The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision

The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War - xaviantvision
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Chapter FourteenPeleg Wadsworth slept ashore, or rather he lay awake on the river's bank and must have dozed, because he twice awoke with a start from vivid dreams.In one he was cornered by the Minotaur, which appeared with Solomon Lovell's head crowned with a pair of blood-dripping horns out of a nightmare. Hefinally sat with his back against a tree and a blanket about his shoulders, and watched the dark river swirl slow and silent towards the sea. To his left, toseaward, there was a glow in the sky and he knew that red light was cast by the ships still burning in Mill Cove. It looked like an angry dawn, and it filledhim with an immense lassitude, so he closed his eyes and prayed to God that he was given the strength to do what was needed. There was still a fleetand an army to rescue, and an enemy yet to be defied, and long before first light he roused James Fletcher and his other companions. Thosecompanions were now Johnny Feathers and seven of his Indians who possessed two birch-bark canoes. The canoes slipped through the water with muchgreater ease than the heavy longboats and the Indian had happily agreed to let Wadsworth use the canoes in his attempt to organize a defense. "Wemust go downriver," he told Feathers.The tide was flooding again and the ships were using that tide to escape upriver. Their topsails were set, though no wind powered the vessels, whicheither floated upstream on the tide or were being towed by longboats. The canoes passed six vessels and Wadsworth shouted to each crew that theyshould take their ship past the place where the river turned sharply eastwards and then anchor. "We can defend the river there," he called, and sometimesa captain responded cheerfully, but mostly the sullen crews received his orders in silence.Wadsworth found the Warren aground where the river widened briefly to resemble a lake. Three other warships were anchored nearby. The frigate wasevidently waiting for the tide to float her free of a mud bank."You want to go on board?" Johnny Feathers asked."No."Wadsworth had no stomach for a confrontation with Commodore Saltonstall, which, he suspected, would be fruitless. Saltonstall already knew what hisduty was, but Wadsworth reckoned pointing out that duty would merely provoke a sneer and obfuscation. If the fleet and army were to be saved it would beby other men, and Wadsworth was looking for the means of that salvation.He found it a quarter mile downstream of the Warren where the Samuel, the brig which carried the expedition's artillery, was being pulled northwards bytwo longboats. Wadsworth's canoe went alongside the brig and he scrambled up and across the Samuel's gunwale. "Is Colonel Revere here?""He went away in his barge, sir," a seaman answered."I hope that's good news," Wadsworth said, and walked aft to where Captain James Brown stood by his wheel. "Did Colonel Revere ship a cannononto the lighter?" he asked Brown."No," Brown answered curtly, nodding to the ship's waist where the cannons were now parked wheel to wheel."So where is he?""Damned if I know. He took his baggage and left.""He took his baggage?" Wadsworth asked."Every last box and bundle.""And his men?""Some are here, some went with him.""Oh dear God," Wadsworth said. He stood irresolute for a moment. The Samuel was inching upstream. The river was so narrow here that branches oftrees sometimes brushed against the brig's lower yards. Wadsworth had hoped that Revere's one cannon, placed at Spider Bend, would be a marker forthe rest of the fleet and the first of many cannon that could hold the British pursuers at bay. "You'll keep going upstream?" he suggested to Brown.The Samuel's captain gave a mirthless bark of laughter. "What else do you suggest I do, General?""Ten miles upstream," Wadsworth said, "the river turns sharply to the right. I need the guns there.""We'll be lucky too make two miles before the tide turns," Brown said, "or before the damned English catch us up.""So where is Colonel Revere?" Wadsworth demanded and received a shrug in answer. He had not passed Revere's white-painted barge as hedescended the river, which meant the colonel and his artillerymen must be further downriver, and that gave Wadsworth a glimmer of hope. Had Reveredecided to fortify a place on the Penobscot's bank? Was he even now finding a place where a battery could hammer the British ships? "Did he give youinstructions for the cannon?" Wadsworth asked."He asked for his breakfast.""The cannon, man! What does he want done with the cannon?"Brown turned his head slowly, spat a stream of tobacco juice onto the portside scupper, then looked back to Wadsworth. "He didn't say," Brown said.Wadsworth went back to the canoe. He needed Revere! He needed artillery. He wanted a battery of eighteen-pounder cannon, the largest in the rebelarmy, and he wanted ammunition from the Warren, then he wanted to see the round shot crunching into the bows of the British frigates. He thought brieflyof returning to the Warren, which also had the big guns he needed, but first, he decided, he would discover what Colonel Revere planned. "That way,please," he told Feathers, pointing downstream. He would go to the Warren afterwards and demand that Saltonstall give the artillery all the eighteenpoundershot they needed.The sun was up now, the light clear and crisp, the river sparkling, and the sky spoiled only by the smear of smoke from the ships still burning south ofOdom's Ledge. A quarter mile beyond the Samuel there was a whole group of anchored ships, both transports and warships, all chaotically clusteredwhere the river divided around the northern tip of Orphan Island. On the eastern bank, just upstream of the island, was a small settlement about half thesize of Majabigwaduce. "What's that place?" Wadsworth called to James Fletcher who was in the second canoe."Buck's plantation," James called back.Wadsworth gestured that the Indians should stop paddling. The river bent here, and Wadsworth wondered why he had not chosen this as a place todefend. True, the curve was not so pronounced as the sharp turn higher up the river, but in the early-morning light the river's twist looked sharp enough andon the western bank, opposite Buck's plantation, was a high bluff about which the Penobscot curled. He needed a place on the western bank so thatsupplies could come from Boston without being ferried across the river, and the bluff looked a likely enough spot. There were already men ashore at thebluff's foot, and there were plenty of guns aboard the nearby ships. Everything Wadsworth needed was here, and he pointed to the narrow beach at thebase of the bluff. "Put me ashore there, please," he said, then called across to James Fletcher again. "You're to go back upstream and find the Samuel,"he shouted. "Ask Captain Brown to bring her back downriver. Tell him I need the cannons here.""Yes, sir.""And after that go to the Warren. Tell the commodore I'm making a battery here," he pointed at the western bluff, "and say I'm expecting his ship to joinus. Tell him we need his eighteen-pounder ammunition!""He won't like me saying that.""Tell him anyway!" Wadsworth called. The canoe scraped onto the beach and Wadsworth jumped ashore. "Wait for me, please," he asked the Indians,then strode down the beach towards the men who sat disconsolate at the high-tide line. "Officers!" he shouted. "Sergeants! To me! Officers! Sergeants!To me!"Peleg Wadsworth would pluck order from chaos. He was still fighting.Lieutenant Fenwick was obeying Commodore Saltonstall's orders, though with a heavy heart. The Warren's main magazine had been half-emptied, and

the powder charges were being carried down to the bilge and up to the maindeck. There was a growing pile of powder bags on the ballast stones at thefoot of the main mast in the bilge's darkness, another under the forecastle and a third beneath Saltonstall's cabin. On deck there were heaps of bagsaround each mast. White trails of slow-match were laid from each pile, the snaking canvas ropes meeting in a tangle on the foredeck. "What we cannotdo," Saltonstall told Fenwick, "is allow the enemy to capture the ship.""Of course not, sir.""I will not allow British colors to fly from my ship.""Of course not, sir," Fenwick said again, "but we could go upriver, sir?" he added nervously."We are aground," Saltonstall said sarcastically."The tide is flooding, sir," Fenwick said. He waited, but Saltonstall made no comment. "And there are French ships, sir.""There are French ships, Lieutenant?" Saltonstall asked caustically."A French flotilla might arrive, sir.""You are privy to the French fleet's movements, Lieutenant?""No, sir," Fenwick said miserably."Then kindly obey my orders and prepare the ship for burning.""Aye aye, sir."Saltonstall walked to the taffrail. The early light was pellucid and the air still. The slow tide gurgled at the Warren's waterline. He was gazingdownstream to where a gaggle of ships was clustered by a bluff. Two sloops were using the tide to come upriver, but it seemed most of the ships haddecided to stay by the bluff where longboats and lighters were carrying supplies to the western bank. The British ships were out of sight, presumably stillbelow Odom's Ledge where the smoke rose to tarnish the sky. The smoke rose vertically, but Saltonstall knew that as soon as that pillar of smoke wasruffled by the wind the enemy sloops and frigates would start upstream.It had been a shambles, he thought angrily. From start to finish, a goddamned shambles, and to the commodore's mind the only successes had beenachieved by the Continental Navy. It had been the marines who captured Cross Island and the marines who had led the fight up the bluff at Dyce's Head,and after that Lovell had quivered like a sick rabbit and demanded that Saltonstall do all the fighting. "And what if we had captured the sloops?" thecommodore demanded angrily."Sir?" a sailor within earshot asked."I'm not talking to you, damn your eyes.""Aye aye, sir."Would Lovell have captured the fort if the sloops had been taken? Saltonstall knew the answer to that question. Lovell would have found anotherobstacle to prevent a fight. He would have whined and moaned and tarried. He would have demanded a battery on the moon. He would have dug moretrenches. It was a shambles.The Warren trembled as the tide lifted her. She shifted a few inches, settled again, then trembled once more. In a moment she would swing her sternupstream and tug at her anchor rode. Lieutenant Fenwick looked at the commodore with a hopeful expression, but Saltonstall ignored him. Fenwick wasa good officer, but he had little comprehension of what was at stake here. The Warren was a precious piece of equipment, a well-found, well-armedfrigate, and the British would love to hang their damned flag from her stern and take her into their fleet, but Saltonstall would be damned to the deepestcircle of hell before he allowed that to happen. That was why Saltonstall had declined battle the previous day. Oh, he could have sacrificed the Warren andmost of the other rebel warships to give the transports more time to escape the enemy, but in making that sacrifice he might well have been boarded andthen the Warren would become His Majesty's frigate. And it was all very well for Fenwick to suggest sailing upriver, but the Warren had the deepestdraught of all the fleet and she would not get far before she grounded again and the British, seeing her, would do their utmost to capture her."Boat approaching, sir!" a bosun called from the Warren's waist.Saltonstall grunted an acknowledgment. He went and stood by the ship's wheel as the longboat pulled across the tide. He watched the Pidgeon, atransport schooner, being towed upstream and noted that the river's current was fighting the tide and giving the oarsmen a hard time. Then the longboatbanged into the frigate's hull and a man climbed onto the deck and hurried aft towards the commodore. "Lieutenant Little, sir," he introduced himself, "firstlieutenant of the Hazard.""I know who you are, Lieutenant," Saltonstall said coolly. In the commodore's opinion Little was a firebrand, an impetuous, unthinking firebrand from theso-called Massachusetts Navy which, so far as the commodore was concerned, was nothing but a toy navy. "Where is the Hazard?" Saltonstall asked."Upstream, sir. I was lending a hand to the Sky Rocket, sir." The Sky Rocket, a fine sixteen-gun privateer, was aground by the bluff and waiting for thetide. "Captain Burke sends his compliments, sir," Little said."You may return them, Lieutenant."Little looked about the deck. He saw the powder bags, the slow-matches and the combustibles stacked around the masts. Then he looked back to theimmaculate commodore in his black shining top-boots, white breeches, blue waistcoat, blue tailcoat, and with his brushed cocked hat glinting with goldbraid. "Captain Burke wants orders, sir," Little said in a curt voice."Captain Burke is ordered to deny his ship to the enemy," Saltonstall said.Little shuddered, then turned so suddenly that Saltonstall instinctively put a hand to his sword's hilt, but the Lieutenant was merely pointing to the placewhere the river swirled around the bluff. "That's where you should be, sir!""Are you presuming to give me orders, Lieutenant?" Saltonstall's voice was icy."You haven't even fired a gun!" Little protested."Lieutenant Little'" Fenwick began."Lieutenant Little is returning to his ship," Saltonstall interrupted Fenwick. "Good day to you, Lieutenant.""Damn you!" Little shouted and sailors stopped working to listen. "Put your ship at the bend," he snapped, still pointing to where the river swirled aroundthe western bluff. "Anchor her fore and aft. Put springs on the anchors so your broadside points downstream and fight the bastards!""Lieutenant'" Saltonstall began."For God's sake, fight!" Little, an officer of the Massachusetts Navy, was now screaming into the commodore's face, spattering it with spittle. "Move allyour big eighteens to one side! Let's hurt the bastards!" Little's face was just two inches from Saltonstall when he bellowed the last four words. NeitherSaltonstall nor Fenwick said anything. Fenwick plucked feebly at Little's arm and Saltonstall merely looked disgusted, as though a turd had suddenlyappeared on his holy-stoned deck. "Oh, for God's sake," Little said, struggling to control his anger, "the river below the bend is narrow, sir! A ship can'tturn in the width of that channel! The British will be forced to come single file, bows to our guns, and they can't answer our shots. They can't answer! Theycan't bring their big ships up here, they have to send frigates, and if we put guns there we can slaughter the bastards!""I am grateful for your advice, Lieutenant," Saltonstall said with utter disdain."Oh, you cowardly bastard!" Little spat."Lieutenant!" Fenwick seized Little's arm. "You don't know who you're speaking to!"Little shook off the lieutenant's hand. "I know who I'm speaking to," he sneered, "and I know where I am and I damned well know where the enemy is too!You can't just burn this ship without a fight! Give her to me! I'll damn well fight her!""Good day, Lieutenant," Saltonstall said icily. Fenwick had beckoned two crewmen who now stood menacingly close to the furious Little. JamesFletcher had evidently come aboard during the argunment. "Get off my ship!" Saltonstall snarled at Fletcher, then turned back to Little. "I command here!On this ship you take my orders! And my orders are for you to leave before I have you put in irons.""Come ashore," Little invited the commodore, "come ashore, you yellow bastard, and I'll fight you there. Man on man, and the winner takes this ship.""Remove him," Saltonstall said.Little was dragged away. He turned once and spat at Saltonstall, then was pushed down to his waiting longboat.The Warren lurched and came free of the sandbank. A breath of wind touched Commodore Saltonstall's cheek and lifted the snake ensign at thefrigate's stern. The smoke in the clear sky wavered and started to drift northwest.Which meant the British were coming.The men on the beach beneath the bluff had come from the transports that were anchored or grounded in the river. They now sat disconsolate andleaderless on the shingle. "What are your orders?" Wadsworth asked one sergeant."Don't have any orders, sir.""We're going home!" a man shouted angrily."How?" Wadsworth demanded.

<strong>the</strong> powder charges were being carried down to <strong>the</strong> bilge and up to <strong>the</strong> maindeck. <strong>The</strong>re was a growing pile <strong>of</strong> powder bags on <strong>the</strong> ballast stones at <strong>the</strong>foot <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> main mast in <strong>the</strong> bilge's darkness, ano<strong>the</strong>r under <strong>the</strong> forecastle and a third beneath Saltonstall's cabin. On deck <strong>the</strong>re were heaps <strong>of</strong> bagsaround each mast. White trails <strong>of</strong> slow-match were laid from each pile, <strong>the</strong> snaking canvas ropes meeting in a tangle on <strong>the</strong> foredeck. "What we cannotdo," Saltonstall told Fenwick, "is allow <strong>the</strong> enemy to capture <strong>the</strong> ship.""Of course not, sir.""I will not allow British colors to fly from my ship.""Of course not, sir," Fenwick said again, "but we could go upriver, sir?" he added nervously."We are aground," Saltonstall said sarcastically."<strong>The</strong> tide is flooding, sir," Fenwick said. He waited, but Saltonstall made no comment. "And <strong>the</strong>re are French ships, sir.""<strong>The</strong>re are French ships, Lieutenant?" Saltonstall asked caustically."A French flotilla might arrive, sir.""You are privy to <strong>the</strong> French fleet's movements, Lieutenant?""No, sir," Fenwick said miserably."<strong>The</strong>n kindly obey my orders and prepare <strong>the</strong> ship for burning.""Aye aye, sir."Saltonstall walked to <strong>the</strong> taffrail. <strong>The</strong> early light was pellucid and <strong>the</strong> air still. <strong>The</strong> slow tide gurgled at <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren's waterline. He was gazingdownstream to where a gaggle <strong>of</strong> ships was clustered by a bluff. Two sloops were using <strong>the</strong> tide to come upriver, but it seemed most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ships haddecided to stay by <strong>the</strong> bluff where longboats and lighters were carrying supplies to <strong>the</strong> western bank. <strong>The</strong> British ships were out <strong>of</strong> sight, presumably stillbelow Odom's Ledge where <strong>the</strong> smoke rose to tarnish <strong>the</strong> sky. <strong>The</strong> smoke rose vertically, but Saltonstall knew that as soon as that pillar <strong>of</strong> smoke wasruffled by <strong>the</strong> wind <strong>the</strong> enemy sloops and frigates would start upstream.It had been a shambles, he thought angrily. From start to finish, a goddamned shambles, and to <strong>the</strong> commodore's mind <strong>the</strong> only successes had beenachieved by <strong>the</strong> Continental Navy. It had been <strong>the</strong> marines who captured Cross Island and <strong>the</strong> marines who had led <strong>the</strong> fight up <strong>the</strong> bluff at Dyce's Head,and after that Lovell had quivered like a sick rabbit and demanded that Saltonstall do all <strong>the</strong> fighting. "And what if we had captured <strong>the</strong> sloops?" <strong>the</strong>commodore demanded angrily."Sir?" a sailor within earshot asked."I'm not talking to you, damn your eyes.""Aye aye, sir."Would Lovell have captured <strong>the</strong> fort if <strong>the</strong> sloops had been taken? Saltonstall knew <strong>the</strong> answer to that question. Lovell would have found ano<strong>the</strong>robstacle to prevent a fight. He would have whined and moaned and tarried. He would have demanded a battery on <strong>the</strong> moon. He would have dug moretrenches. It was a shambles.<strong>The</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren trembled as <strong>the</strong> tide lifted her. She shifted a few inches, settled again, <strong>the</strong>n trembled once more. In a moment she would swing her sternupstream and tug at her anchor rode. Lieutenant Fenwick looked at <strong>the</strong> commodore with a hopeful expression, but Saltonstall ignored him. Fenwick wasa good <strong>of</strong>ficer, but he had little comprehension <strong>of</strong> what was at stake here. <strong>The</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren was a precious piece <strong>of</strong> equipment, a well-found, well-armedfrigate, and <strong>the</strong> British would love to hang <strong>the</strong>ir damned flag from her stern and take her into <strong>the</strong>ir fleet, but Saltonstall would be damned to <strong>the</strong> deepestcircle <strong>of</strong> hell before he allowed that to happen. That was why Saltonstall had declined battle <strong>the</strong> previous day. Oh, he could have sacrificed <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren andmost <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r rebel warships to give <strong>the</strong> transports more time to escape <strong>the</strong> enemy, but in making that sacrifice he might well have been boarded and<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren would become His Majesty's frigate. And it was all very well for Fenwick to suggest sailing upriver, but <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren had <strong>the</strong> deepestdraught <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> fleet and she would not get far before she grounded again and <strong>the</strong> British, seeing her, would do <strong>the</strong>ir utmost to capture her."Boat approaching, sir!" a bosun called from <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren's waist.Saltonstall grunted an acknowledgment. He went and stood by <strong>the</strong> ship's wheel as <strong>the</strong> longboat pulled across <strong>the</strong> tide. He watched <strong>the</strong> Pidgeon, atransport schooner, being towed upstream and noted that <strong>the</strong> river's current was fighting <strong>the</strong> tide and giving <strong>the</strong> oarsmen a hard time. <strong>The</strong>n <strong>the</strong> longboatbanged into <strong>the</strong> frigate's hull and a man climbed onto <strong>the</strong> deck and hurried aft towards <strong>the</strong> commodore. "Lieutenant Little, sir," he introduced himself, "firstlieutenant <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hazard.""I know who you are, Lieutenant," Saltonstall said coolly. In <strong>the</strong> commodore's opinion Little was a firebrand, an impetuous, unthinking firebrand from <strong>the</strong>so-called Massachusetts Navy which, so far as <strong>the</strong> commodore was concerned, was nothing but a toy navy. "Where is <strong>the</strong> Hazard?" Saltonstall asked."Upstream, sir. I was lending a hand to <strong>the</strong> Sky Rocket, sir." <strong>The</strong> Sky Rocket, a fine sixteen-gun privateer, was aground by <strong>the</strong> bluff and waiting for <strong>the</strong>tide. "Captain Burke sends his compliments, sir," Little said."You may return <strong>the</strong>m, Lieutenant."Little looked about <strong>the</strong> deck. He saw <strong>the</strong> powder bags, <strong>the</strong> slow-matches and <strong>the</strong> combustibles stacked around <strong>the</strong> masts. <strong>The</strong>n he looked back to <strong>the</strong>immaculate commodore in his black shining top-boots, white breeches, blue waistcoat, blue tailcoat, and with his brushed cocked hat glinting with goldbraid. "Captain Burke wants orders, sir," Little said in a curt voice."Captain Burke is ordered to deny his ship to <strong>the</strong> enemy," Saltonstall said.Little shuddered, <strong>the</strong>n turned so suddenly that Saltonstall instinctively put a hand to his sword's hilt, but <strong>the</strong> Lieutenant was merely pointing to <strong>the</strong> placewhere <strong>the</strong> river swirled around <strong>the</strong> bluff. "That's where you should be, sir!""Are you presuming to give me orders, Lieutenant?" Saltonstall's voice was icy."You haven't even fired a gun!" Little protested."Lieutenant Little'" Fenwick began."Lieutenant Little is returning to his ship," Saltonstall interrupted Fenwick. "Good day to you, Lieutenant.""Damn you!" Little shouted and sailors stopped working to listen. "Put your ship at <strong>the</strong> bend," he snapped, still pointing to where <strong>the</strong> river swirled around<strong>the</strong> western bluff. "Anchor her fore and aft. Put springs on <strong>the</strong> anchors so your broadside points downstream and fight <strong>the</strong> bastards!""Lieutenant'" Saltonstall began."For God's sake, fight!" Little, an <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Massachusetts Navy, was now screaming into <strong>the</strong> commodore's face, spattering it with spittle. "Move allyour big eighteens to one side! Let's hurt <strong>the</strong> bastards!" Little's face was just two inches from Saltonstall when he bellowed <strong>the</strong> last four words. Nei<strong>the</strong>rSaltonstall nor Fenwick said anything. Fenwick plucked feebly at Little's arm and Saltonstall merely looked disgusted, as though a turd had suddenlyappeared on his holy-stoned deck. "Oh, for God's sake," Little said, struggling to control his anger, "<strong>the</strong> river below <strong>the</strong> bend is narrow, sir! A ship can'tturn in <strong>the</strong> width <strong>of</strong> that channel! <strong>The</strong> British will be forced to come single file, bows to our guns, and <strong>the</strong>y can't answer our shots. <strong>The</strong>y can't answer! <strong>The</strong>ycan't bring <strong>the</strong>ir big ships up here, <strong>the</strong>y have to send frigates, and if we put guns <strong>the</strong>re we can slaughter <strong>the</strong> bastards!""I am grateful for your advice, Lieutenant," Saltonstall said with utter disdain."Oh, you cowardly bastard!" Little spat."Lieutenant!" Fenwick seized Little's arm. "You don't know who you're speaking to!"Little shook <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> lieutenant's hand. "I know who I'm speaking to," he sneered, "and I know where I am and I damned well know where <strong>the</strong> enemy is too!You can't just burn this ship without a fight! Give her to me! I'll damn well fight her!""Good day, Lieutenant," Saltonstall said icily. Fenwick had beckoned two crewmen who now stood menacingly close to <strong>the</strong> furious Little. JamesFletcher had evidently come aboard during <strong>the</strong> argunment. "Get <strong>of</strong>f my ship!" Saltonstall snarled at Fletcher, <strong>the</strong>n turned back to Little. "I command here!On this ship you take my orders! And my orders are for you to leave before I have you put in irons.""Come ashore," Little invited <strong>the</strong> commodore, "come ashore, you yellow bastard, and I'll fight you <strong>the</strong>re. Man on man, and <strong>the</strong> winner takes this ship.""Remove him," Saltonstall said.Little was dragged away. He turned once and spat at Saltonstall, <strong>the</strong>n was pushed down to his waiting longboat.<strong>The</strong> <strong>War</strong>ren lurched and came free <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sandbank. A breath <strong>of</strong> wind touched Commodore Saltonstall's cheek and lifted <strong>the</strong> snake ensign at <strong>the</strong>frigate's stern. <strong>The</strong> smoke in <strong>the</strong> clear sky wavered and started to drift northwest.Which meant <strong>the</strong> British were coming.<strong>The</strong> men on <strong>the</strong> beach beneath <strong>the</strong> bluff had come from <strong>the</strong> transports that were anchored or grounded in <strong>the</strong> river. <strong>The</strong>y now sat disconsolate andleaderless on <strong>the</strong> shingle. "What are your orders?" Wadsworth asked one sergeant."Don't have any orders, sir.""We're going home!" a man shouted angrily."How?" Wadsworth demanded.

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