Pilot Transfer Arrangements - International Maritime Pilots' Association

Pilot Transfer Arrangements - International Maritime Pilots' Association

Pilot Transfer Arrangements - International Maritime Pilots' Association


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REQUIRED BOARDING ARRANGEMENTS FOR PILOTIn accordance with SOLAS Regulation V/23 & IMO Resolution A.1045(27)INTERNATIONAL MARITIME PILOTS’ ASSOCIATIONH.Q.S. “Wellington” Temple Stairs, Victoria Embankment, London WC2R 2PN Tel: +44 (0)20 7240 3973 Fax: +44 (0)20 7210 3518 Email: office@impahq.orgThis document and all IMO <strong>Pilot</strong>-related documents are available for download at: http://www.impahq.orgRIGGING FOR FREEBOARDSOF 9 METRES OR LESSHANDHOLDSTANCHIONSMin. Diam. 32mmMin.120cmAbove BulwarkHandholdsMin. 70cmMax. 80cmCOMBINATION ARRANGEMENTFOR SHIPS WITH AFREEBOARD OF MORETHAN 9 METRESWHEN NO SIDE DOOR AVAILABLENO!No shackles,knots or splicesNO!The steps must beequally spacedNO!The steps must behorizontal and chocksunder the steps must betightly securedAHandholdsMin. 70cmMax. 80cmPILOT LADDER WINCH REELPad eyeMinimumClearance220cmMAN-ROPES(without knots)Min. Diam. 28mmMax. Diam. 32mmIF REQUIREDBY THE PILOTSIDE ROPESMin. Diam. 18mmALL STEPSMust rest firmlyagainst ship’s sideSPREADERMin. 180cm LongMAXIMUM 9 STEPSBetween spreadersMin. 40cm31-35cmPILOT LADDERMust extendat least 2 metresabove lowerplatformLadder must befirmly attachedto ship’s side1.5 metres aboveaccommodationplatformA pilot ladderrequires a climbof not less than1.5 metres andno more than9 metresLowerplatformhorizontalThe lowerplatformshall be aminimumof 5 metresabove the seaMaximum45˚ slope2m2m0.5mACCOMMODATIONLADDERSecured toship’s sideShould lead aftRecommended9 metresfreeboard markSTERN BOWNO!Spreaders mustnot be lashedbetween stepsNO!Side ropes mustbe equally spacedNO!The steps shouldnot be painted,dirty or slipperyNO!Loops and trippinglines present atripping hazardand foul the<strong>Pilot</strong> LaunchHandhold stanchionsrigidly secured to deckResponsible Officerin contact with bridgeBMinimumClearance220cmMinimum91.5cmHandholdsMin. 70cmMax. 80cmNOOBSTRUCTIONSMin. 91.5cmMin. 91.5cmAll pilot ladder winch reels shouldhave a means of prevention frombeing accidentally operated.The brake and lock must beoperative on manually operatedwinches.Power winches must have anoperative safety device to lockthe winch in position.5th STEPFrom bottommust be a spreaderCSide opening6 METRESunobstructedship’s sideHeightRequired by <strong>Pilot</strong>Accommodationladder shouldbe secured toship’s sideMinimumClearance220cmHandholdsMin. 70cmMax. 80cmShip’s side doorsused for transfershould not openoutward(Using eyepad,magnetic orpneumaticsystem)Lifebuoy withself-igniting lightBulwark & <strong>Pilot</strong> laddersecured to deckstrong pointsMinimum91.5cm75cm75cm

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