Washington Works - DuPont

Washington Works - DuPont Washington Works - DuPont

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Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 24identification must be used for the duration of the visit on this Plant. If there is no identificationavailable at the time of entrance, the vehicle will not be allowed to enter.Except for material delivery, only one Contractor owned vehicle (used only by supervisorypersonnel) will be permitted on the plant site. Additional vehicles may be admitted with priorapproval of the DuPont Contractor Administrator.All personnel inside the vehicle cab must wear seat belts while on any DuPont property. Seat beltsmust be worn when operating any mobile equipment on DuPont property. Plant posted speedlimits shall be observed.4.5 Contractor Trailer and Construction ShantiesContractor facilities such as office trailers, material trailers, and construction shanties requireapproval for placement and set-up on site prior to their arrival. These facilities shall meet thestandard N.E.C. Article 550 National Electric Code requirements for electric power. Facilities setwithout prior approval will be removed and relocated at the Contractor’s expense. Coordinatelocation and approval through the Contract Administrator. Refer to Washington Works Safety& Health Procedure 579, Temporary Building Site Procedure. (Supplied as required during prejobmeeting)All contractor facilities (trailers, shanties and associated laydown areas) shall be kept orderly andrepaired as needed. Should Contractor fail to comply with mentioned facility standards, DuPontwill perform this work on a time-and-material basis and back-charge the Contractor4.6 Telephone – Cellular PhonesIt is the Contractor’s responsibility to arrange for telephone service on Plant through the localtelephone company. Prior to making these arrangements, Contractor must contact the sitetelephone coordinator at 304-863-4299.Cellular phones are allowed on site for use OUTSIDE of the operating areas. Cellular phones thathave picture or video capabilities will not be allowed within the operating units. Cellularphones are not allowed to be used while “operating” a vehicle or equipment.4.7 Drinking Water and Sanitary FacilitiesContractor shall provide drinking water and sanitary facilities (if necessary due to remote workaway from DuPont provide facilities) in compliance with OSHA requirements. Drinking watercontainers must be sealed and capable of being tightly closed and equipped with a tap. Watercontainers must be clearly marked as to the nature of their contents.Cups must be disposable. Both a sanitary container for the unused cups and a receptacle fordisposing of the used cups must be provided. The cardboard cup container provided by cupmanufacturer is not considered sanitary.4.8 WaterDuPont will furnish water for construction and testing purposes. Contractor shall make allconnections and run any hoses and pipe extensions required.Fire hydrants shall not be used as a source of water without DuPont's prior written approval.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 254.9 Electric PowerDuPont will furnish 120 volt, 60 Hertz, 20 amp electrical power at one location close to the workarea. Contractor shall make all connections (3-wire grounded) and run any extension required.Extensions shall be run overhead where possible to avoid tripping hazards to personnel. Wherepossible, extension cords shall be routed overhead. Tripping hazard signs shall be utilized whereextensions are routed across grade elevation.4.10 Compressed AirCompressed air is not available within the work area. Contractor shall provide its own source ofcompressed air. All portable tools powered by compressed air where the supply hose ID is greaterthan 1/2" shall have an excess flow valve at the source of supply4.11 Plant FacilitiesContractor’s personnel will not be permitted to use plant facilities such as lunchrooms, changeareas, or toilets without permission from the business where the work is being performed.The plant cafeteria is open 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. daily to all contractor employees.5 HOUSE KEEPING5.1 Clean UpDuPont believes Good Housekeeping to be an integral part of safety. Housekeeping is to be anongoing process throughout the day and not performed only at the completion of the day's work.During the course of construction, alteration, or repairs, all debris shall be cleared from workareas, passageways and stairs in and around buildings or other structures. Extension cords, hoses,welding leads shall be routed overhead where possible. If they must be routed along walkways,tripping hazard signs must be utilized.Contractor shall promptly clean up and as a minimum, shall daily sweep and remove nonhazardousscrap and waste materials that accumulate from its operations. Metal identified byDuPont as scrap (excludes small trimmings and sweepings) may be placed in DuPont's metalscrap dumpsters located throughout the plant. Contact the Contractor Environmental Coordinatorat 304-863-4463 for instructions on disposal of any hazardous waste.In the event that the contractor fails to keep its work areas orderly, DuPont will perform this workon a time-and-material basis and back charge the contractor.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 254.9 Electric Power<strong>DuPont</strong> will furnish 120 volt, 60 Hertz, 20 amp electrical power at one location close to the workarea. Contractor shall make all connections (3-wire grounded) and run any extension required.Extensions shall be run overhead where possible to avoid tripping hazards to personnel. Wherepossible, extension cords shall be routed overhead. Tripping hazard signs shall be utilized whereextensions are routed across grade elevation.4.10 Compressed AirCompressed air is not available within the work area. Contractor shall provide its own source ofcompressed air. All portable tools powered by compressed air where the supply hose ID is greaterthan 1/2" shall have an excess flow valve at the source of supply4.11 Plant FacilitiesContractor’s personnel will not be permitted to use plant facilities such as lunchrooms, changeareas, or toilets without permission from the business where the work is being performed.The plant cafeteria is open 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. daily to all contractor employees.5 HOUSE KEEPING5.1 Clean Up<strong>DuPont</strong> believes Good Housekeeping to be an integral part of safety. Housekeeping is to be anongoing process throughout the day and not performed only at the completion of the day's work.During the course of construction, alteration, or repairs, all debris shall be cleared from workareas, passageways and stairs in and around buildings or other structures. Extension cords, hoses,welding leads shall be routed overhead where possible. If they must be routed along walkways,tripping hazard signs must be utilized.Contractor shall promptly clean up and as a minimum, shall daily sweep and remove nonhazardousscrap and waste materials that accumulate from its operations. Metal identified by<strong>DuPont</strong> as scrap (excludes small trimmings and sweepings) may be placed in <strong>DuPont</strong>'s metalscrap dumpsters located throughout the plant. Contact the Contractor Environmental Coordinatorat 304-863-4463 for instructions on disposal of any hazardous waste.In the event that the contractor fails to keep its work areas orderly, <strong>DuPont</strong> will perform this workon a time-and-material basis and back charge the contractor.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

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