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THERE AND NOT THERE"Gules vert," she said, and "sable or."The herald angels soar,for the music is playing, the willows are swayingand I am a mouse on the floor.Did you eversee a floor on a mouse,a house on a roof,or similar proofof the singular stanceof romance?"Take x," he said, "and multiply,"but I was feeUng shy,for the sum of x is the quotient sexand hope is a buzzing fly.Can you severa fly from its buzz,the fuzz from a peach;or formulate eachof the separate gyreof desire?"Sing doh," she said, and then "sing me."My song burst itself free,and the music ran for a joyous spanup and down the lignum tree.Can such musicput a doh on a me,lift us both to the sky,or nearly as highas the ultimate bentof content?"Take Bligh," he said, "now, who was he?"He was a sailor brave,for the nine-tails were swishing while he went a-fishingsome agony deep in a cave.Did you listento the cave in the scream,the echoing fishthat threw back the wishon the quivering mastof the past?26 WESTERLY, No. 1, MARCH, 1 968

"Nuance," she said- and "poetry,"and I was before the fall;saw gulls in their gUding, the world darkward sliding,and life in a glass on the wall.Can you neversee a glass in a room,a world in a word,without you have heardall the wonder of timein a rhyme?"Bellum, bella," he said, "et post,"and three-part Gaul was won,for the legions were striding to Rome's shrewd dividing,and death was a tree in the sun.Can you gatherfrom the corners of timethe words that have failed;the nailed and impaledfrom the ravening heatof defeat?"Design," she said, and "simple form."I drew my simile.For the still-life fruit was a basket of loot,and I was an amorous bee.Shall we fashiona conceit from a fig;or agamous nudesfor sensitive prudeswith their aberrant quailat the male?The red and green, they said, and x,and Bligh, and conquered Gaul;and the music went climbing to poetry's timingas I sorted and graded my haul.Did they wonderhow a boy in a classcould float in the air,be there and not thereas he fished from the poolthey called school?ERIC IRVINWESTERLY, No. 1, MARCH, 1968 27

"Nuance," she said- and "poetry,"and I was before the fall;saw gulls in their gUding, the world darkward sliding,and life in a glass on the wall.Can you neversee a glass in a room,a world in a word,without you have heardall the wonder of timein a rhyme?"Bellum, bella," he said, "et post,"and three-part Gaul was won,for the legions were striding to Rome's shrewd dividing,and death was a tree in the sun.Can you gatherfrom the corners of timethe words that have failed;the nailed and impaledfrom the ravening heatof defeat?"Design," she said, and "simple form."I drew my simile.For the still-life fruit was a basket of loot,and I was an amorous bee.Shall we fashiona conceit from a fig;or agamous nudesfor sensitive prudeswith their aberrant quailat the male?The red and green, they said, and x,and Bligh, and conquered Gaul;and the music went climbing to poetry's timingas I sorted and graded my haul.Did they wonderhow a boy in a classcould float in the air,be there and not thereas he fished from the poolthey called school?ERIC IRVINWESTERLY, No. 1, MARCH, 1968 27

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