US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page

US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page US Post Offices & Postmasters in 1866 - Perquimans County Page
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OFFICERS OF THE DEPARTMENT.POSTMASTER GENERAL,WILLIAM DENNISON, of Ohio.JOSEPH H. BLACKFAN, of New Jersey, Chief Clerk P. O. D.FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL,[Office of Appointment and Foreign Mails.]ALEXANDER W. RANDALL, of "Wisconsin.St. JOHN B. L. SKINNER, of New York, Chief Clerk.SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL,[Office of Mail Routes, Mail Contracts, and Inspection.]GEO. WM. McLELLAN, of Massachusetts.E. L. CHILDS, of New Hampshire, Chief Clerk.WALTER L. NICHOLSON, of Dist. of Columbia, Topographer P. O. D.[Inspection Division.]WILLIAM P. YOUNG, of Virginia, Principal Clerk.THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL,[Office of Finance, Postage Stamps, and Dead Letters.]ALEXANDER N. ZEVELY, of North Carolina.SUPERINTENDENT OF MONEY ORDER OFFICE,C. F. MACDONALD, of Massachusetts.Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department,ISAAC N.ARNOLD, of Illinois.J. MILTON McGREW, of Ohio, Chief Clerk.

ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENT.The direction and management of the Post Office Department are assigned by the Constitution and lawsto the Postmaster General. That its business may be the more conveniently arranged and prepared for itsfinal action, it is distributed among several bureaus, as follows : The Appointment Office, in charge of theFirst Assistant Postmaster General ; the Contract Office, including the Inspection Division, in charge of theSecond Assistant Postmaster General ;the Finance Office, in charge of the Third Assistant PostmasterGeneral ; and the Money Order Office, in charge of its Superintendent.Appointment Office.—The First Assistant Postmaster General : To this office are assigned all questionswhiuh relate to the establishment and discontinuance of post offices, changes of sites and names, appointmentand removal of postmasters, route and local agents, also the giving of instructions to postmasters.Postmasters are furnished with marking and rating stamps and letter balances by this bureau, which isalso charged with providing blanks and stationery for the use of the department, and with thesuperintendenceof the several agencies established for supplying postmasters with blanks. To this bureau is likewiseassigned the supervision of the ocean mail steamship lines, and of the foreign postal arrangements.Contract Office.—The Second Assistant Postmaster General : To this office is assigned the business ofarranging the mail service of the United States, and placing the same under contract, embracing allcorrespondenceand proceedings respecting the frequency of trips, mode of conveyance, and times of departuresand arrivals on all the routes ;the course of the mail between the different sections of the country, the pointsof mail distribution, and the regulations for the government of the domestic mail service of the UnitedStates.It prepares the advenisements for mail proposals, receives the bids, and takes charge of the annualand occasional mail lettin j;s, and the adjustment and execution of the contracts. All applications for theestablishment or alteration of mail arrangements, and for mail messengers, should be sent to this should be submitted to it for transportation service not under contract. From this office all postmastersat the ends of routes receive the statement of mail arrangements prescribed for the respective routes,and to it application should be made for mail bags, locks, and keys. It reports weekly to the Auditor allcontracts executed, and all orders affecting accounts for mail transportation;prepares the statistical exhibitsof the mail service, and the reports of the mail lettings, giving a statement of each bid ; also of the contractsmade, the new service originated, the curtailments ordered, and the additional allowances grantedwithin the year.[Inspection Division.]—This division, formerly a distinct office, is now merged iu and made part of theContract Office. To I his division is assigned the duty of receiving and examining the registers of the arrivalsand departures of the mails, certificates of the service of route agents, and reports of mail failures ;notingthe delinquencies of contractors, and preparing cases thereon for the action of the Postmaster General ;furnishingblanks for mail registers, reports of mail failures, and other duties which may be necessary to securea faithful and exact performance of all mail contracts.All cases of mail depredation, or violation of law by private expresses, or by the forging or illegal use ofpostage stamps, are under the supervision of this office, and should be reported to it.All communication.; respecting lost money, letters, mail depredations, or other violations of law, should bedirected " Contract Office, Inspection Division, Post Office Department."All registers of the arrivals and departures of the mails, certificates of the service of route agents, andclerks in railway post offices, reports of mail failures, applications for blank registers, and reports of failures**and all complaints against contractors for irregular or imperfect service, should be directed " ContractOffice, Inspection Division, Post Office Departmeut."Finance Office.—The Third Assistant Postmaster General : To this office is assigned the issuing of warrantsand drafts in payment of balances reported by the Auditor to be due to mail contractors and otherpersons, and the superintendence of the rendition by postmasters of their quarterly returns of postages. Ithas charge of the Dead-Letter Office and of the issuing of postage stamps and stamped envelopes forthe prepayment of postage.To tne Third Assistant Postmaster General all postmasters should direct their quarterly returns of postage;those at draft offices their letters reporting quarterly the net proceeds of their offices, and tho»e atdepositing offices their certificates of deposit ; to him should also be directed the weekly and monthly returnsof the depositaries of the department, as well as all applications and receipts for postage stamps and stampedenvelopes, and for dead letters.Money Order Office -—To this office is assigned the general supervision and control of the postal moneyorder system throughout the United States.All

OFFICERS OF THE DEPARTMENT.POSTMASTER GENERAL,WILLIAM DENNISON, of Ohio.JOSEPH H. BLACKFAN, of New Jersey, Chief Clerk P. O. D.FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL,[Office of Appo<strong>in</strong>tment and Foreign Mails.]ALEXANDER W. RANDALL, of "Wiscons<strong>in</strong>.St. JOHN B. L. SKINNER, of New York, Chief Clerk.SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL,[Office of Mail Routes, Mail Contracts, and Inspection.]GEO. WM. McLELLAN, of Massachusetts.E. L. CHILDS, of New Hampshire, Chief Clerk.WALTER L. NICHOLSON, of Dist. of Columbia, Topographer P. O. D.[Inspection Division.]WILLIAM P. YOUNG, of Virg<strong>in</strong>ia, Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal Clerk.THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL,[Office of F<strong>in</strong>ance, <strong>Post</strong>age Stamps, and Dead Letters.]ALEXANDER N. ZEVELY, of North Carol<strong>in</strong>a.SUPERINTENDENT OF MONEY ORDER OFFICE,C. F. MACDONALD, of Massachusetts.Auditor of the Treasury for the <strong>Post</strong> Office Department,ISAAC N.ARNOLD, of Ill<strong>in</strong>ois.J. MILTON McGREW, of Ohio, Chief Clerk.

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