20071217 - Western Electricity Coordinating Council

20071217 - Western Electricity Coordinating Council 20071217 - Western Electricity Coordinating Council


WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCILDaily Report of System Status for December 17, 200710:55 a.m. MSTWeather Conditions/TemperaturesBelow is a synopsis of information provided by the WECC Reliability CentersExpected Non-simultaneous Peaks, Reserves, and Generation Limitations at time of PeakArea Peak Demand 1 Projected Reserves 1 Req. Reserves 1 Gen. Outages/LimitationsNorthwest SC 56,506 10.7% 6,037 3,955 6,860RM/DSW RC 25,842 11.7% 3,032 1,842 5,019Calif./MX RC 42,271 10.4% 4,383 3,079 8,4491Peak demands, Actual and Projected Reserves and Required Reserves are non-simultaneous accumulations ofpeaks as reported by each area within each Reliability Center.H:\SCCDaily\20071217doc

WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCILDaily Report of System Status for December 17, 200710:55 a.m. MSTWeather Conditions/TemperaturesBelow is a synopsis of information provided by the WECC Reliability CentersExpected Non-simultaneous Peaks, Reserves, and Generation Limitations at time of PeakArea Peak Demand 1 Projected Reserves 1 Req. Reserves 1 Gen. Outages/LimitationsNorthwest SC 56,506 10.7% 6,037 3,955 6,860RM/DSW RC 25,842 11.7% 3,032 1,842 5,019Calif./MX RC 42,271 10.4% 4,383 3,079 8,4491Peak demands, Actual and Projected Reserves and Required Reserves are non-simultaneous accumulations ofpeaks as reported by each area within each Reliability Center.H:\SCCDaily\<strong>20071217</strong>doc

Resource AdequacyThe Pacific Northwest Security Center expects to maintain comfortable reserve margins. The RockyMountain/Desert Southwest Reliability Center reports resources are adequate for today. TheCalifornia/Mexico Reliability Center anticipates no reserve or resource adequacy issues today.Significant Transmission Facilities Out Of Service or Limited♦ The PNSC reported the following outages for today:COI: No limitations. Outages outside the PNSC sub region may result in lower limits.From 0000-2400 the PDCI is limited to 2,084 MW south to north due to ICLTS trippingcapability. Outages outside the PNSC sub region may result in lower limits.From 0000-2400 the Path 3 is limited by nomogram due to various combinations of outages inNW Washington.From 0000-2400 the Path 37/38 is limited per Curve #15 due to Alcova-Copper Mountain-Boysen 115 kV line outage.♦The RDRC reported the following transmission facilities will be out of service today:Note: RDRC daily facility outage report includes PACE facility outages that may impactRocky Mountain Transmission System.Eckley 115-kV BusNiland 161-kV BusWestwing North 500-kV BusWest Mesa FW Reactor 65 MVARThermopolis Cap bankFlagstaff-Glen Canyon #1 345-kV lineHoover-Mead #7 230-kV lineNiland-Cochella Valley 161-kV "N" lineNiland-Blythe 161-kV "F" lineEl Centro-Pilot Knob 161- kV "A" lineNiland Bank #1Flaming Gorge-Fire Hole Tap 230-kV lineWestwing 230/69-kV T-14Daniels Park-Jackson Fuller 230-kV lineEl Centro-Niland 161-kV "M" line Hayden-Apache 115-kV lineFlaming Gorge-Little Mountain Tap 230-kV lineMiracle Mile-Medicine Bow-Laramie 115-kV lineNavajo 500-kV series caps, Path 49 limit of 7,330 MWCopper Mt.- Alcova 115-kV, TOT 4B Curve 15, limit of 146 MWNavajo-Westwing Series Caps, Navajo RAS arming above 2,000 MWRM/DSW Transmission Facilities Impacting WECC USF Qualified Paths:Flaming Gorge KY1A & KY2A 230/138 kVA, Path 30 Limit 498 MWFlaming Gorge-Fire Hole Tap 230-kV line, Path 30 Limit 498 MW♦ The CMRC reported the following outages for today:From 0000-2400 the COI is limited to 4,000 MW north to south due to the Malin-RoundMountain #2 capacitors.From 0000-2400 the PDCI is limited to 2,084 MW south to north due to T-116Q seasonallimitations.H:\SCCDaily\<strong>20071217</strong>doc

From 0000-1600 the Path 15 is limited to 4,800 MW south to north due to Los Banos-Midwayand Gates-Midway series capacitors annual maintenance.From 0000-2400 the Path 44 is limited to 1,650 MW north to south due to the TL 230-02/230-10N-2 contingency. From 0700-1600 the Path 44 is further limited to 1,520 MW north to south dueto the San Luis Rey-San Onofre 230-kV line.From 0000-2400 the Path 45 is limited to 444 MW south to north due to reconductor work on TL23040 Miguel-Tijuana 230-kV line.From 0000-2400 the Path 49 is limited to 7,330 MW east to west due to the Navajo-Crystal seriescapacitors at Navajo and Eldorado-Moenkopi 500-kV line series capacitors.From 0000-2400 the SDG&E/CFE total import is limited to 2,300 MW due to San Onofre(SONGS) Unit No. 2 refueling outage. From 0700-1600 the SDG&E/CFE total import is furtherlimited to 1,900 MW north to south due to the San Luis Rey-San Onofre 230-kV lineOther Comments: NoneYesterday/Weekend/Holiday Notable Events: NoneYesterday’s Non-simultaneous Peaks, Reserves, and Generation Limitations at time of PeakArea Peak Demand 1 Actual Reserves 1 Req. Reserves 1 Gen. Outages/LimitationsNorthwest SC 53,611 12.2% 6,515 3,753 5,844RM/DSW RC 24,976 22.9% 5,712 1,748 5,506Calif./MX RC 38,646 12.3% 4,735 3,217 7,9521Peak demands, Actual and Projected Reserves and Required Reserves are non-simultaneous accumulations ofpeaks as reported by each area within each Reliability Center.Outlook for Tuesday:The Pacific Northwest Security Center reports temperatures are expected to be seasonal. Nooperating problems are anticipated. The Rocky Mountain/Desert Southwest Reliability Centerreports temperatures in the DSW region and the Rocky Mountain Region are seasonal. No operatingproblems are anticipated. The California/Mexico Reliability Center reports seasonable temperaturesand loads. No operating problems are anticipated.The system conditions described in this report may change suddenly at any time. This report isbased on information provided by the three WECC Reliability Centers and the WECCmembers.H:\SCCDaily\<strong>20071217</strong>doc

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