Epilogue - Cardinal Cushing Library - Emmanuel College

Epilogue - Cardinal Cushing Library - Emmanuel College Epilogue - Cardinal Cushing Library - Emmanuel College

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Anne :Marie Crowley165 Canton StreetStoughton, Mass.Deep common sense underlying infectioushumor ... anecdotes of her cheque red ummerexperiences ... unable to carry a tune,even in a ba ket. .. split pare time betweensports and the theatre ... boundless sympathy... the uncluttered lines of her tailoredclothes ... a melTY member of the Gloucesterbiology contingent ... psych ia tric socialwork, Anne's choice.1ajor: BiologySodality 1, Q, 3, 4. Athletic 1. Biology 2, 3, 4. SocialService 2.Anne Marie Cuss en125 Brook AvenueDorche ter, Mass.High seriousnes ... broken by a quizzicalsmile, with lifted eyebrow ..."caf" birthdayparties ... "I'll bring the cake! " ... openheartedgenero ity . . . Girl Scout leader ...ardent basketball fan ... prowess on thecourt . .. scholarship reflected in love ofLatin ... indigenou to the library ... deepfamily devotion ... eventually a Master's in"Ed" .. . dedication to teaching.Jajor: Psychology and EducationSodality 1, Q, 3, 4. Athletic 1,2,3,4. CeDE 3, 4. ocialService 4.[ 42]

Catherine A. Daylor14 Cre cent AvenueBrockton, Mas .Mathematical-mindedne mirrored in diverseactivitie ... alway time for a rou ingbridge game, hectic weekend , busy committeework ... highly cultivated "clothes"ense ... an unu ual collection of china demitae . .. golfing and tennis filling leisuremoment ... animated conversationali t ...miling sophisticate ... a balanced outlook onlife from self-posses ed "Cathy. "lVIajor: 'JatbelTIaticsSodality 1, 2, 3, 4. Athletic 1, 2. Foreign Mis ion 1.Mathematic 2,3,4.Josephine T. DeCri tofaro502 Beech StreetRo lindale, Mass.PerFectionist in the busines field ... NewYork and Cape Cod trips . .. homebody hobbieof sewing and knitting ... current eventconsciou , with the help of Time . .. pel' onifiedefficiency a the Pocus Business :l\1anager... Ioyal Glee Clubber ... summer hO 'pitalwork, with Future plan for a career as medicalecretary ... carefully suited" Jo. ")Iajor: Business AdlTIinistrationSodality 1, 2, 3, 4. Athleti 1, 2. Business Secretary 2,Trea urer 3,4. Focus 2,3, Business M'anager 4. Musical1, 'l, S, ·1.[ 43]

Anne :Marie Crowley165 Canton StreetStoughton, Mass.Deep common sense underlying infectioushumor ... anecdotes of her cheque red ummerexperiences ... unable to carry a tune,even in a ba ket. .. split pare time betweensports and the theatre ... boundless sympathy... the uncluttered lines of her tailoredclothes ... a melTY member of the Gloucesterbiology contingent ... psych ia tric socialwork, Anne's choice.1ajor: BiologySodality 1, Q, 3, 4. Athletic 1. Biology 2, 3, 4. SocialService 2.Anne Marie Cuss en125 Brook AvenueDorche ter, Mass.High seriousnes ... broken by a quizzicalsmile, with lifted eyebrow ..."caf" birthdayparties ... "I'll bring the cake! " ... openheartedgenero ity . . . Girl Scout leader ...ardent basketball fan ... prowess on thecourt . .. scholarship reflected in love ofLatin ... indigenou to the library ... deepfamily devotion ... eventually a Master's in"Ed" .. . dedication to teaching.Jajor: Psychology and EducationSodality 1, Q, 3, 4. Athletic 1,2,3,4. CeDE 3, 4. ocialService 4.[ 42]

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