US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page

US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page
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:POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF CANADA.general flost-^ffice.Postmaster General,HON. W. P. HOWLAND.Deputy Postmaster General,WILLIAM H. GRIFFIN.Accountant,H. A. WICKSTEED.Secretary,WUXTAM WHITE.Cashier,JOHN AS HWORTH.Superintendent Money Order Branch,P. LESUEUR.Clerics of the First Class.E. C. HAYDEN, J. T. McCUAIG.R. OLIVER, D. LAWSON, H. S. WEATI1ERLEY,P. HOLT, J. C. STEWART.Clerks of the Second Class,3. AUDETTE, C. R. McKENZIE, J. BROPHY,GEORGE J. MASON.Clerks of the Third Class,3. BOYD, J. L. McMAHON, E. H. BENJAMIN,WM. D. LESUEUR, B. KING, G. H. HARGRAVE, H.J. GARRETT, G. H. HOLT, H. W. GRIFFIN.Clerks of the Fourth Class,W. BERRY, T. J. HOLLOWAY, 0. FRECHETTE,R. P. DAVIS, J. WILSON, JAMES McNAB.Inspection Branch.JOHN DEWE, G. E. GRIFFIN, M. SWEETMAN,EDWIN F. KING, W. G. SHEPPARD.LETTER KATES.Letters posted in Canada addressed to any place withinthe Province pass, if prepaid, for 5 cents per % oz.,but if posted unpaid, such letters are charged 7 centsper % oz.On Letters to Nova Scotja, New Brunswick, and PrinceEdward's Island, the rate is 5 cents per % oz., with optionalprepayment.„^The rate on Letters to the United Kingdom is, by CanadianPacket,Not exceeding % oz.,12)^ cents.Exceeding " and not exceeding 1 oz., 25 ""1 oz., and not " 2 oz., 50 "and so on, increasing two rates of postage for each additionalounce.And by Cunard Packet, 17 cents per % oz., &c.Letters for the United Kingdom must be prepaid, orthey will be charged a fine of 6d. sterling on delivery.Letters for British Colonies and Possessions beyondSea, and Foreign Countries, via England, must be prepaid.Ihe rate on Letters for the U. States,(except California and Oregon) 10 cts. per % oz.''for California and Oregon 15 "•'to Cuba 20 " "The Postage rate to British Columbia is,Letters 25 cents per } oz.Newspapers2 cents each.Mails forCanada from England.Two Ocean Steamers, carrying mails for Canada, leaveLiverpool in each week, viz: a Canadian Packet on everyThursday, via Derry on Friday, sailing to Quebec in summerand Portland in winter, by which the Postage rateis 6d stg. per %, oz. : and a Cunard Packet every Saturday,via Cork on Sunday, bringing Mails for Canada,alternately to Boston and New York, by which the Postagerate to Canada is 8d. stg. per }£ oz.The British Post Office forwards letters to Canada bythe first Packet sailing after the letter is posted, unlessthe letters bear a special direction— " By CanadianPacket," or " By British Packet''—and in that case theyare kept over for the Packet designated.'•By CanadianMail" is not a distinctive superscription ;for any Mailfor Canada is a " Canadian Mail," by whatever Packetforwarded.Registration of Letters.Persons posting Letters containing value, shouldbe careful to require them to be Registered, and tcobtain from the Postmaster a Certificate of receipt forRegistration.The charge for Registration, in addition to the Postage,is as follows, viz.On Letters to any other place in Canada, orBritish North America 2 centsOn Letters for the United States 5 "On Letters for the United Kingdom 12>£ "On Letters for British Colonies or Possessions,sent via England 25 "On Letters for France and other Foreign Countries, viaEngland, an amount equal to the postage rate.Both the postage charge and registration fee must in allcases be prepaid.Registration is not an absolute guarantee against themiscarriage or loss of a Letter ; but a Registered Lettercan be traced when an unregistered Letter cannot, andthe posting and delivery or non-delivery can be proven.A Registered Letter is thus secured against many of thecasualties which, from incorrect address, forgetfulness ofthe receiver, or other error, may afl'ect an UnregisteredLetter


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