The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision

The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision
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Chapter EightMarine Captain Thomas Carnes and thirty men had been on the right flank of the marines who had fought their way up the bluff. Carnes's route lay up thesteepest part of the bluff's slope and his men did not reach the summit until after Welch was shot and after the sudden counterattack by a company ofredcoats who, their volley fired, had retreated as suddenly as they had arrived. Captain Davis had taken over command of Dyce's Head and hisimmediate problem was the wounded marines. "They need a doctor," he told Carnes."The nearest surgeon is probably still on the beach," Carnes said."Damn it, damn it," Davis looked harried. "Can your men carry them down? And we need cartridges."So Carnes took his thirty men back to the beach. They escorted two prisoners and, because they carried eight of their own wounded and did not wantto cause those casualties even more pain, they descended the bluff very slowly and carefully. The injured men were laid on the shingle, joining the othermen who waited for the surgeons. Carnes then led his two captives to where another six prisoners were under militia guard beside the big graniteboulder. "What happens to us, sir?" one of the prisoners asked, but the man's Scottish accent was so strange that Carnes had to make him repeat thequestion twice before he understood."You'll be looked after," he said, "and probably a lot better than I was," he added bitterly. Carnes had been taken captive two years earlier and hadspent a hungry six months in New York before being exchanged.The narrow strip of beach was busy. Doctor Downer, distinguished by his blood-soaked apron and an ancient straw hat, was using a probe to track amusket-ball buried in a militiaman's buttock. The injured man was held down by the doctor's two assistants, while the Reverend Murray knelt beside adying man, holding his hand and reciting the twenty-third psalm. Sailors were landing boxes of musket ammunition, while those wounded who did notrequire immediate treatment were waiting patiently. A number of militiamen, too many to Carnes's eyes, seemed to have no purpose at all on the beach,but were sitting around idle. Some had even lit driftwood fires, a few of which were much too close to the newly arrived boxes of musket cartridges thatwere stacked above the high-tide line. That ammunition belonged to the militia, and Carnes suspected the minutemen would not be generous if herequested replacement cartridges. "Sergeant Sykes?""Sir?""How many thieves in our party?""Every last man, sir. They're marines.""Two or three of those boxes would be mighty useful.""So they would, sir.""Carry on, Sergeant.""What's happening on the heights, Captain?" Doctor Eliphalet Downer called from a few paces away. "I've found the ball," he said to his assistants ashe selected a pair of blood-caked tongs, "so hold him tight. Stay still, man, you're not dying. You've just got a British ball up your American bottom. Did theredcoats counterattack?""They haven't yet, Doctor," Carnes said."But they might?""That's what the general believes."Their conversation was interrupted by a gasp from the wounded man, then the dull boom of a British cannon firing from the distant fort. When Carneshad left the heights to bring the wounded down to the beach all the American forces had been back among the trees, but the British gunners were stillsustaining a desultory fire, presumably to keep the Americans at bay. "So what happens now?" Eliphalet Downer asked, then grunted as he forced thetongs into the narrow wound. "Mop that blood.""General Lovell has called for artillery," Carnes said, "so I guess we batter the bastards before we assault them.""I've got the ball," Downer said, feeling the jaws of his tongs scrape and close around the musket-ball."He's fainted, sir," an assistant said."Sensible fellow. Here is comes." The ball's extraction provoked a spurt of blood which the assistant staunched with a linen pad as Downer moved tothe next patient. "Bone saw and knife," Downer ordered after a glance at the man's shattered leg. "Good morning, Colonel!" This last was to Lieutenant-Colonel Revere who had just appeared on the crowded beach with three of his artillerymen. "I hear you're moving guns to the heights?" Downer askedcheerfully as he knelt beside the injured man.Revere looked startled at the question, perhaps because he thought it was none of Downer's business, but he nodded. "The general wants batteriesestablished, Doctor, yes.""I hope that means no more work for us today," Downer said, "not if your guns keep the wretches well away.""They will, Doctor, never you fret," Revere said, then walked towards his white-painted barge, which waited a few paces down the shingle. "Wait here,"he called back to his men, "I'll be back after breakfast."Carnes was not certain he had heard the last words correctly. "Sir?" He had to repeat the word to get Revere's attention. "Sir? If you need help takingthe guns up the slope, my marines are good and ready."Revere paused at the barge to give Carnes a suspicious look. "We don't need help," he said brusquely, "we've got men enough." He had not metCames and had no idea that this was the marine officer who had been an artilleryman in General Washington's army. He stepped over the barge'sgunwale. "Back to the Samuel," he ordered the crew.The general wanted artillery at the top of the bluff, but Colonel Revere wanted a hot breakfast. So the general had to wait.Lieutenant John Moore accompanied his two wounded men to Doctor Calef's barn, which now served as the garrison's hospital. He tried to comfort thetwo men, but felt his words were inadequate, and afterwards he went into the small vegetable garden outside where, overcome with remorse, he sat onthe log pile. He was shaking. He held out his left hand and saw it quivering, and he bit his lip because he sensed he was about to shed tears and he didnot want to do that, not where people could see him, and to distract himself he stared across the harbor to where Mowat's ships were cannonading therebel battery on Cross Island.Someone came from the house and wordlessly offered him a mug of tea. He looked up and saw it was Bethany Fletcher and the sight of her provokedthe tears he had been trying so hard to suppress. They rolled down his cheeks. He attempted to stand in welcome, but he was shaking too much and thegesture failed. He sniffed and took the tea. "Thank you," he said."What happened?" she asked."The rebels beat us," Moore said bleakly."They haven't taken the fort," Beth said."No. Not yet." Moore gripped the mug with both hands. The cannon smoke lay like fog on the harbor and more smoke drifted slowly from the fort whereCaptain Fielding's cannons shot into the distant trees. The rebels, despite their capture of the high ground, were showing no sign of wanting to attack thefort, though Moore supposed they were organizing that attack from within the cover of the woods. "I failed," he said bitterly."Failed?""I should have retreated, but I stayed. I killed six of my men." Moore drank some of the tea, which was very sweet. "I wanted to win," he said, "and so Istayed." Beth said nothing. She was wearing a linen apron smeared with blood and Moore flinched at the memory of Sergeant McClure's death, then he

emembered the tall American in his green coat charging across the clearing. He could still see the man's upraised cutlass blade reflecting the day's newlight, the bared teeth, the intensity of hatred on the rebel's face, the determination to kill, and Moore remembered his own panic and the sheer luck thathad saved his life. He made himself drink more tea. "Why do they wear white crossbelts?" he asked."White crossbelts?" Beth was puzzled."You could hardly see them in the trees, except they wore white belts and that made them visible," Moore said. "Black crossbelts," he said, "they shouldbe black," and he had a sudden vision of the spray of blood from Sergeant McClure's mouth. "I killed them," he said, "by being selfish.""It was your first fight," Beth said sympathetically.And it had been so different from anything Moore had expected. In his mind, for years, there had been a vision of redcoats drawn up in three ranks, theirflags bright above them, the enemy similarly arrayed and the bands playing as the muskets volleyed. Cavalry was always resplendent in their finery,decorating the dream-fields of glory, but instead Moore's first battle had been a chaotic defeat in dark woods. The enemy had been in the trees and hismen, ranked in their red line, had been easy targets for those men in green coats. "But why white crossbelts?" he asked again."Were there many dead?" Beth asked."Six of my men," Moore answered bleakly. He remembered the stench of shit from McPhail's corpse and closed his eyes as if he could blot thatmemory away."Among the rebels?" Beth asked anxiously."Some, yes, I don't know." Moore was too distracted by guilt to hear the anxiety in Bethany's voice. "The rest of the picquet ran away, but they must havekilled some.""And now?"Moore finished the tea. He was not looking at Beth, but gazing at the ships in the harbor, noting how HMS Albany seemed to shiver when her gunsfired. "We did it all wrong," he said, frowning. "We should have moved most of the picquet to the beach and shot at them as they rowed towards the shore,then put more men halfway up the slope. We could have beaten them!" He put the mug on the logs and saw that his hand was no longer shaking. Hestood. "I'm sorry, Miss Fletcher, I never thanked you for the tea.""You did, Lieutenant," Beth said. "Doctor Calef told me to give it to you," she added."That was kind of him. Are you helping him?""We all are," Beth said, meaning the women of Majabigwaduce. She watched Moore, noting the blood on his finely tailored clothes. He looked soyoung, she thought, just a boy with a long sword."I must get back to the fort," Moore said. "Thank you for the tea." His job, he remembered, was to burn the oaths before the rebels discovered them.And the rebels would come now, he was sure, and all he was good for was burning papers because he had failed. He had killed six of his men by makingthe wrong decision and John Moore was certain that General McLean would not let him lead any more men to their deaths.He walked back to the fort, where the flag still flew. The harbor was a sudden cauldron of noise as more guns filled the shallow basin with smoke and,as Moore reached the fort's entrance, he saw why. Three enemy ships were under foresails and topsails, and they were sailing straight for the harbor.They were coming to finish the job.Commodore Saltonstall had promised to engage the enemy shipping with gunfire and so had cleared the Warren for action. Fog had prevented anengagement at first light and once that fog lifted there was a further delay because the Charming Sally, one of the privateers that would support theWarren, had a fouled anchor, but at last Captain Holmes solved the problem by buoying the anchor cable and casting it overboard, and so the three shipssailed slowly eastwards on the light wind. The commodore planned to sail into the harbor mouth and there use the frigate's powerful broadside to batterthe three enemy sloops. The heaviest British guns on those sloops were nine-pounders, while the Warren had twelve- and eighteen-pounders, guns thatwould mangle British timber and British flesh. The commodore would have liked nothing more than to have used those big guns on the thirty-two impudentmen who had dared send him a letter which, though expressed in the politest words, implicitly accused him of cowardice. How dare they! He shook withsuppressed anger as he recalled the letter. There were times, the commodore thought, when the notion that all men were created equal led to nothing butinsolence.He turned to see that the Black Prince and Charming Sally were following his frigate. The battery on Cross Island was already firing at the three Britishsloops which now barricaded the harbor's center. There was water at either end of the British line, but the larger transport ships had been moored to blockthose shallow channels. Not that Saltonstall had any intention of piercing or flanking Mowat's ships; he simply wanted to keep the Royal Marines on boardthe enemy sloops while Lovell assaulted the fort.The wind was slight. Saltonstall had ordered battle-sails, which meant his two big courses, the mainsail and foresail, were furled onto their yards so thattheir canvas would not block the view forrard. He had kept the staysail furled for the same reason, so the Warren was being driven by flying jib, jib, andtopsails. She went slowly, creeping ever closer to the narrow entrance between Cross Island and Dyce's Head, which was now in American hands.Saltonstall could see the green coats of his marines on that height. They were watching the Warren and evidently cheering because they waved their hatstowards the frigate.The three British sloops had been shooting towards the rebel battery on Cross Island until they saw the topsails loosed on the enemy ships, when theyhad immediately ceased fire so that their guns could be levered round to point at the harbor mouth. Every cannon was double-shotted so that two roundshots would be fired by each gun in the first broadside. The Warren, by far the largest warship in the Penobscot River, looked huge as she loomed in theentrance narrows. Captain Mowat, standing on the Albany's afterdeck, was surprised that only three ships were approaching, though he was more thansensible that three ships were sufficient. Still, he reckoned, if he had commanded the rebel fleet he would have sent every available vessel in anirresistible and overwhelming attack. He trained his glass on the Warren, noting that there were no marines on her forecastle, which suggested the frigatewas not planning to try and board his sloops. Maybe the marines were hiding? The frigate's cutwater appeared huge in his glass. He collapsed the tubesand nodded to his first lieutenant. "You may open fire," Mowat said.Mowat's three sloops had twenty-eight guns in their combined broadsides, a mix of nine- and six-pounders, and all of them shot two balls at the Warren.The noise of the guns filled the wide basin of Penobscot Bay while the Half Moon Battery, which had been dug into the harbor slope west of the fort,added her four twelve-pounders. All of those round shot were aimed at the Warren's bows, and the frigate shuddered under their massive blows. "You willreturn the fire, Mister Fenwick!" Saltonstall shouted at his first lieutenant, and Fenwick gave the order, but the only guns that the Warren could use were itstwo nine-pounder bow-chasers, which fired together to shroud the rearing bowsprit with smoke. The Warren's bows were being splintered by round shot,the impacts sending shock waves through the hull. A man was screaming in the fo'c'sle, a sound that irritated Saltonstall.His ship palpably slowed under the constant blows. Dudley Saltonstall, standing next to the impassive helmsman, could hear timbers splintering. Hewas not an imaginative man, but it suddenly struck him that this vicious, concentrated gunfire was an expression of British anger against the rebels whohad captured the high ground of their peninsula. Defeated on land they were revenging themselves with cannon-fire, well-aimed, brisk and efficientcannon-fire, and Saltonstall seethed with anger that his fine ship should be its victim. A twelve-pounder ball, fired from the harbor shore, struck a forrardnine-pounder, shearing its breech lines, shattering a trunnion, and slaughtering two crewmen whose blood spattered twenty feet across the deck. A spewof intestines lay like an untidy rope in the ugly bloodstain. The nine-pounder sagged in its carriage. One man had lost half his head, the other had beeneviscerated by the ball, which had lost its volition and come to rest by the starboard gangway."Swab the deck!" Saltonstall shouted. "Be lively!" A lieutenant called for seamen to fetch buckets of water, but before they could wash the sprawlingblood from the scrubbed planks, the commodore shouted again. "Belay that order!"Mister Fenwick, the first lieutenant, stared at Saltonstall. The commodore was famous for keeping a spanking clean ship, yet he had reversed the orderto swab the deck? "Sir?" Fenwick called uncertainly."Leave it be," Saltonstall insisted. He half-smiled to himself. An idea had occurred to him and he liked it. "Throw that offal overboard," he gestured tothe spilled intestines, "but leave the blood."A twelve-pounder ball struck the mainmast with enough force to make the canvas of the big maintopsail quiver. Saltonstall watched the mast, wonderingif it would fall, but the great spar held. "Summon the carpenter, Mister Coningsby," he ordered."Aye aye, sir," Midshipman Fanning, resigned to being called Coningsby, answered."I want a report on the mainmast. Don't just stand there! Look lively!"Fanning ran to a companionway to find the ship's carpenter who, he suspected, would be somewhere forrard surveying the damage that was beingdone to the Warren's bows where most of the enemy shots were slamming into the frigate. A nine-pounder ball slashed the shrouds of the spritsail yard sothat it dangled into the water, though luckily the spritsail itself was not bent onto the spar and so the canvas could not drag in the water to slow the Warreneven more. The jibboom was cut through and the remnant of the bowsprit was being held by only one shroud, and still the cannon-balls crashed home.

emembered <strong>the</strong> tall American in his green coat charging across <strong>the</strong> clearing. He could still see <strong>the</strong> man's upraised cutlass blade reflecting <strong>the</strong> day's newlight, <strong>the</strong> bared teeth, <strong>the</strong> intensity <strong>of</strong> hatred on <strong>the</strong> rebel's face, <strong>the</strong> determination to kill, and Moore remembered his own panic and <strong>the</strong> sheer luck thathad saved his life. He made himself drink more tea. "Why do <strong>the</strong>y wear white crossbelts?" he asked."White crossbelts?" Beth was puzzled."You could hardly see <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong> trees, except <strong>the</strong>y wore white belts and that made <strong>the</strong>m visible," Moore said. "Black crossbelts," he said, "<strong>the</strong>y shouldbe black," and he had a sudden vision <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> spray <strong>of</strong> blood from Sergeant McClure's mouth. "I killed <strong>the</strong>m," he said, "by being selfish.""It was your first fight," Beth said sympa<strong>the</strong>tically.And it had been so different from anything Moore had expected. In his mind, for years, <strong>the</strong>re had been a vision <strong>of</strong> redcoats drawn up in three ranks, <strong>the</strong>irflags bright above <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong> enemy similarly arrayed and <strong>the</strong> bands playing as <strong>the</strong> muskets volleyed. Cavalry was always resplendent in <strong>the</strong>ir finery,decorating <strong>the</strong> dream-fields <strong>of</strong> glory, but instead Moore's first battle had been a chaotic defeat in dark woods. <strong>The</strong> enemy had been in <strong>the</strong> trees and hismen, ranked in <strong>the</strong>ir red line, had been easy targets for those men in green coats. "But why white crossbelts?" he asked again."Were <strong>the</strong>re many dead?" Beth asked."Six <strong>of</strong> my men," Moore answered bleakly. He remembered <strong>the</strong> stench <strong>of</strong> shit from McPhail's corpse and closed his eyes as if he could blot thatmemory away."Among <strong>the</strong> rebels?" Beth asked anxiously."Some, yes, I don't know." Moore was too distracted by guilt to hear <strong>the</strong> anxiety in Bethany's voice. "<strong>The</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> picquet ran away, but <strong>the</strong>y must havekilled some.""And now?"Moore finished <strong>the</strong> tea. He was not looking at Beth, but gazing at <strong>the</strong> ships in <strong>the</strong> harbor, noting how HMS Albany seemed to shiver when her gunsfired. "We did it all wrong," he said, frowning. "We should have moved most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> picquet to <strong>the</strong> beach and shot at <strong>the</strong>m as <strong>the</strong>y rowed towards <strong>the</strong> shore,<strong>the</strong>n put more men halfway up <strong>the</strong> slope. We could have beaten <strong>the</strong>m!" He put <strong>the</strong> mug on <strong>the</strong> logs and saw that his hand was no longer shaking. Hestood. "I'm sorry, Miss Fletcher, I never thanked you for <strong>the</strong> tea.""You did, Lieutenant," Beth said. "Doctor Calef told me to give it to you," she added."That was kind <strong>of</strong> him. Are you helping him?""We all are," Beth said, meaning <strong>the</strong> women <strong>of</strong> Majabigwaduce. She watched Moore, noting <strong>the</strong> blood on his finely tailored clo<strong>the</strong>s. He looked soyoung, she thought, just a boy with a long sword."I must get back to <strong>the</strong> fort," Moore said. "Thank you for <strong>the</strong> tea." His job, he remembered, was to burn <strong>the</strong> oaths before <strong>the</strong> rebels discovered <strong>the</strong>m.And <strong>the</strong> rebels would come now, he was sure, and all he was good for was burning papers because he had failed. He had killed six <strong>of</strong> his men by making<strong>the</strong> wrong decision and John Moore was certain that General McLean would not let him lead any more men to <strong>the</strong>ir deaths.He walked back to <strong>the</strong> fort, where <strong>the</strong> flag still flew. <strong>The</strong> harbor was a sudden cauldron <strong>of</strong> noise as more guns filled <strong>the</strong> shallow basin with smoke and,as Moore reached <strong>the</strong> fort's entrance, he saw why. Three enemy ships were under foresails and topsails, and <strong>the</strong>y were sailing straight for <strong>the</strong> harbor.<strong>The</strong>y were coming to finish <strong>the</strong> job.Commodore Saltonstall had promised to engage <strong>the</strong> enemy shipping with gunfire and so had cleared <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren for action. Fog had prevented anengagement at first light and once that fog lifted <strong>the</strong>re was a fur<strong>the</strong>r delay because <strong>the</strong> Charming Sally, one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> privateers that would support <strong>the</strong><strong>War</strong>ren, had a fouled anchor, but at last Captain Holmes solved <strong>the</strong> problem by buoying <strong>the</strong> anchor cable and casting it overboard, and so <strong>the</strong> three shipssailed slowly eastwards on <strong>the</strong> light wind. <strong>The</strong> commodore planned to sail into <strong>the</strong> harbor mouth and <strong>the</strong>re use <strong>the</strong> frigate's powerful broadside to batter<strong>the</strong> three enemy sloops. <strong>The</strong> heaviest British guns on those sloops were nine-pounders, while <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren had twelve- and eighteen-pounders, guns thatwould mangle British timber and British flesh. <strong>The</strong> commodore would have liked nothing more than to have used those big guns on <strong>the</strong> thirty-two impudentmen who had dared send him a letter which, though expressed in <strong>the</strong> politest words, implicitly accused him <strong>of</strong> cowardice. How dare <strong>the</strong>y! He shook withsuppressed anger as he recalled <strong>the</strong> letter. <strong>The</strong>re were times, <strong>the</strong> commodore thought, when <strong>the</strong> notion that all men were created equal led to nothing butinsolence.He turned to see that <strong>the</strong> Black Prince and Charming Sally were following his frigate. <strong>The</strong> battery on Cross Island was already firing at <strong>the</strong> three Britishsloops which now barricaded <strong>the</strong> harbor's center. <strong>The</strong>re was water at ei<strong>the</strong>r end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> British line, but <strong>the</strong> larger transport ships had been moored to blockthose shallow channels. Not that Saltonstall had any intention <strong>of</strong> piercing or flanking Mowat's ships; he simply wanted to keep <strong>the</strong> Royal Marines on board<strong>the</strong> enemy sloops while Lovell assaulted <strong>the</strong> fort.<strong>The</strong> wind was slight. Saltonstall had ordered battle-sails, which meant his two big courses, <strong>the</strong> mainsail and foresail, were furled onto <strong>the</strong>ir yards so that<strong>the</strong>ir canvas would not block <strong>the</strong> view forrard. He had kept <strong>the</strong> staysail furled for <strong>the</strong> same reason, so <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren was being driven by flying jib, jib, andtopsails. She went slowly, creeping ever closer to <strong>the</strong> narrow entrance between Cross Island and Dyce's Head, which was now in American hands.Saltonstall could see <strong>the</strong> green coats <strong>of</strong> his marines on that height. <strong>The</strong>y were watching <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren and evidently cheering because <strong>the</strong>y waved <strong>the</strong>ir hatstowards <strong>the</strong> frigate.<strong>The</strong> three British sloops had been shooting towards <strong>the</strong> rebel battery on Cross Island until <strong>the</strong>y saw <strong>the</strong> topsails loosed on <strong>the</strong> enemy ships, when <strong>the</strong>yhad immediately ceased fire so that <strong>the</strong>ir guns could be levered round to point at <strong>the</strong> harbor mouth. Every cannon was double-shotted so that two roundshots would be fired by each gun in <strong>the</strong> first broadside. <strong>The</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren, by far <strong>the</strong> largest warship in <strong>the</strong> Penobscot River, looked huge as she loomed in <strong>the</strong>entrance narrows. Captain Mowat, standing on <strong>the</strong> Albany's afterdeck, was surprised that only three ships were approaching, though he was more thansensible that three ships were sufficient. Still, he reckoned, if he had commanded <strong>the</strong> rebel fleet he would have sent every available vessel in anirresistible and overwhelming attack. He trained his glass on <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren, noting that <strong>the</strong>re were no marines on her forecastle, which suggested <strong>the</strong> frigatewas not planning to try and board his sloops. Maybe <strong>the</strong> marines were hiding? <strong>The</strong> frigate's cutwater appeared huge in his glass. He collapsed <strong>the</strong> tubesand nodded to his first lieutenant. "You may open fire," Mowat said.Mowat's three sloops had twenty-eight guns in <strong>the</strong>ir combined broadsides, a mix <strong>of</strong> nine- and six-pounders, and all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m shot two balls at <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren.<strong>The</strong> noise <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> guns filled <strong>the</strong> wide basin <strong>of</strong> Penobscot Bay while <strong>the</strong> Half Moon Battery, which had been dug into <strong>the</strong> harbor slope west <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fort,added her four twelve-pounders. All <strong>of</strong> those round shot were aimed at <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren's bows, and <strong>the</strong> frigate shuddered under <strong>the</strong>ir massive blows. "You willreturn <strong>the</strong> fire, Mister Fenwick!" Saltonstall shouted at his first lieutenant, and Fenwick gave <strong>the</strong> order, but <strong>the</strong> only guns that <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren could use were itstwo nine-pounder bow-chasers, which fired toge<strong>the</strong>r to shroud <strong>the</strong> rearing bowsprit with smoke. <strong>The</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren's bows were being splintered by round shot,<strong>the</strong> impacts sending shock waves through <strong>the</strong> hull. A man was screaming in <strong>the</strong> fo'c'sle, a sound that irritated Saltonstall.His ship palpably slowed under <strong>the</strong> constant blows. Dudley Saltonstall, standing next to <strong>the</strong> impassive helmsman, could hear timbers splintering. Hewas not an imaginative man, but it suddenly struck him that this vicious, concentrated gunfire was an expression <strong>of</strong> British anger against <strong>the</strong> rebels whohad captured <strong>the</strong> high ground <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir peninsula. Defeated on land <strong>the</strong>y were revenging <strong>the</strong>mselves with cannon-fire, well-aimed, brisk and efficientcannon-fire, and Saltonstall see<strong>the</strong>d with anger that his fine ship should be its victim. A twelve-pounder ball, fired from <strong>the</strong> harbor shore, struck a forrardnine-pounder, shearing its breech lines, shattering a trunnion, and slaughtering two crewmen whose blood spattered twenty feet across <strong>the</strong> deck. A spew<strong>of</strong> intestines lay like an untidy rope in <strong>the</strong> ugly bloodstain. <strong>The</strong> nine-pounder sagged in its carriage. One man had lost half his head, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r had beeneviscerated by <strong>the</strong> ball, which had lost its volition and come to rest by <strong>the</strong> starboard gangway."Swab <strong>the</strong> deck!" Saltonstall shouted. "Be lively!" A lieutenant called for seamen to fetch buckets <strong>of</strong> water, but before <strong>the</strong>y could wash <strong>the</strong> sprawlingblood from <strong>the</strong> scrubbed planks, <strong>the</strong> commodore shouted again. "Belay that order!"Mister Fenwick, <strong>the</strong> first lieutenant, stared at Saltonstall. <strong>The</strong> commodore was famous for keeping a spanking clean ship, yet he had reversed <strong>the</strong> orderto swab <strong>the</strong> deck? "Sir?" Fenwick called uncertainly."Leave it be," Saltonstall insisted. He half-smiled to himself. An idea had occurred to him and he liked it. "Throw that <strong>of</strong>fal overboard," he gestured to<strong>the</strong> spilled intestines, "but leave <strong>the</strong> blood."A twelve-pounder ball struck <strong>the</strong> mainmast with enough force to make <strong>the</strong> canvas <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> big maintopsail quiver. Saltonstall watched <strong>the</strong> mast, wonderingif it would fall, but <strong>the</strong> great spar held. "Summon <strong>the</strong> carpenter, Mister Coningsby," he ordered."Aye aye, sir," Midshipman Fanning, resigned to being called Coningsby, answered."I want a report on <strong>the</strong> mainmast. Don't just stand <strong>the</strong>re! Look lively!"Fanning ran to a companionway to find <strong>the</strong> ship's carpenter who, he suspected, would be somewhere forrard surveying <strong>the</strong> damage that was beingdone to <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren's bows where most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> enemy shots were slamming into <strong>the</strong> frigate. A nine-pounder ball slashed <strong>the</strong> shrouds <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> spritsail yard sothat it dangled into <strong>the</strong> water, though luckily <strong>the</strong> spritsail itself was not bent onto <strong>the</strong> spar and so <strong>the</strong> canvas could not drag in <strong>the</strong> water to slow <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>reneven more. <strong>The</strong> jibboom was cut through and <strong>the</strong> remnant <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bowsprit was being held by only one shroud, and still <strong>the</strong> cannon-balls crashed home.

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