Little Compton Common Historic District - Rhode Island Historical ...

Little Compton Common Historic District - Rhode Island Historical ...

Little Compton Common Historic District - Rhode Island Historical ...


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* Form 10-3007 uly 1969UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICENATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES‘INVENTORY -NOMINATION FORMType all entries - complete applicable sectionsSTATE,<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>COUNTY,NewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATEft_u AM ECOMMON:<strong>Little</strong><strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Common</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>AND/ORHISTORIC,LOCATION -STREET ANO NUMBER!- see continuation sheet #1CITY OR TOWN’ -<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>STATE .<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>, 02837 Newport OOS. CODE COUNTY: CODEinz0I4.InzLuILlinjCLASSIFICATLONlXC<strong>District</strong>SiteCATEGORYchock OneCC BuildingStructur.ObjectC0PublIcPrIvateBothPRESENT USE Chock One or Mote as AppropriateC Agricultural. I GovernmentCommercialEducational o IndustrialMilitaryC EntertainmentWNER OF PROPERTYOWNERSNAME,STREET AND NUMBER:OWNERSHIPIPublic Acquisition,0 In ProcessSTATUSl Occupiedo Unoccupied0 BeIng Consideredo Preservation workin progressfJ Porko TransportationPrivate Residencej Religiouso Other SpecifrACCESSIBLETO THE PUBLIC00RestrictedUnrestrictedNo.0 Commentsmultiple . . . .CITY OR TOWN, , STATE: CODE ;-!COURTHOUSE. REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC<strong>Little</strong>STREET<strong>Compton</strong> Town HanAND NUMBER:School House LaneCITY OR TOWN,<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>STATECODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>, 02837 W00Cz* -I-Cj4:E:REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS -TITLEOF SURVEY:<strong>Historic</strong> American Buildingg SurveyDATE OF SURVEY: 1956 Federal 0 Slots C County fl LocalDEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS,Library of GonressSTREET AND NUMBER, -Independence Avenue and 1st Street, S. E. --CITY OR TOWN, STATE: CODEWashinrton <strong>District</strong> of Columbia U.1!!i1l

*- van., O-3OO. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATEJuly 1969 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESCOUNTYNewportINVENTORY . NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLYCaitinuation Sheet - 1ENTRY NUMBER DATENumber .11 .ntri..2. Location<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Common</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong> may be delineated asfollows: Beginning at the northern side of the intersection ofSimmons Road and Willow Avenue the district continues south alongWillow Avenue which becomes South <strong>Common</strong>s Road to the intersectionof South <strong>Common</strong>s Road and Meeting House Lane. Both Schoolhouse Laneand Meeting House Lane are included in the district from theirintersection on the east with Willow Avenue and South <strong>Common</strong>s Roadto their conjunction at the western end of the <strong>Common</strong>. The districtcontinues south along West Road for 150 feet from the point whereit turns sharply away from the <strong>Common</strong>. The boundaries of thedistrict extend back 150 feet from both sides of the thoroughfaresdelineating the district to include the buildings and areas shown onthe district map.0** GPO ,ZI.724

Form 10 300a UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATE* ua, 1969 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ghode <strong>Island</strong>‘ * -*NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESCOUNTY* NewportINVENTORY NOMINATION FORM- ‘: * Continuation Sheet-* 2-* Nb.? all entriesH, 6. Representation in Existing Surveys.FOR NPS USE ONLY- ENTRY NUMOER DATEStatewide Survey of <strong>Historic</strong> Buildings: <strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>. -1971 State<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission,John Brown House, 52 Power Street,Providence, <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>, 02906.7. DesMption.in its window treatment and has a fine, ornate cast-iron fence along itsstreet frnntaEe, and there are cast-irdn anthemia interestingly used ascrestings on the main entrance norch and across the norch of a side en.On the same roadwav south óf some old commercial huildinrs, is theIda W. Smith house No. 6 on map, said to date from 1800 originally--three bays wide, two and-a-half storeys high, with the door at one endof the street elevation. This now presents a ladylike Victorian front,with a one-storey porch supported by sawn, pierced and fretted posts.* The Old Xethodist I";eeting House No. 8 on map at the south-eastcorner of the <strong>Common</strong> is a sizeable, gabled, two-and-a-half-storey build-*ing with a lower, later rear-ell and dates from 1825. Now shingled andapparently always simply-trimmed, its main decorative feature is a GreekRevival entrance porch-supported by panelled Doric piers. *Quite dominating the <strong>Common</strong> is, the United Congregational Church No.7 on map, which to-day has its entrance facing south. Such was not always the case, for this large claphoarded, gabled structure was built in* 1832 in traditional meeting-house forth, presumably in simple Greek Revivalstyle: a high, one-storey church auditorium with three tall triple-sashedwindows along each side. Around 1872, however, the meeting-house wasraised to allot’ for the insertion of a new ground storey; its pulpit-endwas reversed from south to north, and its south end was given a projectingfrontal in vernacular Victorian Gothic style, complete with a bonnettedbelfry, upon which in 18Th a tall spire was erected. This church and itssizeable cemetery area to the west No. 19 on map, dating from 1675, formthe chief landmark r1id visual attraction of <strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Common</strong> and,indeed, of the whole surrounding township.J!r t off the west end of the <strong>Common</strong> sits the low, long Brownellhouse of 1823 No. 1.9 on nap behind itr low stone wall. In its mainportion this is a traditional <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> centre-chimney, storey-and-ahalf,claphoarded cottage five bay5 wide. However, there is a four-bayextension stretching to the north, giving a lengthy and picturesque frontage, and the ends of both the original house and its extension are shingled.-Inside, tho principal stair is unusual for a house of this modest type, forNote: doorway is c. 1840, and roof has See Continuation Sheet 3.been replaced.- GPO 921.724

_________________________*J Architectur. LandscapeC Sculpture‘. .4: I. -PERIOD Check On. or Mote.. AppropriateD Pre-Columbian I 0 16*1. C.nwry * 18th Centy . - 20th CenturyD 15th Century 17th Century 19th Century -SPECIFIC DATES it Applicable and Known- - - AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE Ch.ckone or More a. AppropriateAboriginal D Education -D Political 0 Urban Planning-: -* - * -* * * 0 PrehistorIc 0 EngineerIng Religion/Phi. Other Sped,’* 0 <strong>Historic</strong> 0 Industry losophy tJnspoilt townC Agriculture yntjoi0 ScIence common______________________o Con.munications 0 Military 0 Theatero Art Archlt.cture 0 Social/human.0 Commerce 0 Literature itorlon0 Conservation o Music 0 TransportatIon -STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE * *<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> township’s history as a colonial settlement goesback to 16Th or earlier, and originally it was an Indian domain Saughkonetor Sakonnet presided over by a feniale sachem named Awashonks,who -was friendly to the newly-arriving white people before, during andafter King Philio1s’War. With her acquiescence, these settlers laido out and allotted among themselves farmland properties which now fill or- define the township, which was at first included in the Plymouth Nassachusetts Colony but ‘eras annexed to <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> in 1717. While thiso-township is about twenty square miles in area, its centre or focalpoint has ever since the 1670’s been that small triangle called <strong>Little</strong><strong>Compton</strong> common, and here since then has been the seat of local governirentand the business- and meeting-place of inhabitants from round - -I- about. As a marker at the edge of the Comiron informs, a "town house"in or hail where the elders or council could meet existed there as early- as 1683, and the buzflng-ground on the <strong>Common</strong> is said to date from -- - 1675-1677. * *- - - .* * * *w So, this was and is the centre of <strong>Little</strong> Cornpton--its only cornpactlybuilt-upon section, though none of the buildings upon or aroundit is truly "antiquc"--in an oth,erwise spread-out community interlacedby rural roadways or lanes to the seashore and Sakonnet harbour. Overthree centuries, the buildings of the <strong>Common</strong> area have been replacedmany times, so that what we now see are all Xfl- or XX-Century struc- -tures rather than apy remaining from Indian War or Revolutionary Wartimes. There are dwellings, a oublic school, the Town Hall, the postoffice, a library, a church, meeting-halls, a little fire-house, twocemeteries and seine modest commercial structures. This is the place towhich people still cane to pay their taxes, to post their iiiaii and buy"Ceneral Kerchandise" at the old shop of "Est. of C. IL ‘Wilbur," andwhere the young go to school: it remains the heart of the township and,with its church and turying-ground, a delighting ‘1island" of visualpleasure in its area. * - * * * - - * -Here, in the-centre of the cemetery on the <strong>Common</strong> is the memorialto Elizabeth Alden Pabodie, supposed to be the first white woman hornin the New England colonies, an4 at the west end of this stone-walledcemetery are bronze memorial plaques commemorating the war dead ofrecent decades; in the Union Cemetery above Meeting Hous&Lane standsSee Continuation Sheet 3 .*

For,.. 1O.300cJuly 1969UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICENATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES -- INVENTORY- NOMINATION FORM- Ccsitinuation Sheet - 3STATE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>COUNTYNewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATENim,ber alt entrlea7. Description.instead of taking the usual cramped turn at ]andintlevel, it branches off- there to left and right. This buil’ing is to-day a house museum.Facing the <strong>Common</strong> on its north are "ost of the townships’s "official"buildinrs, including the Town Hall No. 26. on map, a large, rectangularclaphoarded structure of two-and-a-half storeys, built in 1880 in quiteretardataire Victorian style, it chief adornment being a hooded main doorway. Next it No. 25 on map is the former village schoolhouse, now housing an American legion post. This dates from 18h0 and has had some frontal remodelling, though otherwise it retains its simple and pleasing GreekRevival aspect and trim, except that the simple, laivred cupola for theschool-bell at some point received a Victorian bracketted cornice.8. Sir.nificance.a Civil War memorial. -Pecause <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> among the New England states has few harrisome -green commons, the nreserv-ation of this one, beloved and much acclaimed, -is especially important. -GPO 921.724

_____r.-fç’MAG*ISI5LIOGRAPH1CAL’RIPERUSCflfl--- U. S. Works Progress Administration. Federal Writers’ Project: <strong>Rhode</strong> -- <strong>Island</strong>. A Guide ... Boston, Massachusetts, 1937, li224423eLip. GEOGRAPHICAL DATA - --LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATESDEFINING A RECTANGLE LOCATING THE PROPERTYCORNER LATITUDE LONGITUDEDegrees Minutes Second, Degrees Minutes SecondsNW 41 30 .375g" 7i a 10.33.33’NE 41 30 37.5" 7i 10 .14.9!"- SE 41 30 29.34" 7i.° 10 14e91’-Sw 41. 30 . 29.34’ 71o 10 .33.3"APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTy: 15 acres0RLATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES- DEFINING THE CENTER POINT-OFA PROPERTYOF LESS THAN TEN ACRESDegrees0LATITUDE - LONGITUDEMInutesLIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUNTYSTATE:STATE:ST A T E:CODECOUNTYCOUNTY:COUNTY:Seconds Degrees - Minutes- 0BOUNDARIESSecondsI"nlm-zSTATE:COUNTY:-l:---:-::- .U::J:FORMPREPAREb:1YNAME AND TITLE:Richard B. Harrington,ConsultantORGANI ZA TION - DATE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission Nov. 18, 1973STREET AND NUMBER: -John Brown House, 52 Power Sti’eetCITY OR TOWN:ProvidenceSTATE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>,_02906I CODE=n-10zldljj3. STATE LIAISON OFFICER CERTIPICA1ION NATIONAL REGISTER VERIFICATION -As the designated State Liaison Officer or the National <strong>Historic</strong> Preservation Act of 1966 Public Law89-665, 1 hereby nominate this property for inclusionin the National Register and certify that it has beenevaluated according to the criteria and proceckires setforth by the National Perk Service. The recommendedlevel of significance of this nomination is:National Q State Local CI hereby certify that this property is included in theNational Register.Chief, Office of Archeology and <strong>Historic</strong>PreservationNameTitle -DateState <strong>Historic</strong> PreservationOfficer1PR 1 2 197kDateATTEST: --Keeper of The National RegisterDate--H----

LITTLE COMPTON COMMON HISTORIC DISTRICT,LITTLE COMPTON, RHODE ISLAND.*Inventory of Buildinrs- -- - - -- -- -- No. on map.-:-Bro-wnell Library, by Charles Loring, 1929. Georgian Revival style;- one-and-one-half storeys, four bays wide, gable roof, brick wallcover, entrance in pedimented, projecting wooden vestibule.-- 2..-- Alfred Bodinkton house, c. 1850. Simple Italianate bracked style;- -Th--three hays wide plus side eli of two bays, two-and-one-half storeys-- -- li slightly lower, gable roofs, clapboard wall cover, central. C:- --- bracketted one-storey entrance porch with square piers on pedestals,--- cast-iron cresting on entrance porch and on porch. across front of Y-- ell, cast-iron frontal fence. - - - ---- -- - - 3.- <strong>Common</strong>s Restaurant, c. 1810. Simple Greek Revival style; now màderatelyaltered; three bays wide on first floor, two windows on second,- - - - gable-end to the street, modern wood-shingle wan cover probably -- - - replacing clapboards, flat-roofed extension to the north, main en-- 1- trances on west side, extensive old- ens to the east facing on a-- -- driveway. - ---Y, -: li. -:- C; :.- -- - --- Commercial building with apartment above, c. 1900. Nondescript style; - T- -p--- four bays wide, two-and-one-half storeys, gable roof, bowed and plain -shop-windows on first floor, pseudo-Colonial-style entrance betweenshop-windows, linked by one-storey connector with No 5 on map.5. Est of C R Wilbur store, c. i8lio Simple Greek Revival style,I - moderately altered; three hays wide, two-and-one-half storeys, --- gable-roofed with end to the street, claphoarded, central entrance --- - -- between modern, enlarged plate-glass shop-windows. - ---: -6. -: - -- --- House, c. 1800 ff. Simple late Colonial style with Victorian sawn - - L -- - - -- . - - - and bracketted adoents and enlargements two-storey -sthern bay; --- -:---- -‘: -- three bays wide, two-and-one-half storeys, chimney at. noah end, e- - -storey porch with jig-saw work acrs front, entrance on west inIsouthernmost bay. /7. United Congregational Church, 1832, 1872, l87I Greek Revival style- -, - H’-- with Victorian Gothic additions; two storeys ‘ -the lower one insertedin 1872, three bays wide and three long bays from front to back, --gable-roofed with endtto the street, clapboarded, originally a plain IIneeting-house, revised and enlarged 1872, 18Th with "Gothic" frontaladdition, belfry-tower, spire.- ;8. Old Methodist Neeting House, 1825, 1839. Greek Revival style withaddition of Victorian brackets, two-and-one-half storeys, five bayswide, gable roof, claphoarded, central one-storey front entrance porch/ with panelled Doric piers, long two-storev en at south.-II

C, - - -- - --- - -- 2. - -- - ---- No. onmap. - - - -- - --- 9. - "Art Shop," XX Century? Small, one-storey, gable-roofed shed-like- structure, clapboarded. ---- - - - -- 10. - - House now United Congregational Church Parish House, c. 1850-1860.- Victorian bracketted style; two-and-one-half storeys, five bays wide,- - -- gable roof, clapboarded central one-storey entrance porch, barn. etc.- - - - -- across rear. - - - - - - - - - - --- - - --I 11. - Cottage, XX Century. Nondescript style; one-and-one-half storeys,- shingled, entrance on north side.- -:12.Union Cemetery, 1850. Long lot above embankment, enclosed by low iron -fence, numerous grave monuments, Civil War Memorial on pedestal.-- : - - -13. - Mouser 1935. Cape Cod cottage style; one-and-one-half storeys, fivebays wide, gable roof, shingled, centre doorway with sidelights -on- north side. -- ---:- - - - --- - -14.- Cottage, XX Century. - Nondescript styl one-and-one-half storeys -- gable roof, shingled, entrance on north side. - - - - - - - -:1..15. --Hóuse,c. 1870. Nondescript style, two storèys, gable roof with end -to street, clapboarded. - - - -.16. - - -Wheelwright and blacksmith shop now Pottery shop, 1870. Nondes4ripstyle; two-and-one-half storey loft building, three bays wide, gable - - -roOf with end to street, clapboarded, entrance near centre of- north - --- side with large studio window above.- - - --- H-- - --- H - - - -- -- 17. - Post Office building, 1960. Nondescript-cum-Cape Cod cottage style; -- one-and-one-half storeys, three bays wide with one-and-one-half storey- - - - - - - èll at south.west, clapboarded, shed dormer across front. - - -- -- -. 18. - -Touse, 1860. Early Victorian, one-and-one-half storey, gable roof - - -- - - - -- -: - jith end to street, - raised. dormers, clapboarded. - - - - -- : - --- - - - -- :- .19. - - Brownell House, 1823. Cape Cod cottage style; one-and-oneha1f storeys,- - - - - -- --- --- -- - - - --- five bays wide with four-bay extension to the north, clapboarded with -- ends shingled, entrance with sidelights in centre of main house, secon4- - -. -. - -- --- dary front entrance in extension. - - - - - - - - -- - - 20. United Congregational Church Cemetery or Town Burying Ground, c. 1675.-- - - - - - - -- Partially surrounded by low stone wall, on embanked Cprnmon site, numer- -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- àus thin, old vertical grave marke±s, memorial plaques in stone wall -- and shrubbery plantings at west end. - - -- I -21. Julia Wilbur School, 1929ff. Pseudo-Georgian style; long one-storey --- hip-roofed structure with stone wall cover, modern addition at west, - -- main entrance within one-storey wooded portico with paired àolumns on -- - -- - - -south front, small central cupola. -

0BOuNo,cy C oiriicr: ‘ -. - u-s - -s-IWILLOW AVENUE-z0EI - I - Ii I ft - U - I - I - I - I -a 3LF 5SOUTI1cO11MONOAOIoIIIiIILITTLECOMPTONCOMMONHISTORICDSTRICTIi*10S.I2ISI II.Li!‘!I5itIIll!I

Form No. 1O.3OR.v. 7.72UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICENATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY MAP FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with raspSTATECOUNTY<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATE0IUjNAMECOMMON: <strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Common</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>ANO/OR HISTORIC:_LOCATIONSTREET AND HUM DERIsee Continuation Sheet 11CITY OP TOWN:<strong>Little</strong><strong>Compton</strong>IzLuLu"IST.TE; CODE COUNTY, CODE44NewportJ tAP REFERENCeRI. <strong>Historic</strong>aiPreSerVatiOn Commission, 52 Power street,Providence, R.I.ICALE: sketch map; not to scaleDATE: March, 1974E9UIREMENTS<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>TO BE INCLUDED ON ALL MAPS1. Property broundaries where required.2. North arrow.3. Latitud. and longitude reference.U05tNT, I5575

__________________ZUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICE . <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> r-NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES5TA1COUNTYNeWP0rtPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORM FOR NPS USE ONLYType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographENTRY NUMBER DATENAME ... .. :; .:... :. .. . . :..:.. .o COMMON: <strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>S- AND/OR HISTORIC:I- .OCATIONUSTREET AND NUMBER:See Continuation Sheet # 1CITY ORTOWN:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>zSTATE: CODE COUNTY: CODEHOTORffERENCE- L0T0 CREDIT: EriC Hertfelder<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> 44 Newport 005DATE OF PHOTO: March, 1974Lu EGATIVE FILED AT, R.I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission, 52 Power Street,Lu j Providence, R.I.DENflFICATIoDESCRIBE VIEW. DIRECTION. ETC.View from the western end of the Town Burying Ground showing the UnitedCongregational Church. In the background are to the left of the Churchthe Alfred Bodington House and to the right of the Church the CommercialBlock at the head of Meeting House Lane, the Old Methodist Meeting House,and the United Congregational Church Parish House.

...__UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORSTATENATIONAL PARK SERVICE <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographCOUNTYNewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATE0IUIzLuLUNAME.:‘. ::. :::.COMMON:AND/OR HISTORIC:LLOCAr IONSTREET AND NUMBER:CITY ORTOWN:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>*...:...iSee Continuation Sheet # 1<strong>Little</strong>. <strong>Compton</strong>STATE: CODE COUNTY: CODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> 44 Newport005t3 *f HOTORLFERENCE . . .PHOTO CEOIT: Eric HertfelderDATE OF PHOTO: March, l974IEGATIVE FILED AT: R.I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission, 52 Power Street,Providence. R.I.HDNTIFICATJOt’.. ... . . .r .DESCRIBE VIEW. DIRECTION. ETC.United Congregational Church Parish House, c.1850-1860 #10 on map.View of the exterior from the northeast also showing the barn.


UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORSTATENATIONAL PARK SERVICE R hode <strong>Island</strong>NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographCOUNTYNewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATENAME. : ...* .. . :.0LCOMMON: <strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>-. lAN0’ORHIST0RIC:I- [jocArIoNoSTREET AND NUMBER:See Continuation Sheet # 1....... . .CITY ORTOWN:<strong>Little</strong>ComptoriSTATE: CODE ICOUNTY: CODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> Newport 005PI4OTOR..FEREUCEx- PHOTO CREDIT: Eric HertfelderDATE OF PHOTO: March, 1974LU EGATIVE FILED AT: R.I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission, 52 Power Street,LU Providence, R.I.DESCRIBE VIEW DIRECTION. ETC.Grange Hall, 1904 #24 on map.View of the exterior from the east, showingthe street southern elevation... .. ..

_________UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICENATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographSTATE<strong>Rhode</strong>lslandCOUNTYNeWp0rtFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATEZ NAME .. ..... .. . :H.>...: ..... -.0 COMMON: <strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Common</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>- AND/OR HISTORIC:I- 1..OCATIONUzSTREETCITY ORAND NUMBER:TOWN:See Continuation Sheet 4t 1<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>STATE: CODE COUNTY: CODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> 44 Newport 005Pi40TOR,FERENCE- jPHOTO CR1EDIT: Eric Hertfelderj9ATE OF PHOTO: March, 1974LU EGATIVEFILEDAT: R.I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission, 52 Power Street,.ILl Providence, R.I.oENTiFçAT1o .-.DESCRIBE VIEW. DIRECTION. ETC.Brownell House, 1823 #19 on map.Interior view, showing the branching principal stair.

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORSTATENATIONAL PARK SERVICENATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMCOUNTY<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NewportFOR NPS USE ONLYType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographENTRY NUMBER DATE01-UIzLULUL!..NAME .: .... ..:. . :JMMON: <strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>jAND/ORHISTORIC:- OCATIONSTREET AND NUMBER:CITY ORTOWN:<strong>Little</strong>See Continuation Sheet # 1<strong>Compton</strong>.. .. *‘.. .. .. ....., .... ..... .. ......STATE: CODE COUNTY: CODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> 44 Newport 005..PHOTO CREDIT:Eric HertfeJ,derDATE OF PHOTO: March 1974EGATIVE FILED AT: R.I. !-!istorical Preservation Commission, 52 Power Street,Providence, R.I.J0kt1F1CM1ONDESCRIBE VIEW. DIRECTION. ETC.House, c.].BOOff. #6 on map.View of the exterior from the west.


UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICENATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographSTATECOUNTY<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATEZL NAME . ./HS:0LC0MM0N: <strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Common</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>- lAND/OR HISTORIC:I- jLOCATIONUSTREETAND NUMBER:See Continuation Sheet # 1CITY ORTOWN:<strong>Little</strong><strong>Compton</strong>STATE: CODE COUNTY: CODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> 44 Newport 005xEPHOTORIFERENCE- PHOTO CREDIT: Eric HertfelderDATE OF PHOTO: March, 1974LU IEGATIVE FILED AT: R.I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission, 52 Power Street,LUProvidence, R.I.v, l0ENT1FlCATIOJ4DESCRIBE VIEW. DIRECTION, ETC.Brownell House, 1823. #19 on map.View of the street eastern elevation.

-_______________________________________UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORSTATENATIONAL PARK SERVICENATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographCOUNTY<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATE0UIzLuLU[.‘.NAME’ . .. ... .COMMON:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>AND/OR HISTORIC:LI-OCAT IONSTREET AND NUMBER:See Continuation Sheet # 1CITY ORTOWP’:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>.. ,..STATE: CODE ICOUNTY CODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> ..44 j Newport...NOTQ R ERENCE.:..:..H............?:*:... *..H . . .: *.:.,PHOTO CREDIT: Eric HertfelderDATE OF PHOTO: March, 1974EGATIVE FILED AT: R.I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission, 2 iower btreet,Providence,_R.I.rTçAno -.DESCRIBE VIEW, DIRECTION. ETC.United Congregational Church, 1832ff. #7 on map.View of the exterior from the southeast, with restoration work in progress0-i

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICE <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographCOUNTYNewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBERJDATE0I-UIV..zLULU["NAME . ,..,... .H::.:.// ...COMMON:- AND/OR HISTORIC:jJ..OCAT IONSTREETCITY OR<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>AND NUMBER:TOWN:See Continuation Sheet # 1<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>STATE: CODE COUNTY: CODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> 44 Newport 005EPP4OTORERENCEPHOTO CREDIT: Eric HertfelderDATE OF PHOTO: March, 19741EGATIVE FILED AT: R.I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission, 52 Power Street,Providence, R.I.DENTUCATIO ::..> >.. . :. ... . . . . . . . .14.DESCRIBE VIEW. DIRECTION. ETC.Old Methodist Meeting House, 1825 ff. #8 on map.View of the exterior from the northeast.

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORSTATENATIONAL PARK SERVICE <strong>Rhode</strong> Is].nndNATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographCOUNTYNewp0rtFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATEZ aNAME .. .0 OMMON:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>.. :. . H H:...:. -.....;:..- JANO/OR HISTORIC:I- LOCATIONSTREETuCITY ORAND NUMBER:TOWN:See Continuation Sheet # 1<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>STATE: . CODE COUNTY: CODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> 44 . Newport 005EPUOTORFEREHCE- IPHOTO CREDIT: Eric HertfelderIPATE OF PHOTO: March, 1974Lu MEGATIVEFILEDAT:R.I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preserv ation Commission, 52 Power Street,LU Providence, R.I.óñfrICATIOt1 .. .. .DESCRIBE VIEW, DIRECTION. ETC.Alfred Bodington House, c.l850 #2 on map.View of the exterior from the southwest.

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICENATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACESPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographSTATECOUNTY<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATEX [NAME.: ...H..0 ]OMMON:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>- JAN D/DR HISTORIC:I- LOCA I IONUSTREET AND NUMBER:See Continuation Sheet # 1CITY OR TOWN:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>STATE: I CODE COUNTY: I CODE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>L 44 Newportz PHQTOR,FERNCE.- ESHOTO CREDIT: Eric HertfelderDATE OF PHOTO: March, 1974Lu EGATIVE FILED AT:R.,I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission, 52 Power Street,LU Providence, R.I..- O1TlFICATION -DESCRIBE VIEW. DIRECTION. ETC.American Legion Post, 1850 #25 on map.View of the exterior from the south.

S, .-. k‘:-.

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICESTATE<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES COUNTYNewp0rtPROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORMType all entries - attach to or enclose with photographFOR NPS USE ONLY. ENTRY NUMBER DATEZ NAME H: : .H... : *..H.*.H* ... .. .. . .0 9MMON: <strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>.- }AND/OR HISTORIC:- f[,.OCATIONITREETAND NUMBER:USee Continuation Sheet # 1CITY ORTOWN:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>I- STATE: CODE COUNTY: CODES. <strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong> 44 Newport 005EPHOTORIERENCE- PHOTO CREDIT:Eric HertfelderDATE OF PHOTO: March, 1974LU EGATIVE FILED AT:R.,I. <strong>Historic</strong>al Preservation Commission, 52 Power Street,LU Providence, R.I.V O!FICIQ!N 5DESCRIBE VIEW, DIRECTION. ETC.View from the United Congregational Church looking west, showing thebuildings facing on Schoolhouse Lane. From right to left: Town Hall,American Legion Post, Grange Hall, and the Sakonnet Lodge,

IBrownPtANW:NE:SE:SW:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> <strong>Common</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>District</strong>GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATESLatitudeLongitude41° 30’ 37.58" N 71° 10’ 33.33"41.° 30’ 37.58" N 710 10’ 14.91"41° 30’ 29.34" N 71° 10’ 14.91"41° 30’ 29.34" N 71° 10’ 33.33"WWWwBoundaryof district:‘.51 .54.54LNfl*WARREN POINT 3 MI.SAKONNET3.3 MI. SCALE’1:2400001000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 ‘ 7000 FEET1’27’26MILS0 1970 MAGNETIC NORTHN AT CENTER OF SHEET5 0CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEETDATUM IS MEAN SEA LEVEL1 KILOMETERFOR SALE BY U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20242A FOLDER DESCRIBING TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS AND SYMBOLS IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST

Form No. O.3O1Rev. 7-72UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORNATIONAL PARK SERVICENATIONAL REGISTER OFType all entries -PROPERTY MAP FORMHISTORIC PLACESattach to or enclose with mapSTATECOUNTY<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>NewportFOR NPS USE ONLYENTRY NUMBER DATE0U... .H..IL NAME. ...: . . .< . :.: ......‘ :. .. .. ... .. fHCOMMON:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong> COfllflOfl <strong>Historic</strong>AND/OR HISTORIC::LCATONSTREET ANDNIJMBER: * itsee Continuation Sheet tt1CITY ORTOWN:<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Compton</strong>I-STATE:<strong>Rhode</strong> <strong>Island</strong>CODE 1COUNTY: NewportCODExLULUSouRcE:.NC . . . .U.S. Geological SurveySCALE: 1:24,000- DATE: 1949; photorevised 1970EQUIREMENT$.[4 1 TO BE INCLUDED ON ALL MAPS1. Property broundories where required.2. North arrow.3. Latitude and longitude reference.INT, t55..

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