The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision

The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision

The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision


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Chapter Seven<strong>The</strong> first shots crashed into <strong>the</strong> trees, exploding twigs, pine needles, and leaves. Birds screeched and flapped into <strong>the</strong> dawn. <strong>The</strong> rebels were using chainand bar shot that whirled and slashed through branches to punch gouts <strong>of</strong> earth and shards <strong>of</strong> stone where <strong>the</strong>y struck <strong>the</strong> bluff's face. "Dear God alive,"Captain Archibald Campbell said. He was <strong>the</strong> highlander who commanded <strong>the</strong> picquets on <strong>the</strong> bluff and he stared aghast at <strong>the</strong> scores <strong>of</strong> longboats thatwere now emerging from <strong>the</strong> fog and pulling towards his position. In <strong>the</strong>ir center, clumsily rowed by men wielding extra-long sweeps, a schooner crepttowards <strong>the</strong> beach, her deck crowded with men. Two enemy warships had anchored close to <strong>the</strong> shore and those ships, still just dark shapes in <strong>the</strong>smoke and fog, were now shooting into <strong>the</strong> bluff. <strong>The</strong> Hunter had nine four-pounders bearing on <strong>the</strong> redcoats, while <strong>the</strong> Sky Rocket had eight <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> smallcannon in her broadside, but though <strong>the</strong> guns were small <strong>the</strong>ir scything missiles struck home with mind-numbing brutality. Campbell seemed frozen. Hehad eighty men under command, most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m scattered along <strong>the</strong> face <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bluff where <strong>the</strong> steep slope gave way to <strong>the</strong> gentler rise. "Tell <strong>the</strong> men to liedown, sir?" a sergeant suggested."Yes," Campbell said, scarcely aware that he was speaking. <strong>The</strong> ships' guns were firing more raggedly now as <strong>the</strong> faster gun crews outpaced <strong>the</strong>slower. Each gunshot was a percussive blow to <strong>the</strong> ears, and each illuminated <strong>the</strong> bluff with a sudden flash <strong>of</strong> light that was smo<strong>the</strong>red almost instantly bypowder smoke. Campbell was shaking. His belly was sour, his mouth dry, and his right leg quivering uncontrollably. <strong>The</strong>re were hundreds <strong>of</strong> rebelscoming! <strong>The</strong> fog-smo<strong>the</strong>red sea was shadowed dark by <strong>the</strong> bluff, but he could make out <strong>the</strong> glimmer <strong>of</strong> oar blades beneath <strong>the</strong> gunsmoke and see <strong>the</strong>gray light reflecting from bayonets. Twigs, shattered bark, leaves, pinecones, and needles showered on <strong>the</strong> picquet as <strong>the</strong> shots tore through <strong>the</strong> bluff'strees. A chain shot shattered a rotted and fallen trunk. <strong>The</strong> highlanders closest to Campbell looked nervously towards <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>of</strong>ficer."Send word to General McLean, sir?" <strong>the</strong> sergeant suggested stoically."Go," Campbell blurted out <strong>the</strong> command, "yes, go, go!"<strong>The</strong> sergeant turned and a bar shot struck his neck. It severed his powdered pigtail, cut head from bod, and, in <strong>the</strong> gray gloom and darkness <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>dawn, <strong>the</strong> spray <strong>of</strong> blood was extraordinarily bright, like ruby drops given extra brilliance by <strong>the</strong> fog-diffused sunlight that filtered through <strong>the</strong> eastern trees.A jet <strong>of</strong> blood spurted upwards and appeared to lift <strong>the</strong> head, which turned so that <strong>the</strong> sergeant seemed to be staring reproachfully at Campbell who gavea small cry <strong>of</strong> horror, <strong>the</strong>n involuntarily bent double and vomited. <strong>The</strong> head, soaked in blood, thumped to earth and rolled a few feet down <strong>the</strong> slope.Ano<strong>the</strong>r chain shot slashed overhead, scattering twigs. Birds shrieked. A redcoat fired his musket down into <strong>the</strong> cannon-smoke and fog. "Hold your fire!"Campbell shouted too shrilly. "Hold your fire! Wait till <strong>the</strong>y're on <strong>the</strong> beach!" He spat. His mouth was sour and his right hand was twitching. <strong>The</strong>re wasblood on his jacket and vomit on his shoes. <strong>The</strong> sergeant's headless body was shuddering, but at last went still."Why in God's name hold our fire?" Lieutenant John Moore, posted on <strong>the</strong> Scottish left, wondered aloud. He led twenty-two Hamiltons positioned atDyce's Head where <strong>the</strong> slope was <strong>the</strong> steepest. His picquet lay directly between <strong>the</strong> approaching boats and <strong>the</strong> small British battery at <strong>the</strong> bluff's top andMoore was determined to protect that battery. He watched <strong>the</strong> enemy approaching and also watched himself with a critical inward eye. An enemy chainshot slammed into a tree not five paces away and slivers <strong>of</strong> bark spattered Moore like <strong>the</strong> devil's hail, and he knew he was supposed to be frightened, yetin all truth he did not notice that fear. He sensed apprehension, yes, for no man wants to die or be wounded, but instead <strong>of</strong> a debilitating fear Moore wasfeeling a rising exhilaration. Let <strong>the</strong> bastards come, he thought, and <strong>the</strong>n he realized that his self-examination was consuming him so that he was standingin silent absorption while his men looked to him for reassurance. Forcing himself to walk slowly along <strong>the</strong> break <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bluff, he drew his sword and flicked<strong>the</strong> slender blade at <strong>the</strong> thick undergrowth. "Nice <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> enemy to trim <strong>the</strong> trees for us," he said. "It improves <strong>the</strong> view, don't you think?""Buggers want to trim more than <strong>the</strong> trees," Private Neill muttered."I don't know if you've noticed something, sir," Sergeant McClure said quietly."Tell me, Sergeant. Brighten my morning."McClure pointed at <strong>the</strong> approaching boats that were clarifying as <strong>the</strong>y emerged from <strong>the</strong> smoke-thickened fog. "Yon bastards are in uniform, sir. Ireckon <strong>the</strong>y're sending <strong>the</strong>ir best against us. While <strong>the</strong> scoundrels up yonder, he pointed at <strong>the</strong> more nor<strong>the</strong>rly longboats, "are in any old clo<strong>the</strong>s. Bunch <strong>of</strong>vagabonds, <strong>the</strong>y look like."Moore peered westwards, <strong>the</strong>n looked at <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn boats. "You're right, Sergeant," he said. In <strong>the</strong> nearer boats he could see <strong>the</strong> white crossbeltsagainst <strong>the</strong> dark green coats <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> marines and he assumed that <strong>the</strong> uniforms belonged to a regiment <strong>of</strong> General Washington's Continental Army."<strong>The</strong>y're sending <strong>the</strong>ir best troops right here," he said loudly, "and you can't blame <strong>the</strong>m.""You can't?""<strong>The</strong>y're up against <strong>the</strong> most formidable regiment in <strong>the</strong> British Army," Moore said cheerfully."Oh, aye, all twenty-two <strong>of</strong> us," McClure said."If <strong>the</strong>y knew what <strong>the</strong>y faced," Moore said, "<strong>the</strong>y'd turn right around and row away.""Permission to let <strong>the</strong>m know, sir?" McClure asked, appalled at his young <strong>of</strong>ficer's bravado."Let's kill <strong>the</strong>m instead, Sergeant," Moore said, though his words were lost as a chain shot drove noisily through <strong>the</strong> branches overhead to shower <strong>the</strong>picquet with pinecones and needles."Don't fire yet!" Captain Archibald Campbell shouted from <strong>the</strong> bluff's center. "Wait till <strong>the</strong>y're on <strong>the</strong> beach!""Bloody fool," Moore said. And so, with drawn sword, and under <strong>the</strong> bombardment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rebel broadsides, he walked <strong>the</strong> bluff and watched <strong>the</strong> enemydraw nearer. Battle, he thought, had come to him at last and in all his eighteen years John Moore had never felt so alive.Wadsworth winced as <strong>the</strong> oars threw up droplets <strong>of</strong> water that splashed on his face. It might be July, but <strong>the</strong> air was cold and <strong>the</strong> water even colder. Hewas shivering in his Continental Army jacket and he prayed that none <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> marines would mistake that shivering for fear. Captain Welch, beside him,looked entirely unconcerned, as if <strong>the</strong> boat was merely carrying him on some mundane errand. Israel Trask, <strong>the</strong> boy fifer, was grinning in <strong>the</strong> longboat'sbows, where he kept twisting around to stare at <strong>the</strong> bluff where no enemy showed. <strong>The</strong> bluff climbed two hundred feet from <strong>the</strong> beach, much <strong>of</strong> that slopealmost perpendicular, but in <strong>the</strong> fog it looked much higher. Trees thrashed under <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> bar and chain shot, and birds circled over <strong>the</strong> high ground,but Wadsworth could see no redcoats and no puffs <strong>of</strong> smoke betraying musket-fire. Fog sifted through <strong>the</strong> high branches. <strong>The</strong> leading boats were wellwithin musket range now, but still no enemy fired."You stay on <strong>the</strong> beach, boy," Welch told Israel Trask."Can't I'" <strong>the</strong> boy began."You stay on <strong>the</strong> beach," Welch said again, <strong>the</strong>n gave a sly glance at Wadsworth, "with <strong>the</strong> general.""Is that an order?" Wadsworth asked, amused."Your job is to send <strong>the</strong> boats back for more men, and send those men where <strong>the</strong>y're needed," Welch said, seemingly unabashed at telling Wadsworthwhat he should do. "Our job is to kill whatever bastards we find at <strong>the</strong> top <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> slope.""If <strong>the</strong>re are any <strong>the</strong>re at all," Wadsworth said. <strong>The</strong> boat was almost at <strong>the</strong> beach where small waves broke feebly, and still <strong>the</strong> enemy <strong>of</strong>fered noresistance."Maybe <strong>the</strong>y're sleeping," Welch said, "maybe."<strong>The</strong>n, as <strong>the</strong> bows <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> boat grounded on <strong>the</strong> shingle, <strong>the</strong> bluff's face exploded with noise and smoke. Wadsworth saw a stab <strong>of</strong> flame high above,heard <strong>the</strong> musket-balls whip past, saw splashes <strong>of</strong> water where <strong>the</strong>y struck <strong>the</strong> sea, and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> marines were shouting as <strong>the</strong>y leaped ashore. O<strong>the</strong>rboats scraped onto <strong>the</strong> narrow beach, which rapidly filled with green-coated men looking for a way up <strong>the</strong> bluff. A marine staggered backwards, his whitecrossbelt suddenly red. He fell to his knees in <strong>the</strong> small surf and coughed violently, each cough bringing more dark blood.

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