Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee


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Wershler, C. et al Status of the Baird’s Sparrow in Alberta: 1987/1988 update with notes on othergrassland sparrows and Sprague’s <strong>Pipit</strong>, pp. 87-89. Found in: Holroyd, G.L. et al (eds.) 1991.Proceedings of the second endangered species and prairie conservation workshop. NaturalHistory Occasional Paper 15, Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.Yellowish <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus lutescens [Pucheran 1855, vicinity of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil].[A.l. lutescens] NE Colombia, Venezuela (except N & S), the Guianas and lowlands from E Boliviaand N, C & E Brazil S to Argentina & Uruguay.[A.l. peruvianus] Trujillo (Peru) S to Arica (extreme N Chile).[A.l. parvus] Pacific coast of Panama.Fraga, R.M. & Clark, R. 1999. Notes on the avifauna of the Upper Bermejo River (Argentina andBolivia) with a new species for Argentina. Cotinga 12: 77-78.Freitas, M.S. & Francisco, M.R. 2012. Reproductive life history traits of the Yellowish <strong>Pipit</strong> (Anthuslutescens). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124(1): 119-126.Renssen, Th.A. 1974. Bird species new for Surinam - Twelve bird species new for Surinam. Ardea62: 118-122.Straneck, R.J. 1987. Aportes sobre el conocimiento y distribución de la cachirla amarillenta, Anthuslutescens pucheran y la cachirla chaqueña, Anthus chacoensis Zimmer (Aves, Motacillidae)[Contributions to the understanding and distribution of Yellowish and Chaco <strong>Pipit</strong>s]. Revista delMuseo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales 'Bernardino Rivadavia', Zoología 14: 95-102.Vickery, P.D. et al 2003. Effects of altitude on the distribution of Nearctic and resident grassland birdsin Córdoba province, Argentina. Journal of Field Ornithology 74(2): 172-178.Short-billed <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus furcatus [d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye 1837, Carmen, Río Negro, Patagonia, Argentina].[A.f. furcatus] Lowlands of Argentina E to extreme SE Brazil & Uruguay.[A.f. brevirostris] C Peru S to W Bolivia & NW Argentina.Gibbons, R.E. et al 2011. Notes on birds of the high Andes of Peru. Ornitología Colombiana 11: 76-86.Vickery, P.D. et al 2003. Effects of altitude on the distribution of Nearctic and resident grassland birdsin Córdoba province, Argentina. Journal of Field Ornithology 74(2): 172-178.Chaco <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus chacoensis [J.T. Zimmer 1952, Avia Terai, Chaco, Argentina].Lowlands S from Concepción (Paraguay) to EC Argentina S to SC Buenos Aires.Other name: Pampas <strong>Pipit</strong>.Casaňas, H. et al 2007. Historia natural y distribución de la Cachirla Trinadora (Anthus chacoensis)[Natural history and distribution of the Chaco <strong>Pipit</strong>]. Hornero 22(1): 59-63.Isacch, J.P. et al 2003. Composition and seasonal changes of the bird community in the west pampagrasslands of Argentina. Journal of Field Ornithology 74(1): 59-65.Straneck, R.J. 1987. Aportes sobre el conocimiento y distribución de la cachirla amarillenta, Anthuslutescens pucheran y la cachirla chaqueña, Anthus chacoensis Zimmer (Aves, Motacillidae)[Contributions to the understanding and distribution of Yellowish and Chaco <strong>Pipit</strong>s]. Revista delMuseo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales 'Bernardino Rivadavia', Zoología 14: 95-102.Vickery, P.D. et al 2003. Effects of altitude on the distribution of Nearctic and resident grassland birdsin Córdoba province, Argentina. Journal of Field Ornithology 74(2): 172-178.Correndera <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus correndera [Vieillot 1818, Paraguay].[A.c. correndera] S Paraguay, N Argentina, Uruguay & extreme SE Brazil.[A.c. calcaratus] Mountains of Peru.[A.c. catamarcae] N Chile, SW Bolivia & Catamarca (NW Argentina).[A.c. chilensis] Chile S from Atacama Desert & S Argentina S to Tierra del Fuego.[A.c. grayi] Falkland Islands.Other name: Falkland <strong>Pipit</strong> (grayi).30

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