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TO WAKE, TO FLOWfor my wifeFor me that was a surge, an ebbing, but did youfeel waking in the deep-flow of your lifea ripple fluttering from us, newas melting snowflake, sure as a surgeon's knife?From our closed arc, a breaking through.And when you swelled and 'Look' you said, I pressed with slowblind fingers finding out the curling lines:'He's there perhaps. His head!' And noand yes! a heartbeat, tenuous, leaf-fine.Together we would feel him grow.You wore him proudly then, and I would take your arm,afraid of angles' threats, afraid for two.'He jumped,' you'd say, and 'Oh the warmshape of him here.' In bed at night you knewhis curve and mine, Mandala's form.And then a spiral from that point, a widening arcto walls white-hard, a cavern hung with steel;blurred nurse-shapes move, the Uquid darkbehind your eyes bursts through my grasp. I feelthe circle rive. Then wait, apart.Mirrored within the ripples of your eyes, he'll turn—look now!—your own gaze on you, or he'll speakmy voice to make this circle runaround our lives more surely. Ours to waketo flow to this, our growing son.B. A. BREEN30 WESTERLY, No. 1, MARCH, 1968

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