Fit for purpose! Outdoor gyms hailed a success - Champion ...

Fit for purpose! Outdoor gyms hailed a success - Champion ...

Fit for purpose! Outdoor gyms hailed a success - Champion ...


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The <strong>Champion</strong> • Wednesday 16 October 2013Charity really should begin at homeCMBAVisit us @ www.ChampNews.com • 15I’M not going to bang on yet again about windfarms – even though the only thing theyproduce in abundance are obscene profits <strong>for</strong>various largely <strong>for</strong>eign countries andlandowners.But with the threat of power blackouts thiswinter if it gets cold (as winters historicallyhave) I do think someone should mention<strong>success</strong>ive governments and their twinobsessions with making Great Britain leadersin Europe, nay, the world, in cutting carbonemissions and paying out the most in terms ofaid to a variety of sometimes deserving, butoften not–so–deserving nations.What really gets my goat is the way BBC TVand radio announcers can say with a straightface that one major cause of this ‘difficulty’with keeping our lights lit is thedecommissioning of coal–fired power stations,as if this were some kind of naturalphenomena.It would be bad enough if these powerstations were all genuinely obsolete, as issometimes given as a reason. But it is notnecessarily so. They are being decommissionedas part of a rolling programme to change overto non–fossil power generation.And I would have far fewer niggles with that ifthe twin programme of replacing them withvarious <strong>for</strong>ms of ‘green’ generation was rollingat the same pace. But it isn’t.If you take out a major coal–fired powerstation while still desperately trying to findsome company prepared to pay <strong>for</strong> an atomicreplacement and scratching your head abouthow many wind turbines will be needed keepthe kettles boiling in Oswaldtwistle the result ispossible (probable?) chaos.And, as an aside, how does all this greenposturing sit with the demand <strong>for</strong> yet anotherrunway at Heathrow and the desire to keepfuel <strong>for</strong> our cars low?Or, more locally, the scrapping of bus lanes inLiverpool on the grounds that they cause trafficcongestion?I thought, obviously wrongly, that the idea ofbus lanes was to speed public transport at theexpense of private motorists, so hopefullygetting them to use trains and buses more andso cutting pollution?Does the idea of cutting carbon emissionsapply only to the poor and the elderly whenthey wish to keep warm? Last winter we hadthe admittedly simplistic ‘Heat or Eat’ slogan.This winter, if power blackouts become fact inthe name of non–carbon Britain, we won’thave that choice. We won’t be able to heat orcook.What central government – and a lot ofwell–meaning eco warriors too – don’t seem torealise is that many folk just can’t af<strong>for</strong>d greentaxes and millions wasted on overseas aid.We in this country are facing the dreaded cutsin council and government services – and atthe same time see money being givenwilly–nilly to faceless organisations at homeand abroad.We should indeed give aid to countries thatgenuinely are in need (providing of course thatit then doesn’t get spent on palaces, Ferrarisand warplanes) but surely there should besome kind of realistic limit when thousands ofBritons are struggling to make ends meet?This fixation with leading everyone ineverything that costs most (except of coursethe defence of our own realm) should stopunless and until our finances are back on somekind of even footing.InterestFree CreditNow Availableon purchasesover £1000.Payment optionsof either 6 or 12 months.(Terms & conditions apply)THURSDAY17th OCTOBER6pm until 9pmFREE ADMISSION ALL WELCOMEComplete dentures made directly to patients by anExperienced Clinical Dental Technician,whose attention to detail creates outstanding natural results• Dentures direct to the public• Implant retained dentures• Emergency dental repairs• Denture relines/adjustments• Friendly and in<strong>for</strong>mal atmosphere• Fully insured - GDC registeredJoin us <strong>for</strong> a fantastic festive shoppingevening as we launch our stunningChristmas 2013 displays1123157High levels of service to leave you smiling - But don’t take our word <strong>for</strong> it,see our website <strong>for</strong> testimonials1123181Call <strong>for</strong> free consultation/advice08455 230 230www.thedenturestudios.co.uk I e:info@thedenturestudios.co.uk40 Liverpool Road,Formby, L37 6BZAlso atMilnthorpe and Blackpool

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