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Mother of navigators.Beater of men.Melancholy sea.To have known you at all was enough . . .Ask them.Bartholomew Diaz.Da GamaMagellan.Columbus.Cross-staff and astrolabe,but saihng to the moon for all they knew—eating brine, chewingon it.Swallowing,unslakedever:salt ingraineddeepin the bone,in the marrowof the bone.Cushioning the brain.(creak of blocksslack and strain of halyardsstinging smack of wet canvas .flap slap of bare, horny feet)Portuguese.Spaniards.Slick GenoeseSea-hunger,sea-thirst and sea-madness.Hallucinations,prayers andhysterias.Worminfestedtubs,leakingblood and dreamsall over the New World.(looting empiresthat pious Isabellamight go to heaven)WESTERLY, No. 1, MARCH, 1968 15

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