Limited Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment - Scott County

Limited Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment - Scott County

Limited Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment - Scott County


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1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYA <strong>Limited</strong> <strong>Phase</strong> I <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> (ESA) was conducted in conformance with thescope and limitations of the Standard Practice for <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>s: <strong>Phase</strong> I<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> Process, American Society of Testing Materials Designation E 1527-05 for <strong>County</strong> Project (CP) <strong>County</strong> Highway (CH) 17-31 & 32. Road improvement project CP CH17-31 & 32 includes the segments:CP CH17-31 <strong>County</strong> Highway (CH) 17 Corridor between CH16 to 800 feet south of CH78And <strong>County</strong> Highway 78 Corridor between CH79 and CH17.CP CH17-32 CH17 between 800 feet south of CH78 and 1500 feet north of CH42.The location of the Project is shown on Appendix A Location Map. Potential contamination sites wereidentified based on our review of environmental databases, historical records, interviews with personsfamiliar with the project area, and a reconnaissance of the project area. The Database Review issummarized in Appendix B Figure 4 Federal, State, and <strong>County</strong> Search.Historical information that was viewed shows the adjoining property use as residential andagricultural. Please see Appendix C Aerial Photos.This assessment has revealed no evidence of significant recognized environmental conditions(RECs) in connection with the road improvement corridor. RECS are defined in section 2.5 SpecialTerms and Conditions. Please review Section 7 Findings to review our findings andrecommendations.2.0 INTRODUCTION2.1 PurposeThe purpose of this <strong>Limited</strong> <strong>Phase</strong> I ESA is to identify possible sources of contamination that couldimpact the proposed Project. We assessed properties within a 1 mile, 0.5 mile, or 100 foot radius ofthe perimeter of the Project Area. Appendix B Figure 4 Federal, State, and <strong>County</strong> Search notes thesearch radius for each database searched.2.2 Scope of WorkThe scope of this work included the following tasks:Review historical aerial photographs.Interview <strong>County</strong> and City staff regarding the project.Conduct an on-site reconnaissance of the project.Rank/classify all identified RECs within the project area in accordance with high, medium, orlow potential for contamination.Prepare a report to include an executive summary and a summary of all project preparationand data collection activities undertaken.3

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