Washington Works - DuPont

Washington Works - DuPont Washington Works - DuPont

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Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 265.2 Waste Material ControlWaste equipment oil may be disposed in plant waste oil Dumpster. Contact ContractorEnvironmental Coordinator at 304-863-4463 for instructions on proper drumming and labeling forthe collection and separation of waste, trash, and other refuse. All containers shall be equippedwith covers.Contractor shall ensure that its operations comply with the oil spill prevention provisions of 40C.F.R. 112. Further, the spillage of oil or any other foreign substance onto the ground or intoplant sumps, trenches or ditches is strictly prohibited. Accidental spillages must be immediatelyreported to the DuPont representative and the Construction Environmental Coordinator.Contractor shall provide appropriate containers for the collection and separation of waste, trash,and other refuse.No hazardous waste is to be removed from the site without prior approval by the ContractorEnvironmental Coordinator –863-4463.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 276. WORKING CONDITIONS6.1 Personnel AccountabilityIn the event of a plant emergency or alarm, the electronic gate pass system (EGPS) is used toaccount for contractor personnel. Contractor employees must log in and out whenever they enteror exit the plant. Failure to properly login or log out will affect the accuracy of the head countingoperation and may put emergency responders in unnecessary danger by searching for unaccountedpersonnel who are not on the plant during the emergency/alarm situation.6.2 Visitor ControlAll visitors shall be cleared through DuPont's Contract Administrator or Field ContractorAdministrator and escorted by DuPont or site security while on site. All Contractor visitors shallbe escorted by a full time Contractor’s site supervision and must have and be wearing theappropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with section Site SecurityProper identification shall be provided before site entry is permitted. Vehicular traffic shall bekept to a minimum and all contractors, visitors and vehicles are subject to search.6.4 Off-Hour AccessAccess to work areas after normal work hours, requires the prior notification and approval ofDuPont's Field Administrator.6.5 Prohibited ItemsWeapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives, narcotics, alcoholic beverages, fossil-fueled handwarmers, “strike anywhere” matches, unapproved 2-way radios, cameras and tape recorders arestrictly prohibited on plant property. Cellular phones are allowed in non-hazardous areas, bysigned approval only.6.6 Coordination with OthersWhere Contractor’s work must be performed in conjunction with work by others, Contractor shallcooperate with DuPont in scheduling, coordinating, and sequencing its work with that of others soall work may proceed with minimal interference or delay.6.7 Co-OccupancyContractor shall provide all measures as may be required to protect existing facilities and workperformed by others from damage due to Contractor’s (including its tier subcontractor’s)operations or negligence. DuPont may suspend contractor’s operation until such protectivemeasures are provided and the cost for stand-by of Contractor’s, its tier subcontractor’s, or othercontractor’s men and equipment shall be at the Contractor’s expense.6.8 SupervisionIn order to insure job continuity all on site supervisors are required to attend all bid meetings,walk through, safety orientation or any interaction pertaining to the job. Contractor shall providefull-time supervision on site whenever the contractor or subcontractors are performing workaccording to the contract. This includes overtime and shift hours.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 265.2 Waste Material ControlWaste equipment oil may be disposed in plant waste oil Dumpster. Contact ContractorEnvironmental Coordinator at 304-863-4463 for instructions on proper drumming and labeling forthe collection and separation of waste, trash, and other refuse. All containers shall be equippedwith covers.Contractor shall ensure that its operations comply with the oil spill prevention provisions of 40C.F.R. 112. Further, the spillage of oil or any other foreign substance onto the ground or intoplant sumps, trenches or ditches is strictly prohibited. Accidental spillages must be immediatelyreported to the <strong>DuPont</strong> representative and the Construction Environmental Coordinator.Contractor shall provide appropriate containers for the collection and separation of waste, trash,and other refuse.No hazardous waste is to be removed from the site without prior approval by the ContractorEnvironmental Coordinator –863-4463.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

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