Chapter 4-5 Invertebrates Rotifers - Bryophyte Ecology - Michigan ...

Chapter 4-5 Invertebrates Rotifers - Bryophyte Ecology - Michigan ...

Chapter 4-5 Invertebrates Rotifers - Bryophyte Ecology - Michigan ...


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4-5-20 <strong>Chapter</strong> 4-5: <strong>Invertebrates</strong>: <strong>Rotifers</strong>attached, the pegs adhere, using lectin/carbohydratebonding, and the fungus penetrates the rotifer, ultimatelyparasitizing it.Figure 77. Lecophagus longispora infecting four rotifers.Photo by George Barron.Figure 74. Lecophagus longispora, fungus that trapstardigrades and rotifers and may be a threat in mosses. Lowerimage is hypha of fungus with cluster of conidia and adhesivepegs. Inset shows adhesive pegs. Photos by George Barron.Figure 78. Lecophagus longispora infecting a rotifer; hyphawith adhering pegs. Such infections are also known fortardigrades. Photo by George Barron.Figure 75. Lecophagus longispora infecting rotifers andshowing an elongate branch with terminal conidiogenous cellbearing a cluster of developing conidia. (X450). Photo by GeorgeBarron.Figure 76. Lecophagus muscicola that has captured tworotifers and two adhesive pegs. Photo by George Barron.Figure 79. Rotifer with hyphae of Lecophagus muscicolainside. Photo by George Barron.

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