Regattas - Rochester Yacht Club

Regattas - Rochester Yacht Club

Regattas - Rochester Yacht Club


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at RY(v, hereE~ lips,COlllpcalea i_lFser\edback I)" W Card "avisitor! ,ict~w,settledA~<strong>Club</strong> ttRYC t,racinghot boand fluonl\ RJirdesb,ndone ilrigger~was shwas i-)~1Up or down?112Photo by Fran CruikshankTHE TON THINGopti Fun ,.-onLilton bo,Back when the International Ofl~hore Rule (IOR) was therule of choice there were celtain increments of the complexformula that resulted in a sort of level rating scheme so boats ofthe same calculated speed couM race together with no timeowed. Quarter-half-three quarter-1 and 2-ton classes were allrepresented by active racing offshore boats. From IZrankConnard’s San Juan 24 quarter-former (to which he refused toadd any auxiliary power), and Steve Haarstick’s Daedehts, toHenry Williams’ aluminum two-tonner Susan B. Anthom’, RYCsupported her share.Most probably, Henry Williams has raced more miles thanany other skipl~er has in RYC history, from several Mackinacs iand Lake Erie races to the Newport to Bermuda races. Most ofIris racing was done in "’tonners,’" Susan B. Anlltonv, DorothyGale, and Audrey 7h’o. Gunther Buerman with his Eclilzse in thehalf-ton class was successful racine on the East Coast durin,, the7()S and 8()s.None of the tonners were more successful than WalryPolidor’s Kirby designed 30-feet overall Wihl Card. A WestSystem wooden beauty crafted by Stu Sill was light enough thatwithout its keel two people could hetl the hull. Tarry eliminated allbad dreams about through-lmll fittings by designing a hol!owsupport strut for the propeller shaft that served as the seawaterinlet for cooling the enaine. With pr( perk allasI Wihf Cardmeasured in at 21.7 IOR or hal f-ton.The North American Half Ton Chan]pionships were heldIclimb~"’protealld aF(big bh:gt~O~AIFreemLYRAtheir Itto wellthe Or,with tlMichilto the ]and A~straiglthe Gunumb(Vellkle~Jon tkfew P,¢

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