Epilogue - Cardinal Cushing Library - Emmanuel College

Epilogue - Cardinal Cushing Library - Emmanuel College Epilogue - Cardinal Cushing Library - Emmanuel College

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Epilogue Staffl~dito1'-in-Chief.\1111 F J.YI1I1_Issociate EditorBaJ'bam DeJ'byBusiness .II anager?\Ia I'Y Jane Clancey. 1 dvertising ~I anagerBal'bara BUl'keBusiness 1ssistant~Ial'i anne H eidtLiteraTY EditorJean ~lcDona ldPhotography Editor"Mal'garet K avanagh..ITt EditoTGeraldine LambertBiography Editorllo emal'ie ~1u rphyActivities EditorLoma DoonanLiterary StallX Ol'een Dimond~Ial' gal'et l?i tzgemldEleanor Lynn"Ma l'ianne ~IczzocchiPatri cia O'Reilly. 1 rI StaJ}'Beverly Kel'l'iganAnn ullivanJ unior 1ssistantsBarbar'a olucciPhy lli ConsalvoBeatl'ice Dri coilancy Fal'onMal'tha Rogel'sPictuTe J dentifications:Pages 2, 3Lorraine llIiniufli, Rose .II aTie Connors, Xancy B et/wney, III aTY Rice, Claire Magner,./acquei1"ne D ~O', MaTtha McGowan, ViTginia Good, Rosalie De Baggis.Page 4hene Van Duyn, ~I Q1'y lYolan, ~f Q1,ianne H eidt, Ann Sullivan, A nne Grant,Quote Aclcnowledgmenls:,,'. U . Auden : 1-3, 20, 25, 28.1'. . Eliot: 16, 17, 18.G. M. H opkins: 22, 24, 26.E. A. Robinson: 27.G. Santayana: 23.[ 6]' ~ -j..-- - - - - - . - - - - - ... .. . ...

ForewordA CERTAIN unity ex ists In ever,v school, hidden perhaps, in the activitie ofits day: - so various, so ma ny - ~l et revealed in t he depth to which each membershares the spirit of her college. F or us, this is an ess ntial, a profound unity, t heunity of Emmanuel, " God with us. " Once t ruly realized in a ny student, t his piritcan never be wh oll,v lost. Nor can it, with honesty, be divorced from Ie ser concernor subo rdinated to other values. It has become a way of t hinking a nd of livin O', evena way of being.H owever incapa ble of defini t ion, t his spi"i t which is Emmanuel is yet altogethercapable of expre:sion. Indeed it expresses itself with eloquence, wit h simplicity,with vigo r in the divers talents, the ma ny objectives, the varied and inconspicuoussplendors of personalit,v which a re represented here. " Diversity in unity," themeof the 1956 E pl LO(1E, embraces everything great or sma ll which is a part of Emmanuel.I t poin ts to the ma ny sources from which we have drawn one trut h, to themul tipl e goals in which we have sough t one beauty. F or hidden a nd disclo:ed inlh e particul a rs of sciencc a nd la nguagc and a rt and philosophy, we, t he many, t heheterogeneous many, have fou nd t he one.For us t his book is a wa~r to record, not a year, nor even four years, but a timelessin terval. I t is a n effort to capt u,'e t he pri: m fl ashing t lu'o ~ght hese days oflight, to secure t he fugit ive, t o fix upon t he page t hat diversity which, fi xed in ourhearts, i · unity -i: Emmanuel.[7 ]

<strong>Epilogue</strong> Staffl~dito1'-in-Chief.\1111 F J.YI1I1_Issociate EditorBaJ'bam DeJ'byBusiness .II anager?\Ia I'Y Jane Clancey. 1 dvertising ~I anagerBal'bara BUl'keBusiness 1ssistant~Ial'i anne H eidtLiteraTY EditorJean ~lcDona ldPhotography Editor"Mal'garet K avanagh..ITt EditoTGeraldine LambertBiography Editorllo emal'ie ~1u rphyActivities EditorLoma DoonanLiterary StallX Ol'een Dimond~Ial' gal'et l?i tzgemldEleanor Lynn"Ma l'ianne ~IczzocchiPatri cia O'Reilly. 1 rI StaJ}'Beverly Kel'l'iganAnn ullivanJ unior 1ssistantsBarbar'a olucciPhy lli ConsalvoBeatl'ice Dri coilancy Fal'onMal'tha Rogel'sPictuTe J dentifications:Pages 2, 3Lorraine llIiniufli, Rose .II aTie Connors, Xancy B et/wney, III aTY Rice, Claire Magner,./acquei1"ne D ~O', MaTtha McGowan, ViTginia Good, Rosalie De Baggis.Page 4hene Van Duyn, ~I Q1'y lYolan, ~f Q1,ianne H eidt, Ann Sullivan, A nne Grant,Quote Aclcnowledgmenls:,,'. U . Auden : 1-3, 20, 25, 28.1'. . Eliot: 16, 17, 18.G. M. H opkins: 22, 24, 26.E. A. Robinson: 27.G. Santayana: 23.[ 6]' ~ -j..-- - - - - - . - - - - - ... .. . ...

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