Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Pipit - Irish Rare Birds Committee


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Long-tailed <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus longicaudatus [Liversidge 1996, Kimberley, South Africa].Distribution is little known, possibly the Barotse floodplains (Zimbabwe) and other unknown locations.Winters C South Africa.Butchart, S. 2007. <strong>Birds</strong> to find: a review of ‘lost’, obscure and poorly known African birdspecies. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 14: 138-157 (150).King, J. 1997. OrnithoNews: A new African pipit. Birding World 10(2): 42.Liversidge, R. 1996. A new species of pipit in southern Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist'Club 116(4): 211-215.van Rootselaar, O. 1999. New birds for the World: species discovered during 1980 - 1999. BirdingWorld 12(7): 286-293 (290).Plain-backed <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus leucophrys [Vieillot 1818, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa].[A.l. leucophrys] SE Botswana E to extreme S Mozambique and S to E & S South Africa.[A.l. tephridorsus] S Angola & S Zambia S to N Namibia, NW Botswana & NE Zimbabwe.[A.l. bohndorffi] SE Gabon, C PR Congo & S DR Congo E to W Tanzania and S to C Angola, NWZambia & R Songwe (N Malawi).[A.l. goodsoni] C & SW Kenya & extreme N Tanzania.[A.l. saphiroi] SE Ethiopia & NW Somalia.[A.l. omoensis] SE Sudan and N, C & W Ethiopia.[A.l. gouldii] Sierra Leone, Liberia & Ivory Coast.[A.l. zenkeri] Guinea & S Mali E to Ghana, S Chad, Central African Republic & S Sudan and S toCameroon, N & E DR Congo, Burundi, NW Tanzania & W Kenya.[A.l. ansorgei] S Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia & Guinea-Bissau.Forms saphiroi & goodsoni treated by del Hoyo et al 2004 as races of Buffy <strong>Pipit</strong>.Other name: Goodson’s <strong>Pipit</strong> (goodsoni).Arthur T. Goodson (1873-1931), English ornithologist.Kopij, G. et al 2002. Diet of pipits in South African grassland. Ostrich 73(1-2): 71-73.White, C.M.N. 1948. The African Plain-backed <strong>Pipit</strong>s - A case of sibling species. Ibis 90(4): 547-553.Long-legged <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus pallidiventris [Sharpe 1885, Gabon].[A.p. pallidiventris] SW & S Cameroon S to W Cuanza Sul & Lunda Sul (N Angola).[A.p. esobe] Middle Congo basin.White, C.M.N. 1948. The African Plain-backed <strong>Pipit</strong>s - A case of sibling species. Ibis 90(4): 547-553.Meadow <strong>Pipit</strong>Anthus pratensis [Linnaeus 1758, Sweden].SE Greenland, Iceland and N, NW & C Europe E to W Siberia and S & E to S France & C Romaniaalso the border mountains between Georgia & Armenia in the Caucasus. Winters S to N Africa,Middle East & SW Asia.Treated by del Hoyo et al 2004 to be polytypic with races pratensis & whistleri.Aviles, J.M. & Møller, A.P. 2003. Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis) egg appearance in cuckoo(Cuculus canorus) sympatric and allopatric populations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society79(4): 543-549.Bell, C.P. 1995. An enquiry into evolutionary aspects of geographic variation in birds, with specialreference to the yellow wagtail Motacilla flava and the meadow pipit Anthus pratensis. PhD Thesis,University of London.Buchanan, G.M. et al 2006. Observer variation in estimates of Meadow <strong>Pipit</strong> Anthus pratensis andSkylark Alauda arvensis abundance on moorland. Bird Study 53(1): 92-95.Bureš, S. & Weidinger, K. 2000. Estimation of calcium intake by Meadow <strong>Pipit</strong> nestlings in anacidified area. Journal of Avian Biology 31(3): 426-429.Bureš, S. et al 2002. Hybridization and apparent hybridization between meadow pipit (Anthuspratensis) and water pipit (A. spinoletta). Hereditas 136(3): 254-256.14

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