US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page

US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page
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.ABBKEVIATIOlSr OFNAMES OF STATES AND TERRITORIES.MeN HVtMassMaine.New Hampshire.Vermont.Massachusetts.R. I Rhode Island.ConnN.YConnecticut.New York.N. J New Jersey.PaDelMdPennsylvania.Delaware.Maryland.D. C Dist. of Columbia.W. Va West Virginia.VaVirginia.N. C North Carolina.GaFlaAlaMissArkLaTexasOhioKyTenuMoIowaIllIndMichGeorgia...Florida.Alabama.Mississippi.Arkansas.Louisiana.Texas.Ohio.Kentucky.Tennessee.Missouri.Iowa.Illinois.Indiana.Michigan.WisWisconsin.MinnMinnesota.DakDakota Ter.KansKansas.NebrNebraska Ter.CalCalifornia.OregonOregon.WashWashington Ter.Idaho Idaho Ter..MontMontana Ter.Nev.Nevada.UtahUtah Ter,ColColorado Ter.ArizArizona Ter.N. M New Mexico Ter.S. C South Carolina.The above abbreviations are for the convenience of the Department ;but, with the view of securingboth certainty and celerity in transmission, it is recommended to the public, in addressing letters and parcels,to write in full the name of the County and State (or Territory)EXPLANATIONS.Offices printed in small capital letters, designate the Capitals of theStates and Territories.Those printed in italics, with a small c. h. in brackets, indicate the county seats.The large C. H. attached forms a part of the name of the office,and also indicates the county seat.The offices which have not the name of a postmaster affixed remained suspended at October 1st 1865.fl@» In order to make available the stereotype plates of the last edition of the Post Office Directory, thenames of discontinued offices have been erased from the plates, and do not appear in the present edition.

APPENDIX.DOMESTIC AID EOEEIGN POSTAGE.DOMESTIC POSTAGES.The law requires postage on allletters (including those to Weekly Newspapers (one copy only) sent by the publisherSix times per week, " "30 " Publications issued without disclosing the office of publication,For Tri-Weekly, " "15 •>or containing a fictitious statement thereof, must not be forwardedby postmasters unless prepaid at the mailing officeFor Semi-Weekly, " " 10 "For Weekly, " «•5 " at the rates of transient printed matter.foreign countries when prepaid), excepting those written to to actual subscribers within the county where printed andthe President or Vice-President, or members of Congress, or, published, free.(on official business) to the chiefs of the executive departmentsPostage per Quarter (to be paid quarterly or yearly inof the Government, and the heads of bureaus and chief advance) on Newspapers and Periodicals issued less fre-clerks, and others invested with the franking privilege, to be quently than once a week, sent fo actual subscribers in anyprepaid by stamps or stamped envelopes, prepayment in moneybeing prohibited.part of the United StatesSemi-Monthly , not over 4 oz 6 cts.All drop letters must be prepaid. The rate of postage onover 4 oz. and not over 8 oz 12 "drop letters, at offices where free delivery by carrier is established," over 8 oz. and not over 12 oz 18 "is two cents per half ounce, or fraction of a half ounce Monthly, not over 4 oz 3 "at offices where such free delivery is not established, the rate is " over 4 oz. and not over 8 1 >z 6 "one cent." over 8 oz. and not over lli oz 9 "The single rate of postage on all domestic mail letters Quarterly, not over 4 oz 1 "throughout the United"States is three cents per half ounce, withover 4 oz. and not over 8 oz , 2 "an additional rate of three cents for each additional half " over 8 oz. and not over 12 oz 3 "ounce, or fraction of a half ounce. The ten cent (Pacific) Quarterly postage cannot be paid for less than three months.rate is abolished.If a subscription begins at any other time than the commencementof an official quarter, the postage received byBATES OP LETTER POSTAGE BETWEEN OFFICES IN THE UNITEDthe postmaster must still be entered in his account for thatSTATES, AND TO AND FROM CANADA AND OTHER BRITISHquarter. Subscribers for short terms—exceeding threeNORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES.months, say four or five months—can pay quarterly postageTo and from Canada and New Brunswick, 10c. per half ounce, for the actual term of their subscriptions—that is for oneirrespective of distance,quarter and a third, one quarter and two-thirds, etc. TheTo and from other British North American Provinceslaw only requires that at least one quarter's postage shall befor a distance not over 3,000 miles10 cents. prepaid, and not more than one year's postage. Any termFor any distance over 3,000 miles 15 "between one quarter and one year can therefore he prepaidFor every additional half ounce, or fraction of a half ounce,at proportionate rates.ail additional rate is charged. Prepayment is optional on allPublishers op Newspapers and Periodicals may sendletters for the British North American Provinces except Newfoundland,to which prepayment is each other from their respective offices of publication, freeof postage, one copy of each publication, and may also sendLetter postage is to be charged on all handbills, circulars,to each actual subscriber, inclosed in their publications, billsor other printed matter which shall contain any manuscript and receipts for the same, free of postage. They may alsowriting whatever.state on their respective publications, the date when theDaguerreotypes, when sent in the mail, are to be charged subscription expires, to be written or printed.with letter postage by weight.Religious, Educational and Agricultural Newspapers of smallPhotographs on cards, paper, and other flexible material, size, issued less frequently than once a week, may be sent(not in cases), can be sent at the same rate as miscellaneous in packages to one address at the rate of one cent for eachprinted matter, viz., two cents for each four ounces or fraction package not exceeding four ounces in weight, and an additionalthereof.charge of one cent is made for each additional fourPhotographic Albums are chargeable with book postage ounces or fraction thereof, the postage to be paid quarterlyfour cents for eaoh four ounces, or fraction thereof.or yearly in advance.Newsdealers may send newspapers and periodicals to regularsubscribers at the quarterly rates, in the same mannerNewspaper Postage.Postage on Daily Papers to subscribers, when prepaidas publishers, and may also receive them from publishers atquarterly or yearly in advance, either at the mailingsubscribers' rates. In both cases the postage to be prepaid,office or office of delivery, per- quarter (three months) 35 cts. either at the mailing or delivery office.

APPENDIX.DOMESTIC AID EOEEIGN POSTAGE.DOMESTIC POSTAGES.The law requires postage on allletters (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g those to Weekly Newspapers (one copy only) sent by the publisherSix times per week, " "30 " Publications issued without disclos<strong>in</strong>g the office of publication,For Tri-Weekly, " "15 •>or conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g a fictitious statement thereof, must not be forwardedby postmasters unless prepaid at the mail<strong>in</strong>g officeFor Semi-Weekly, " " 10 "For Weekly, " «•5 " at the rates of transient pr<strong>in</strong>ted matter.foreign countries when prepaid), except<strong>in</strong>g those written to to actual subscribers with<strong>in</strong> the county where pr<strong>in</strong>ted andthe President or Vice-President, or members of Congress, or, published, free.(on official bus<strong>in</strong>ess) to the chiefs of the executive departments<strong>Post</strong>age per Quarter (to be paid quarterly or yearly <strong>in</strong>of the Government, and the heads of bureaus and chief advance) on Newspapers and Periodicals issued less fre-clerks, and others <strong>in</strong>vested with the frank<strong>in</strong>g privilege, to be quently than once a week, sent fo actual subscribers <strong>in</strong> anyprepaid by stamps or stamped envelopes, prepayment <strong>in</strong> moneybe<strong>in</strong>g prohibited.part of the United StatesSemi-Monthly , not over 4 oz 6 cts.All drop letters must be prepaid. The rate of postage onover 4 oz. and not over 8 oz 12 "drop letters, at offices where free delivery by carrier is established," over 8 oz. and not over 12 oz 18 "is two cents per half ounce, or fraction of a half ounce Monthly, not over 4 oz 3 "at offices where such free delivery is not established, the rate is " over 4 oz. and not over 8 1 >z 6 "one cent." over 8 oz. and not over lli oz 9 "The s<strong>in</strong>gle rate of postage on all domestic mail letters Quarterly, not over 4 oz 1 "throughout the United"States is three cents per half ounce, withover 4 oz. and not over 8 oz , 2 "an additional rate of three cents for each additional half " over 8 oz. and not over 12 oz 3 "ounce, or fraction of a half ounce. The ten cent (Pacific) Quarterly postage cannot be paid for less than three months.rate is abolished.If a subscription beg<strong>in</strong>s at any other time than the commencementof an official quarter, the postage received byBATES OP LETTER POSTAGE BETWEEN OFFICES IN THE UNITEDthe postmaster must still be entered <strong>in</strong> his account for thatSTATES, AND TO AND FROM CANADA AND OTHER BRITISHquarter. Subscribers for short terms—exceed<strong>in</strong>g threeNORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES.months, say four or five months—can pay quarterly postageTo and from Canada and New Brunswick, 10c. per half ounce, for the actual term of their subscriptions—that is for oneirrespective of distance,quarter and a third, one quarter and two-thirds, etc. TheTo and from other British North American Prov<strong>in</strong>ceslaw only requires that at least one quarter's postage shall befor a distance not over 3,000 miles10 cents. prepaid, and not more than one year's postage. Any termFor any distance over 3,000 miles 15 "between one quarter and one year can therefore he prepaidFor every additional half ounce, or fraction of a half ounce,at proportionate rates.ail additional rate is charged. Prepayment is optional on allPublishers op Newspapers and Periodicals may sendletters for the British North American Prov<strong>in</strong>ces except Newfoundland,to which prepayment is each other from their respective offices of publication, freeof postage, one copy of each publication, and may also sendLetter postage is to be charged on all handbills, circulars,to each actual subscriber, <strong>in</strong>closed <strong>in</strong> their publications, billsor other pr<strong>in</strong>ted matter which shall conta<strong>in</strong> any manuscript and receipts for the same, free of postage. They may alsowrit<strong>in</strong>g whatever.state on their respective publications, the date when theDaguerreotypes, when sent <strong>in</strong> the mail, are to be charged subscription expires, to be written or pr<strong>in</strong>ted.with letter postage by weight.Religious, Educational and Agricultural Newspapers of smallPhotographs on cards, paper, and other flexible material, size, issued less frequently than once a week, may be sent(not <strong>in</strong> cases), can be sent at the same rate as miscellaneous <strong>in</strong> packages to one address at the rate of one cent for eachpr<strong>in</strong>ted matter, viz., two cents for each four ounces or fraction package not exceed<strong>in</strong>g four ounces <strong>in</strong> weight, and an additionalthereof.charge of one cent is made for each additional fourPhotographic Albums are chargeable with book postage ounces or fraction thereof, the postage to be paid quarterlyfour cents for eaoh four ounces, or fraction thereof.or yearly <strong>in</strong> advance.Newsdealers may send newspapers and periodicals to regularsubscribers at the quarterly rates, <strong>in</strong> the same mannerNewspaper <strong>Post</strong>age.<strong>Post</strong>age on Daily Papers to subscribers, when prepaidas publishers, and may also receive them from publishers atquarterly or yearly <strong>in</strong> advance, either at the mail<strong>in</strong>gsubscribers' rates. In both cases the postage to be prepaid,office or office of delivery, per- quarter (three months) 35 cts. either at the mail<strong>in</strong>g or delivery office.

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