Washington Works - DuPont

Washington Works - DuPont

Washington Works - DuPont


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Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 1SITE CONDITIONS SC-1(MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, SERVICE TO OPERATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES)DUPONT, WASHINGTON WORKS, PARKERSBURG, WEST VIRGINIAINDEXNOTE: “Page 4 & 5 is a Check Sheet to be Completed & E-Mailed Prior Arrival On-Site”1. SAFETY1.1 General Notes1.2 Criminal Background Checks1.3 Substance Abuse Testing1.4 Fitness for Duty and Fatigue Risk Management System1.5 Safety Requirements1.6 Safety Program1.7 Safety and PSM Orientation1.8 Safety Training1.9 <strong>DuPont</strong> Representative1.10 Pre-Construction Meeting1.11 Safety Meetings1.12 Safety Audits1.13 Site Security1.14 Contractor Sign-Up and Badging1.15 Vehicle Safety1.16 Safety Violations1.17 Medical Assistance and Injury, Illness, Incident Reporting1.18 Blood borne Pathogens1.19 Asbestos & Non-Asbestos Respirable Fibers1.20 Hazard Communication1.21 Ergonomics1.22 Electrical Qualifications- Safety1.23 Personal Protective Equipment1.24 Respiratory Equipment1.25 Barricades1.26 Spray Painting and Application of Coatings1.27 Tool & Knife Usage1.28 Tool Inspection1.29 Ladders1.30 Scaffolds1.31 Fall Prevention1.32 Personnel in Pipe Bridges1.33 Ground Fault Protection1.34 Connections to Power Sources1.35 Working On or Near Energized Electrical Services1.36 LTT/Lock, Tag and Test Procedure 5081.37 Gas Cylinders1.38 Construction Equipment1.39 Rigging Plans1.40 Chain Falls and Mechanical Lifters1.41 Aerial Work PlatformsCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 21.42 Projecting Materials1.43 Access/Egress1.44 Railroad Operations2. PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT2.1 <strong>DuPont</strong> Site Orientations2.2 Worker Training2.3 Craft Skills Assessment Certification2.4 Documentation of Workers Training2.5 Welding Specific Training3. FIRE PROTECTION3.1 Procedures3.2 Smoking3.3 “Strike Anywhere” Matches3.4 Flammable Materials3.5 Fire Extinguishers3.6 Oily Rag Storage3.7 Protective Structures3.8 Burning and Welding Equipment4 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES4.1 Identification4.2 Parking4.3 Site Access4.4 Contractor Vehicles4.5 Contractor Trailer & Construction Shanty’s4.6 Telephone – Cellular Phone4.7 Drinking Water and Sanitary Facilities4.8 Water4.9 Electric Power4.10 Compressed Air4.11 Plant Facilities5 HOUSEKEEPING5.1 Clean -Up5.2 Waste Material ControlCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 36 WORKING CONDITIONS6.1 Personnel Accountability6.2 Visitor Control6.3 Site Security6.4 Off-Hour Access6.5 Prohibited Items6.6 Coordination with Others6.7 Co-Occupancy6.8 Supervision6.9 Competent Person6.10 Tool and Equipment Control6.11 Material Shipment and Storage6.12 Plant Road Closing6.13 Non-English Speaking Contractors6.14 Minimal Age Requirements6.15 Permits7. RECEIPT OF WORK AND INVOICING7.1 Daily Report of Work7.2 Receipt of Work7.3 Invoicing Requirements8 QUALITY8.1 Quality Control8.2 <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Quality Control Procedures Manual9 Respectful Work Environment and Sexual Harassment10 DEFINITIONS10.1 Contract Administrator10.2 Field Contractor Administrator10.3 Field Representative11 Required Submittals before Beginning Work (If Applicable to Scope)12 SITE CONTACTSAppendix AAppendix BMinimally Acceptable Drug and Alcohol TestingCriminal Background Check LetterCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 4Service Contractor Check SheetThe Check List is to assist the Contract Company of important Sections of SC-1 as well as additionalinformation required to be provided to <strong>DuPont</strong> prior arrival on <strong>DuPont</strong> Site. A “XX” has been alreadyplaced in those sections of mandatory requirements. Contract Company is required to place an “X” inSections applicable to your work. Procedures will be provided to Contract Company as needed/requested.Completed Check Sheet must be emailed to:Randall.L.Morris@usa.dupont.com & John.A.Soroka@usa.dupont.comSection Task Description Req’d Task1.2 Criminal Background Check and Drug Testing ---Contractor must submit allemployee names on Supplier letterhead. (see Appendix B)1.4 Fitness for Duty and Fatique Risk Management System ---Contractor shallsubmit company policy and program which addresses these situations.1.5 <strong>DuPont</strong> will furnish Green Books at Complete Site Training. XX1.5 On – Site Safety Professional or Safety Representative Requirement1.6 Submit Written Safety Program to <strong>DuPont</strong> for approval XX1.6 If employing Union Building and Construction Trades workers – requirescompletion of 10 Hr OSHA Safety Training Course or equivalent1.7 Pre-scheduled Contractor Level I training and PSM Training XX1.9 A "<strong>DuPont</strong> Representative" designate will be assigned to Contractor XX1.10 Conduct a Pre-Implementation MeetingXXXXComplete1.11 Attend Weekly Safety Meeting and conduct weekly safety meetings with onsiteemployees (if work will last > 1 week).1.15 Vehicles being brought on site. Vehicles must have identification displayedon both sides of the vehicle1.17 Submit in writing names, address and telephone number of local medicalprovider and after hours facilities, and posted1.20 Hazard Materials MSDS - Any new and/or potentially hazardous or knownhazardous materials being brought onto <strong>DuPont</strong> property1.22 Electrical Work Performed. Electrical safety training (OSHA 1910-Subpart S)required. - “Procedure 560”1.23 Personal protective equipment listed shall be worn and meet the existing ANSIstandards. (i.e. Glasses, Shoes, hard hats )1.23 Contractor will be required to furnish Fire-Retardant Clothing Nomex®XXOther special personal protective equipment.1.24 Respiratory Protection Equipment needed. -- Contractor shall furnish theirRespiratory Protection Program to <strong>DuPont</strong> and a list of employees qualified touse respiratory protection1.25 Barricades being erected - “Procedure 564”Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 5Section Task Description Req’d TaskComplete1.38 Construction Equipment being rented or operated - “Eng Standard – EN-1088””1.39 Crane Use - Crane operator qualification reports to be completed andsubmitted to <strong>DuPont</strong> prior crane work.1.39 Critical Lift -- Rigging preplan to be submitted to <strong>DuPont</strong> for review -acceptance 30 days prior lift.1.41 Performing work from Platform suspended from Crane. Contractor to submitdetails of its proposed aerial work platform and rigging methods.2.4-2.5 If work requires specific work tasks (such as, welding, crane operation,HPWC, NDT, etc ) - certificates of training must be provided.3.4 Flammable Material Safety Cabinets being brought on Site -- Must beapproved3.5 Fire Extinguisher Required3.6 Fire Proof Metal Container for disposal of dirty and oily rags4.5 Bringing Contractor Trailer/Shanties and/or material trailers -“Procedure 561”4.6 PDAs, Electronic devices and Cell phones w/Cameras must be approved XX6.10 Tools – Equipment being brought onto site – Site Property Pass is requiredprior bringing items on site - --“Form S-74”6.11 Construction Material/Parts being shipped directly to <strong>DuPont</strong> Site6.12 Roads needing closing6.13 Personnel must speak, write, read and comprehending the English language orTranslation Plan must be issued/approved by <strong>DuPont</strong>6.15 Work Permits will be required prior work performed - “ Procedure 586” XX6.15 Working on equipment to be locked out -- “ Procedure 508”6.15 Hot Work (Flame ) being performed -- “ Procedure 532”6.15 Hazardous Line Breaks being performed -- “ Procedure 574”6.15 Close Proximity Work - Work being performed within 15’ of overhead powerline, process or service pipe -- “Procedure 575”6.15 Work being performed in vessel, tank, manholes or confined space -“Procedure 530” – Contractor Shall Submit a Cerfication of Training6.15 Excavation work being performed -- “Procedure 541”6.15 X-ray or Laser equipment will be used -- “Procedure 503”8.0 Pre-Fabricating Pipe being brought on site -- MERI required at B104Page 4 and 5 Completed and Returned to <strong>DuPont</strong> by - Signature :DateCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 6SITE CONDITIONS SC-1(MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, SERVICE TO OPERATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES)DUPONT, WASHINGTON WORKS, PARKERSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA1. SAFETY<strong>DuPont</strong> believes that all injuries can be prevented and is dedicated to providing a safe workenvironment for both contractors and <strong>DuPont</strong> employees. It is your responsibility to make safetythe first and highest priority and to complete any and all work without incident or injury. Failureto complete all assigned work safely and without incident is viewed as a failure of any project orwork performed on site. As stated in the Pre-Qualification Form your company submitted (ifrequested), there are certain safety performance requirements that require proactive safety auditsto be performed and submitted to <strong>DuPont</strong>.The contractor maybe required to maintain a current PQF Package with the Site ContractAdministrator. This package includes a Pre-Qualification Form, insurance coveragecertification, and compliance letters for adherence to the <strong>DuPont</strong> Substance Abuse Policy andCriminal Background policies. The contractor is also required to complete a Pre-Qualificationpackage for each of their tier subcontractors. Failure to do so may result in a contractor beingdenied access to the site.1.1 General NotesThe special safety requirements listed herein shall not relieve Contractor from complying withthe Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) or any other regulatory requirements orcontractual agreements, and are only noted to highlight potential problem areas.1.2 Criminal Background ChecksEffective April 1, 2012, all suppliers working on <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Site must be in compliancewith the <strong>DuPont</strong> U.S. Supplier Criminal Background Investigation Requirements available athttp://www2.dupont.com/Supplier_Center/en_US/library/library.htmlThis Site IS a US Security Regulated Site. All criminal background checks must have beenconducted by the Supplier within sixty (60) days of the date the site worker reports to work at a<strong>DuPont</strong> Site.A TWIC card is not accepted as evidence of a criminal background check for <strong>DuPont</strong>, but isNOT required to work on this site.Suppliers must submit on Supplier letterhead the following information:1. Prothonotary's office / County Courthouse search of criminal records for the past seven(7) year period (misdemeanor & felony)2. National Criminal File Search / Multi-State Criminal File Search3. Legal Authorization to work (I-9, E-Verify)4. Social Security Number verification and validation (the SSN is good and belongs to theperson possessing the number)5. Completed ( 7 ) panel Drug Screen with negative result in compliance with <strong>DuPont</strong>PolicyThis letter must be faxed to: (304-863-2814 ) or ( if discrepancies’ is noted, the informationnoted the discrepancy shall be sent to the fax ) 2 days prior to date of service. (Example ofletter can be seen in APPENDIX B)Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 7Suppliers will be audited semi-annually and are expected to maintain records for all site workersassigned to a <strong>DuPont</strong> Site.Information for all subcontractors must be submitted by the prime contractor to ensurecompliance with this provision.1.3 Substance Abuse TestingRefer to Appendix A – Minimal Acceptable Drug and Alcohol Testing.Contractors employing Union Building and Construction Trades employees prior to site entry –site orientation will require to provide documentation of negative drug testing results.Contractor may also be required to have a random drug screening procedure in place for thoseemployees assigned to any or all “critical tasks”. Such tasks are those that, if improperlyperformed, could reasonably contribute to the occurrence of a catastrophic event, or wouldsubstantially impact large numbers of employees, public safety or the environment.Contract employees will be required to complete a drug test upon request for Cause and uponincident occurance.1.4 Fitness for Duty and Fatigue Risk Management SystemContractor must have a fitness for duty policy, which ensures its employees are physically andemotionally capable of performing the work assigned. In addition to reporting all work-relatedinjuries, the contractor must ensure that its employees report non-work related injuries orconditions to their supervision to the extent that they risk aggravating a pre-existing conditionto affect ability to safely perform the work. The contractor must be able to optimize the fitbetween capabilities and demands of the job. Additionally, the contractor should have a“restricted work” policy to minimize risk of injury aggravation.A key element of this system must be a fatigue risk management system that addresses nightshifts, extended hours and/or days (shutdowns) and call outs. The program must comply withAPI 755. Contractors shall manage their work on site in such a way that work shifts do notexceed the recommended guidelines set forth in API 755. It must at a minimum addressmaximum limits of consecutive hours and days worked (overtime), shift rotations andrecuperations periods for normal operations, projects, shutdowns, and emergency situations,including an exception process if maximum limits are exceeded.General awareness training on causes, identification, prevention steps, and responsibilitiesshould be conducted for applicable employees.1.5 Safety RequirementsContractor's work shall be performed in accordance with the instructions set forth in the SiteConditions, Site Safety Procedures, <strong>DuPont</strong>'s Contractor "Safety Handbook" (Green Book),G770. Contractor shall comply with the safety program in effect at the plant site. <strong>DuPont</strong> willfurnish Green Books to all Contractor employees as they complete site orientation training.The use of Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s), pagers, Cell phones, and similar electronicequipment that is not labeled by the original manufacturer as intrinsically safe and/or approvedfor use in electrically classified areas or hazardous environments is not permitted in areas signedCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 8as electrically classified or designated as such by bright green lines on the floor, pavement,doors, access ways or on the equipment itself.Contractors which employ 25 or more employees on the site are required to have a full timesafety professional on site at all times. The full time safety professional must be approved by<strong>DuPont</strong> management. Contractors having 5 or more employees are required to have a safetyrepresentative. Safety professional and safety representative must attend 1 meeting a week andrepresent their company for all safety issues. All Sub-Contractors of Prime Contractor will berequired to meet the same criteria as the primary contractor and are part of the primecontractor’s headcount.1.6 Safety ProgramBefore starting any onsite work, Contractor shall submit, for <strong>DuPont</strong>'s review and acceptance,its written safety program that all of the Contractor’s employees and all sub-contractors'employees must follow while on the job site. Minimum acceptable program shall meet OSHArequirements. Sub-contractors must meet all of the same requirements as the prime contractorand the prime is responsible for compliance of the sub.Contractors employing Union Building and Construction Trades workers will be required tosubmit documentation that their incumbent and prospective employees have successfullycompleted the 10 hour OSHA Safety Training Course or its equivalent prior to the employeesreporting for work.1.7 Safety and PSM OrientationEach new contract employee shall attend safety orientation conducted by <strong>DuPont</strong>, beforebeginning work on the site. The cost of Safety and or PSM (Process Safety Management)orientation training shall be included in contractor’s price to perform the work. The orientationremains in effect indefinitely for those contract employees who work at the site continuously,assigned to a specific business and receive Contractor TLM training. Other non-full (32+hours/week contractors shall be required to have an annual frequency refresher of the SHEAtraining orientation. Contract employees that have not been site for 6 months are required toattend a 20 minute Site Safety OrientationContractor training must be prescheduled by contacting Contract Administration at 304-863-2211. Orientation training is offered daily, Monday through Friday at 8:00am. It isrecommended that employees needing to attend this orientation show up no later than 7:45am toallow time for completion of required paperwork prior to the start of the 8:00 am class.Contractor should allow two hours per employee for Safety orientation and PSM training.Unless prescheduled, anyone arriving after the class has started will not be permitted onsite towork that day and will have to return the following working day for this orientation.Normal site working hours are from Monday thru Friday 7:00 am–3:30 pm. Site plant holidaysare not normally worked and must be pre-approved from site Contract Administration.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 91.8 Safety TrainingContractor’s on-site supervisor shall ensure that all required safety training is completed beforepersonnel start work and continues throughout all phases of the work. Contractor shall informeach employee of his/her responsibility to work safely and prevent occupational injury.1.9 <strong>DuPont</strong> Representative<strong>DuPont</strong> shall designate "<strong>DuPont</strong> Representatives" through whom all work questions orinterpretations must be cleared.1.10 Pre-Construction MeetingThis meeting will be held between the Contractor representatives and the <strong>DuPont</strong>representatives as soon as possible after award of Contract to ensure all parties are aware of jobsafety plans and requirements. Contractor shall be represented by the on-site job superintendentand Quality Assurance Representative who attended meetings held before award (pre-bid, preaward,etc.).<strong>DuPont</strong> reserves the right to waive this meeting if such meeting is not warranted.1.11 Safety MeetingsContractor shall hold a 10-15 minute safety meeting for its personnel at the beginning of theshift each Monday. Meeting attendance shall be documented and furnished to <strong>DuPont</strong>.Contractor’s on-site supervisor shall attend a weekly safety meeting held every Thursday in theBuilding 13 Orientation Room. This meeting is conducted by random safety professionals todiscuss general safety issues and concerns and the gang box safety topic for the following week.Allow one hour per week for this meeting.1.12 Safety AuditsContractor's job supervisor shall conduct multiple weekly audits of their personnel andcommunicate results to the CA. Also, they will participate with <strong>DuPont</strong>'s SafetyRepresentative/CA/FCA in a weekly field safety audit of all Contractors’ work areas.1.13 Site SecurityProper identification shall be provided before site entry is permitted. Vehicular traffic shall bekept to a minimum and all contractors, visitors and vehicles are subject to search.Only the driver of the vehicle can enter the guard gate, all contractors must use turnstiles uponentering and leaving the site1.14 Contractor Sign-Up and BadgingContractor personnel will be required to participate in <strong>DuPont</strong>'s sign-up and badging procedureat the site. Contractor employees will be issued electronic "CONTRACTOR" badgesBadges will remain in the possession of the employee if one of one of the following conditionsare meet.a. Contractor employee is on site (~32 hours) per weekb. Core group of Contractor as designated and approved by Contract Administrator.c. Special case as approved by Contractor Administrator.All Contractor Badges will remain at Building 13 Contract Administration. Badges are to beCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 10picked up at Building 13 and dropped off in Badge Drop Box at Building 13 or ConstructionGate.Contractor will be responsible for the care and return of the electronic badges and willreimburse <strong>DuPont</strong> for any badges that are lost or not returned prior to the close of the contract.1.15 Vehicle SafetyContractor’s vehicles must have identification displayed on both sides of the vehicle. Theidentification must display the Contractor’s business name. Vehicles not displaying thisidentification will not be permitted to enter the site.Except for material delivery, only one Contractor-owned vehicle, used only by supervisorypersonnel, will be permitted on the plant site. Exceptions to this requirement must be approvedby the Contract Administrator.All motor vehicles as described in OSHA 1926.601 and all material handling equipment asdescribed in OSHA 1926.602, will upon arrival at the site and before going into service arerequired to be equipped with seat belts.Automotive vehicle operators shall obey all traffic regulations and traffic signs while operatinga powered vehicle on plant property. Plant speed limit of 15 mph must be observed. Seat beltsmust be worn by all personnel while operating any vehicle on <strong>DuPont</strong> property.Personnel are not permitted to ride in the back of a pickup truck.Cell phones are NOT to be used by the driver, while any vehicle is in motion. Any contractoremployee found to be driving without a seatbelt or talking on a cellular phone while driving maybe removed from the site. There will not be any exceptions.Bicycles are not permitted on site.1.16 Safety ViolationsIn the event of OSHA violations or unsafe practices involving imminent danger to <strong>DuPont</strong> orContractor personnel, immediate action shall be taken to stop work and correct the hazardoussituation. If violations continue or corrective actions are not taken, <strong>DuPont</strong>'s option ofterminating the contract in accordance with the Termination Article of the General Conditionswill be considered.Employees who repeatedly violate safety requirements will be denied access to the job site.Specific activities which are prohibited on the Plant include: running, except in emergencysituations; throwing materials; horseplay, any form of harassment, or fighting.1.17 Medical Assistance and Injury, Illness, Incident ReportingContractor shall immediately notify the Contractor Supervisor, Area were incident occurred anddesignated Contract Administrator and report injury or potentially serious hazard to itspersonnel on the site.All contractor employee injuries must be promptly reported to site Medical, Monday throughFriday from 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. After hours call extension 304-863-4200 to page the SiteCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 11Services Supervisor (SSS) or the Site/Medical Team Group.a. Medical will assess the injury and provide a recommendation or referral to the injuredcontractor and their supervision. Then it is up to the employee supervision to follow up ona course of action for the injured employee based on their company’s policy and siterequirements.b. During after hours, the SSS Team Group will access the injury, and if necessary contactmedical personal to discuss natural of injury, condition of employee state to make adetermination / recommendation with contractor management of:i. Immediate off-site Treatment facility of Contractor’s company’s choice.ii. Bring in medical team to treat injury.iii. Provide basic medical attention to insure employee is comfortable until the whenmedical team arrives on normal day hours.Contractors before beginning work on site, must submit, in writing, the names, addresses, andtelephone numbers of their local medical provider and after hours facilities (to be used formedical treatment of injuries of greater magnitude than provided medical). This list must beposted in a conspicuous location on the job site.<strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> site Medical will provide first aid up to contractors to and including Suturesand Tetnis Shot. Contractor must submit in writing if accepting this treatment for theiremployeesEach injury or incident shall be jointly investigated by Contractor’s site supervisor and <strong>DuPont</strong>'srepresentative. Contractor shall submit a detailed report to <strong>DuPont</strong> within 24 hours of the injuryor incident.1.18 Blood borne PathogensInjuries may involve blood and body fluids of the injured person. It is important to isolateyourself from the potential of Hepatitis and HIV infections when someone has been injured.Gloves, facemasks, goggles, isolating respirators and Biohazard Bags are to be provided by theContractor and be on the job site. Only those employees who have been given Blood bornePathogens awareness training should assist an injured employee where there is the potential tocome into contact with blood or other bodily fluids.Any employee who may be assisting an injured employee must use the gloves, facemask,goggles, and respirators. All materials, including clothing, are to be disposed of in a Biohazardbag. The Contractor should determine if any of those assisting the injured individual may havebeen exposed to Blood borne Pathogens and coordinate taking blood tests. Please understandthat this is for personal protection and Contractors are responsible for having their ownpersonnel capable of providing necessary first aid.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 121.19 Asbestos & Non-Asbestos Respirable FibersAsbestos containing materials may be found on or in the following piping and equipment.Piping flange gasketsPiping insulationTank/vessel insulationFloor tileThe site procedure for the management and removal of asbestos is <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Safety &Health Procedure 590. If the material in question cannot be identified the material shall beconsidered to be asbestos. Only properly trained and qualified persons shall remove thematerial. It must be recognized asbestos containing material may be encountered in other areasor equipment. It is the responsibility of the contractor and its employees to notify a <strong>DuPont</strong>representative if suspect material is encountered. Do not attempt to remove the material.All installation and removal operations that involve materials containing any non-asbestosrespirable fibers (NARF) such as Fiberglas wool, mineral wool, para-aramid pulp or staple,carbon fibers and most synthetic organic fibers, must be performed with the following siteProcedure 590.1.20 Hazard CommunicationContractor shall obtain <strong>DuPont</strong>'s approval before introducing any new and/or potentiallyhazardous or known hazardous materials onto <strong>DuPont</strong> property. Contractor shall submit anelectronic copy of all Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS’s) to the <strong>DuPont</strong> ContractorEnvironmental Coordinator. The coordinator may be contacted at 304-863-4463. Suchmaterials shall be properly labeled and strictly controlled. Storage and use shall be inaccordance with the storage and use information contained in the MSDS’s for all materials usedby the contractor in the performance of its scope of work.Contractor and all tier subcontractors shall comply with OSHA Hazard CommunicationStandard 1910.1200 and all applicable state and local hazard communication requirements,which includes:Developing and implementing a written hazard communication program for the work. Acopy of the program is to be supplied to <strong>DuPont</strong> prior to the start of any on-site work.The training employees in handling all hazardous materials.Maintaining a list of all hazardous materials present in the workplace that is readilyaccessible to all employees. Material Safety Data Sheets must be on file for each materialbrought on site.Providing <strong>DuPont</strong> with the quantity and location of each hazardous material brought on site.Providing copies of the list of hazardous materials and the Material Safety Data Sheets toFederal, State and local officials as required.<strong>DuPont</strong> will notify Contractor of hazards due to <strong>DuPont</strong> operations1.21 ErgonomicsThe goal of ergonomics is to fit individual jobs to the capabilities of the person, rather thanmake the person fit the job. The contractor shall comply with the general philosophy thatCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 13ergonomically related injuries and illnesses are preventable by employing sound ergonomiccontrol measures. As a minimum, the contractor shall use proper mechanical tools (such ashoists, forklifts and other pieces of equipment) for material handling tasks. Where manualmaterial handling is performed, the contractor shall enforce a fifty (55) pound maximum manuallift limit under optimal conditions (load is close to body). A single person shall not lift objectsweighing more than 55 pounds. Contractor shall provide material handling equipment oradditional personnel to handle objects weighing more than 80 pounds.1.22 Electrical Qualifications - SafetyThe electrical contractor’s home office and job supervisors shall also insure that any and allelectrical safety training (OSHA 1910-Subpart S) is carried out before personnel start work atthe site. The contractor shall also ensure that only qualified and certified personnel performparticular tasks associated with particular equipment. The contractor shall be responsible tofurnish documentation and training records to <strong>DuPont</strong>. Personnel training records shall besubmitted and approved by <strong>DuPont</strong> prior to beginning work. <strong>DuPont</strong> will reserve the right toaccept or reject the contractor’s training procedures or training records established for theelectrical training. Employees sent to the site without the required training will be denied accessto the site.Electrical safe work practice procedures include <strong>DuPont</strong> Corporate Safety, Health andEnvironmental (SHE) Standard S31G, Electrical Safety Management and the <strong>Washington</strong><strong>Works</strong> Safety & Health Procedure 560, <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Electrical Safe Practices.Specific voltage testing equipment approved for use at <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> is included inProcedure 560. (Supplied as required during pre-job meeting).1.23 Personal Protective EquipmentThe wearing of contact lenses is permitted on site, per <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Safety & HealthPolicy #3 (Copy supplied upon request).Contractor’s personnel shall wear hard hats meeting or exceeding ANSI Z89.2, industrial qualitysafety glasses with rigid side shields meeting or exceeding ANSI Z87.1 and industrial qualitysafety toed footwear, meeting or exceeding ANSI Z41 while on <strong>DuPont</strong> property.Note: All personal protective equipment listed shall meet the existing ANSI standards.Exception: Due to poor performance, Starlite GS brand safety glasses are not permitted on site.Exception: Approved safety or Sunglasses are NOT approved to be worn indoors.All Contractor employees maybe requested to have on their hard hats a company insigniashowing the Contractor they are working for. This insignia shall be different from others in usein the plant. Contractor employees maybe requested to have their legal names clearly displayedon the hard hat for identification.Impact and chemical resistant monogoggles, conforming to or exceeding ANSI Standard Z87.1,may be worn over prescription glasses only on an interim basis, not exceeding two weeks , untilpersonnel are furnished safety glasses as specified above. Monogoggles shall not be used as anongoing substitute for safety glasses.Face-shields are required when using grinders, abrasive cut-off wheels, chipping or in situationwhere extra protection for the face and neck are required. When a hard hat is required inCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 14addition to a Face shields or welding hoods they shall l be the type that attaches directly to thehard-hat.Gloves suitable for the job being performed shall be worn unless the job cannot be performedwhile wearing gloves (manual dexterity), or the wearing of such gloves increases the exposureto an injury, such as getting caught in rotating equipment. The level of glove protection isdetermined by the hazard presented by the task to be performed.Manual material handling tasks minimally require quality knitted cotton or leather generalpurpose gloves. Tasks involving the use of thin gauge sheet metal and similar materials where acutting hazard exists requires the use of cut-resistant gloves. The handling of sharp-edgedmaterials and the use of knives or similar hand cutting tools also requires the use of cut-resistantgloves. Combinations of gloves must be considered for multiple hazards. (Example: Toadequately address a task with exposure to cutting and chemical hazards, a cut resistant liner andan impervious shell for chemical protection would provide maximum hand protection for theperson performing the task.Hearing protection shall be required at all times where noise levels exceed 85 dBA, whereexposure of 85-89 dBA exceeds 8 hrs/day, or where posted by the plant, designated by signs orblue dots or lines on the floor.Other special personal protective equipment (such as chemical suits and disposable coveralls forasbestos abatement) shall be required for specific jobs.The use of Nomex® flame-retardant clothing is required in certain operating areas throughoutthe plant. These areas are designated by appropriate signs and/or Day-Glo green lines painted orapplied to the floors, roadways or stairs within the operating areas.The Contractor will be required to furnish Nomex® clothing or coveralls to its employees ifsuch clothing is required by the work to be performed (such as electrical work where there ispotential for an arc flash) or the location of the work is in a Nomex®-required area of the plant.These items shall be furnished by the contractor and included in the contractor’s price/proposalto perform the specified work.1.24 Respiratory EquipmentPrior to the start of any work that requires the use of ANY respiratory equipment, the Contractorshall furnish to <strong>DuPont</strong> a written Respiratory Protection Program and a list of employeesqualified to use respiratory protection to the <strong>DuPont</strong> Contract Administrator, proof ofcompliance with OSHA section 1926.103 and 1910.134, including the followingdocumentation:Physician's approval for the employee to use respiratory protective equipment.Training records indicating each type of respirator the employee is trained to use.Fit test records for each type of respirator the employee is qualified to use(A fit test may not be performed and any employee that has facial hair that interfereswith the seal of the respirator may not wear a respirator).Respirators used by contractors must be approved by the Respiratory Protection Subcommittee.Additional information is available in <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Safety Procedures 513, RespiratoryProtection.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 15Where Contractor is required to furnish breathing air, nothing less than Grade D breathing airwill be accepted. In addition, a Certificate of Analysis (COA) must be furnished with each unitof breathing air brought on site. Breathing air quality shall be verified with a L.E.L/O2 meterprior to use by the Contractor that will be using the breathing air. The air shall be checkedweekly for oxygen, carbon monoxide content, carbon dioxide content, and odor. Once every 3months, compressor generated air shall be analyzed for Hydrocarbons A tag showing the airinspection and status shall be attached to each unit of breathing air once the contractor hasshown proof of Grade “D” air quality to the permitting Contract Administrator.1.25 BarricadesContractor shall furnish, erect, maintain, and dismantle all barricades required for its work inaccordance with the <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Safety Procedures 564, Barricading Procedure(Supplied as required during pre-job meeting).When using tape for barricades (yellow/black or red/black) the tape shall be wovenpolypropylene ribbon. Plastic barricade tape is not acceptable for use on this site. The site willprovide all barricade tape and tags.1.26 Spray Painting and Application of CoatingsDuring spray painting operations where a hazardous warning is posted on the paint can label andcontrols are inadequate to prevent harmful exposure to employees, the Contractor will provide,and require its employees to use, respirators approved for spray painting operations. Therespirators provided will comply with OSHA 1910.134.If the application of coatings presents potential fire/explosion hazards, the contractor will beresponsible for supplying ventilation adequate to maintain air quality of less than 10% of thelower flammable limit of the mixture. Vapors must also be controlled to limit potentialexposures to other personnel that may be working in the area.1.27 Tool & Knife UsageEach contractor shall have procedures and documentation of employee training for all tools usedby each craft during the routine performance of their work. This procedure must be reviewed by<strong>DuPont</strong> as appropriate during pre-job start up meetings and/or at the request of the Contract orField Contract Administrator. For the purposes of this section, tools include all hand tools,power tools and other craft specific tools such as nippers, needle guns, knives etc. Personalpocket knives are not to be used on site.No “Stanley” type utility knife with a lockable or fixed blade is allowed on site without preapprovalfrom the Contract Administrator.1.28 Tool InspectionAll Contractor-furnished portable tools and equipment (including personal protectiveequipment) shall be pre-inspected by qualified Contractor personnel maintained in safe workingorder and are subject to <strong>DuPont</strong> inspection at any time while on the plant site. <strong>DuPont</strong> retainsthe right to prohibit, or restrict, the use of tools and equipment determined to be in unsafeworking condition.Tools and equipment found to be defective shall be tagged and removed from site daily and notreturned until all deficiencies are repaired.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 161.29 LaddersOnly ANSI Type IA (300-lb. rating) Fiberglass ladders and stepladders will be allowed on site.Wooden and Metal ladders are prohibited. Additional information can be found in <strong>DuPont</strong><strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&H Procedure 525.1.30 ScaffoldsAll scaffolds built must be designed and planned by a competent person. All scaffolds shall bebuilt by a trained crew under the supervision of a competent person. All scaffolds must beinspected by a competent person prior to each shift. Scaffolding shall be meet requirements inaccordance with OSHA 1910.28. Additional information can be found in <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong>Safety Procedures 583Any scaffold built in close proximity to any electrical line requires a permit (<strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong>Safety Procedures 575). This permit requires a plan and this plan must be reviewed prior toerection beginning.Upon request Contractors shall submit their scaffold training program and a list of competentand qualified personnel that will work on site.1.31 Fall PreventionProtection is required to prevent personnel or material from falling through floor openings,wall openings, or from roof edges, stairways, elevator shafts, etc. The protection shall complywith the requirements of the “Contractors Safety Handbook” (Green Book (G-770) and<strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Safety & Health Procedure 584 (Supplied as required during pre-jobmeeting).Before starting any elevated work involving steel erection, decking or siding installation,roofing, cable tray work or demolition work, Contractor shall submit a fall prevention plan for<strong>DuPont</strong>'s review and acceptance. Other elevated work will require detailed fall preventionplans as deemed necessary by the designated <strong>DuPont</strong> field representative.As a minimum, the plan must include:A list of all anticipated tasks to be performed at elevated locations.The proposed method(s) of fall protection for each task, using, in order of preference:o Elimination of fall hazards (through engineered means)o Prevention of falls (by changing work procedures or the work environment)o Control of falls (through the use of fall arrest equipment)In all instances where contractor will be installing grating, decking or for any roofing work,the contractor shall provide a workable fall protection system (horizontal lifelines, retractablelifelines, nets, etc.) so that employees may be tied off at all times. Grating must be secured asthe job proceeds to prevent employees from dislodging a grating section while working fromit.1.32 Personnel in Pipe BridgesContractor shall provide means of access and egress adjacent to the work area for personnelworking in pipe bridges. Walking, crawling, sitting or working from pipe or cable trays is notpermitted without prior authorization and completion of Procedure 561, “Non-routine SafetyPlan & Safety Procedure,” provided upon request.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 171.33 Ground Fault ProtectionContractor shall provide ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection for all cord sets,receptacles, electrical tools and equipment connected by cord and plug which are used oravailable for use by its employees. All GFCI receptacles shall be placed at the source end of theelectrical service.The Contractor shall use UL- approved electrical equipment in accordance with the NationalElectric Code and OSHA.1.34 Connections to Power SourcesElectrical conductors shall not be connected to a power source until all field installation workassociated with the equipment, device, or apparatus has been completed. <strong>DuPont</strong> personnel shallenergize electrical equipment, devices or apparatus.1.35 Work On or Near Energized Electrical ServicesContractor shall comply with the site's safety procedures when working on or near energizedelectrical services. Close proximity work is not allowed without specific approval of <strong>DuPont</strong>.Hot work requires a specific job procedure and approval by <strong>DuPont</strong>. Hot work is defined asworking directly in contact with exposed, energized, electrical conductors. Close Proximitywork is defined as any work that has the potential for hands or tools to come in contact withexposed energized electrical conductors.1.36 LTT/ Lock, Tag and Try Procedure 508Contractor shall follow the site's lock, danger, tag, and try Procedure 508 before starting workon existing process or electrical systems and new systems which have been commissioned.Contract employees doing work that falls under the scope of Procedure 508 will receive the sitespecific requirements of this safety procedure in the general safety orientation. It is theContractor’s responsibility to provide initial and refresher training on the Contractor’s specificlockout procedure. Refresher training must be conducted on an annual basis. (Supplied asrequired during pre-job meeting)1.37 Gas CylindersCompressed gas cylinders shall be properly secured on two-wheel hand trucks designed for thisuse and brought into buildings only as needed and removed as soon as work is completed ortanks are emptied. Unless individual cylinders are equipped with regulating devices, they shallhave the safety cap secured in place when not in use.Combination hose line check-valve -flame-arrester units shall be installed between the hose andthe torch in both the fuel and the oxygen lines. Always utilize friction lighters when lightingtorches. A fire extinguisher must be located in the immediate work area whenever using anoxy-fuel rig.1.38 Construction EquipmentContractor and all tier subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of the <strong>DuPont</strong>Engineering Standard EN-1088, Entitled Major Equipment-Lump Sum & Rental, Operations,Control and Inspections. Contractor may obtain the forms required by EN-1088 from theContract Administrator.No D/C electrical current- producing receptacles on equipment shall be permitted on site.Equipment supplying electrical power to existing D/C electrical current receptacles on theequipment shall be disconnected or the receptacles covered and/or rendered inoperable. AllCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 18equipment containing A/C electrical current receptacles shall only be operated using a groundfault circuit interrupter (GFCI) at the receptacle. All portable welder lugs require protectiveboots.Cranes, forklifts, trucks, and similar construction equipment shall not be left unattended unlessshutdown and secured to prevent accidental or unintentional movement.Vehicles being loaded, unloaded, or being entered by other mobile equipment must have wheelschocked. In addition all mobile equipment not equipped with a parking brake must be chokedwhile parked. Contractor will supply chocks.Truck-mounted, hydraulic, telescoping boom cranes shall not be moved unless the boom is fullyretracted and lowered into the boom cradle, if provided, and the hook is secured in a tie-downlug at some point on the truck bed.Modifications shall not be made to lifting equipment without the manufacturer's writtenpermission. Each custom-designed lifting accessory (e.g., grabs, hooks, clamps, etc) shall bemarked to indicate the safe working load and shall be tested, prior to use, to 125 percent of theirrated load. [Reference OSHA Section 1926.251(a)(4)]Rigging from the buckets or booms of back-hoes, front end loaders, bulldozers, etc., to lay pipe,erect steel, pick and carry, etc., will not be permitted unless a properly installed and tested liftingeye or lug has been attached to the bucket or boom by the manufacturer, and lifting capacitiesand configurations are specified in the manufacturer's operating manual.All vehicles or construction equipment having the view to the rear obstructed shall be equippedwith audible backup alarms. As a minimum, the sounding of the vehicle’s horn is requiredwhen backing any vehicle on site.1.39 Rigging PlansContractor shall submit details of its proposed aerial work platform and rigging method for<strong>DuPont</strong>’s approval before conducting any work from a platform suspended from a crane.Included in the details must be clear justification for using a crane-suspended work platformrather than another method (e.g., scaffolds, aerial lifts etc). Anti-two-block devices are requiredwhen using a hydraulic crane. A set-up and dry run demonstration must be performed andwitnessed by the construction engineer prior to being used. Refer to section B-3.1 of the FC&SSafety Manual (Supplied as required during pre-job meeting).Contractor shall comply with the following requirements for aerial work platforms, manlifts, orbucket trucks.Operator shall be trained at Contractor’s expense.No more than two people will be permitted on the aerial work platform at any onetime.Personnel shall use Full Body Harness with the lanyard secured to the work platformor boom.Personnel shall perform their work while standing on the platform floor. Standing onthe top rail, mid rail, or toe board will not be permitted.Before equipment can travel, the boom must be fully retracted and lowered to thehorizontal position.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 19Rigging from the platform or boom will not be permitted.Climbing out of the aerial work platform to another elevated work location will not bepermitted.No one shall be permitted to operate a lifting device (material or personnel) unless they havebeen properly trained on the specific piece of equipment being utilized to perform the work.Documentation of this training shall be furnished to <strong>DuPont</strong> before the operation of theequipment on <strong>DuPont</strong> property. The manufacturer’s operating instructions shall accompanyand/or be affixed to the device.Crane operator qualification reports must be completed and signed by Contractor managementand furnished to <strong>DuPont</strong> prior to any work utilizing a crane. This includes any crane work to bedone by their subcontractors. <strong>DuPont</strong> corporate Engineering Standard PH84 will be suppliedas required during pre-job meeting.Contractor shall submit a rigging preplan to <strong>DuPont</strong> for review and acceptance 15 days prior toany “critical” lift, as specified in <strong>DuPont</strong> Safety Standard PH84. A critical lift is defined whenany one of the following conditions exists:The load exceeds 75% of the crane capacity as the crane is configured to perform the lift.Lifts involving more than one crane to handle a common load.The crane or lifting device is used in an application that deviates from the manufacturer'srecommendations including, but not limited to:o Boom configuration not per boom make-up charto Moving a crane with longer boom than recommendedo Exceeding capacities or restrictions shown restrictions shown on the load charto Electrical panel boards are being lifted.The rigging preplan shall include:Manufacturer, model, and capacity of the crane(s)Capacity charts (see above)Working radiusBoom lengthWeight of load including riggingHow the weight was determinedNumber of parts of line to be usedSize and capacity of rigging hardware (slings, shackles, etc.)If requested by <strong>DuPont</strong>, Contractor shall submit a rigging preplan (as outlined above) no laterthan 7 calendar days before each non-critical lift is scheduled to be made.Structural steel members or other loads that are similar in configuration that are being lifted by asingle choker shall be double-wrapped to insure that the material will not slide out of therigging.1.40 Chain Falls and Mechanical LiftersContractor shall perform rigging work in accordance with instruction set forth in <strong>DuPont</strong>’s“Hand Rigging Book” (Orange Book), EN3964. This rigging handbook applies to the use ofchain falls, come-a-longs, lug-alls and similar mechanical lifting devices. (This handbook willCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 20be supplied to all contractor personnel involved in the rigging and lifting of any material orequipment on <strong>DuPont</strong> property)Lifting devices shall be inspected by a qualified inspector and shall be used as intended by themanufacturer. No modifications may be made to any lifting or rigging equipment withoutwritten approval from the original equipment manufacturer of the lifting equipment.1.41 Aerial Work PlatformsContractor shall comply with the following requirements for aerial work platforms, manlifts, or bucket trucks:Operator shall be trained at Contractor's expense.Occupancy by more than two people is not permitted.Personnel shall use full-body harnesses with the lanyard secured to the platform(see <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&H Procedure 594 for clarity on tie off points andwhen fall protection not required)A ground attendant trained in the operation of the aerial platform shall be inattendance whenever the platform is in use. A ground attendant is not required fortravel to and from the job site.Personnel shall perform their work while standing on the platform floor. Standingon the top rail, midrail, or toe board is not permitted.Before equipment travel, the boom must be fully retracted and lowered to thehorizontal position.Rigging or lifting material from the platform or boom is not permitted.Climbing out of the platform to an elevated work location is not permitted.The platform shall not be used to lift or lower material.The work basket gate must remain closed while in use.Additional information is available in <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&H Procedure 594.1.42 Projecting MaterialsReinforcing steel or similar material projecting above horizontal surfaces shall be capped orotherwise protected with an OSHA device or otherwise protected to prevent the possibility ofimpaling personnel.1.43 Access/EgressAccess to exit doors, electric or elevator panels and fire hydrants and fire extinguishers or otheremergency equipment must not be blocked at any time.Passageways that are the only means of access and egress within a structure must not be blockedat any time.1.44 Railroad OperationsThe contractor shall not interfere with the normal operation of the plant rail system. Personneland equipment shall not work or be operated within eight (8) feet six (6) inches of the railcenterline without the consent of the Owner. Work on or within eight (8) feet six (6) inches ofthe centerline requires that all potential affected individuals lock out the track at a pointdesignated by the Field Contract Administrator.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 212 PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENTContractor shall comply with OSHA 1910.119 and OSHA 1910, subpart S. for work performedon or within Highly Hazardous Processes (HHP), and on PSM Critical equipment.2.1 <strong>DuPont</strong> Site OrientationsAll Contractor employees required to perform work in any of the operating areas may berequired to attend a Process Safety Management (PSM) training class for that specific area orareas prior to being permitted to performing any work in these areas. This is in accordance with<strong>DuPont</strong> Engineering Standard S21A, Process Safety Management.The Contract Administrator will ask the <strong>DuPont</strong> representative if any process safetymanagement training will be required prior to starting work in the area.Contractor should allow for one hour per person for this training and should include cost of thistraining in the contractor’s proposed cost for the work to be performed.2.2 Worker TrainingContractors are required to implement a worker training and orientation program that ensureemployees receive and understand site safety rules, the site emergency response plan, knownpotential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards related to his/her job and the process.Contractors performing electrical work shall be trained and deemed to be in compliance of thepractices addressed in OSHA 1910.332 Subpart S training standard. Contract employees shallreceive training and be qualified to recognize and manage the electrical hazards that they maybe exposed to in their jobs. The training shall include the use of electrical PPE and of electricalsafety procedures and practices and shall be documented and available for <strong>DuPont</strong>’s review.Contractors whose employees occupation is categorized as facing a higher than normal risk ofelectrical accident per OSHA Subpart S 1910.332 Table S-4 are required to be trained in andbecome familiar with any electrically related work practices that pertain to their respective jobassignments and are necessary for their safety. Workers in this group includes, but is not limitedto electricians, industrial machine operators, material handling equipment operators, mechanics,painters, riggers and welders.The Contractor shall maintain records of all training and orientation along with the appropriatelevel of testing to ensure understanding of the material presented.2.3 Craft Skill Assessment CertificationWorker Training and Orientation Craft Skill assessment applies to any craft(s) persons involvedin the construction and maintenance of equipment and systems must be trained for work inHighly Hazardous Processes, and PSM-Critical equipment. The contractor must have his/heremployees trained, tested and the training results must be documented as to craft skill(s) andlevel of competency.Union craftsperson must adhere to the OSHA requirements regarding training, testing, anddocumentation requirements per their Department of Labor programs.2.4 Documentation of Workers TrainingContractors maybe required submitting recorded evidence of completion of skill qualificationtraining for workers being provided under this contract. This can take the form of a summaryCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 22record signed by a responsible agent of your company. “Examples” of specific work tasks arelisted below, but are not limited to:Welding, Confined Space Entry, Crane Operation, HPWC, NDT(See Section 11 for additional work tasks)Current welder and crane operator certification, with proof of identification, is required for thespecific piece of equipment being used. Proof of a current annual physical for crane operatorsshall also be provided.2.5 Welding Specific TrainingAll users of oxy-fuel burning equipment shall be trained in safe operating techniques and theelectrical hazards of welding. Proof of training must be provided prior to the start of the work.3 FIRE PROTECTION3.1 ProceduresContractor shall observe the <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> fume release, fire, and disaster responseprocedures. The contractor’s job supervisor will be given a copy of and be oriented by thedesignated <strong>DuPont</strong> representative on the proper response to all fire and fume alarms as well asplant evacuation procedures in the event of an onsite disaster or other significant emergency event.The contractor’s on-site supervisor shall ensure that all of the contractors’ employees arethoroughly familiar with those procedures. Contractor will be reimbursed on a time-and-materialbasis for lost time resulting from evacuations due to fume release and fire or disaster drills.3.2 SmokingSmoking will be permitted only in areas designated by <strong>DuPont</strong>. All smoking materials shall becarried in plastic bags or containers while performing work in the Teflon® production areas at<strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> and the employees must thoroughly wash their hands before handling anysmoking products.Smoking by a Contractor employee in any no designated area shall be considered cause to requirethe Contractor to remove that employee from the plant site immediately.3.3 “Strike Anywhere” Matches“Strike Anywhere” matches are not permitted on the Plant.3.4 Flammable MaterialsStorage and use of flammable materials will be subject to the approval of <strong>DuPont</strong>. Safety cabinetsand cans shall be used for storage and dispensing flammable liquids and must have prior approvalof <strong>DuPont</strong>. Gasoline powered tools or equipment are not permitted to be stored or operated insidebuildings without prior approval.Flammable liquids (including gasoline, diesel, etc.) in quantities greater than five (5) gallons shallbe stored and transported in Department of Transportation (DOT) approved containers. Properidentifying placards shall be displayed on these containers.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 233.5 Fire ExtinguishersContractor shall furnish a sufficient number of the proper type of fire extinguishers to protect itswork area and extinguish any fire that may result in the performance of its work.3.6 Oily Rag StorageDirty and oily used rags shall be kept in fireproof metal containers with self closing lids. Contactthe Contractor Environmental Coordinator at 304-863-4463 for instructions on disposal.3.7 Protective StructuresAny plastic, tarpaulin, or other material used to construct a hut, tent, or similar protective structureshall be flame retardant.3.8 Burning and Welding EquipmentThe use of acetylene will not be permitted on this site due to its highly explosive characteristics.In lieu of acetylene, the use of MAPP, propylene, propane or natural gas is acceptable. Allcylinders must be capped when not in use and secured at all times.All oxy-fuel burning and welding units shall be equipped with combination flashback arrestorsand check valves between the torch AND on the hoses at the regulator.All users of oxy-fuel burning and welding equipment shall be trained in safe operating techniques.One portable fire extinguisher having a rating of not less than 2-A:20-B:C shall be kept at eachlocation where welding or cutting is to be performed.4 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES4.1 Identification (if applicable)Contractor shall post a sign of a size and character consistent with the size, nature and duration ofthe contract, identifying its site headquarters, which may be an office, trailer, toolbox, or storagearea.4.2 ParkingContractor’s employees shall park in the designated construction parking area only. First timeviolators will be towed at the contractor employee’s expense; Second time violators will be towedat the contractor’s expense.4.3 Site AccessNormal site working hours are 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Entry and exit atall times shall be through the designated gate.Contractor employees shall be confined to a specific work area. Designated routes will beestablished for access to the work area and for movement of material and equipment. Movementof material and equipment shall be scheduled with <strong>DuPont</strong>.4.4 Contractor VehiclesAll contractor vehicles must have some type of identification indicating the company that theybelong to. This identification must be visible on both sides and can be magnetic or painted. ThisCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 24identification must be used for the duration of the visit on this Plant. If there is no identificationavailable at the time of entrance, the vehicle will not be allowed to enter.Except for material delivery, only one Contractor owned vehicle (used only by supervisorypersonnel) will be permitted on the plant site. Additional vehicles may be admitted with priorapproval of the <strong>DuPont</strong> Contractor Administrator.All personnel inside the vehicle cab must wear seat belts while on any <strong>DuPont</strong> property. Seat beltsmust be worn when operating any mobile equipment on <strong>DuPont</strong> property. Plant posted speedlimits shall be observed.4.5 Contractor Trailer and Construction ShantiesContractor facilities such as office trailers, material trailers, and construction shanties requireapproval for placement and set-up on site prior to their arrival. These facilities shall meet thestandard N.E.C. Article 550 National Electric Code requirements for electric power. Facilities setwithout prior approval will be removed and relocated at the Contractor’s expense. Coordinatelocation and approval through the Contract Administrator. Refer to <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Safety& Health Procedure 579, Temporary Building Site Procedure. (Supplied as required during prejobmeeting)All contractor facilities (trailers, shanties and associated laydown areas) shall be kept orderly andrepaired as needed. Should Contractor fail to comply with mentioned facility standards, <strong>DuPont</strong>will perform this work on a time-and-material basis and back-charge the Contractor4.6 Telephone – Cellular PhonesIt is the Contractor’s responsibility to arrange for telephone service on Plant through the localtelephone company. Prior to making these arrangements, Contractor must contact the sitetelephone coordinator at 304-863-4299.Cellular phones are allowed on site for use OUTSIDE of the operating areas. Cellular phones thathave picture or video capabilities will not be allowed within the operating units. Cellularphones are not allowed to be used while “operating” a vehicle or equipment.4.7 Drinking Water and Sanitary FacilitiesContractor shall provide drinking water and sanitary facilities (if necessary due to remote workaway from <strong>DuPont</strong> provide facilities) in compliance with OSHA requirements. Drinking watercontainers must be sealed and capable of being tightly closed and equipped with a tap. Watercontainers must be clearly marked as to the nature of their contents.Cups must be disposable. Both a sanitary container for the unused cups and a receptacle fordisposing of the used cups must be provided. The cardboard cup container provided by cupmanufacturer is not considered sanitary.4.8 Water<strong>DuPont</strong> will furnish water for construction and testing purposes. Contractor shall make allconnections and run any hoses and pipe extensions required.Fire hydrants shall not be used as a source of water without <strong>DuPont</strong>'s prior written approval.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 254.9 Electric Power<strong>DuPont</strong> will furnish 120 volt, 60 Hertz, 20 amp electrical power at one location close to the workarea. Contractor shall make all connections (3-wire grounded) and run any extension required.Extensions shall be run overhead where possible to avoid tripping hazards to personnel. Wherepossible, extension cords shall be routed overhead. Tripping hazard signs shall be utilized whereextensions are routed across grade elevation.4.10 Compressed AirCompressed air is not available within the work area. Contractor shall provide its own source ofcompressed air. All portable tools powered by compressed air where the supply hose ID is greaterthan 1/2" shall have an excess flow valve at the source of supply4.11 Plant FacilitiesContractor’s personnel will not be permitted to use plant facilities such as lunchrooms, changeareas, or toilets without permission from the business where the work is being performed.The plant cafeteria is open 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. daily to all contractor employees.5 HOUSE KEEPING5.1 Clean Up<strong>DuPont</strong> believes Good Housekeeping to be an integral part of safety. Housekeeping is to be anongoing process throughout the day and not performed only at the completion of the day's work.During the course of construction, alteration, or repairs, all debris shall be cleared from workareas, passageways and stairs in and around buildings or other structures. Extension cords, hoses,welding leads shall be routed overhead where possible. If they must be routed along walkways,tripping hazard signs must be utilized.Contractor shall promptly clean up and as a minimum, shall daily sweep and remove nonhazardousscrap and waste materials that accumulate from its operations. Metal identified by<strong>DuPont</strong> as scrap (excludes small trimmings and sweepings) may be placed in <strong>DuPont</strong>'s metalscrap dumpsters located throughout the plant. Contact the Contractor Environmental Coordinatorat 304-863-4463 for instructions on disposal of any hazardous waste.In the event that the contractor fails to keep its work areas orderly, <strong>DuPont</strong> will perform this workon a time-and-material basis and back charge the contractor.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 265.2 Waste Material ControlWaste equipment oil may be disposed in plant waste oil Dumpster. Contact ContractorEnvironmental Coordinator at 304-863-4463 for instructions on proper drumming and labeling forthe collection and separation of waste, trash, and other refuse. All containers shall be equippedwith covers.Contractor shall ensure that its operations comply with the oil spill prevention provisions of 40C.F.R. 112. Further, the spillage of oil or any other foreign substance onto the ground or intoplant sumps, trenches or ditches is strictly prohibited. Accidental spillages must be immediatelyreported to the <strong>DuPont</strong> representative and the Construction Environmental Coordinator.Contractor shall provide appropriate containers for the collection and separation of waste, trash,and other refuse.No hazardous waste is to be removed from the site without prior approval by the ContractorEnvironmental Coordinator –863-4463.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 276. WORKING CONDITIONS6.1 Personnel AccountabilityIn the event of a plant emergency or alarm, the electronic gate pass system (EGPS) is used toaccount for contractor personnel. Contractor employees must log in and out whenever they enteror exit the plant. Failure to properly login or log out will affect the accuracy of the head countingoperation and may put emergency responders in unnecessary danger by searching for unaccountedpersonnel who are not on the plant during the emergency/alarm situation.6.2 Visitor ControlAll visitors shall be cleared through <strong>DuPont</strong>'s Contract Administrator or Field ContractorAdministrator and escorted by <strong>DuPont</strong> or site security while on site. All Contractor visitors shallbe escorted by a full time Contractor’s site supervision and must have and be wearing theappropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with section Site SecurityProper identification shall be provided before site entry is permitted. Vehicular traffic shall bekept to a minimum and all contractors, visitors and vehicles are subject to search.6.4 Off-Hour AccessAccess to work areas after normal work hours, requires the prior notification and approval of<strong>DuPont</strong>'s Field Administrator.6.5 Prohibited ItemsWeapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives, narcotics, alcoholic beverages, fossil-fueled handwarmers, “strike anywhere” matches, unapproved 2-way radios, cameras and tape recorders arestrictly prohibited on plant property. Cellular phones are allowed in non-hazardous areas, bysigned approval only.6.6 Coordination with OthersWhere Contractor’s work must be performed in conjunction with work by others, Contractor shallcooperate with <strong>DuPont</strong> in scheduling, coordinating, and sequencing its work with that of others soall work may proceed with minimal interference or delay.6.7 Co-OccupancyContractor shall provide all measures as may be required to protect existing facilities and workperformed by others from damage due to Contractor’s (including its tier subcontractor’s)operations or negligence. <strong>DuPont</strong> may suspend contractor’s operation until such protectivemeasures are provided and the cost for stand-by of Contractor’s, its tier subcontractor’s, or othercontractor’s men and equipment shall be at the Contractor’s expense.6.8 SupervisionIn order to insure job continuity all on site supervisors are required to attend all bid meetings,walk through, safety orientation or any interaction pertaining to the job. Contractor shall providefull-time supervision on site whenever the contractor or subcontractors are performing workaccording to the contract. This includes overtime and shift hours.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 286.9 Competent PersonContractor shall provide a "competent person" for all work requiring such competency by OSHAregulations. Some of the types of work requiring a competent person are:Job-site safety inspectionuse of radioactive materialsindustrial hygienistasbestosscaffoldingcrane inspectionsexcavationpersonnel hoist (elevator)air monitoringcompressed airdemolitionhigh pressure water cleaningconfined space workThe contractor will provide the Contract Administrator the appropriate certification for“Competent Persons.”6.10 Tool and Equipment Control<strong>DuPont</strong> will not be responsible for the loss or theft, either on the plant or in the parking lot, ofContractor’s tools or equipment, or Contractor employees' personal belongings.Contractor shall not remove any tools or materials (the Contractor’s or <strong>DuPont</strong>’s) from the sitewithout obtaining a signed material/tool pass from <strong>DuPont</strong> Supervision. Contractor shall obtainthe pass prior to arrival at the gate. Site Security will not permit Contractor to leave the sitewith any material or equipment without an authorized material/tool pass. Scrap material andequipment generated by the work will be disposed of by <strong>DuPont</strong>, unless noted differently in theContract document or its referenced exhibits.6.11 Material Shipment and StorageThe contractor will be accountable for the safety of all material and equipment delivery/shipmentpersonnel utilized in support of its operations on the site. The contractor will be responsible tocommunicate and enforce compliance with <strong>DuPont</strong>’s standards pertaining to the requirements forappropriate clothing and personal protective equipment, as well as the delivery/shipmentcompany’s requirement to perform its work in a safe manner while on the site. The contractormay also be required to escort the delivery/shipment drivers to and from the construction gate.Drivers will be refused access to the site unless they have the proper clothing and personalprotective equipment. Refer to Section 1.23 of these Site Conditions for the minimum personalprotective equipment and requirements and to the green “Safety Handbook”, G770, for theminimum clothing required to perform work on the site.The contractor will be responsible for providing any personal protective equipment or temporaryclothing/coveralls needed by the delivery or shipping personnel to properly access the site.The contractor will be responsible for all costs incurred due to lost time for failure to comply withitems above. Requests for schedule extensions resulting from delayed shipments caused by failureto comply with these sections will not be considered.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 296.12 Plant Road ClosingContractor shall give the Field Contractor Administrator sufficient advance notice (minimum of24 hours) prior to any scheduled road closing to allow communication with the plant safety office.This allows the plant to plan alternate traffic routes for normal plant traffic, including deliveriesand emergency response vehicles.6.13 Non-English Speaking ContractorsPersonnel entering the <strong>DuPont</strong> <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Site shall be capable of speaking, writing,reading and comprehending the English language to be able to properly work or respond to hazardwarnings and emergency signals.Variances to this policy are granted via an approved Translation Plan (provided upon requestedfrom the Contract Administrator). This plan requires the non-native person to be escorted 100%of the time (provided by the contractor) by an English speaking representative while on site.Contractors intending to use non-English speaking/reading employees shall submit a TranslationPlan, prior to mobilizing.Typically the Translation Plan includes at a minimum the following:Any Non-English Speaking Contract Employee must be accompanied by a person whowill act as their interpreter while working on the <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Site. It is theresponsibility of the Contract Firm to supply the interpreter, to assure propercommunications in the event of an emergency, and other job related communications.The contractor interpreter shall be represented at a minimum ratio of 1 to every 5employees, with employees within direct communication distance from the interpreter atall times. In the event that obstructions are present, additional interpreters shall berequired.The interpreter shall be clearly identifiable.6.13 Minimal Age RequirementsContractor employees working in the <strong>DuPont</strong> <strong>Washington</strong> must be at least 18 years of age, unlesspre-approved by Plant Managers. If required, Contract Firm may be required to show proof of ageof employees in question. Commonly accepted proofs of age include, but are not limited to, thefollowing: a government-issued birth certificate with raised seal; a record of birth maintained inconnection with religious practices, that is contemporary with the birth and shows the date of thebirth event; or an official passport showing the age of the child when such record has been inexistence for at least a yearCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 306.15 PermitsWork Permits and daily work plans will be required per <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&H Procedure586, Contractor Work Permits/Job Plans. (Supplied as required during pre-job meeting)Contractor shall coordinate the completion of necessary permits forms with designated <strong>DuPont</strong>representative prior work being executed.Before assigning a worker to any job, new or repetitive, Contractor's supervision shall develop“Job Plan“, safety task assignment (JSA or STA) which and explaining to the worker the safetyprecautions and actions that must be taken before proceeding with the task. The JSA/STA’s are tobe written and on a form approved by <strong>DuPont</strong>. Contractor Companies are required to use the siteform. The JSA shall be initiated by the contractor supervisor or lead personnel with input from allcrew members. Contractor supervision and lead personnel shall complete a training class on howto properly fill out the site form. The form shall be kept at the job location for auditing purposeWhere additional planning and coordination is required, Contractor will be informed to fill out thenecessary permit forms covering the next day’s work and submit them the afternoon for approvalby the designated <strong>DuPont</strong> Representative. A detailed work plan for the next day’s activities mustbe attached to the work permit when deemed necessary by the Contractor or the designated<strong>DuPont</strong> representative.LT&Try Permit, if required, Contractor shall comply with the requirements of <strong>Washington</strong><strong>Works</strong> S&H Procedure 508, the site's Lock, Danger Tag, Try and Test procedureFlame Permits, if required to perform the work will be required on a daily basis. Contractor shallfill out the necessary permit forms to cover the next day’s work and submit them daily forapproval by the designated <strong>DuPont</strong> representative. <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&H Procedure 532.Hazardous Line Breaks will be performed per the requirements of <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&HProcedure 574.Close Proximity Permits will be required daily for use of construction equipment over, or within15 feet of, any overhead electric power line, process pipe, or service pipe. Contractor shall fill outthe necessary permit forms and submit them 72 hours in advance for <strong>DuPont</strong>'s approval, per<strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&H Procedure 575.For work around electric lines and cables, refer to <strong>DuPont</strong> Engineering Standard E5Z Grounding(3.4a), or raising or rerouting (3.4b) electric lines, if required, will be performed by others.Vessel or Confined Space Entry Permits will be required daily for any work inside a vessel orconfined space (i.e., any area which must be entered through a restricted opening, such as tanks,vessels, ductwork, vessel skirts, manholes, etc). per <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&H Procedure 530.Contractor shall fill out the necessary permit forms and submit them sufficiently in advance toallow all required approvals to be obtained before work in the vessel or confined space isscheduled to start. <strong>DuPont</strong> will perform the atmospheric tests.Excavation Permit will be required for each area to be excavated, per <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&HProcedure 541. <strong>DuPont</strong> will provide the Contractor with a copy of the permit 5 working daysbefore Contractor commences excavation work in the area covered by the permit. Contractor shallcomply with all restrictions stated in the permit. Contractor shall provide a competent person inCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 31accordance with OSHA 1926 Subpart P and SHE Manual Procedure B-5.1, Excavations andensure protective systems are in place to protect personnel working in excavations from cave-insor potentially hazardous atmospheres.Contractor shall comply with all restrictions stated in the permit. Contractor shall hand excavate tolocate all identified underground services before any mechanical excavating equipment will bepermitted to be used. All employees that are engaged in hand excavating to locate an undergroundelectrical service shall wear rubber gloves and boots. Confined space entry permits will berequired, in addition to excavation permits, for work in excavations, pits, or manholes over 4 feetdeep.A Radiation Permit per <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> S&H Procedure 503 will be required daily for x-rayor laser equipment of any type on the plant premises.7. RECEIPT OF WORK AND INVOICING7.1 Daily Report of WorkThe supplier maybe required to submit a Daily Report of Services and obtain approval of the<strong>DuPont</strong> Contract Administrator, or his delegate, for all Services performed under this Agreement.The Daily Report Form (DROW) is supplied by <strong>DuPont</strong> and is the only Daily work sheetaccepted. The contractor will be responsible for completing the daily report of work (DROW) in atimely fashion. All portions of the DROW will be completed accurately and in compliance withthe applicable contract. Complete names, job classifications and hours are essential parts of theDROW. In the event, consumable materials, travel and any other charges cannot be provided atthe time of Service, Supplier agrees to provide <strong>DuPont</strong> Contract Administrator, or his delegate,with the complete cost information (i.e. itemized list, quantities, unit price or third party invoice,markup per Agreement, etc.) .7.2 Receipt of WorkThe supplier will be required upon completion of the work a document “Receipt of Services”which will need to be approved by the <strong>DuPont</strong> Field Representative, <strong>DuPont</strong> ContractAdministrator, or his delegate, for all Services performed. Where practical, the “Receipt ofServices” document shall contain all contractor names, man-hours, equipment , equipment hoursand tools to perform the service. The “Receipt of Services” will be required to be submitted withthe suppliers invoice to <strong>DuPont</strong> Accounts Payable.7.3 Invoicing RequirementsAll invoicing will comply with requirements and guidelines defined by the contract and ifnecessary though guidance from the Site Contract Administrator. These requirements will define,by contract, the acceptable invoicing period. Any invoicing concerns or questions should bedirected to the Site Contract Administrator at the Pre-Job meeting, or before work starts. TheContractor is responsible to ensure that all Contractor employees comply with the site Gaterequirements listed above. Failure to do so may result in payment being denied for work that is notsubstantiated by Gate Records. All invoices are to be submitted to the following address.The preferred method of invoicing is by Fax. Fax to: (615) 301-9883Paper Mail to:Federal Express hard copy to:<strong>DuPont</strong> Accounts Payable<strong>DuPont</strong> Accounts PayableP.O. Box 80040974 Centre RoadWilmington, Delaware, 19880-0040 Wilmington, Delaware, 19805Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 328 QUALITY CONTROLContractor will follow the “On and Off-Site Services Addendum to the General ServiceConditions”, Section 11. “Quality”, under part A. “General Terms”.<strong>Washington</strong> Work’s requires Minimum Essential Receipt Inspection, MERI, for all fabricatedpiping and equipment upon delivery to the site. MERI is completed in the B-104 Quality Office.Inspections are completed Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. To schedule or requestan inspection outside of normal working hours, contact the Quality office at 304-863-2333.For <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Lump Sum Contractors, all completed QA checklists are to be submittedto the FCR (Facilities Change Request) originator as soon as the individual checklists arecompleted.9 Respectful Work Environment and Sexual HarassmentPersonal safety and dignity, and the ability to perform work effectively, without distractions orinterference is of prime concern to <strong>DuPont</strong>. <strong>DuPont</strong> is committed to creating and maintaining awork environment where all individuals are safe and treated with dignity and respect. This workenvironment must be free from disrespectful, harassing, discriminating, or abusive behavior,regardless of who jeopardizes that environment.Conduct involving contractors or others that adversely impacts <strong>DuPont</strong> employees’ workenvironment will be investigated either jointly or separately. Disrespectful or abusive behavior,including sexual harassment, is unacceptable and will result in swift and strong disciplinaryaction, if it involves a <strong>DuPont</strong> employee. If it involves a non-<strong>DuPont</strong> employee, it will likelyresult in barring/removal from the site at the sole discretion of <strong>DuPont</strong>. Any disciplinary actionagainst non-<strong>DuPont</strong> employees is the sole responsibility of their employer.10. DEFINITIONS:10.1 Contract AdministratorThe Contract Administrator (CA) is responsible for the overall administration of contractsincluding direction, coordination and resolution of contractual issues and maintenance of allcontracts. The CA works closely with the Field Contract Administrators10.2 Field Contractor AdministratorThe Field Administrator (FCA) is responsible for monitoring the safety and efficiency ofcontractors on the site. The FCA works closely with the Field Representatives in assisting theplanning, scheduling, permitting, inspecting, and safe execution of the field work by contractorsalong with leading and managing the interface between contractors and area manufacturing.10.3 Field RepresentativeThe Field Representative (FR) is responsible for is responsible for the planning, scheduling,permitting, inspecting, and safe execution of the field work by contractors and leading andmanaging the interface between contractors and the areas.Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 3311 Required Submittals before Beginning Work (If Applicable to Scope)All Contractors must submit the following submittals prior to beginning work.All ContractorsSafety Data Entered into <strong>DuPont</strong> Global Supplier Portal Registration is available athttps://supplierregistration.dupont.com/InternalCriminal Background & Drug Screening Compliance Letter ( see Appendix B) – must besubmitted for every new employee assignedMSDS for any Chemical to be brought on siteCraft specific Contractors maybe required submitting information as shown below:Blasting Operations - Water or AbrasiveAbrasive Blast OperationsS43G - Qualified Personnel for High Pressure Water CleaningAsbestos & D & RAsbestos Competent Person DocumentationAsbestos Worker Training DocumentationD&R Permits and Notices to State Abrasive Blast OperationsConfined Space Work including ExcavationsConfined Space Entrant Training Documentation (ISTC Training Required)List of Qualified Standby Attendants & Standby Attendant Qualification ProcessOxygen / Explosibility Monitoring Training - user & calibration/"bump check" trainingExcavation Competent PersonElectrical WorkCPR Trained Personnel for Electrical WorkElectrical Hazards for Electricians Training (>50 volts)Electrical Personnel CertificationsElectrical PPE Selection, Use and Care DocumentationElectrical Work Plan - Specific to Site / Job TaskFall Protection & ScaffoldingFall Protection Competent Person - (Name & Qualifications)Fall Protection Inspection Procedure - (Frequency & Color Code)Fall Protection Plan for Elevated Work, Steel Erection / Roof Work -job specificDocumentation of Scaffold Competent PersonDocumentation of Trained Scaffold ErectorsProcedures for Board Testing - If ApplicableScaffold Component Inspection ProgramScaffold Plan (Type of Scaffold, Materials, Written Procedure -Including Elevations) -Job SpecificCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 34Scaffold Tracking System -Cranes, Powered Lift Trucks, Heavy Equipment Aerial LiftsAerial Work Platforms, Scissor Lifts and Bucket Trucks - Make /Model /Specific.Training for Operator & StandApproved Attachments - Documentation for Powered Industrial TruckBasic Rigging Training Program - All Employees Who Perform Hand RiggingChain fall, Come-along and Hoist Documentation - Must have load limiters and TestPapersCommercial Drivers License DocumentationCrane Annual Inspection Sheet (OSHA Form)Critical Lift Plans (SMP65)Documentation of Certified Signal Personnel for CranesFarm Tractors/Maintenance and Landscaping EquipmentLast Monthly Crane Inspection Sheet - By ContractorMonthly Crane Inspection Sheet (If on site > 1 month)Operator Qualification- Appendix FPhysical Examination (Licensed Physician) - Every 3 YearsPowered Industrial Truck Training Documentation - List of CertifiedOperators Brand / Type SpecificRadio FrequenciesRigging PlanWritten Verification of Operator Certification Agency (Ex: NACB,CIA, NCS, etc.)Documentation of Certifier (Train the Trainer)Crane Operator - Certified for Each Specific Crane* the Operator intends to Operate.Required every 3 years.RadiographyRadiographic Inspection Plan - Copy of State LicenseRespirator UsePulmonary Function Test and Respirator Fit Test Documentation (required within last12 months)Respirator Cartridge Change Out Schedule / ProcedureBreathing Air Bottle Watch (Training Documentation)SCBA Training DocumentationWelding/ Piping and Equipment InstallationWelder QualificationsWelding ProceduresContractor's Quality Assurance ManualNames and Qualifications of Personnel Performing QAMiscellaneous to be submitted on an as needed basisTool (Pneumatic Battery or Electrical) Inspection Program -Frequency & Color Code or Tagging SystemHAZWOPER (40 hr. or 24 hr.)Powder Actuated Fastening ToolsRCRA Training Program - List of Trained PersonnelCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 35New Technology - Inspection Program - All Equipment / Materials of ConstructionNew Technology - Training Qualification of Personnel /Documentation of All TrainingNew Technology- Operating Procedures - Including Operating Pressure / ReliefProtection / etc.Roof Work Plan - Plan to Ensure Precautionary Measures Are Taken to PreventMechanical Damage to RoofDocumentation for Use of an Angle Grinder for CuttingFire Extinguisher Trained PersonnelKnife Procedure (Each Task Knife is Used For)Ladder Competent Person & Inspection ProcedureMedical Packet/SRW Medical Protocol CPR12. SITE CONTACTSSite Contract AdministratorContract AdministratorContract AdministratorContract Safety ManagerContractor Safety TrainerJohn Sorokajohn.a.soroka@usa.dupont.comOffice: 304-863-4668Cell: 304-482-3580Randy Morrisrandall.l.morris @usa.dupont.comOffice: 304-863-2207Cell: 304-440-0004Brian Boonebrian.a.boone@usa.dupont.comOffice: 304-863-4142Cell: 304-588-1676Lee Dumanlee.duman@usa.dupont.comOffice: 304-863-4954Cell: 704-877-7217Teresa Tebayteresa.l.tebay@usa.dupont.comOffice: 304-863-2286Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 36APPENDIX AMINIMALLY ACCEPTABLE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTINGThere are many methods presently available to test urine samples for drugs and to test for alcohol. It is not theintention of <strong>DuPont</strong> to dictate the methods by which employers of visitors conduct drug testing or alcoholtesting. Nevertheless, in order to protect its interests, <strong>DuPont</strong> has determined certain minimally acceptableelements that must be present in any drug testing program or alcohol testing program whose results it willaccept.To the extent a contractor is required by regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation toinstitute programs for its employees that include “pre-employment testing”, “reasonable cause testing”, and“random testing” requirements, compliance with such requirements will be regarded as compliance with therelevant <strong>DuPont</strong> provisions regarding testing. As such, testing regimens that comply with such regulations,including the drugs tested for and appropriate cutoffs for drugs and alcohol, shall be regarded as in compliancewith <strong>DuPont</strong> requirements.Any contractor not subject to, or not in compliance with, the U.S. Department of Transportation regulationsnoted above, must meet the following minimally acceptable criteria for drug testing:1. All specimens will be initially tested (screened) by an immunoassay test as that term is used in theU.S. Department of Transportation, “Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug TestingPrograms,” 49 CFR Part 40 (hereinafter “Federal Procedures”). It is also recommended that anypositive initial tests (screens) be subjected to confirmatory testing by gas chromatography/massspectrometry (GC/MS) as that term is used in the Federal Procedures.2. The tables in 3 below reflect the drugs, metabolites, and cutoff levels currently specified in the FederalProcedures in December 1998. As the Federal procedures change, the contractor shall alter its testingprocedures accordingly within 60 days of the effective date of the change.3. All specimens will be initially tested (screened) for at least the following seven drugs or theirmetabolites at cutoff levels not greater than those specified in the following table:Drug/Drug MetaboliteMaximum Acceptable Cutoffin Nanograms/MilliliterMarijuana metabolites 50Cocaine metabolites 300Opiate metabolites 2,000Phencyclidine (PCP) 25Amphetamines 1,000Barbiturates 200Benzodiazepines 200Initial tests (screens) will be considered negative if immunoassay tests performed at cutoff levels equalto or less than those specified above yield a negative result. If, as recommended, initial tests which arepositive are confirmed by GC/MS, the results will be considered negative if they cannot be confirmedby GC/MS; provided that the confirmatory testing by GC/MS proves negative using cutoff levels notgreater than those specified in the following table:Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 37Drug/Drug MetaboliteMaximum Acceptable Cutoffin Nanograms/MilliliterMarijuana metabolites 15Cocaine metabolites 150Opiate metabolites 2,000Phencyclidine (PCP) 25Amphetamines 500Barbiturates 200Benzodiazepines 2004. A test result determined to be positive under the above criteria may be regarded as negative if the drugor metabolite detected results solely from the individual’s consumption of prescribed medication inaccordance with a physician’s instructions. The contractor must, however, ensure that any employeetaking prescribed medication in accordance with a physician’s instructions is capable of safelyperforming his/her duties on <strong>DuPont</strong> property or the worksite.5. <strong>DuPont</strong> reserves the right to refuse to accept results from laboratories that do not meet the abovecriteria. By either suggesting laboratories meeting these criteria or accepting results from a particularlaboratory, <strong>DuPont</strong> makes no warranties, express or otherwise, as to the accuracy and reliability ofthose laboratories. It is the contractor’s sole responsibility to initially select a laboratory and todetermine the accuracy and reliability of any laboratory it selects and continues to use.6. To the extent that <strong>DuPont</strong> requires a capacity to test for alcohol in connection with its requirementsthat individuals not have alcohol in the body while in a <strong>DuPont</strong> workplace, it will only accept resultsthat conform to Federal Procedures appearing 49 CFR Part 40, Subparts C & D. In order to conform tothis requirement, employees must test below the lowest level specified at 49 CFR Section 382.505(a)for the performance of safety-sensitive functions, as of January 2001 that level was set at an alcoholconcentration of 0.02.7. Nothing appearing in paragraph 6 or the agreement to which this document relates shall be construedas suggesting or requiring pre-employment alcohol testing.The sole purpose of <strong>DuPont</strong> communicating substance abuse related provisions in its contracts is theprotection of its interests. There is no intention to communicate to the contractor a multifaceted substanceabuse program which will meet its particular needs. It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to developwhatever additional programs and procedures it deems necessary to prevent drug and alcohol use fromaffecting its operations.Revised 2/2012Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 38( EXAMPLE )APPENDIX BE. I. du Pont de Nemours and CompanyFebruary 20, 2012E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company8480 <strong>DuPont</strong> Road<strong>Washington</strong>, WV, 26181To: <strong>DuPont</strong> <strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Works</strong> Security;( Fax: 304-863-2814 )The named individuals below have completed the following requirements with no noted discrepancies or ifthere is a discrepancy, the date of the accepting email from “Date <strong>DuPont</strong> Approval” is provided:1. Prothonotary's office / County Courthouse search of criminal records for the past seven (7) year period(misdemeanor & felony)2. National Criminal File Search / Multi-State Criminal File Search3. Legal Authorization to work (I-9, E-Verify)4. Social Security Number verification and validation (the SSN is good and belongs to the personpossessing the number)5. Completed a ( 7 ) panel Drug Screen with negative result in compliance with <strong>DuPont</strong> Policy.Contractor Employee Name(s):Name of Employee(As shown on Photo ID)Previously assigned to:(<strong>DuPont</strong> Site Name)William P. Reiter Jr. 1Donald J Ostmann Belle 1-1-2012 2Lorraine S. Parker 02/6/12 3Robert T. Williams – National Database Only 5Date of <strong>DuPont</strong>ApprovalXavier R. SmithHuman Resource ManagerCopyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

Contract Administration Initiated: 07/1992 CAG-07Site Conditions SC1 Revised: 05/2013 Monitor: John SorokaRetention: 3 yrs after obsolete or superseded Revision Due: 10/2015 Page 39Revision HistoryRevision # Date Revision1 10/14/12 Complete Revision – Sending to all Contractors2 11/18/12 Added Section 6.14 on Minimal Age Requirements3 05/21/13 Added to Check Sheet - “2.4” requesting training records/certificates forspecific work tasks. Added addition information in section 2.44Copyright © 2012 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved

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