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glare of the kitchen. The cat pattered after her,strutting and bUnking. There was no sound.The limp mullet were still shimmering in thesink. Soula held a shaking match in the ovenuntil blue flames spurted. Hacking off the bonyheads, she chopped an onion and cut up somelimp tomatoes which sagged and squirted juiceand yellow seeds. Impatiently she scoopedthem up, tossed them over the fish, sprinkledolive oil on top, and slid the dish into theflickering oven. The grotesque heads shedropped for the yowhng cat.The house was dark, hot and still. She satdown heavily, and twisted in her fingers theheavy hair at her nape, sodden with sweat. Shewondered if Taki would come out of the bedroom.He was probably wishing he had neversent for her and married her. Katina's husbandleft her as soon as he found out that she waspregnant, Soula remembered. Perhaps he wasthinking of doing that. If only Manna werethere! She slid open the zipp of her dress andstroked, with her reddened hands, the warmsmooth white belly in which the baby washidden. Cigarette smoke was drifting in heavytrails out of the dark bedroom. The lace curtainsbegan to flicker in a dank sea breeze.From the silent, lamplit street came the hissof the sea.The front door opened, then banged shut.His footsteps faded. Her arms sticking on thewarm oilcloth, Soula hid her face, and wept.DRUG HOUSES OFAUSTRALIA LIMITEDANAX DIVISIONSuppliers of Scientific and IndustrialApparatus, Laboratory Equipmentand Chemicals.Australian Agents for:Gallenkamp & Co., London—Laboratory Equipment and ScientificApparatusJarrell-Ash Company Massachusetts—Scientific Instruments for Research AnalysisControl.Olympus Optical Co., Japan—Microscopes and Optical Equipment.Berthold Hermie, Germany—Centrifuges.Remember the name:DRUG HOUSES OF AUSTRALIA LIMITED(Incorporated in Victoria)ANAX DIVISION71 TROY TERRACE, SUBIACOTelephone 8 8231SANDS a McDOUGALLPTY. ITD.CENTRAL HAY STREET PERTHFOR A COMPLETE RANGE OF:• Artist Materials• Drawing Equipment• Slide Rules• Art Papers• Felt Markers• Draking Inks• Loose Leaf Covers• Writing Materials• Brief Cases• Paper Punches• Invicta Sorter Cards20 WESTERLY, No. 1, MARCH, 1968

FEARA thousand, thousand stars and I, walking under them; sometimeslooking up,But not with ecstasy—not any more.O, what has happened to me? All day, I am sad . . . sad . . . sad. Andfrightened.For the image of her has become sharp now—clearly defined in mymind's eye, so that I keep seeing herEverywhere—a Nemesis—cold, sure and relentless, which I feel partof him wants just as relentlessly, to follow him.Why, because I love, must I walk naked among briar-roses; feel myfleshTorn, festooned at the same time?Why must my body be bared day and night, compelled to move throughthorns because it desires the touch of roses?Why do I love like this—half in happiness, half in pain, becauseshe does not become to himA little, clouded memory—a dream that he wakes with in the morningsgrown very, very far away and dim?IITo be bound with chains, with flowers.To know scent on my skin and scars,because I love. Because this is he.And he can be no one else, ever again.I'm scared (I thought) because now I amnot free. Because now I must be as he is,go where he goes. Because like Ruth,I must follow him as she followed Naomiinto Canaan . . .JOANMASWESTERLY, No. 1, MARCH, 1968 21

glare of the kitchen. The cat pattered after her,strutting and bUnking. There was no sound.The limp mullet were still shimmering in thesink. Soula held a shaking match in the ovenuntil blue flames spurted. Hacking off the bonyheads, she chopped an onion and cut up somelimp tomatoes which sagged and squirted juiceand yellow seeds. Impatiently she scoopedthem up, tossed them over the fish, sprinkledolive oil on top, and slid the dish into theflickering oven. The grotesque heads shedropped for the yowhng cat.The house was dark, hot and still. She satdown heavily, and twisted in her fingers theheavy hair at her nape, sodden with sweat. Shewondered if Taki would come out of the bedroom.He was probably wishing he had neversent for her and married her. Katina's husbandleft her as soon as he found out that she waspregnant, Soula remembered. Perhaps he wasthinking of doing that. If only Manna werethere! She slid open the zipp of her dress andstroked, with her reddened hands, the warmsmooth white belly in which the baby washidden. Cigarette smoke was drifting in heavytrails out of the dark bedroom. The lace curtainsbegan to flicker in a dank sea breeze.From the silent, lamplit street came the hissof the sea.The front door opened, then banged shut.His footsteps faded. Her arms sticking on thewarm oilcloth, Soula hid her face, and wept.DRUG HOUSES OFAUSTRALIA LIMITEDANAX DIVISIONSuppliers of Scientific and IndustrialApparatus, Laboratory Equipmentand Chemicals.Australian Agents for:Gallenkamp & Co., London—Laboratory Equipment and ScientificApparatusJarrell-Ash Company Massachusetts—Scientific Instruments for Research AnalysisControl.Olympus Optical Co., Japan—Microscopes and Optical Equipment.Berthold Hermie, Germany—Centrifuges.Remember the name:DRUG HOUSES OF AUSTRALIA LIMITED(Incorporated in Victoria)ANAX DIVISION71 TROY TERRACE, SUBIACOTelephone 8 8231SANDS a McDOUGALLPTY. ITD.CENTRAL HAY STREET PERTHFOR A COMPLETE RANGE OF:• Artist Materials• Drawing Equipment• Slide Rules• Art Papers• Felt Markers• Draking Inks• Loose Leaf Covers• Writing Materials• Brief Cases• Paper Punches• Invicta Sorter Cards20 WESTERLY, No. 1, MARCH, 1968

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