Tourism Promotion Presentation

Tourism Promotion Presentation Tourism Promotion Presentation

Welcome to Albania!

…still a unique unknowncountry with fascinatinghistory and culture,emense natural resourcesand friendly and helpfullpeople…

Location & Access• Easy access by land,sea and air• Easily accessed frommain capitals and othercities of Italy, Greece,Turkeay,• Direct flies fromLondon, Wien, Munich

Visitors in 2011Foreign visitors2,734,000Non-residentAlbanian visitors1,267,000Total arrivals4,001,000

International <strong>Tourism</strong> to AlbaniaEurope 92%America 5%Asia 2%Others 1%

Why to Invest/Visit Albania?

Variety of destinations & attractions

Rich Historic Heritage10 – archeological protectedareas9 – archeological parksOver 1600 culturalmonumentsOver 300 fortresses andcastlesMore than 200 churches andmosquesOver 130 cultural primeattractions3 UNESCO protected sites

Archeological ParksButrintSince 1992, Butrint is registered as an UNESCO world's estateand as a World Heritage site in 1999

The Baptistery of Butrint, constructed in the early 6th AD, is the secondlargest baptistery in all the Eastern Roman Empire.

Butrint, the head of Apollo, aroman copy of a probablydisappeared model ofPolykletes.

Synagoge of Saranda (Onchesmos)..

ApolloniaFounded at 6’th Century BC“…a magna urbis et gravis” - a great and important city - (Cicero).

Ancient city of BylisFirst stllement was founded byNeoptolemus, the son of thefamuas AchillesIn 350 BC it become astronghold city with a circlingwall 2500 m long

Durrës, founded as Epidamnos in 627 BC, one of the oldest cities in Europe.Durres Amphitheatre is built in the 2nd century AD. The Amphitheatre;used to have a capacity of 15 000 to 20,000 people, During that time, Durresdeveloped as an important port, trade, culture center.

Durrës, “The Beauty ofDyrrachium”: A mosaic ofriver gravel with apulianmotifs (4th c. BC). One ofthe most beatiful mosaicsof the pre-roman antiquity.

The UNESCO World Heritage Town ofGjirokastra sinc 2004.“It was a strange city,and seemed to have been cast up inthe valley one winter’s night likesome prehistoric creature thatwas now clawing its way up themountainside. Everything inthe city was old and made of stone,from the streets to the roofs of theold houses covered with grey slateslike gigantic scales. That was onlynatural, for it was a stone city and itstouch was rough and coldIsmail Kadare, Chronicle in Stone

UNESCO World Heritage SitesHistoric Town of Gjirokastër

…the magnificent and famos Castle of Gjirokastra is an ancient building of stone,erected along a high ridge of rock. It stretches from east to west, a length of 600 mwide and a width of 100 m. The long crowned cortains give it the appearanceof a galley ship… Evliya Çelebi, Seyahatname, november 1670.


Berat “...the Town of a thousand windows…”

Castles & Fortresses…Castle of Shkodra…Kruja Fortress..

…unique spiritual heritage…Albania is renowned for the religious harmony…designatedto be a hub of civilizations , (the Illyrians, the Greeks and theRomans ), a meeting point of cultures (Albanian, Byzantine,Slavic, Turco-Persian), a place of coexistence of rival faithsand religions, nurtured in this historical cradle the harmonyand respect for each other.

Orthodox Church in Korca

Monastery in Apollonia

Muradie Mosque, VloreMosque in Berat

…different faiths all hoping for amiracle……on an Albanian spring day, dozens of Muslims, Catholics and OrthodoxChristians toil together up a steep, winding slope to St Anthony’s Church ,Lac….

Sun & Sea <strong>Tourism</strong>…a great variety of seasiderelaxation, from sandy topebbly and rocky beaches…

• Over 400 km ofcoastline out ofwhich approx 200 kmof sandy beaches• Lakes and Lagoons,sand belts and sanddunes• Eco-tourism and birdwatching• Diving, fishing,sailing and swiming• Easy direct accessrom inland andabroad

...AlbanianRiviera, a FrugalParadise.....NY TimesJune 2011..

“ Grama” beach, Ionian Coast

“ Uji i ftohtë” Vlora Bay

…unspoiled beaches.. Lalezi Bay

…nearly 13,4% of the Albanian territory iscomprised of natural parks and protected areassuch as forests, lakes, lagoons, pastures, etc.“Bredhi i Hotoves” National Park…map of protected areas in Albania

Natural Protected Areas

LagoonsEight lagoon ecosystems,covering nearly 10,900Ha, supporting traditionalfisheries, fish farming andsalt productionKaravastaja LagoonOne of the largest in theMediterranean Sea (nearly3900 Ha). The lagoon isfamous for the rare DalmatianPelican – nearly 5% of theworld's population of this typeof pelican is found in thislagoon

Narta LagoonWhich since 1290converted to acommerciallyoperated salina

Viluni Lagoon

Kune – Vain Lagoon

Shkodra Lake

• Prespa lake• Consists of GreatPrespa (285 km) andfrom Prespa e Vogel(44 km2). The Lakestretches betweenAlbania, Greece andMacedonia

Prespa Lake

Butrinti Lake and ancient city

Nature & Adventure• 77% mountainsand hills• Great potentialfor winter sports,trekking,climbing, raftingetc.• Albanian Alps inNorth nearShkodra• Mountainvillages andguest-houses inAlbanian Alpsand in thesoutheast

Rafting, Osumi Canions

Air Sports,Pass of Loogora over Vlora Bay

Winter Sports…Valbona Valley…


“Rally Albania” - thesecond largest racingactivity in the Balkans,with the participation ofabout 30 Europeancountries.



Dynamic Capital- Business Travelers- Seminars andConventions facilities- Museums (Historical,Archaeological, etc.)- Art Galleries and events- A thriving nightlife

..a culinary experience, rich of highnutritional values and delicioustastes. A visitor may enjoy plentyof traditional dishes as well asdelights from all over the world,including Asian, Indian, MiddleEastern, and other internationaltastes…

Have a nice stay in Albania!

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