Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee


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Hall, J.R. et al 2002. Factors affecting the distribution of landbirds on the Falkland Islands. BirdConservation International 12: 151-167.Isacch, J.P. et al 2004. Post-fire vegetation change and bird use of a salt marsh in coastal Argentina.Wetlands 24(2): 235-243.Pettingill, O.S. 1974. Passerine birds of the Falkland Islands: their behaviour and ecology. Living Bird12: 95-136.South Georgia <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus antarcticus [Cabanis 1884, South Georgia].South Georgia (S Atlantic).Ackered, H. 2003. Atlantic Odyssey - The ultimate pelagic trip? Alula 9(2): 42-55 (49).Clarke, A. et al 2012. Important Bird Areas - South Georgia. British <strong>Birds</strong> 105(3): 118-144 (135).Prince, P.A. & Payne, M.R. 1979. Current status of birds at South Georgia. British Antarctic SurveyBulletin 48: 103-118.Ochre-breasted <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus nattereri [P.L. Sclater 1878, Rio Verde, São Paulo, Brazil].S Paraguay, NE Argentina & SE Brazil.Azpiroz, A.B. & Blake, J.G. 2009. Avian Assemblages in Altered and Natural Grasslands in theNorthern Campos of Uruguay. The Condor 111(2): 21-35.Fraga, R.M. & Bates, J.M. 2005. Two unreported specimens of Ochre-brested <strong>Pipit</strong> Anthus nattererifrom a new Brazilian locality. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist' Club 125(1): 66-68.Lopes, L.E. et al 2010. Range extensions and conservation of some threatened or little knownBrazilian grassland birds. Bird Conservation International 20(1): 84-94.Mazzoni, L.G. & Perillo, A. 2011. Range extension of Anthus nattereri Sclater, 1878 (Aves:Motacillidae) in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. List Check 7(5): 589-591. [List Check isavailable online at: http://www.checklist.org.br/].Hellmayr’s <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus hellmayri [Hartert 1909, Río Salí, Tucumán, Argentina].[A.h. hellmayri] E Andean slopes from Puno (SE Peru) S to NW Argentina.[A.h. dabbenei] Highlands in Neuquén, W Chubut and SE Río Negro (S Argentina) and probablyadjacent S Chile.[A.h. brasilianus] SE Brazil, SE Paraguay, NE & E Argentina & Uruguay.Charles Eduard Hellmayr (1878-1944), German zoologist who worked at the Field Museum inChicago.Mazzoni, L.G. & Perillo, A. 2011. Range extension of Anthus nattereri Sclater, 1878 (Aves:Motacillidae) in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. List Check 7(5): 589-591. [List Check isavailable online at: http://www.checklist.org.br/].Paramo <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus bogotensis [P.L. Sclater 1855, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia].[A.b. bogotensis] NW Venezuela and the Andes from Colombia S to N Peru.[A.b. meridae] Andes in NW Venezuela.[A.b. immaculatus] NC Peru S to Bolivia.[A.b. shiptoni] NW Argentina.Koenen, M.T. & Koenen, S.G. 2000. Effects of fire on birds in Paramo habitat of northern Ecuador.Ornitologia Neotropical 11: 155-163.Vogt, C. 2006. High-elevation records of birdspecies from Rucu Pichincha Volcano, Ecuador. Cotinga26: 81-83.31

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