SHPA meeting 12 Sept 2012 copy - Firbank Grammar School

SHPA meeting 12 Sept 2012 copy - Firbank Grammar School

SHPA meeting 12 Sept 2012 copy - Firbank Grammar School


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Over and above monies raised and mentioned already we wanted to make mention of thefollowing:Motherhood The Musical – Thanks must be forwarded once again to Chrissy Harris forher kind donation of 150 tickets (RRP $8,850) for an evening and specially re-scheduledearly daytime show. Thank you to those of you who are able to support this fundraiser. Wehave sold 18 tickets raising $637 (when we account for the matinee transport)At the beginning of the year of our fundraising focus for 20<strong>12</strong> was 1) Bike Shed 2) ShadeCloth 3) Mini bus. Due to the nature of the exciting building announcements thatsubsequently took place we have obviously not been able to action 1) and 2)! As anupdate we would like to announce that <strong>SHPA</strong> has arranged for these monies to be put inseparate higher interest sub accounts until these specific expenses can be incurred!<strong>SHPA</strong> has been working with Pat and can now announce that the new secure bike shedwill be located (subject to final council approval) behind the social centre and will also bemade from recycling the quad roof structure that will be demolished imminently andreplaced with the new structure in line with the new building plans.From the perspective of the minibus Pat has, in conjunction with Ann Sarros, completedhis review/due diligence . Due to the ongoing costs, insurance, training ( and other factors)has en concluded that this is not a viable proposition and as such we are confirming todaythat this will not go ahead as a fundraising idea. After consultation with the school, andsupporting Pat in his vision for the school, the <strong>SHPA</strong> Exec Committee propose thatfundraising is now targeted at contributing towards playground equipment for the Prep-Year 2 area once the new buildings are completed. The old equipment (now moved ) isproposed for other year levels to use. As such fundraising monies from this year will againbe put in a high interest sub account for playground equipment.DISCUSSION: PK described further to the committee that the training, liability andongoing costs associated with the minibus make it disappointingly prohibitive.Kylie Barrow asked how much a new playground would cost. NMA confirmed thiswas likely to be in the region of $60k and that <strong>SHPA</strong> would contribute towards thiscost. It was discussed that until the building work is complete, it is difficult todetermine exactly what would be needed and when. The details of how much tospend and how much for <strong>SHPA</strong> to contribute etc would be discussed and decidedby a future committee, when it was deemed appropriate.NMA formally proposed the motion that fundraising monies are put towards a fundfor play equipment. This motion was seconded by Jo Hynes and votedunanimously. Scott Chapman will now be setting up a high interest account inwhich to put available funds (Taking into account the costs for the remainder of thisyear, moneys already allocated to bike shed/shade sail and set up costs for <strong>SHPA</strong>for next year).AOB<strong>SHPA</strong> Meeting: Wednesday <strong>12</strong> August 20<strong>12</strong>: 3

Delighted to announce that discussion has been had with Georgie Thring’s parentsregarding a permanent memorial at the school. Following Georgie’s parents wishes thefollowing has been agreed: 1) a tree/s and plaque will be planted at Sandy house (near themosaic bird bath)-funded by <strong>SHPA</strong> - T4 ,2) At senior school a tree will also be planted aswell as bench sited within the grounds 3) as a keen rower, one of the school rowing boatswill also be named in Georgie’s honour . 4) The Thring family themselves have mostgenerously donated a family bowl to St Andrews as well as proposing a senior schoolprize. We are sure you will agree this is a very fitting and respectful way to rememberGeorgie who remains much missed by all who knew her both within the school communityand beyond.6. Head of Sandringham HouseThe main focus over the past month has been student programs.Therefore my report will focus mainly on the children.Peter Pan the musical was a wonderful success and the kids were outstanding. Please take thetime to acknowledge and congratulate the lead performers. They have spent many hoursrehearsing.We thank <strong>SHPA</strong> for their support of the Peter Pan performance.We also have students competing in Aerobics Nationals, Tournament of Minds State Finals, andSoccer State championships.STUDENT ACTIONCongratulations to the Year 5 and 6 students involved in the Community Problem Solvingprogram. Activities have been designed to raise awareness of Indigenous Literacy and AllergyAwareness.Both teams have been invited to the National Conference. This is an outstanding achievementand they have the potential to go all the way through to the World Conference to be held inAmerica.CONGRATULATIONSWe have 11 teachers nominated for the NeITA awards. A fantastic achievement and theteachers are very appreciative and excited about the process. Teachers now must complete theself profile by 14 <strong>Sept</strong>ember.BUILDING UPDATEThe ELC is on schedule to be completed by the end of this year.The learning hub will commence over the holidays with demolition over the break. Work willcommence next week to salvage the mosaic mural prior to the demolition. Every effort will bemade to restore this piece.DISCUSSION:NMA raised the issue of parking at the front of the school by contractors. PK confirmeda <strong>meeting</strong> was held yesterday with the contractor and this should be rectified.<strong>SHPA</strong> Meeting: Wednesday <strong>12</strong> August 20<strong>12</strong>: 4

The new ‘Kiss and Go’ zone was also raised as council officers are now policing thisarea. PK asked class reps to remind their families about the way this area would work -that it is literally just a drop zone, as tickets will be issued from now.Melissa Smith mentioned that she had been asked to raise with the committee aboutgetting changed for sports at school. NMA advised that, as this is not a social orfundraising issue, it was best to raise this outside of the <strong>SHPA</strong> <strong>meeting</strong> with PK or theclassroom teachers.7. Treasurer’s reportCASH REPORT:Scott gave a breakdown of the current cash position and the profitability of events.HOUSE KEEPING:There are still <strong>SHPA</strong> issued cheques that have yet to banked after lengthy periods. (Twocheques have yet to be banked after 282 days.) Please ensure that cheques are bankedin a timely manner. Thank you.DISCUSSION: SC asked the committee what they were looking for from him astreasurer to report to the committee as he was unsure of what level of detail peoplewanted. Melissa Smith and Kylie Barrow expressed that they appreciated hearingabout the profitability of events and the updates on the cash position. It wasdiscussed that the reporting and management of the finances this year has beenvery good. NMA also mentioned that the <strong>Firbank</strong> Association had been impressedwith some of the documentation introduced and would be using it for some of theirreporting also.8. Environment Officer ReportEnvironment Report by Laura BreedonRecent activities• Attended Sustainability <strong>meeting</strong> last month on behalf of <strong>SHPA</strong>.• Emphasis remains on school reduction of waste generation and effective wastedisposal throughout school• In particular supporting the students to correctly use and dispose of waste in the newcoloured bins• Assessment of how to manage volumes of organic waste generated from the compostbins.• Biodegradable, non-plastic tableware purchased for use at class parties and events<strong>SHPA</strong> Meeting: Wednesday <strong>12</strong> August 20<strong>12</strong>: 5

DISCUSSION: It was commented that the vegetable garden looks fantastic currentlyand that the new waste bins seem to be working well.PK will let the staff know that their is now biodegradable tableware for parties.9. General Businessi. Final Assembly of term - Jo Hynes showed images of the bench that has beenselected as a gift for Hans Verberne. It is teak, very comfortable and attractive. Acommemorative plaque has also been ordered with a dedication to thank him for his 17years of service to the school.JH also confirmed that Hans would come to the final assembly of term and the benchwould be presented to him - it would be great to get a large number of parents inattendance so it was asked if class reps could please let the school community know. Heis also invited to the Christmas lunch in term 4 and will return for the Footy match betweenteachers and students!JH also let the committee know that Hans has gone back to university and is studying fora Certificate IV in Horticulture.ii. Ardoch Foundation - Aisling Martin updated the committee that in term 4 it would beappreciated if we can run a drive to collect food (breakfast/snack items - “bring an extraitem to school”) which would help to support breakfast and lunchtime clubs forcommunities where children can often come to school without food.PK confirmed this would be run by the Social Service Captains.Aisling said she would try to organise another visit by a representative of Ardoch for anassembly. She explained there had been some personnel changes at Ardoch and theyare stretched for resources but would see what could be arranged. PK expressed that hewould like the school to build links with the Foundation.A shoe collection drive may also be possible at the end of the year -Aisling will investigate.iii. Swap Shop - Swap Shop will be the first Friday of Term 4 (<strong>12</strong>th October) from 2.30until 4pm and Monday 15th October from 8.30 until 9am. The Uniform Shop will be opn atthe same time as Swap Shop on the Friday afternoon. A signup sheet for volunteers tohelp with swap shop is on the noticeboard in the courtyard.v. Walkathon - the exact format for Walkathon will be decided over the coming weeks anda brainstorm to come up with a list of possible ideas was carried out after the <strong>meeting</strong>.Bernadette Durkan and Aisling Martin will liase with NMA.10.To Do list from previous <strong>meeting</strong> - see belowCLOSE OF MEETING - the <strong>meeting</strong> closed at 10.05amDATE OF NEXT MEETING: 24th October at 9am Location to be advised.<strong>SHPA</strong> Meeting: Wednesday <strong>12</strong> August 20<strong>12</strong>: 6

Item Ref #s Action Responsibility Due Date1 5.3 <strong>SHPA</strong> questionnaire to go back intonewsletter as a link for any one whomay still wish to complete it2 9.i Class reps to let Parents know aboutHans coming to the final assembly sothat they can have an opportunity tocome alongLCClass repsWed 19 <strong>Sept</strong>Thur 20 <strong>Sept</strong>3 9ii Ardoch food drive to be organised fro PK Term 4term 44 9.ii Ardoch to come and visit assembly Aisling Martin Term 4again5 9.ii Find out if shoe drive is required/ Aisling Martin Term 4possible for the end of the year6 9.v Walkathon details to be finalised NMA/ PK /BernadetteDurkan/Aisling MartinBeg term 4FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS:7 Liase with Darren Docksey and buyPositive Behaviour Award gifts.8 Get information on the child sponsoredby the school through World Vision9 Install a <strong>SHPA</strong> Box into front receptiondesk (in the interim, use the lockablebox that is already at reception)10 Devise system for moneys and infodistribution from new <strong>SHPA</strong> boxlocationJHPKSC/PKLC/SCWhenrequiredIn progressIn progressAwaiting boxinstallation<strong>SHPA</strong> Meeting: Wednesday <strong>12</strong> August 20<strong>12</strong>: 7

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