The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision

The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision

The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision


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on which Carnes was expertly equipped to comment. Revere, Carnes said, was not present to supervise <strong>the</strong> construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> batteries and gave hisgunners no instruction or proper supervision. In cross-examination Carnes, an experienced artilleryman, claimed it was extraordinary that Revere "shouldmake such a bad shot and know no more about artillery." It was Carnes's written deposition that accused Revere <strong>of</strong> behavior "which tends to cowardice."Wadsworth testified that Revere was frequently absent from <strong>the</strong> rebel lines and described Revere's refusal to obey orders during <strong>the</strong> eventual retreat.Wadsworth also noted that Revere, when <strong>of</strong>fered a chance to vote on whe<strong>the</strong>r or not to continue <strong>the</strong> siege, consistently chose against continuance. That isnot evidence <strong>of</strong> cowardice, but <strong>the</strong> minutes <strong>of</strong> those councils do reveal that Revere was by far <strong>the</strong> most vehement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> men urging abandonment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>siege.<strong>The</strong> Court <strong>of</strong> Inquiry published its findings in October 1779. It concluded that Commodore Saltonstall bore <strong>the</strong> entire blame for <strong>the</strong> expedition's failureand specifically exonerated Generals Lovell and Wadsworth, yet, despite all <strong>the</strong> evidence, it gave no judgment on Paul Revere's behavior. George Bukerconvincingly argues that <strong>the</strong> committee did not want to dilute its absurd charge that <strong>the</strong> Continental Navy, in <strong>the</strong> person <strong>of</strong> Dudley Saltonstall, was solelyresponsible for <strong>the</strong> disaster.Revere was dissatisfied. He had not been condemned, but nei<strong>the</strong>r had his name been cleared and Boston was rife with rumors <strong>of</strong> his "unsoldierlike"behavior. He demanded to be court-martialed. Revere, it seems to me, was a difficult man. One <strong>of</strong> his most sympa<strong>the</strong>tic biographers admits that it wasRevere's "personality traits" that weakened his chances <strong>of</strong> gaining a Continental Army commission. He was quarrelsome, exceedingly touchy about hisown reputation, and prone to pick fights with anyone who criticized him. He had a separate spat with John Hancock, who, inspecting Castle Island duringRevere's absence at Penobscot, dared to find fault with its defenses. <strong>The</strong> General Court, however, did not grant him a court-martial, but insteadreconvened <strong>the</strong> Committee <strong>of</strong> Enquiry, which was now charged with investigating Revere's behavior, and a crucial piece <strong>of</strong> evidence was <strong>the</strong> "diary"Revere had ostensibly kept at Majabigwaduce and which, unsurprisingly, shows him to be a model <strong>of</strong> military diligence. I have no pro<strong>of</strong> that this "diary"was manufactured for <strong>the</strong> inquiry, but it seems very likely. Revere also produced many witnesses to counter <strong>the</strong> charges against him, and his vigorousdefense was largely successful because, when <strong>the</strong> committee reported in November 1779, it cleared Revere <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> charge <strong>of</strong> cowardice, though it didmildly condemn him for leaving Penobscot without orders and for "disputing <strong>the</strong> orders <strong>of</strong> Brigadier-General Wadsworth respecting <strong>the</strong> Boat." Revere'sonly defense against <strong>the</strong> latter charge was that he had misunderstood Wadsworth's orders.Yet, though he had been cleared <strong>of</strong> cowardice, Revere was still dissatisfied and once again he petitioned for a court-martial. That court finally convenedin 1782 and Revere at last received what he wanted, exoneration. <strong>The</strong> suspicion is that people were tired <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole affair and that, in February 1782,four months after <strong>the</strong> great rebel triumph at Yorktown, no one wanted to resurrect unhappy memories <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Penobscot Expedition and so, though <strong>the</strong>court-martial weakly chided Revere for his refusal to rescue <strong>the</strong> schooner's crew, <strong>the</strong>y acquitted him "with equal Honor as <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r Officers" which, in <strong>the</strong>circumstances, was very faint praise indeed. <strong>The</strong> controversy over Revere's behavior at Majabigwaduce persisted with a bitter exchange <strong>of</strong> letters in <strong>the</strong>Boston press, but it was long forgotten by 1861 when Revere was abruptly elevated to <strong>the</strong> heroic status he enjoys today. O<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong>fenses such as Revere'sdelay <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fleet's departure, his petty refusal to allow anyone else to use <strong>the</strong> Castle Island barge and his failure to withdraw <strong>the</strong> guns from Cross Islandare all attested by various sources.Dudley Saltonstall was dismissed from <strong>the</strong> navy but was able to invest in a privateer, <strong>the</strong> Minerva, with which, in 1781, he captured one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> richestprizes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole <strong>Revolutionary</strong> <strong>War</strong>. After <strong>the</strong> war Saltonstall owned trading ships, some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m used for slaving, and he died, aged fifty-eight, in 1796.Paul Revere was also successful after <strong>the</strong> war, opening a foundry and becoming a prominent Boston industrialist. He died in 1818, aged eighty-three.Solomon Lovell's political career was not harmed by <strong>the</strong> Penobscot fiasco. He remained a selectman for Weymouth, Massachusetts, a representative in<strong>the</strong> General Court, and he helped devise <strong>the</strong> state's new constitution. He died aged sixty-nine in 1801. A memorialist wrote that Solomon Lovell was"esteemed and honored . . . respected and trusted in <strong>the</strong> counsels <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> State . . . his name has been handed down through <strong>the</strong> generations." A betterjudgment was surely made by a young marine at Majabigwaduce who wrote, "Mister Lovell would have done more good, and made a much morerespectable appearance in <strong>the</strong> deacon's seat <strong>of</strong> a country church, than at <strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong> an American army."Captain Henry Mowat remained in <strong>the</strong> Royal Navy, his last command a frigate on which he died, probably <strong>of</strong> a heart attack, <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> coast <strong>of</strong> Virginia in1798. He is buried in St. John's churchyard, Hampton, Virginia. Brigadier-General Francis McLean returned to his command at Halifax, Nova Scotia,where he died, aged sixty-three, just two years after his successful defense <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fort</strong> George. John Moore far transcended his old commander in fame andis now celebrated as one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> greatest, and most humane, generals ever to serve in <strong>the</strong> British army. He died aged forty-eight at Corunna just as <strong>the</strong>had fought at Majabigwaduce, leading from <strong>the</strong> front.In 1780, a year after <strong>the</strong> expedition, Peleg Wadsworth was sent back to eastern Massachusetts as commander <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Penobscot region's militia. <strong>The</strong>British garrison at <strong>Fort</strong> George learned <strong>of</strong> his presence and sent a raiding party which, after a brief fight in which Wadsworth was wounded, captured him.Wadsworth was imprisoned in <strong>Fort</strong> George, where his wife, allowed to visit her husband, was told <strong>of</strong> a plan to move Wadsworth to a prison in Britain.Wadsworth and a second prisoner, Major Burton, <strong>the</strong>n devised and executed a daring escape which was wholly successful and today <strong>the</strong> bay north <strong>of</strong>Castine (as Majabigwaduce is now called) and west <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> neck is named Wadsworth Cove after <strong>the</strong> place where <strong>the</strong> two escapees found a boat. PelegWadsworth remained in eastern Massachusetts. After <strong>the</strong> war he opened a hardware store and built a house in Portland that can still be seen (as canPaul Revere's house in Boston), and he served in <strong>the</strong> Massachusetts Senate and as a representative for <strong>the</strong> province <strong>of</strong> Maine in <strong>the</strong> U.S. Congress. Hebecame a farmer in Hiram, and was a leader in <strong>the</strong> movement to make Maine a separate state, an ambition realized in 1820. He and his wife, Elizabeth,had ten children, and he died in 1829, aged eighty-one. George Washington held Peleg Wadsworth in <strong>the</strong> highest esteem and one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Wadsworthfamily's treasured heirlooms was a lock <strong>of</strong> Washington's hair that was a gift from <strong>the</strong> first president. Peleg Wadsworth was, to my mind, a true hero and agreat man.<strong>The</strong> British stayed at Majabigwaduce, indeed it was <strong>the</strong> very last British post to be evacuated from <strong>the</strong> United States. Many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Loyalists moved toNova Scotia when <strong>the</strong> British left, some taking <strong>the</strong>ir houses with <strong>the</strong>m, though interestingly a number <strong>of</strong> British soldiers, including Sergeant Lawrence <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Royal Artillery, settled in Majabigwaduce after <strong>the</strong> war and, by all accounts, were warmly welcomed. Most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sunken cannon from <strong>the</strong> rebel fleetwere retrieved and put into British service, which explains why commemorative gun-barrels bearing <strong>the</strong> Massachusetts state seal are found as far afieldas Australia. <strong>The</strong>n, in <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong> <strong>of</strong> 1812, <strong>the</strong> British returned and captured Majabigwaduce again, and again garrisoned <strong>the</strong> fort, where <strong>the</strong>y stayed till <strong>the</strong>war's end. It was during this second occupation that <strong>the</strong> fort's walls were streng<strong>the</strong>ned with masonry and <strong>the</strong> British Canal, which is now a marshy ditch,was dug as a defensive work across <strong>the</strong> neck. <strong>Fort</strong> George still exists, a national monument now. It stands on <strong>the</strong> ridge above <strong>the</strong> Maine MaritimeAcademy in Castine, and is a peaceful, beautiful place. <strong>The</strong> ramparts are mostly overgrown with grass, and legend in Castine says that on still nights <strong>the</strong>ghost <strong>of</strong> a drummer boy can be heard beating his drum in <strong>the</strong> old fort. One version claims <strong>the</strong> ghost is a British boy who was inadvertently locked into amagazine when <strong>the</strong> garrison evacuated in 1784, o<strong>the</strong>rs say it is an American lad killed in <strong>the</strong> fighting <strong>of</strong> 1779. <strong>The</strong> earliest reference I can discover is inWilliam Hutchings's recollections where he avers that <strong>the</strong> boy, a rebel drummer, was killed at <strong>the</strong> Half Moon Battery. <strong>The</strong>re is a footpath which twists upand down <strong>the</strong> bluff by Dice Head (as Dyce's Head is now called), giving <strong>the</strong> visitor a chance to admire <strong>the</strong> achievement <strong>of</strong> those Americans who, on July28th, 1779, assaulted and won that position. <strong>The</strong> large boulder on <strong>the</strong> beach is called Trask's Rock after <strong>the</strong> boy fifer who played <strong>the</strong>re throughout <strong>the</strong>assault. Castine prospered during <strong>the</strong> 19th century, mostly because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> timber trade, and is now a picturesque and tranquil harbor town, and verymindful <strong>of</strong> its fascinating history. During one <strong>of</strong> my visits I was told that Paul Revere had stolen <strong>the</strong> expedition's pay chest, an allegation that is notsupported by any direct evidence, but indicative <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> scorn that some in this part <strong>of</strong> New England feel for a man revered elsewhere in <strong>the</strong> region.<strong>The</strong> quotations which head each chapter are, as far as possible, reproduced with <strong>the</strong>ir original spelling and capitalization. I took most <strong>of</strong> those quotationsfrom <strong>the</strong> Documentary History <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> State <strong>of</strong> Maine , volumes XVI and XVII, published by <strong>the</strong> Maine Historical Society in 1910 and 1913, respectively.Both those collections <strong>of</strong> contemporary documents were <strong>of</strong> enormous value, as was C. B. Kevitt's book, General Solomon Lovell and <strong>The</strong> PenobscotExpedition, published in 1976, which contains an account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> expedition along with a selection <strong>of</strong> original sources. I also used Solomon Lovell's journal<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> expedition, published by <strong>the</strong> Weymouth Historical Society in 1881 and John E. Cayford's <strong>The</strong> Penobscot Expedition, published privately in 1976. Ihave already mentioned George Buker's invaluable book, <strong>The</strong> Penobscot Expedition, which persuasively argues that <strong>the</strong> inquiries into <strong>the</strong> disaster werepart <strong>of</strong> a successful Massachusetts conspiracy to shift both blame and financial responsibility onto <strong>the</strong> federal government. Without doubt <strong>the</strong> liveliest andmost readable description <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> whole expedition is found in Charles Bracelen Flood's book Rise, and Fight Again, published by Dodd Mead andCompany in 1976, which deals with four instances <strong>of</strong> rebel disaster on <strong>the</strong> road to independence. David Hackett Fischer's fascinating book PaulRevere's Ride (Oxford University Press, 1994) does not touch on <strong>the</strong> expedition <strong>of</strong> 1779 but is a superb guide to <strong>the</strong> events leading to <strong>the</strong> revolution andto Paul Revere's influential role in that period. Readers curious about <strong>the</strong> origin <strong>of</strong> and reactions to Longfellow's poem (which Fischer describes as"grossly, systematically, and deliberatly inaccurate") will find his essay "Historiography" (printed in <strong>the</strong> book's end matter) invaluable. <strong>The</strong> best biography<strong>of</strong> Revere is A True Republican, <strong>the</strong> Life <strong>of</strong> Paul Revere , by Jayne E. Triber, published by <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Massachusetts, Amherst, 1998. <strong>The</strong> famousLife <strong>of</strong> Colonel Paul Revere, by Elbridge Goss, published in 1891, is short on biographical details but contains a long treatment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> PenobscotExpedition. A new biography <strong>of</strong> Sir John Moore is badly needed, but I found a useful source in his bro<strong>the</strong>r's two-volume biography, <strong>The</strong> Life <strong>of</strong> Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore, K.B. by James Carrick Moore, published by John Murray, London, in 1834. I discovered many details about 18th-century

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