The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision

The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision

The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision


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magazines that would keep <strong>the</strong> ammunition dry, and a well deep enough to provide plentiful water. Tents housed <strong>the</strong> soldiers for <strong>the</strong> moment, but McLeanwanted those vulnerable encampments protected by <strong>the</strong> fort. He wanted high walls, thick walls, walls manned by men and studded by guns, because heknew that <strong>the</strong> southwest wind would bring more than <strong>the</strong> smell <strong>of</strong> salt and shellfish. It would bring rebels, a swarm <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, and <strong>the</strong> air would stink <strong>of</strong>powder-smoke, <strong>of</strong> turds and <strong>of</strong> blood."Phoebe Perkins's child contracted a fever last night," Calef said brutally."I trust she will live?" McLean said."God's will be done," Calef said in a tone which suggested God might not care very much. "<strong>The</strong>y've named her Temperance.""Temperance! Oh dear, poor girl, poor girl. I shall pray for her," McLean said, and pray for ourselves too, he thought, but did not say.Because <strong>the</strong> rebels were coming.* * *Peleg Wadsworth felt awkward as he led Lieutenant-Colonel Revere into <strong>the</strong> shadowed vastness <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> armory's stores where sparrows bickeredin <strong>the</strong> high beams above boxes <strong>of</strong> muskets and bales <strong>of</strong> cloth and stacks <strong>of</strong> iron-hooped barrels. It was true that Wadsworth outranked Revere, but he wasalmost fifteen years younger than <strong>the</strong> colonel and he felt a vague inadequacy in <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> a man <strong>of</strong> such obvious competence. Revere had areputation as an engraver, as a silversmith, and as a metal-worker, and it showed in his hands, which were strong and fire-scarred, <strong>the</strong> hands <strong>of</strong> a manwho could make and mend, <strong>the</strong> hands <strong>of</strong> a practical man. Peleg Wadsworth had been a teacher, and a good one, but he had known <strong>the</strong> scorn <strong>of</strong> hispupils' parents who reckoned <strong>the</strong>ir children's futures lay not with grammar or in fractions, but in <strong>the</strong> command <strong>of</strong> tools and <strong>the</strong> working <strong>of</strong> metal, wood, orstone. Wadsworth could construe Latin and Greek, he was intimate with <strong>the</strong> works <strong>of</strong> Shakespeare and Montaigne, but faced with a broken chair he fel<strong>the</strong>lpless. Revere, he knew, was <strong>the</strong> opposite. Give Revere a broken chair and he would mend it competently so that, like <strong>the</strong> man himself, it was strong,sturdy, and dependable.Or was he dependable? That was <strong>the</strong> question that had brought Wadsworth to this armory, and he wished that <strong>the</strong> errand had never been given him. Hefelt tongue-tied when Revere stopped and turned to him at <strong>the</strong> storeroom's center, but <strong>the</strong>n a scuffling sound from behind a pile <strong>of</strong> broken muskets gaveWadsworth a welcome distraction. "We're not alone?" he asked."Those are rats, General," Revere said with amusement, "rats. <strong>The</strong>y do like <strong>the</strong> grease on cartridges, <strong>the</strong>y do.""I thought cartridges were stored in <strong>the</strong> Public Magazine?""<strong>The</strong>y keep enough here for pro<strong>of</strong>ing, General, and <strong>the</strong> rats do like <strong>the</strong>m. We call <strong>the</strong>m redcoats on account <strong>the</strong>y're <strong>the</strong> enemy.""Cats will surely defeat <strong>the</strong>m?""We have cats, General, but it's a hard-fought contest. Good American cats and patriot terriers against dirty British rats," Revere said. "I assume youwant reassurance on <strong>the</strong> artillery train, General?""I'm sure all is in order.""Oh, it is, you can rely on that. As <strong>of</strong> now, General, we have two eighteen-pounders, three nine-pounders, one howitzer, and four little ones.""Small howitzers?""Four-pounder cannons, General, and I wouldn't use <strong>the</strong>m to shoot rats. You need something heavier-built like <strong>the</strong> French four-pounders. And if you haveinfluence, General, which I'm sure you do, ask <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>War</strong> to release more eighteen-pounders."Wadsworth nodded. "I'll make a note <strong>of</strong> that," he promised."You have your guns, General, I assure you," Revere said, "with all <strong>the</strong>ir sidearms, powder, and shot. I've hardly seen Castle Island <strong>the</strong>se last few dayson account <strong>of</strong> readying <strong>the</strong> train.""Yes, indeed, Castle Island," Wadsworth said. He towered a head over Revere, which gave him an excuse not to meet <strong>the</strong> colonel's eyes, though hewas aware that Revere was staring at him intently as if daring Wadsworth to give him bad news. "You command at Castle Island?" Wadsworth asked, notbecause he needed confirmation, but out <strong>of</strong> desperation to say anything."You didn't need to come here to find that out," Revere said with amusement, "but yes, General, I command <strong>the</strong> Massachusetts Artillery Regiment and,because most <strong>of</strong> our guns are mounted on <strong>the</strong> island, I command <strong>the</strong>re too. And you, General, will command at Majajuce?""Majajuce?" Wadsworth said, <strong>the</strong>n realized Revere meant Majabigwaduce. "I am second in command," he went on, "to General Lovell.""And <strong>the</strong>re are British rats at Majajuce," Revere said."As far as we can determine," Wadsworth said, "<strong>the</strong>y've landed at least a thousand men and possess three sloops-<strong>of</strong>-war. Not an overlarge force, butnot risible ei<strong>the</strong>r.""Risible," Revere said, as if amused by <strong>the</strong> word. "But to rid Massachusetts <strong>of</strong> those rats, General, you'll need guns.""We will indeed.""And <strong>the</strong> guns will need an <strong>of</strong>ficer in command," Revere added pointedly."Indeed <strong>the</strong>y will," Wadsworth said. All <strong>the</strong> senior appointments <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> expedition that was being hurriedly prepared to evict <strong>the</strong> British fromMajabigwaduce had been made. Solomon Lovell would command <strong>the</strong> ground forces, Commander Dudley Saltonstall <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Continental Frigate <strong>War</strong>renwould be <strong>the</strong> naval commander, and Wadsworth would be Lovell's deputy. <strong>The</strong> troops, drawn from <strong>the</strong> militias <strong>of</strong> York, Cumberland, and Lincoln counties,had <strong>the</strong>ir commanding <strong>of</strong>ficers, while <strong>the</strong> adjutant-general, quartermaster-general, surgeon-general, and brigade majors had all received <strong>the</strong>ir orders, andnow only <strong>the</strong> commander <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> artillery train needed to be appointed."<strong>The</strong> guns will need an <strong>of</strong>ficer in command," Revere pressed Wadsworth, "and I command <strong>the</strong> Artillery Regiment."Wadsworth gazed at a ginger-colored cat washing itself on top <strong>of</strong> a barrel. "No one," he said carefully, "would deny that you are <strong>the</strong> man best qualifiedto command <strong>the</strong> artillery at Majabigwaduce.""So I can expect a letter from <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>War</strong>?" Revere said."If I am satisfied," Wadsworth said, nerving himself to raise <strong>the</strong> matter that had brought him to <strong>the</strong> armory."Satisfied about what, General?" Revere asked, still looking up into Wadsworth's face.Peleg Wadsworth made himself look into <strong>the</strong> steady brown eyes. "A complaint was made," he said, "concerning <strong>the</strong> Castle Island ration demands, amatter <strong>of</strong> surplus, Colonel . . .""Surplus!" Revere interrupted, not angrily, but in a tone suggesting he found <strong>the</strong> word amusing. He smiled, and Wadsworth found himself unexpectedlywarming to <strong>the</strong> man. "Tell me, General," Revere went on, "how many troops you'll be taking to Majajuce.""We can't be certain," Wadsworth said, "but we expect to take an infantry force <strong>of</strong> at least fifteen hundred men.""And you've ordered rations for that many?""Of course.""And if only fourteen hundred men report for duty, General, what will you do with <strong>the</strong> surplus ration?""It will be accounted for," Wadsworth said, "<strong>of</strong> course.""This is war!" Revere said energetically. "<strong>War</strong> and blood, fire and iron, death and damage, and a man can't account for everything in war! I'll make asmany lists as you like when <strong>the</strong> war is over."Wadsworth frowned. Doubtless it was war, yet <strong>the</strong> Castle Island garrison, like Lieutenant-Colonel Revere himself, had yet to fire a shot at <strong>the</strong> enemy. "Itis alleged, Colonel," Wadsworth said firmly, "that your garrison was comprised <strong>of</strong> a fixed number <strong>of</strong> men, yet <strong>the</strong> ration demands consistently cited thirtynonexistent gunners."Revere gave a tolerant smile, suggesting he had heard all this before. "Consistently," he said derisively, "consistently, eh? Long words don't kill <strong>the</strong>enemy, General.""Ano<strong>the</strong>r long word," Wadsworth said, "is peculation."<strong>The</strong> accusation was now open. <strong>The</strong> word hung in <strong>the</strong> dusty air. It was alleged that Revere had ordered extra rations that he had <strong>the</strong>n sold for personalgain, though Wadsworth did not articulate that full accusation. He did not need to. Colonel Revere looked up into Wadsworth's face, <strong>the</strong>n shook his headsadly. He turned and walked slowly to a nine-pounder cannon that stood at <strong>the</strong> back <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> storehouse. <strong>The</strong> gun had been captured at Saratoga andRevere now stroked its long barrel with a capable, broad-fingered hand. "For years, General," he spoke quietly, "I have pursued and promoted <strong>the</strong> cause<strong>of</strong> liberty." He was staring down at <strong>the</strong> royal cipher on <strong>the</strong> gun's breech. "When you were learning books, General, I was riding to Philadelphia and NewYork to spread <strong>the</strong> idea <strong>of</strong> liberty. I risked capture and imprisonment for liberty. I threw tea into Boston Harbor and I rode to warn Lexington when <strong>the</strong>British started this war. That's when we first met, General, at Lexington.""I remember it'" Wadsworth began."And I risked <strong>the</strong> well-being <strong>of</strong> my dear wife," Revere interrupted hotly, "and <strong>the</strong> welfare <strong>of</strong> my children to serve a cause I love, General." He turned andlooked at Wadsworth who stood in <strong>the</strong> buttress <strong>of</strong> sunlight cast through <strong>the</strong> wide-open door. "I have been a patriot, General, and I have proved my

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