre Magia, Hechizosy Adivinación10 Questions & Answers onMagic, Spells and DivinationISBN: 978-0-8054-9529-4142

Colección Temas de Fe(Themes of Faith Collection)¿Por qué confiar en la Biblia?Why Trust the <strong>Bible</strong>?ISBN: 978-0-8054-9512-6Cómo nos llególa BibliaHow We Got the <strong>Bible</strong>ISBN: 978-0-8054-9513-3Cómo estudiar la BibliaHow to Study the <strong>Bible</strong>ISBN: 978-0-8054-9518-810 preguntas y respuestassobre los testigos de Jehová10 Questions & Answers onJehovah’s WitnessesISBN: 978-0-8054-9519-510 preguntas yrespuestas sobreel mormonismo10 Questions & Answerson MormonismISBN: 978-0-8054-9520-1El temploThe TempleISBN: 978-0-8054-9510-2El fruto del EspÍrituThe Fruit of the SpiritISBN: 978-0-8054-9517-1Mapas bíblicos Antes yAhoraThen & Now <strong>Bible</strong> MapsISBN: 978-0-8054-9511-9100 profecíascumplidas por Jesús100 PropheciesFulfilled by JesusISBN: 978-0-8054-6599-0Christianismo, Sectasy ReligionesChristianity,Sectsand ReligionsISBN: 978-0-8054-6609-6El TabernáculoThe TabernacleISBN: 978-0-8054-6598-3Islam y CristianismoIslam and ChristianityISBN: 978-0-8054-6600-3La TrinidadThe TrinityISBN: 978-0-8054-6611-9Cronología Bíblica<strong>Bible</strong> Time LineISBN: 978-0-8054-6610-2Nombres de DiosNames of GodISBN: 978-0-8054-6634-8143

Colección Temas de Fe (Themes of Faith Collection)Cristianismo,Sectas y el OcultismoChristianity, Cults& the OccultISBN: 978-0-8054-6631-7Evidencias de laResurrecciónEvidence for theResurrectionISBN: 978-0-8054-6632-4Los Doce DiscípulosThe Twelve DisciplesISBN: 978-0-8054-6633-1Respuestas a laEvoluciónAnswers to EvolutionISBN: 978-0-8054-6635-5Fiestas de la BibliaFeasts of the <strong>Bible</strong>ISBN: 978-0-8054-6644-7Cronología del GénesisGenesis Time LineISBN: 978-0-8054-6659-1Héroes del Antiguo TestamentoHeroes of the OldTestamentISBN: 978-0-8054-6643-0Panorama Bíblico<strong>Bible</strong> OverviewISBN: 978-0-8054-6660-710 preguntas y respuestassobre los ángeles10 Questions & Answers onAngelsISBN: 978-0-8054-9524-9Nombres de JesúsNames of JesusISBN: 978-0-8054-9526-3CD con Presentación en Powerpoint(CD with Powerpoint Presentation)ISBN Titulo (Title) precio (Price)978-0-8054-6641-6 CD El Tabernáculo(The Tabernacle)978-0-8054-6639-3 CD Mapas Bíblicos Antes y Ahora(<strong>Bible</strong> Maps, Then and Now)978-0-8054-6642-3 CD Cristianismo, Sectas y Religiones(Christianity, Sects and Religions)$24.95$24.95$24.95Plan para Leer la Bibliaen Un AñoOne-Year <strong>Bible</strong> Reading PlanISBN: 978-0-8054-9569-0Cristo en el AntiguoTestamentoChrist in the New TestamentISBN: 978-0-8054-9571-3144

Colección Temas de Fe(Themes of Faith Collection)ACERCA DE LA SERIE¡Material temático para entender más cabalmente la Biblia! Estas temasbiblicos y respuestas cristianas para uso personal, grupos pequeños deestudio bíblico y discipulado constan de 14 páginas a todo color yricamente ilustradas, poseen un título explícito con respecto al contenidoy sirven como una práctica herramienta de consulta, tanto para usopersonal como para aplicar en las misiones.About the SERIESThese topical reference tools bring your <strong>Bible</strong> to life! <strong>Bible</strong> topics andChristian answers for personal use, small groups <strong>Bible</strong> study, anddiscipleship. Each fourteen-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated,carries a self-explanatory title regarding the content, and serves as analways-ready reference tool for personal use or on the mission field.Comparación entre las denominaciones(Denominations Comparison)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9551-5Qué dice la Biblia sobre el dinero(What Does the <strong>Bible</strong> Say about Money?)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9552-2Cómo encontrar versículos favoritos de la Biblia(Where to Find Favorite <strong>Bible</strong> Verses)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9559-1Los Diez Mandamientos(The Ten Commandments)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9555-3Cómo interpretar el libro de Apocalipsis(Understanding the Book of Revelation)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9553-924 maneras de explicar el evangelio(24 Ways to Explain the Gospel)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9558-4Nombres del Espíritu Santo(Names of the Holy Spirit)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9557-7Padres(Fatherhood)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9578-2Precio (Retail Price): $3.99Formato: (Format): Folleto (Pamphlet)Páginas (Page Count): 14Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 1/2 X 8Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity):500: en paquetes de 10 (500: in packs of 10)145

Colección Temas de Fe(Themes of Faith Collection)ACERCA DE LA SERIEJoni Eareckson Tada, autora de bést-sellers, ha escrito un juegode seis cuadernillos temáticos que forman parte de la colecciónTemas de Fe en curso. Joni se ha familiarizado bien con laadversidad. A los 17 años de edad, un accidente durante unsalto de clavado la dejó paralítica en las cuatro extremidades.Sin embargo, su fe ante esas circunstancias desencadenó unministerio a escala mundial. En estos cuadernillos, Joni escribesobre el sufrimiento, la soberanía de Dios, la oración, la oración nocontestada, el enojo y la depresión. Cada cuadernillo de 14 páginasa todo color tiene abundantes ilustraciones, incluye un títulofácil de entender sobre el contenido y sirve como herramienta dereferencia práctica para uso personal o en el campo misionero.También hay disponibles docenas de otros cuadernillos de estacolección, los cuales cubren una amplia gama de temas.About the seriesBest-selling author Joni Eareckson Tada has written a set ofsix topical booklets that are part of the ongoing Themes of Faithcollection. Well acquainted with hardship, a diving accidentat age 17 left Joni quadriplegic, yet her faith in the face of itsparked a worldwide ministry. Tada writes here about suffering,God’s sovereignty, prayer, unanswered prayer, anger, anddepression. Each 14-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated,carries a self-explanatory title regarding the content, and servesas an always-ready reference tool for personal use or on themission field. Dozens of other Themes of Faith booklets are alsoavailable covering a broad range of issues.Enojados con Dios:El Enojo, y Cómo CanalizarloCorrectamenteAnger: Aim It in theRight DirectionISBN: 978-1-4336-7764-9La Soberanía de Dios:La mano de Dios entiempos díficilesGod’s Sovereignty:God's Hand in our HardshipISBN: 978-1-4336-7762-5El Sufrimiento:¿Qué SentidoTiene el Sufrimiento?Making Sense of SufferingISBN: 978-1-4336-7761-8La Depresión:Agradecidos en Mediodel DolorDepressionISBN: 978-1-4336-7763-2La Oración:Cómo Hablar el MismoIdioma que DiosPrayer: Speaking God’s LanguageISBN: 978-1-4336-7759-5La Oración no Contestada:¿No hay milagros para mí?Unanswered PrayerISBN: 978-1-4336-7760-150 Pruebas para la Biblia,Antiguo Testamento50 Proofs for the <strong>Bible</strong>, OldTestamentISBN: 978-0-8054-9573-750 Pruebas para la Biblia,Nuevo Testamento50 Proofs for the <strong>Bible</strong>,New TestamentISBN: 978-0-8054-9568-3146

Diccionario Bíblico Conciso Holman(Holman Concise <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary)El Diccionario Bíblico Conciso Holman es elrecurso adecuado cuando simplemente deseaobtener los fundamentos de cierto tema en lasEscrituras. Cubre de manera sencilla, clara yconveniente todos los temas tradicionales de losdiccionarios bíblicos, es decir, resúmenes de librosde la Biblia, personajes, lugares, animales yplantas de importancia, etc. Además, el volumenincluye más de 2,800 artículos sobre diversostemas contemporáneos, entre los que se incluye elaborto, el suicidio asistido, el maltrato infantil, elcontrol de la natalidad, las tarjetas de crédito, losderechos de los animales, la carrera profesionaly los dinosaurios. En resumen, este libro ofrecemás de 4,000 entradas.Diccionario Bíblico Conciso Holman, theSpanish edition of the Holman Concise <strong>Bible</strong>Dictionary, is the right resource when youjust want the basics about a certain subject inScripture. It easily covers all the traditional<strong>Bible</strong> dictionary topics—summaries of booksin the <strong>Bible</strong>, major characters, places, animals,plants, etc.—with clarity and convenience.Plus, the volume features more than 2,800articles on a variety of contemporary topics,including abortion, assisted suicide, childabuse, birth control, credit cards, animalrights, career, and dinosaurs. In all, this bookoffers more than 4,000 entries.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9574-4 Precio (Retail Price): $14.99 Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Dura (hard cover)Páginas (Page Count): 700 Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 3 ⁄8 x 8 1 ⁄4 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 16Comentario Bíblico Conciso Holman(Holman Concise <strong>Bible</strong> Commentary)El Comentario Bíblico Conciso Holman brindaa los lectores una primera impresión sobre lostemas clave y los propósitos de los 66 libros dela Biblia. Sin embargo, no hay que confundirconciso con incompleto. Este volumen tambiéncontiene introducciones detalladas a las diezunidades clave de las Escrituras (los Evangelios,las cartas de Pablo, etc.), mapas relacionadoscon la historia bíblica, gráficos explicativos yfranjas laterales con información exhaustiva.Constituye una publicación ideal para aportarun enfoque adicional a lecciones de estudiobíblico, sermones y devocionales personales.Comentario Bíblico Conciso Holman givesreaders a feel for the key themes and intentionsof all 66 books in the <strong>Bible</strong>. But don’t mistakeconcise for incomplete; this volume alsocontains detailed introductions to the tenmajor units of Scripture (the Gospels, Paul’sletters, etc.), maps related to biblical history,informational charts, and in-depth sidebars.It’s a perfect resource for adding an extra levelof insight to Sunday school lessons, sermons,and personal devotional times.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9576-8 Precio (Retail Price): $14.99 Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Dura (hard cover)Páginas (Page Count): 774 Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 1 ⁄4 x 8 1 ⁄4 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12Concordancia Temática Holman(Holman Topical Concordance)Incluso las personas que recién comienzan aestudiar la Biblia podrán usar este sencilloproducto de referencia para lograr unacomprensión integral sobre lo que dice laPalabra de Dios acerca de casi todo tema deinterés. Este libro contiene 40,000 referenciasbíblicas y también incluye dibujos lineales deartefactos, edificios y lugares.Even those new to serious <strong>Bible</strong> study can usethis ready reference to gain a well-roundedgrasp of what God’s Word says about nearlyany subject of interest. This book contains40,000 <strong>Bible</strong> references and also includes linedrawings of artifacts, buildings, and places.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9575-1 Precio (Retail Price): $14.99 Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Dura (hard cover)Páginas (Page Count): 558 Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 x 9 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24147

Libro de TablasComparativas Bíblicas,Mapas y Líneas de Tiempo(Book of <strong>Bible</strong> Charts, Maps,and Time Lines)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9579-9Precio (Retail Price): $29.99Formato (Format): Tapa dura a todo color,encuadernación con espiral oculto(Printed Hardcover, concealed spiral-bound)Páginas (Page Count): 192Tamaño (Trim Size): 91/2 x 111⁄4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12ACERCA DEL LIBROEl Libro de Tablas Comparativas Bíblicas, Mapas y Líneas deTiempo es un éxito de librería, ahora disponible en español, querecopila ordenadamente miles de datos en un solo volumen paraenriquecer en gran medida su estudio bíblico.Constituye una destacada publicación de referenciapara maestros, pastores y estudiantes. Incluye 114 tablasbíblicas a todo color (los nombres de Dios, los libros de laBiblia, comparación de denominaciones, etc.), 22 páginas decronogramas (reyes y profetas, cómo llegó la Biblia a nosotros,historia cristiana) y 19 páginas de mapas bíblicos “antes yahora”. También hay docenas de ilustraciones, desde el arca deNoé y el tabernáculo hasta la Jerusalén en tiempos de Jesús.Una característica destacada es que el Libro de TablasComparativas Bíblicas, Mapas y Líneas de Tiempo se hadiseñado con una encuadernación en espiral oculta que facilitasu uso en el aula y la extensión aplanada del producto parafotocopiarlo. Su iglesia está autorizada a realizar hasta 300copias de cada documento original lo cual se indica claramenteen las páginas de 8½ x 11 pulgadas.About the bookNow available in Spanish, the best-selling Book of <strong>Bible</strong> Charts,Maps, and Time Lines neatly gathers thousands of facts in asingle volume to greatly enrich your <strong>Bible</strong> study.An outstanding reference resource for teachers, pastors,and students, it features 114 full-color <strong>Bible</strong> charts (Names ofGod, Books of the <strong>Bible</strong>, Denominations Comparison, etc.), 22pages of time lines (Kings and Prophets, How We Got the <strong>Bible</strong>,Christian History), and 19 pages of “Then and Now” <strong>Bible</strong> maps.There are also dozens of illustrations from Noah’s Ark and theTabernacle to Jerusalem at the time of Jesus.Best of all, Book of <strong>Bible</strong> Charts, Maps, and Time Lines isdesigned to share with a hidden spiral binding that makes iteasy to use in the classroom and to lay flat for photocopying.Your church is allowed to reproduce up to 300 copies of eachoriginal document clearly shown on these 8½ x 11 pages.148

Mapas BíblicosAntes y AhoraEdición de Lujo(Then and Now <strong>Bible</strong> Maps: Deluxe Edition)ACERCA DEL LibroEsta edición de lujo del éxito de librería Mapas bíblicos antes y ahoraincluye 26 mapas bíblicos a todo color en correlación con ciudades ypaíses actuales en mapas transparentes superpuestos. Ahora podráver dónde están actualmente los reconocidos lugares bíblicos (cuyosnombres a menudo han cambiado desde entonces). Por ejemplo, ¿sabíausted que Daniel fue llevado prisionero al Iraq de hoy día, que el arcade Noé probablemente tocó tierra en Turquía y que los sabios deoriente podrían haber venido de Irán o Arabia Saudita?El libro también incluye un CD-ROM de todos los mapas enformatos JPG y PDF a fin de que pueda imprimirlos fácilmente paraestudios bíblicos, enseñanza, informes y el uso personal. Ningún otroatlas bíblico tiene tantos mapas a todo color, mapas transparentessuperpuestos y letras grandes fáciles de leer. La encuadernaciónespecial de tapa dura con espiral oculta permite abrir el libro enforma aplanada para su uso y fotocopiado. Entre las decenas demapas incluidos están:• Los viajes de Abraham;los viajes de Jacob; los viajesde José• El éxodo y la peregrinación enel desierto• El Oriente Medio durante elAntiguo Testamento• El imperio asirio• La Tierra Santa durante lostiempos de Jesús• El sepulcro de Jesús• La expansión del cristianismo enel imperio romanoAbout the BookThis deluxe edition of the best seller Then and Now <strong>Bible</strong> Mapsincludes 26 full-color <strong>Bible</strong> maps with clear plastic overlays thatshow correlating modern cities and countries. Now you can seewhere well-known <strong>Bible</strong> places, often since renamed, are today. Didyou know, for example, that Daniel was taken as a prisoner of warto modern day Iraq, Noah’s Ark probably landed in Turkey, and thewise men were likely from Iran or Saudi Arabia?The book also comes with a CD-ROM of all the maps in JPGand PDF formats so you can easily print them for <strong>Bible</strong> studies,teaching, reports, or personal use. No other <strong>Bible</strong> atlas has so manyfullcolor maps, clear plastic overlays, and large readable type. Thespecial hardcover hidden spiral binding opens flat for ease of useand for photocopying. Among the two-dozen-plus featured maps are:• Abraham’s Journeys; Jacob’s • The Holy Land during theJourneys; Joseph’s Journeys time of Jesus• The Exodus and Wilderness • Tomb of JesusWanderings• Paul’s Journeys; Peter and• The Middle East during Old Philip’s JourneysTestament times• Expansion of Christianity in• Assyrian Empirethe Roman EmpireFecha de publicación (Release Date):1 de Octubre de <strong>2012</strong> (October 1, <strong>2012</strong>)ISBN: 978-0-8054-9583-6Precio minorista (Retail Price): $29.99Formato (Format): Tapa dura a todo color(encuader-nación en espiral oculta) con CD-ROM(Printed hardcover w/CD-ROM concealedspiral-bound)Páginas (Page Count): 40Tamaño (Trim Size): 91/2 x 111/4Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 12149

Atlas Bíblico Conciso Holman(Concise Holman <strong>Bible</strong> Atlas)Diseñado para enriquecer tanto elestudio bíblico personal como grupalasí como la preparación de su enseñanzabíblica o predicación. El Atlas BíblicoConciso Holman contiene 36 mapas atodo color.Designed to enrich both personal andgroup <strong>Bible</strong> study as well as preparationfor teaching and preaching the <strong>Bible</strong>,this compact yet thorough atlas providesthirty-six full-color maps.ISBN: 978-0-8054-9419-8Precio (Retail Price): $7.99Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper)Páginas (Page Count): 48Tamaño (Trim Size): 61⁄2 x 9 3 ⁄16Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 60Los Profetas como PredicadoresCasi toda introducción a los librosproféticos de la Biblia se enfoca enla forma en que se componen. Sinembargo, Gary V. Smith aplica lateoría de la comunicación y la sociologíadel conocimiento a fin de analizarsimplemente cómo la predicación de losprofetas del Antiguo Testamento cambióla vida de individuos, influyó en loslíderes más poderosos del mundo y logróel arrepentimiento de naciones completas.Los capítulos individuales sobreAmós, Oseas, Jonás, Miqueas, Isaías,Nahum, Sofonías, Habacuc, Jeremías,Joel, Abdías, Ezequiel, Daniel, Hageo,Zacarías y Malaquías también incluyenpreguntas para conducir el diálogosobre sus implicancias teológicas ysociales. Asimismo, el libro Los profetascomo predicadores se caracterizapor diez ilustraciones, un glosario detérminos, bibliografía e índices detemas y nombres.Although most introductions tothe prophetic books of the <strong>Bible</strong>focus on their composition, Gary V.Smith uses communication theoryand the sociology of knowledge toanalyze just how the preaching ofthe Old Testament prophets changedindividual lives, influenced the world’sgreatest leaders, and caused entirenations to repent.Individual chapters on Amos,Hosea, Jonah, Micah, Isaiah, Nahum,Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Jeremiah, Joel,Obadiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai,Zechariah, and Malachi also includediscussion questions concerningtheological and social implications. TheProphets as Preachers also featuresten illustrations, glossary of terms,bibliography, and indices of subjectsand names.ISBN: 978-1-4336-7777-9Precio (Retail Price): $12.99Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper)Páginas (Page Count): 384Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 x 9Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 36150

Guía Holman para Entender la Biblia(Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding the <strong>Bible</strong>)Esta guía combina una visión panorámica, lacronología, las palabras claves y mucho másen un resumen de información bíblica claro,conciso, pero sorprendentemente completo.This guide combines an overview of the <strong>Bible</strong>,its chronology, key words, and more in aclear, concise, but suprisingly completebiblical summary.ISBN: 978-0-8054-2841-4 Precio (Retail Price): $14.99 Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper)Páginas (Page Count): 272 Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 x 9 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24Guía Holman de Interpretación Bíblica(Holman Guide to Interpreting the <strong>Bible</strong>)En la Guía Holman de Interpretación Bíblica,David Dockery y George Guthrie establecen losfundamentos para interpretar, aplicar y comunicarla Palabra de Dios al enseñar y predicar.In the Holman Guide to Interpreting the <strong>Bible</strong>,David Dockery and George Guthrie set forth thebasics of interpreting, applying, and communicatingthe Word of God in teaching and preaching.ISBN: 978-0-8054-2859-9 Precio (Retail Price): $4.99 Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper)Páginas (Page Count): 104 Tamaño (Trim Size): 5 1 ⁄4 x 8 1 ⁄4 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 36Glosario Holman de términos bíblicos(Holman Treasury of Key <strong>Bible</strong> Words)El Glosario Holman de términos bíblicospresenta una clara explicación de 400 términosbíblicos clave. El estudio de cada términoincluye:• La traducción del término hebreo o griego alespañol• La transliteración del término• Los números correspondientes de laConcordancia StrongThe Holman Treasury of Key <strong>Bible</strong> Words hasa clearly written explanation of 400 key <strong>Bible</strong>words. Each word study includes:• The Spanish translation of the key Hebrewor Greek word• The transliteration of the word• The associated Strong’s numbersISBN: 978-0-8054-2829-2 Precio (Retail Price): $14.99 Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper)Páginas (Page Count): 456 Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 x 9 Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 24151

Guía Holman deApologética Cristiana(Holman QuickSource Guide toChristian Apologetics )ACERCA DEL LIBROEn la sociedad pluralista de hoy, no todos los enfoques parapredicar el evangelio funcionan con todas las personas. A fin deestar preparados para dar razones de la esperanza quetenemos en Cristo, debemos comprender el marco contextual delas personas con las que hablamos.En la Guía Holman de Apologética Cristiana, Doug Powelldefiende la fe cristiana haciendo uso de enfoques de apologéticamuy respetados y presentándolos de una manera fresca parauna nueva generación.Entre los capítulos, encontramos:Capítulo 1: ¿Qué es la apologética?Capítulo 2: ¿Existe Dios? El argumento cosmológicoCapítulo 3: ¿Existe Dios? El argumento del diseñoCapítulo 4: ¿Existe Dios? El argumento moralCapítulo 5: ¿Cuál Dios existe?Capítulo 6: ¿Cuál fue el origen del Nuevo Testamento?Capítulo 7: ¿Es confiable El Nuevo Testamento?Capítulo 8: ¿Es confiable El Antiguo Testamento?Capítulo 9: ¿Existen los milagros?Capítulo 10: ¿Qué lugar ocupa la profecía?Capítulo 11: ¿Fue real la resurrección?Capítulo 12: ¿Jesús dijo que era Dios? ¿Es Él el único camino?Capítulo 13: ¿Por qué Dios permitió que existiera el mal?Capítulo 14: MetodologíaISBN: 978-0-8054-9522-5Precio (Retail Price): $14.99Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper)Páginas (Page Count): 400Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 x 9Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 28About the BookIn today’s pluralistic society, not every approach to sharing thegospel will work with all people. Being ready to give reasonsfor the hope we have in Christ means understanding thecontextual framework of the people we are addressing.In the Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics,Doug Powell defends the Christian faith by taking time honoredapproaches in apologetics and freshly presenting them for a newgeneration. Chapters include:1. What Is Apologetics?2. Does God Exist? The Cosmological Argument3. Does God Exist? The Design Argument4. Does God Exist? The Moral Argument5. Which God Exists?6. Where Did the New Testament Come From?7. Is the New Testament Reliable?8. Is the Old Testament Reliable?9. Do Miracles Happen?10. What About Prophecy?11. The Resurrection?12. Did Jesus Claim to Be God? Is Jesus the Only Way?13. How Could God Allow Evil?14. Methodology152

Guía Holman deReligiones del Mundo(Understanding World Religions)La Guía Holman de Religiones del Mundo constituye una guíaindispensable para estu-diantes, ministros, líderes de iglesia ylaicos que deseen comprender mejor las creencias y las prácticasde las personas religiosas alrededor del mundo.Understanding World Religions is an indispensable guide forstudents, ministers, church leaders, and laypersons whowant to begin a journey into understanding the beliefs andpractices of religious people around the world.ISBN: 978-0-8054-3276-3Precio (Retail Price): $12.99Encuadernación (Format): Tapa Suave (Trade Paper)Páginas (Page Count): 224Tamaño (Trim Size): 6 x 9Cantidad en la caja (Carton Quantity): 36153

INDEX by TranslationHCSBAudioExperiencing the Word <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 48ChildrenBaby’s New Testament with Psalms, pg. 32Drill <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 32Economy New Testament, pg. 32Illustrated Study <strong>Bible</strong> for Kids, pgs. 30-31Read to Me <strong>Bible</strong> for Kids, pg. 29Compact/PortableHand Size Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 37Large Print Compact <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 8, 33UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 9, 35UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, Large Print, pgs. 9, 36DevotionalCeltic <strong>Bible</strong>, Large Print Compact, pg. 33Reading God’s Story Chronological Daily <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 21Evangelism/MinistryGift and Award <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 40Here’s Hope New Testament, pg. 46Is Jesus Alive Today Gospel of John, pg. 44Pew <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 40Share Jesus without Fear New Testament, pg. 45Giant PrintGiant Print <strong>Reference</strong>, pg. 38Hand Size Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 37Super Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 39SpecialtyAirman’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23Bride’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 25Coast Guardsman’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23Doctor’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 24Firefighter’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 22Golfer’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 26Graduate’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 25Legacy <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 43Marine’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23Men’s Fraternity <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 27Minister’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 42NoteTaker’s <strong>Bible</strong>s. pg. 41Nurse’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 24Law Enforcement Officer’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 22Sailor’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23Soldier’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23The Sports <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 8Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 26StudentApologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong> for Students, pg. 19BeTween Pocket <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 28iStand One Minute <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 47One Minute <strong>Bible</strong> for Students, pg. 47Share Jesus Without Fear New Testament, pg. 45StudyApologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 6-7, 18HCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 16Life Essentials Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 20Mission of God Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 17KJVChildrenBaby New Testament with Psalms, pg. 56Drill <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 54Economy New Testament, pg. 56KJV Illustrated Study <strong>Bible</strong> for Kids, pg. 55Read to Me <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 54Compact/PortableHand Size Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 4, 58Large Print Compact <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 4, 62Large Print Compact <strong>Bible</strong>, Snap Flap, pg. 62Personal <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 59Pocket Size <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 63UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 60UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, Large Print, pg. 61Evangelism/MinistryGift & Award, pg. 65Here’s Hope New Testament, pg. 68Pew <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 65Share Jesus without Fear New Testament, pg. 68Giant PrintGiant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 57Hand Size Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 4, 58Super Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 5, 64UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, Large Print, pg. 61SpecialtyFamily <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 66Holman Family <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 66KJV 400th Anniversary <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 51Minister’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 67Military <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 53Pulpit <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 64Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 53StudyHolman KJV Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 2-3, 50Master Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 52NKJVHere’s Hope New Testament, pg. 70Large Print UltraThin, pg. 70CSB/CUVMandarin CSB/CUV Parallel New Testament,pgs. 72SPANISH BIBLESBIBLIA PESHITTABiblia Peshitta en Español, pg. 137BIBLIA TEXTUALBiblia Textual, pg. 136NBLHNueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy, pg. 138LBLACompact/PortableLBLA Biblia Letra Grande Tamaño Manual, pg. 133LBLA Biblia para Regalos y Premios, pg. 134Evangelism/MinistryLBLA Nuevo Testamento, Jesús Salva, pg. 135LBLA Santa Biblia, Edición Ríos de Agua Viva,pg. 135LBLA Evangelio de Juan Plan de Vida, pg. 135StudyLBLA Biblia de Estudio, pg. 132RVCRVC Biblia Oraciones y Promesas, pgs. 104-105Biblia RVC Letra Grande Tamano Manual, pg. 106RVR 1960BilingualRVR 1960/HCSB Biblia Bilingüe, pg. 129RVR 1960/KJV Biblia Bilingüe, pg. 130ChildrenRVR 1960 La Biblia Léemela, pg. 124Compact/PortableRVR 1960 Biblia Compacta de Letra Grandecon Referencias, pg. 115RVR 1960 Biblia Ultrafina Tamaño Bosillo, pg. 120RVR 1960 Biblia Tamano Personalizado, pg. 122Large PrintRVR 1960 Biblia Compacta Letra Grande conReferencias, pg. 116RVR 1960 Biblia Letra Grande Edicion Especialcon Referencias, pg. 114RVR 1960 Biblia Letra Grande Tamaño conReferencias, pgs. 117-118RVR 1960 Biblia Letra Súper Gigante conReferencias, pg. 119Evangelism/MinistryRVR 1960 Nuevo Testamento Hay vida enJesús, pg. 128RVR 1960 Biblia para Regalos y Premios, pg. 131RVR 1960 Nuevo Testamento Testifique deCristo sin Temor, pg. 128<strong>Reference</strong>RVR 1960 Edicíon Especial con Referencias,pgs. 112-113RVR 1960 Edicíon Especial con Referencias,Maxi Concordancia, pg. 111RVR 1960 Santa Biblia con Referencias, pg. 121RVR 1960 Biblia Edicion Exclusiva conReferencias, pg. 123SpecialtyRVR 1960 Biblia Mis Quince, pg. 127RVR 1960 Biblia recuerdo de Boda para Novias,pg. 126RVR 1960 Biblia ¡Colormax!, pg. 125StudyRVR 1960 Biblia de Estudio Arco Iris, pg. 107RVR 1960 Biblia de Estudio de Apologética, pgs.108-109RVR 1960 Nueva Biblia de Estudio Scofield, pg. 110RVR 1909RV 1909 Biblia Clásica con Referencias, pg. 1311541-800-251-3225

Category INDEXAudioExperiencing the Word <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 48BilingualRVR 1960/HCSB Biblia Bilingüe, pg. 129RVR 1960/KJV Biblia Bilingüe, pg. 130ChildrenBaby’s New Testament with Psalms, pgs. 32, 56Drill <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 32, 54Economy New Testament, pgs. 32, 56Illustrated Study <strong>Bible</strong> for Kids, pgs. 30-31, 55Read to Me <strong>Bible</strong> for Kids, pgs. 29,54, 124Compact/PortableHand Size Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 4,37, 58, 117, 118, 133Large Print Compact <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 4, 8, 33, 62, 115Personal <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 59, 122Pocket <strong>Bible</strong>s, pgs. 63, 117, 120, 125Pocket New Testament, pg. 68UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 9, 35, 60UltraThin <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, Large Print, pgs.9, 36, 61DevotionalRVC Biblia Oranciones y Promesas, pgs. 104-105Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy, pg. 138Reading God’s Story Chronological Daily <strong>Bible</strong>,pg. 21Evangelism/MinistryGift and Award <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 40, 65, 131, 134Here’s Hope New Testament, pgs. 46, 68, 128Gospel of John, pgs. 44, 135LBLA Nuevo Testamento, Jesús Salva, pg. 135LBLA Santa Biblia, Edición Ríos de AguaViva, pg. 135Pew <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 39, 65Share Jesus without Fear New Testament,pgs. 45, 68, 128Giant PrintGiant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 38, 57, 114, 116Hand Size Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 4,37, 58, 106, 117, 118Super Giant Print <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 5, 39,64, 119SpecialtyAirman’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23Bride’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 25Coast Guardsman’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23Cornerstone Family <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 66Doctor’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 24Firefighter’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 22Golfer’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 26Graduate’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 25Holman Family <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 66Legacy <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 43Marine’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23Men’s Fraternity <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 27Military <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 53Minister’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 42, 67NoteTaker’s <strong>Bible</strong>s. pg. 41Nurse’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 24Law Enforcement Officer’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 22Pulpit <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 41, 64RVR 1960 Biblia Mis Quince, pg. 127RVR 1960 Biblia recuerdo de Boda paraNovias, pg. 126RVR 1960 Biblia ¡Colormax!, pg. 125Sailor’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23Soldier’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 23Sportsman’s <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 26, 53StudentApologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong> for Students, pg. 19BeTween Pocket <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 28iStand One Minute <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 47One Minute <strong>Bible</strong> for Students, pg. 47StudyApologetics Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pgs. 6-7Biblia Peshitta en Español, pg. 137Biblia Textual, pg. 136HCSB Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 16LBLA Biblia de Estudio, pg. 132Life Essentials Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 20Master Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 52Mission of God Study <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 17RVR 1960 Biblia de Estudio Arco Iris, pg. 107RVR 1960 Biblia de Estudio de Apologética,pgs. 108-109RVR 1960 Nueva Biblia de Estudio Scofield,pg. 110<strong>Reference</strong>52 Words Every Christian Should Know, pg. 92Boyd’s <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary, pg. 94Harmony of the Gospels, pgs. 88, 89HCSB Comprehensive Concordance, pg. 85HCSB Super Giant Print Dictionary &Concordance, pg. 86Holman <strong>Bible</strong> Atlas, pg. 91Holman <strong>Bible</strong> Concordance for Kids, pg. 82Holman <strong>Bible</strong> Handbook, pg. 90Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps andReconstructions, pg. 90Holman Concise <strong>Bible</strong> Commentary, pg. 83Holman Concise <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary, pg. 83Holman Concise Topical Concordance, pg. 83Holman Giant Print Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong>Dictionary, pg. 80Holman Guide to Interpreting the <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 92Holman Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary, pg. 79Holman Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> Handbook, pg. 12Holman Illustrated Pocket <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary,pg. 84Holman Illustrated Pocket <strong>Bible</strong> Handbook,pg. 84Holman Pocket Concordance, pg. 84Holman New Testament Commentary Series,pg. 97Holman Old Testament Commentary Series,pg. 96Holman QuickSource Series, pgs. 76-77Holman Treasury of Key <strong>Bible</strong> Words, pg. 91If God Made the Universe, Who Made God?pg. 75Illustrated Guide to Biblical History, pg. 93Illustrated Life of Jesus, pgs. 78, 93Jesus iWitness, pg. 11KJV Super Giant Print Dictionary &Concordance, pg. 87New American Commentary Series,New Testament, pg. 10, 99New American Commentary Series,Old Testament, pg. 98Resurrection iWitness, pg. 74Secret of the Talpiot Tomb, pg. 89Shepherd’s Notes Series, pg. 100Simplified Harmony of the Gospels, pg. 86So That’s in the <strong>Bible</strong>, pg. 101That’s Easy for You to Say, pg. 101Women’s Evangelical Commentary,New Testament & Old Testament, pg.95Word Pictures in the New Testament, pg. 94Holman Illustrated <strong>Bible</strong> Dictionary for Kids,pg. 81BH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com155

TEXT SAMPLESHCSB ®6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.6 point type7 point type7.5 point type8 point type6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.8.5 point type6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.9 point type6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.9.5 point type6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.10 point type6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.10.5 point type6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.11.5 point type6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,and the life. No one comes to the Father exceptthrough Me.14 point type 18 point typeKing James Version6 point type7 point type 7.75 point type8 point type 8.25 point type9 point type10 point type 10.5 point type12 point type 13 point type 14 point type1561-800-251-3225

TEXT SAMPLESKing James Version (cont.)15 point type18 point typeNew King James Version9 point type 9.5 point type 10 point typeLas Biblias De Las Americas Reina Valera 190912 point typeRVR 196011 point type7 point type7.5 point type8 point type9 point type10 point type11 point type12 point type 14 point type18 point typeBH<strong>Publishing</strong><strong>Group</strong>.com157

GLOSSARYTypes of <strong>Bible</strong>sBride’s <strong>Bible</strong>For the bride to carry during thewedding ceremony. Usually a small,white or antique white <strong>Bible</strong> with adecorated wedding certificate.Children’s <strong>Bible</strong>A text <strong>Bible</strong> with simple <strong>Bible</strong> studyhelps, maps, and illustrations.ConcordanceAn alphabetical listing of key wordsgiving every book, chapter, and versewhere the words appear in the <strong>Bible</strong>.Dictionary/ConcordanceA combination <strong>Bible</strong> dictionary/concordance/ subject index – all in onehandy alphabetical sequence.Family <strong>Bible</strong>A large <strong>Bible</strong> containing a familyrecord section and often other collateralmaterial for family reading, study, anddevotion.Giant-Print <strong>Bible</strong>Features large, easy-to-read type,especially helpful for the visuallyimpaired, the elderly, young children, orothers who prefer an extremely readabletype.Gift and Award <strong>Bible</strong>A text <strong>Bible</strong> designed for purchase inlarge quantity by a church or individualfor presentation on graduation, orsimilar occasion. Usually includes somestudy helpsand maps.Pew <strong>Bible</strong>An inexpensive hardcover text <strong>Bible</strong> toplace in pew racks for use by churchmembers during the worship service.Pronouncing/Self-PronouncingA <strong>Bible</strong> in which unfamiliar and/ordifficult words are divided into syllablesand accented for correct pronunciation.Pulpit or Lectern <strong>Bible</strong>A large <strong>Bible</strong> usually without studyhelps material for use on a lectern,pulpit, altar, or communion table.Red-Letter <strong>Bible</strong>A <strong>Bible</strong> in which the words of Christ areprinted in red.<strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>A <strong>Bible</strong> with center-column, in-verse, orend of verse references to other passagesof Scripture on the same subject.Study <strong>Bible</strong>A <strong>Bible</strong> designed with an abundance ofextra material to aid in <strong>Bible</strong> study.Text <strong>Bible</strong>A <strong>Bible</strong> containing only the text of theScriptures.Binding MaterialsGenuine LeatherA term used for binding material madefrom the natural skin of a variety ofanimals.Bonded LeatherA high-quality, extremely durablematerial made from leather fiber plusa bonding agent. Holman <strong>Bible</strong>s usesonly premium bonded leather, a superiormaterial (without fillers of any kind)plus a bonding agent.Imitation/simulated LeatherA coated, man-made material thatresembles leather.PaperbackA binding material, usually paper orsimilar material, used on inexpensiveeditions.Binding StylesLimpA term used to describe a cover thatextends only 1⁄8 inch beyond the edgeof the pages. The term “limp” does notrefer to the flexibility of the cover.Semi-OverlapOverlapping covers that extend at least3/16” beyond the page edges.PaddedA binding using a board and a layer offoam to pad the covers.Flush CutA binding style utilizing a flexiblematerial that is trimmed with the edgesof the <strong>Bible</strong> pages.HardcoverInflexible binder’s boards covered withimitation leather.Magnetic ClosureA magnetized strip inside the flapclosure that holds the <strong>Bible</strong> shut.Slide TabA strap of leather that folds over thepages and slips into a buckle.Snap FlapA snap flap or button flap is a flexiblecover style in which the back coverextends to the front and is held with adecorative button snap.1581-800-251-3225

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Take afresh lookEvery wordmatters.Every word of Scripture matters because every word is from God andfor people. Because every word is from God, the HCSB uses words likeYahweh (Is. 42:8), Messiah (Luke 3:15), and slave (Rev. 1:1). And becauseevery word of Scripture is for 21st century people, the HCSB replaceswords like “Behold” with modern terms like “Look.” For these reasons andothers, Christians across the globe are taking a fresh look at the HCSB.Every Word MattersHCSB.org

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