Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee


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Relevant PublicationsAlström, P. & Mild, K. 2003. <strong>Pipit</strong>s & Wagtails of Europe, Asia and North America, Identification andSystematics. Christopher Helm, A & C Black, London.Beaman, M. 1994. Palearctic birds: a checklist of the birds of Europe, North Africa and Asia north ofthe foothills of the Himalayas. Harrier Publications, Stonyhurst, Lancashire.Bent, A.C. 1965. Life Histories of North American Wagtails, Shrikes and Vireos, and their Allies.Dover Publications.Burton, R. & Croxall, J. 2012. A Field Guide to the Wildlife of South Georgia. South GeorgiaHeritage Trust - Wildguides - Princeton University.Cramp, S. (ed.) 1988. Handbook of the <strong>Birds</strong> of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, The <strong>Birds</strong>of the Western Palearctic, Volume 5 - Tyrant Flycatchers to Thrushes. Oxford University Press.del Hoyo, J. et al (eds.) 2004. Handbook of the <strong>Birds</strong> of the World. Volume 9, Cotingas to <strong>Pipit</strong>s andWagtails. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.Hötker, H. 1990. Der Wiesenpieper [Meadow <strong>Pipit</strong>]. Westarp Wissenschaften.Jenni, L. & Winkler, R. 1994. Moult and Ageing of European Passerines. Academic Press.Keith, S. et al 1992. The <strong>Birds</strong> of Africa: Volume IV - Broadbills to Chats. Academic Press, London.Krüger, S. 1989. Der Brachpieper [Tawny <strong>Pipit</strong>]. Westarp Wissenschaften.Lewington, I. et al 1991. A Field Guide to the <strong>Rare</strong> <strong>Birds</strong> of Britain and Europe. HarperCollins.Parkin, D.T. & Knox, A.G. 2010. The Status of <strong>Birds</strong> in Britain & Ireland. Christopher Helm.Pätzold, R. 1984. Der Wasserpieper [Water <strong>Pipit</strong>]. Westarp Wissenschaften.Pätzold, R. 1990. Der Baumpieper [Tree <strong>Pipit</strong>]. Westarp Wissenschaften.Peacock, F. 2006. <strong>Pipit</strong>s of Southern Africa: The Complete Guide to Africa's Ultimate LBJ's. MirafraPublishing.Ridgely, R.S. & Tudor, G. 1989. The <strong>Birds</strong> of South America: Volume 1 - The Oscine Passerines.University of Texas Press.Shirihai, H. & Jarrett, B. 2002. A Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife, The <strong>Birds</strong> and MarineMammals of the Antarctic Continent and Southern Ocean. Alula Press Oy, Finland.Shirihai, H. & Jarrett, B. 2007. A Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife <strong>Birds</strong> and Marine Mammals ofthe Antarctic Continent and Southern Ocean, 2nd edition. A & C Black, London.Shirihai, H. et al 1996. The Macmillan Birder’s Guide to European and Middle Eastern <strong>Birds</strong>.Macmillan Press, London and Basingstoke.Simms, E. 1992. British Larks, <strong>Pipit</strong>s & Wagtails. HarperCollins, London.Snow, D.W. & Perrins, C.M. (eds.) 1998. The <strong>Birds</strong> of the Western Palearctic Concise EditionVolume 2, Passerines. Oxford University Press.Svensson, L. 1992. Identification Guide to European Passerines (4th edition). Privately Published,Stockholm.van Duivendijk, N. 2010. Advanced Bird ID Guide, The Western Palearctic. New Holland.van Duivendijk, N. 2011. Advanced Bird ID Handbook, The Western Palearctic. New Holland.Vinicombe, K. et al. 1989. The Macmillan Field Guide to Bird Identification. Macmillan Press, Londonand Basingstoke.General NotesBaker, K. 1996. Ageing passerines: some practical examples. Birding World 9(7): 280-282.Bennett, G.F. & Peirce, M.A. 1990. The haemoproteids of the Old World avian families Alaudidae(larks), Irenidae (leaf birds), and Motacillidae (wagtails and pipits). Journal of Natural History 24(4):939-947.Bourne, W.R.P. 2002. Letters: The evolution of pipits and finches. British <strong>Birds</strong> 95(3): 143-144.Clancey, P.A. 1990. A review of the indigenous pipits (genus Anthus Bechstein: Motacillidae) of theAfrotropics. Durban Museum Novitates 15: 42-72.Gantlett, S. 1998. Bird forms in Britain. Birding World 11(6): 232-239.Hall, B.P. 1961. The taxonomy and identification of pipits (genus Anthus). Bulletin of British Museumof Natural History 7(5): 243-289.Mitchell, D. 2011. <strong>Birds</strong> of Britain: subspecies checklist v1.1. [online PDF]. Available from:http://www.birdwatch.co.uk/categories/articleitem.asp?cate=22&topic=155&item=800 [AccessedJuly 2011].O'Sullivan, O. 2006. Discover birds: <strong>Pipit</strong>s & Wagtails - Familiar insect eaters. Wings 42: 30-32.Riddington, R. 2000. Fair Isle. Dutch Birding 22(1): 1-12.Sangster, G. et al 1999. Dutch avifaunal list: species concepts, taxonomic instability, and taxonomicchanges in 1977-1998. Ardea 87(1): 139-166.3

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