US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page

US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page
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IXlVAN ACT RELATING TO THE POSTAL LAW8.6um not exceeding the sea postage on the mails soconveyed.Seo. 10. And be it further enacted, That no steamshipor other vessel departing from the United States for aforeign port or ports, shall be permitted to receive onboard or convey any letters or letter packets originatingin the United States, which have not been regularlyposted at, and received from, the post office at the portof departure ; and it shall be the duty of the collector orother officer of the port empowered to grant clearancesof vessels, to require, as a condition of clearance, fromthe master or commander of such steamship or vessel, anoath or affirmation that he has not received on board hisship or vessel, and has not under his care or within hiscontrol, and will not receive and convey, any letters orletter packets addressed to a foreign country, except ashereinafter excepted, which have not been delivered tohim from the post office at the port of departure : Provided,however, that the provisions of this section shallnot apply to any letters or letter packets which relate tothe cargo and are addressed to the owner or consignee ofsuch steamship or other vessel, or to any letters or packetswhich are inclosed in a United States stamped envolopeof a denomination sufficient in amount to cover theUnited States postage legally chargeable thereon if suchletters or packets had been posted and transmitted bythe regular mail.Seo. 11. And be it further enacted, That nothing containedin the act entitled "An act to establish a postalmoney-order system," approved May seventeen, eighteenhundred and sixty-four, or in any other act, shall be soconstrued as to prevent deputy postmasters at moneyorderor other offices from depositing in the nationalbanks designated by the Secretary of the Treasury aspublic depositories, to their own credit as deputy postmasters,money-order or other funds in their charge,under the direction of the Postmaster General, nor toprevent their negotiating drafts, orders, or other evidencesof debt through these banks, as they may be instructedand required by the Postmaster General.Sec. 12. And be it further enacted,, That the balancewhich may remain unexpended of the appropriation ofone hundred thousand dollars to meet any deficiencies inthe proceeds of the money-order system during the presentfiscal year, under the thirteenth section of the actapproved May seventeen, eighteen hundred and sixtyfour,may be used, as far as may be necessary, to supplydeficiencies in the proceeds of the aforesaid system duringthe fiscal year commencing July first, eighteen hundredand sixty-five.Site. 13. And be it further enacted, That if any personor persons shall willfully and maliciously injure, teardown, or destroy any letter-box, pillar-box, or other receivingboxes established by authority of the PostmasterGeneral of the United States for the safe deposit of matterfor the mails and for delivery, or shall willfully aidand assist in injuring, tearing down, or destroying anyBuoh box or boxes, every such offender, being thereofduly convicted, shall, for every such offense, be finod notless than one hundred, nor more than one thousand dollars,4or be imprisoned not less than one year, nor morethan three years, or both, according to the circumstancesand aggravations of the offense. And if any clerk orother person employed in any of the departments of thePost Office establishment shall willfully and unlawfullyremove from any letter posted at or received in any postoffice or branch post office established by authority of thePostmaster General of the United States, any postagestamp or stamps affixed thereto in payment of postage,every such offender, being thereof duly convicted, shall,for every such offense, be fined not more than one hundreddollars, or imprisoned not more than six months,according to the circumstances ar^J aggravations of theoffense.Seo. 14. And be it further enacted, That the yearlyadvertisement for proposals to carry the mails of theUnited States shall be published hereafter, for a periodof six weeks, in one or more, but not to exceed five,newspapers, printed in the State or Territory where themail service is to be performed, one of which shall beprinted at the seat of government of such State or Territory.Seo. 15. And be it further enacted, That nothing containedin the act entitled " An act to amend the laws relatingto the Post Office Department," approved Marchthird, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, shall be so construedas to repeal or modify the second section of theact entitled "An act making appropriations for the serviceof the Post Office department during the fiscal yearending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixtyone,"for the delivery of letters and other mail matterfrom post offices where the system of free delivery bycarriers has not been established: Provided, nevertheless,and it is hereby further enacted, That the system of fr


IXlVAN ACT RELATING TO THE POSTAL LAW8.6um not exceed<strong>in</strong>g the sea postage on the mails soconveyed.Seo. 10. And be it further enacted, That no steamshipor other vessel depart<strong>in</strong>g from the United States for aforeign port or ports, shall be permitted to receive onboard or convey any letters or letter packets orig<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> the United States, which have not been regularlyposted at, and received from, the post office at the portof departure ; and it shall be the duty of the collector orother officer of the port empowered to grant clearancesof vessels, to require, as a condition of clearance, fromthe master or commander of such steamship or vessel, anoath or affirmation that he has not received on board hisship or vessel, and has not under his care or with<strong>in</strong> hiscontrol, and will not receive and convey, any letters orletter packets addressed to a foreign country, except ashere<strong>in</strong>after excepted, which have not been delivered tohim from the post office at the port of departure : Provided,however, that the provisions of this section shallnot apply to any letters or letter packets which relate tothe cargo and are addressed to the owner or consignee ofsuch steamship or other vessel, or to any letters or packetswhich are <strong>in</strong>closed <strong>in</strong> a United States stamped envolopeof a denom<strong>in</strong>ation sufficient <strong>in</strong> amount to cover theUnited States postage legally chargeable thereon if suchletters or packets had been posted and transmitted bythe regular mail.Seo. 11. And be it further enacted, That noth<strong>in</strong>g conta<strong>in</strong>ed<strong>in</strong> the act entitled "An act to establish a postalmoney-order system," approved May seventeen, eighteenhundred and sixty-four, or <strong>in</strong> any other act, shall be soconstrued as to prevent deputy postmasters at moneyorderor other offices from deposit<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the nationalbanks designated by the Secretary of the Treasury aspublic depositories, to their own credit as deputy postmasters,money-order or other funds <strong>in</strong> their charge,under the direction of the <strong>Post</strong>master General, nor toprevent their negotiat<strong>in</strong>g drafts, orders, or other evidencesof debt through these banks, as they may be <strong>in</strong>structedand required by the <strong>Post</strong>master General.Sec. 12. And be it further enacted,, That the balancewhich may rema<strong>in</strong> unexpended of the appropriation ofone hundred thousand dollars to meet any deficiencies <strong>in</strong>the proceeds of the money-order system dur<strong>in</strong>g the presentfiscal year, under the thirteenth section of the actapproved May seventeen, eighteen hundred and sixtyfour,may be used, as far as may be necessary, to supplydeficiencies <strong>in</strong> the proceeds of the aforesaid system dur<strong>in</strong>gthe fiscal year commenc<strong>in</strong>g July first, eighteen hundredand sixty-five.Site. 13. And be it further enacted, That if any personor persons shall willfully and maliciously <strong>in</strong>jure, teardown, or destroy any letter-box, pillar-box, or other receiv<strong>in</strong>gboxes established by authority of the <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral of the United States for the safe deposit of matterfor the mails and for delivery, or shall willfully aidand assist <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>jur<strong>in</strong>g, tear<strong>in</strong>g down, or destroy<strong>in</strong>g anyBuoh box or boxes, every such offender, be<strong>in</strong>g thereofduly convicted, shall, for every such offense, be f<strong>in</strong>od notless than one hundred, nor more than one thousand dollars,4or be imprisoned not less than one year, nor morethan three years, or both, accord<strong>in</strong>g to the circumstancesand aggravations of the offense. And if any clerk orother person employed <strong>in</strong> any of the departments of the<strong>Post</strong> Office establishment shall willfully and unlawfullyremove from any letter posted at or received <strong>in</strong> any postoffice or branch post office established by authority of the<strong>Post</strong>master General of the United States, any postagestamp or stamps affixed thereto <strong>in</strong> payment of postage,every such offender, be<strong>in</strong>g thereof duly convicted, shall,for every such offense, be f<strong>in</strong>ed not more than one hundreddollars, or imprisoned not more than six months,accord<strong>in</strong>g to the circumstances ar^J aggravations of theoffense.Seo. 14. And be it further enacted, That the yearlyadvertisement for proposals to carry the mails of theUnited States shall be published hereafter, for a periodof six weeks, <strong>in</strong> one or more, but not to exceed five,newspapers, pr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> the State or Territory where themail service is to be performed, one of which shall bepr<strong>in</strong>ted at the seat of government of such State or Territory.Seo. 15. And be it further enacted, That noth<strong>in</strong>g conta<strong>in</strong>ed<strong>in</strong> the act entitled " An act to amend the laws relat<strong>in</strong>gto the <strong>Post</strong> Office Department," approved Marchthird, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, shall be so construedas to repeal or modify the second section of theact entitled "An act mak<strong>in</strong>g appropriations for the serviceof the <strong>Post</strong> Office department dur<strong>in</strong>g the fiscal yearend<strong>in</strong>g the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixtyone,"for the delivery of letters and other mail matterfrom post offices where the system of free delivery bycarriers has not been established: Provided, nevertheless,and it is hereby further enacted, That the system of fr

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