Washington Works - DuPont

Washington Works - DuPont Washington Works - DuPont

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Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 14addition to a Face shields or welding hoods they shall l be the type that attaches directly to thehard-hat.Gloves suitable for the job being performed shall be worn unless the job cannot be performedwhile wearing gloves (manual dexterity), or the wearing of such gloves increases the exposureto an injury, such as getting caught in rotating equipment. The level of glove protection isdetermined by the hazard presented by the task to be performed.Manual material handling tasks minimally require quality knitted cotton or leather generalpurpose gloves. Tasks involving the use of thin gauge sheet metal and similar materials where acutting hazard exists requires the use of cut-resistant gloves. The handling of sharp-edgedmaterials and the use of knives or similar hand cutting tools also requires the use of cut-resistantgloves. Combinations of gloves must be considered for multiple hazards. (Example: Toadequately address a task with exposure to cutting and chemical hazards, a cut resistant liner andan impervious shell for chemical protection would provide maximum hand protection for theperson performing the task.Hearing protection shall be required at all times where noise levels exceed 85 dBA, whereexposure of 85-89 dBA exceeds 8 hrs/day, or where posted by the plant, designated by signs orblue dots or lines on the floor.Other special personal protective equipment (such as chemical suits and disposable coveralls forasbestos abatement) shall be required for specific jobs.The use of Nomex® flame-retardant clothing is required in certain operating areas throughoutthe plant. These areas are designated by appropriate signs and/or Day-Glo green lines painted orapplied to the floors, roadways or stairs within the operating areas.The Contractor will be required to furnish Nomex® clothing or coveralls to its employees ifsuch clothing is required by the work to be performed (such as electrical work where there ispotential for an arc flash) or the location of the work is in a Nomex®-required area of the plant.These items shall be furnished by the contractor and included in the contractor’s price/proposalto perform the specified work.1.24 Respiratory EquipmentPrior to the start of any work that requires the use of ANY respiratory equipment, the Contractorshall furnish to DuPont a written Respiratory Protection Program and a list of employeesqualified to use respiratory protection to the DuPont Contract Administrator, proof ofcompliance with OSHA section 1926.103 and 1910.134, including the followingdocumentation:Physician's approval for the employee to use respiratory protective equipment.Training records indicating each type of respirator the employee is trained to use.Fit test records for each type of respirator the employee is qualified to use(A fit test may not be performed and any employee that has facial hair that interfereswith the seal of the respirator may not wear a respirator).Respirators used by contractors must be approved by the Respiratory Protection Subcommittee.Additional information is available in Washington Works Safety Procedures 513, RespiratoryProtection.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 15Where Contractor is required to furnish breathing air, nothing less than Grade D breathing airwill be accepted. In addition, a Certificate of Analysis (COA) must be furnished with each unitof breathing air brought on site. Breathing air quality shall be verified with a L.E.L/O2 meterprior to use by the Contractor that will be using the breathing air. The air shall be checkedweekly for oxygen, carbon monoxide content, carbon dioxide content, and odor. Once every 3months, compressor generated air shall be analyzed for Hydrocarbons A tag showing the airinspection and status shall be attached to each unit of breathing air once the contractor hasshown proof of Grade “D” air quality to the permitting Contract Administrator.1.25 BarricadesContractor shall furnish, erect, maintain, and dismantle all barricades required for its work inaccordance with the Washington Works Safety Procedures 564, Barricading Procedure(Supplied as required during pre-job meeting).When using tape for barricades (yellow/black or red/black) the tape shall be wovenpolypropylene ribbon. Plastic barricade tape is not acceptable for use on this site. The site willprovide all barricade tape and tags.1.26 Spray Painting and Application of CoatingsDuring spray painting operations where a hazardous warning is posted on the paint can label andcontrols are inadequate to prevent harmful exposure to employees, the Contractor will provide,and require its employees to use, respirators approved for spray painting operations. Therespirators provided will comply with OSHA 1910.134.If the application of coatings presents potential fire/explosion hazards, the contractor will beresponsible for supplying ventilation adequate to maintain air quality of less than 10% of thelower flammable limit of the mixture. Vapors must also be controlled to limit potentialexposures to other personnel that may be working in the area.1.27 Tool & Knife UsageEach contractor shall have procedures and documentation of employee training for all tools usedby each craft during the routine performance of their work. This procedure must be reviewed byDuPont as appropriate during pre-job start up meetings and/or at the request of the Contract orField Contract Administrator. For the purposes of this section, tools include all hand tools,power tools and other craft specific tools such as nippers, needle guns, knives etc. Personalpocket knives are not to be used on site.No “Stanley” type utility knife with a lockable or fixed blade is allowed on site without preapprovalfrom the Contract Administrator.1.28 Tool InspectionAll Contractor-furnished portable tools and equipment (including personal protectiveequipment) shall be pre-inspected by qualified Contractor personnel maintained in safe workingorder and are subject to DuPont inspection at any time while on the plant site. DuPont retainsthe right to prohibit, or restrict, the use of tools and equipment determined to be in unsafeworking condition.Tools and equipment found to be defective shall be tagged and removed from site daily and notreturned until all deficiencies are repaired.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 14addition to a Face shields or welding hoods they shall l be the type that attaches directly to thehard-hat.Gloves suitable for the job being performed shall be worn unless the job cannot be performedwhile wearing gloves (manual dexterity), or the wearing of such gloves increases the exposureto an injury, such as getting caught in rotating equipment. The level of glove protection isdetermined by the hazard presented by the task to be performed.Manual material handling tasks minimally require quality knitted cotton or leather generalpurpose gloves. Tasks involving the use of thin gauge sheet metal and similar materials where acutting hazard exists requires the use of cut-resistant gloves. The handling of sharp-edgedmaterials and the use of knives or similar hand cutting tools also requires the use of cut-resistantgloves. Combinations of gloves must be considered for multiple hazards. (Example: Toadequately address a task with exposure to cutting and chemical hazards, a cut resistant liner andan impervious shell for chemical protection would provide maximum hand protection for theperson performing the task.Hearing protection shall be required at all times where noise levels exceed 85 dBA, whereexposure of 85-89 dBA exceeds 8 hrs/day, or where posted by the plant, designated by signs orblue dots or lines on the floor.Other special personal protective equipment (such as chemical suits and disposable coveralls forasbestos abatement) shall be required for specific jobs.The use of Nomex® flame-retardant clothing is required in certain operating areas throughoutthe plant. These areas are designated by appropriate signs and/or Day-Glo green lines painted orapplied to the floors, roadways or stairs within the operating areas.The Contractor will be required to furnish Nomex® clothing or coveralls to its employees ifsuch clothing is required by the work to be performed (such as electrical work where there ispotential for an arc flash) or the location of the work is in a Nomex®-required area of the plant.These items shall be furnished by the contractor and included in the contractor’s price/proposalto perform the specified work.1.24 Respiratory EquipmentPrior to the start of any work that requires the use of ANY respiratory equipment, the Contractorshall furnish to <strong>DuPont</strong> a written Respiratory Protection Program and a list of employeesqualified to use respiratory protection to the <strong>DuPont</strong> Contract Administrator, proof ofcompliance with OSHA section 1926.103 and 1910.134, including the followingdocumentation:Physician's approval for the employee to use respiratory protective equipment.Training records indicating each type of respirator the employee is trained to use.Fit test records for each type of respirator the employee is qualified to use(A fit test may not be performed and any employee that has facial hair that interfereswith the seal of the respirator may not wear a respirator).Respirators used by contractors must be approved by the Respiratory Protection Subcommittee.Additional information is available in <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Safety Procedures 513, RespiratoryProtection.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

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