Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal

Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal
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Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, BhopalBachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - First YearSubject: Botany Maximum Marks: 30-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k&1- lHkh iz’u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA2- nksuksa l=h; iz’u i= esa ls fdlh ,d iz’ui= dks gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;saxs ftu ij {ks=h; funs’kd ds gLrk{kkfjr eqgjvafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA4- l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh vafre frfFk 30 twu 2012 gSA5- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dks tek djus dh jlhn vo’; izkIr dj ysaA-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assignment Question Paper – IVhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 6 gS A bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 06 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 600 words.iz'u 1 lekd`frd ihrs gS \ ,DVksdkiZl ds thou pØ ds }kjk le>k,aWhat is Isomorphic Alternation of generation? Explain it with reference to with reference to thelife cycle of Ectocarpus.iz'u 2 iDlhfu;k xzsfeul ds thou pØ dks dsoy ukekafdr fp=ksa }kjk n’kkZb, AWith the help of Labelled diagrams only illustrate the life cycle of puccinia graminis.Vhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 2 gS A bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 02 Marks . Attempt each question of this section in about 400 words.iz'u 3 cSDVfj;ksaQst dk ukekafdr fp= cukb;sa mldh tuu fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,ADraw labeled diagram of bacteriophage describe the method of its reproduction.iz'u 4 cSDVfj;ka dh lajpuk ,oa tuu ds çdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft;s ADescribe the structure nodes of reproduction in Bacteria.iz'u 5 okyokDl dh lajpuk ds ckjs esa fyf[k,AWrite about the structure of Volvox..iz'u 6 ykbdsu ds lkekU; y{k.kksa dk o.kZu dhfj;s AWrite the general characters of lichen.iz'u 7 czk;ksQk;Vk ls çkIr nokb;ksa ij fyf[k;s AWrite short note on medicines otained from Bryo Phyta.iz'u 8 ekdsZf’k;k ds iq/kkauh ?kj ij fyf[k;s AWrite short note on Antheridiophore of Marchantia.iz'u 9 flysthuSyk esa uj ,oa eknk ;qXeksnfHkn ds fodkl dks ukekafdr fp=ksa ls le>kb;saAWith the help of labeled of diagrams Explain the development of Male & Female gametophyte inselagirella.iz'u 10 bDohflVe esa ik;s tkus okys tyksnfHkn ,oa e:nfHkn y{k.kksa ds ckjs esa fyf[k, \Write about hydrophytic & xerophytic characters founded in equisetum?Vhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSA bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 01 Marks . Attempt each question of this section in about 200 words.iz'u 11 yky 'kSoky esa ik;s tkus okys lafpr Hkkstu dh çd`fr ij çdk’k Mkfy, \What is the nature of research food in red algae?iz'u 12 Hkkjr esa 'kSoky foKku ds tud ds ckjs esa fyf[k;sa AWrite about the father of Indian Algology?

<strong>Madhya</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> <strong>Bhoj</strong> (<strong>Open</strong>) <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Bhopal</strong>Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - First YearSubject: Botany Maximum Marks: 30-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k&1- lHkh iz’u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA2- nksuksa l=h; iz’u i= esa ls fdlh ,d iz’ui= dks gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;saxs ftu ij {ks=h; funs’kd ds gLrk{kkfjr eqgjvafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA4- l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh vafre frfFk 30 twu 2012 gSA5- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dks tek djus dh jlhn vo’; izkIr dj ysaA-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assignment Question Paper – IVhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 6 gS A bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 06 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 600 words.iz'u 1 lekd`frd ihrs gS \ ,DVksdkiZl ds thou pØ ds }kjk le>k,aWhat is Isomorphic Alternation of generation? Explain it with reference to with reference to thelife cycle of Ectocarpus.iz'u 2 iDlhfu;k xzsfeul ds thou pØ dks dsoy ukekafdr fp=ksa }kjk n’kkZb, AWith the help of Labelled diagrams only illustrate the life cycle of puccinia graminis.Vhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 2 gS A bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 02 Marks . Attempt each question of this section in about 400 words.iz'u 3 cSDVfj;ksaQst dk ukekafdr fp= cukb;sa mldh tuu fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,ADraw labeled diagram of bacteriophage describe the method of its reproduction.iz'u 4 cSDVfj;ka dh lajpuk ,oa tuu ds çdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft;s ADescribe the structure nodes of reproduction in Bacteria.iz'u 5 okyokDl dh lajpuk ds ckjs esa fyf[k,AWrite about the structure of Volvox..iz'u 6 ykbdsu ds lkekU; y{k.kksa dk o.kZu dhfj;s AWrite the general characters of lichen.iz'u 7 czk;ksQk;Vk ls çkIr nokb;ksa ij fyf[k;s AWrite short note on medicines otained from Bryo Phyta.iz'u 8 ekdsZf’k;k ds iq/kkauh ?kj ij fyf[k;s AWrite short note on Antheridiophore of Marchantia.iz'u 9 flysthuSyk esa uj ,oa eknk ;qXeksnfHkn ds fodkl dks ukekafdr fp=ksa ls le>kb;saAWith the help of labeled of diagrams Explain the development of Male & Female gametophyte inselagirella.iz'u 10 bDohflVe esa ik;s tkus okys tyksnfHkn ,oa e:nfHkn y{k.kksa ds ckjs esa fyf[k, \Write about hydrophytic & xerophytic characters founded in equisetum?Vhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSA bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 01 Marks . Attempt each question of this section in about 200 words.iz'u 11 yky 'kSoky esa ik;s tkus okys lafpr Hkkstu dh çd`fr ij çdk’k Mkfy, \What is the nature of research food in red algae?iz'u 12 Hkkjr esa 'kSoky foKku ds tud ds ckjs esa fyf[k;sa AWrite about the father of Indian Algology?

Assignment Question Paper – IIVhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 6 gS A bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 06 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 600 wordsiz'u 1 nks ç;ksxksa dk o.kZu dhft, ftuls vkjEHk esa fl) gqvk fd Mh-,u-,- ,d vkuqokaf’kd inkFkZ gS ADescribe two experiments which initially demonstrated that DNA in the genetic maternal.iz'u 2 esaMy ds vkuqoaf’kd fl)kUrksa dk o.kZu dhft, AExplain Mendel’s law of inheritance.Vhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 2 gS A bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 02 Marks . Attempt each question of this section in about 400 words.iz'u 3 IykTek esEcjsu D;k gksrh gS \ mldh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z dk o.kZu dhft,AWhat is Plasma membrane? Describe its structure and function.iz'u 4 dsUæd dh lajpuk dk o.kZu dhft, AGive an account of the structure of nucleous .iz'u 5 ySEi&cq:’k Øksekslkse ,oa lSyhojh XyS.M Øksekslkse dh lajpuk ,oa egRo fyf[k,AWrite structure & significance of Lamp- brush chromosome and salivary gland chromosome.iz'u 6 cgqxq.krk D;k gksrh gS \ fofHkUu çdkj dh cgqxq.krk dks le>k,a AWhat is Polyploidy? Explain deffrent type of Polyploidy.iz'u 7 D.N.A. dh lajpuk dks la{ksi esa le>k,a rFkk R.N.A. ls rqyuk djsa ADescribe in brief structure of D.N.A. and compare it will R.N.A.iz'u 8 VªkalQj R.N.A. dh lajpuk rFkk çksVhu l’ys"k.k esa bldh Hkwfedk dks fyf[k;s AWrite the structure of transfer R.N.A. and role in protein synthesis.iz'u 9 mRifjrZu dks çsfjr djus ds fy, fofHkUu çdkj ds jsfM+;s’ku rFkk jklk;fud mRçsjdksa dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe different kinds of radiation and chemical mutagens utilized for induction of mutation.iz'u 10 jkbckslkse ij laf{kIr fyf[k, AWrite short note on Ribosomes?Vhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSA bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 01 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 200 words.iz'u 11 fofHkUu çdkj ds yodksa ds ckjs esa fyf[k, \What are different types of plastids?iz'u 12 Lor% ,oa mRçsfjr mRifjorZu esa vUrj Li"V djsa ADifferentiate between spontaneous and induced mutation.

<strong>Madhya</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> <strong>Bhoj</strong> (<strong>Open</strong>) <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Bhopal</strong>Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - First YearSubject: Chemistry Maximum Marks: 30-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k&1- lHkh iz’u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA2- nksuksa l=h; iz’u i= esa ls fdlh ,d iz’ui= dks gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;saxs ftu ij {ks=h; funs’kd ds gLrk{kkfjr eqgjvafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA4- l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh vafre frfFk 30 twu 2012 gSA5- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dks tek djus dh jlhn vo’; izkIr dj ysaA-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assignment Question Paper – IVhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 6 gS A bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 06 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 600 wordsiz'u 1 f}rh; dksfV dh vfHkfØ;k ds fy, lekdfyr osx lehdj.k O;qRiUu dhft, tcfd nksuks vfHkdkjd dh lkUærk,a lekugksADerive integrated rate equation for second order reaction when initial concentrations of bothreactants are equal.iz'u 2 okuZ gscj pØ o blds egRo dks le>kb;s A fdlh vk;fud ;kSfxd dh tkyd mtkZ Kkr djus esa bldk mi;ksx fdlçdkj fd;k tkrk gS \Explain the Born – Haber cycle and its importance. How can it be used for calculating the latticeenergy of an ionic compound?Vhi& çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 2 gSA A bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj myxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft,ANote- Each Question carries 02 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 400 words.iz'u 3 vfHkfØ;k dh dksfV ,oa v.kq la[;rk dh O;k[;k dhft, \Explain order of reaction and molecularity.iz'u 4 lenSf’kdrk vkSj fo"ke nSf"kdrk esa foHksn dhft, \Distnguish between Isotropy and Anisotropy.iz'u 5 æo fØLVyksa ds nks vuqç;ksx fyf[k;s AWrite two applications of liquid crystals.iz'u 6 ;fn x= at² y=2at gks rks dy/dx Kkr dhft,\if x= at² and y=2at then determine dy/dxiz'u 7 ^^dEI;wVj gkMZos;j rFkk lkVos;j dks le>kb;sAExplain the Hardware and software of a computer.iz'u 8 ^xSlksa ds æohdj.k ij ,d laf{kIr fyf[k,AWrite a short note on liquification of gases.iz'u 9 VSEPR ds fl)kUr dh lgk;rk ls clF3 vkSj Icl¯2 esa cU/ku dks le>kb, \Explain bonding inclf3 and Icl2 with the help of VSEPR theory.iz'u 10 vkf.od d{kd fl)kUr vkSj la;kstdrk cU/k fl)kUr dh rqyuk dhft, ACompare Molecular orbital theory bond valence and theory.Vhi&çR;sd ç’u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSA bl [k.M ds çR;sd ç’u dk mŸkj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft, ANote- Each Question carries 01 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 200 words.iz'u 11 UPS o CPU dk foLrkj :i fyf[k,AWrite abbreviation of UPS and CPUiz'u 12 F2 v.kq dk bysDVªkfud foU;kl fyf[k;sAWrite electronic configuration of F2 Molecule.

<strong>Madhya</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> <strong>Bhoj</strong> (<strong>Open</strong>) <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Bhopal</strong>Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - First YearSubject: Zoology Maximum Marks: 30-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k&1- lHkh iz’u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA2- nksuksa l=h; iz’u i= esa ls fdlh ,d iz’ui= dks gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;saxs ftu ij {ks=h; funs’kd ds gLrk{kkfjr eqgjvafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA4- l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh vafre frfFk 30 twu 2012 gSA5- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dks tek djus dh jlhn vo’; izkIr dj ysaA-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vhi&Q1Q2Vhi&Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Vhi&Q11Q12Vhi&Q1Q2Assignment Question Paper – IizR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft,AbdkbuksMeZ ds ykokZ ij lfp= fyf[k,AWrite a note on Echinoderm Larvae with diagrams.;qXed tuu ls vki D;k le>rs gSa? 'kqdzk.kqtuu dk lfoLrkj o.kZu dhft,AWhat do you understand by gametogenesis? Describe spermatogenesis in detail.izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 02 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft,AIykTek esEczsu dh ijklajpuk rFkk dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the ultra structure and functions of plasma membrane.izkWu ds ikpu rU= dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the digestive system of Prawn.usjhl ds ikpu rU= dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe digestive system of Neries.fuEufyf[kr ij fVIif.k;kWa fyf[k,& Write notes on the following-¼v½ dkWyj dksf’kdk & Collar Cells¼c½ tsE;wy & Gemmuleif{k;ksa esa 'olu rU= dk lfp= o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the respiratory system in birds with the help of suitable diagrams.,d izk:fid thok.kq dks’kk dh lajpuk dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the structure of a typical bacteria cell.iSyheksu ds mikaxkksa dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe appendages of Palaemon.tUrq dksf’kdk dh ijklajpuk dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the ultra structure of an animal cell.izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft,Aflrkjk eNyh dh cká lajpuk dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the external features of Star fish.fonyu fdls dgrs gSa?What is Cleavage?Assignment Question Paper – IIizR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft,Aes

Vhi&izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 02 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft,AQ3 gMZekfu;k ds :f/kj ifjogu rU= dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the blood vascular system of Herdmania.Q4 d’ks:fd;ksa esa ân; ds fodkl dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the evolution of heart in vertebrates.Q5 dzksekslkse dh jpuk rFkk dk;ksZa dk fooj.k nhft,AGive an account of the structure and functions of chromosome.Q6 fu"kspu dh izfdz;k dks foLrkj ls le>kb,ADescribe the process of fertilization in details.Q7 fuEufyf[kr ij fyf[k,& Write notes on the following-¼v½ d``f=e vfu"ksd tuu & Artificial Parthenogenesis¼c½ 'kqdzk.kq dh jpuk & Structure of SpermQ8 lelw=h dks’kk foHkktu dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe Mitosis cell division.Q9 Mh-,u-,- dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the structure and functions of D.N.A.Q10 Lru/kkfj;ksa esa IyslsUVslu ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k,AWrite an essay on Placentation in mammals.Vhi& izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft,AQ11 isVªksekbtksu dh cká lajpuk dk o.kZu dhft,ADescribe the external features of Petromyzon.Q12 dks’kk :ikUrj.k D;k gSa?What is cell transformation?

<strong>Madhya</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> <strong>Bhoj</strong> (<strong>Open</strong>) <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Bhopal</strong>Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - First YearSubject: Physics Maximum Marks: 30-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k&1- lHkh iz’u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA2- nksuksa l=h; iz’u i= esa ls fdlh ,d iz’ui= dks gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;saxs ftu ij {ks=h; funs’kd ds gLrk{kkfjr eqgjvafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA4- l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh vafre frfFk 30 twu 2012 gSA5- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dks tek djus dh jlhn vo’; izkIr dj ysaA-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vhi&Q1Q2Vhi&Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Assignment Question Paper – IizR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx y600 'kCnksa esa nhft,AjSf[kd laosx laj{k.k dk fu;e fyf[k, rFkk blds mnkgj.k ds fy, tSV uksnu le>kb,A fl) dhft, fd n d.kksads fudk; dk nzO;eku dsUnz ds lkis{k jSf[kd laosx 'kwU; gksrk gSAState the law of conservation of linear momentum and explain the jet propulsion asan example of it. Show that the total linear momentum of a system of n particles in acentre of mass frame is zero.VªkUlQkWeZj dh jpuk rFkk dk;Zfof/k le>kb,A blesa ÅtkZ gkfu fdu&fdu dkj.kksa ls gksrh gS rFkk bUgsa fdlizdkj de fd;k tkrk gS?Explain the construction and working of transformer. What are the causes of loss ofenergy in Transformer? How are they minimized?izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 02 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft,Anks ok;fyuksa ls mRiUu /ofu;ksa esa O;frdj.k lEHko ugha gS? D;ksa?Why interference is not possible between sounds produced by two violins?D;k dkj.k gS fd la/kkfj= esa ijkoS|qr ek/;e ds :i esa fdlh /kkrq dks mi;ksx esa ugha yk;k tkrk gSAWhy a metal can not be used as dielectric medium in a condenser?fl) dhft, fd dsUnzh; cy laj{kh gksrs gSa?Prove that central force is conservative?,d leku Bksl xksys ds dkj.k (i) xksys ls ckgj (ii) xksys ds vUnj fdlh fcUnq ij xq:Roh; foHko dh x.kukdhft,ADeduce expression for gravitational potential due to uniform solid sphere at a point(i) outside sphere (ii) inside sphere.,d leku pqEcdh; {ks= esa vkosf’kr d.k dh O;k[;k dhft,A fl) dhft, fd ,d leku pqEcdh; {ks= esa {ks=ds yEcor~ xfr djrs vkosf’kr d.k ds iFk dh f=T;k] d.k ds laosx ds vuqdzekuqikrh gksrh gSAExplain the motion of charged particle in a uniform magnetic field. Show that theradius of path of a charged particle moving in transverse magnetic field isproportional to the momentum of particle.fdlh izfrjks/k rFkk izsjdRo ;qDr ifjiFk esa /kkjk o`f) ds fy, lehdj.k dks LFkkfir djds mls gy dhft,A le;fu;rkad dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk bldk eku Kkr dhft,AEstablish equation for the growth of current in a circuit containing a resistance andinductance and solve it. Explain the time constant of circuit and find its value.Kkr dhft, fd fdlh LCR ifjiFk esa izR;korhZ /kkjk dh fdl vko`fRr ij izfrjks/k ds fljksa ij foHkkoUrjgsujh rFkk = μ gksAvf/kdre gksxk ;fn = At what frequency of alternating current, the potential difference across resistance ina LCR circuit will be maximum if = henry and = μ.

Q10Vhi&Q11Q12Vhi&Q1Q2Vhi&Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10/kkjk rFkk /kkjk ?kuRo ls D;k rkRi;Z gS? buesa D;k lEcU/k gS? vLFkk;h /kkjk forj.k ds fy, lkrR; lehdj.kdh LFkkiuk djksAWhat is meant by current and current density? How are they related? Establish theequation of continuity for non-steady current distribution.izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft,AU;wVu ds xfr ds fu;eksa dh D;k lhek,sa gS?aWhat are the limits of Newton’s laws of motion?ikbZlu ,oa ykIykl lehdj.k fl) dhft,ADescribe Poisson and Laplas Equation.Assignment Question Paper – IIizR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft,Aljy vkorhZ nksfy= fdls dgrs gSa? blds fy, vodyu lehdj.k dh LFkkiuk dhft, rFkk bls gy djds osx]foLFkkiu ,oa vkorZdky ds fy, O;atd fuxfer dhft,AWhat is a simple harmonic oscillator? Establish the differential equation for it andsolve it to deduce the expression for velocity, displacement and time period.xkWl dh izes; fyf[k, rFkk blds }kjk dwykEc dk O;qRdze oxZ dk fu;e fuxfer djksAState Gauss Theorem and use it to derive the Coulomb’s inverse square law?izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 02 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft,AvkRe&izsj.kk rFkk vU;ks; izsj.kk dks le>kb,ADefine the self-inductance and mutual inductance.pqEcdh; f}/kzqo rFkk f}/kzo vk?kw.kZ dh O;k[;k djksADefine Magnetic dipole and dipole moment.f}rUrq nksyu ij y?kq fucU/k fyf[k,AWrite short note on bifilar oscillation.tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ dh ifjHkk"kk nhft,A ,d v{k ds ikfjr% ?kw.kZu xfr dj jgs fi.M ds fy, ?kw.kZu xfrt ÅtkZ E dkO;atd izkIr dhft, rFkk bldk; laosx ls lEcU/k LFkkfir dhft, tks fd E=L²/2I ls iznf’kZr fd;k tkrkgSADefine moment of inertia. Obtain the expression for rotation kinetic energy E of abody rotating uniformly about an axis and hence establish its relation with angularmomentum L given as E= L²/2I.,sBu dks.k rFkk vi:i.k dks.k dk vFkZ le>kb,A fdlh ,d leku csyukdkj NM+ dh ,sBu n`

Vhi&Q11Q12izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft,Afdlh Bksl xksys ds dsUnz rFkk i`"B ij xq:Roh; foHkoksa dk vuqikr D;k gksrk gS?What is the ratio of gravitational potentials at the centre and surface of the solidsphere?fyLlktw vkd`fr;kWa D;k gksrh gSa? muds mi;ksx fyf[k,AWhat are Lissajous figures? Write their uses.

<strong>Madhya</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> <strong>Bhoj</strong> (<strong>Open</strong>) <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Bhopal</strong>Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - First YearSubject: Mathematics Maximum Marks: 30-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k&1- lHkh iz’u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA2- nksuksa l=h; iz’u i= esa ls fdlh ,d iz’ui= dks gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;saxs ftu ij {ks=h; funs’kd ds gLrk{kkfjr eqgjvafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA4- l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh vafre frfFk 30 twu 2012 gSA5- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dks tek djus dh jlhn vo’; izkIr dj ysaA-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vhi&Q1Q2Vhi&Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Vhi&Q11Assignment Question Paper – IizR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft,A3 2 4vkO;wg A = 2 0 2ds vkbxu ,oa lfn’k Kkr dhft,A4 2 33 2 4Find the eigen roots and vectors of the matrix A =2 0 2 .4 2 3fn[kkvks fd vkO;wg ,oa mlds ifjorZ dh tkfr leku gksrh gSAShow that rank of matrix and its transpose and equal.izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 02 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft,AVsyj izes; }kjk 2 + 7x + − 1 dk (x-2) dh ?kkrksa esa izlkj dhft,AExpand 2 + 7x + − 1 in powers of (x-2) by Taylor’s theorem.ewyksa rFkk xq.kkadksa ds chp lEcU/k LFkkfir dhft,AEstablish the relation between roots and coefficients.;fn x+ + − = 2 If x+ + − = 2. izkpy fopj.k fof/k ls gy dhft,& (D²-1)y= Solve by method of variation of parameter- (D²-1)y=;fn lehdj.k + px + + = 0 ds nks ewyksa dk ;ksx rhljs ewy ds cjkcj gks rks fl) dhft, fd& − 4pq + 8 = 0If the sum of two roots is equal to thire of the equation + px + + = 0 thenprove that − 4pq + 8 = 0fl) dhft,& (1 − ) = Prove that- (1 − ) = 'kkado 14 − 4 + 11 − 44 − 58 + 71 = 0 dk vuqjs[k.k dhft, lkFk gh bldh ukfHk] mRdsUnzrk,oa ukfHk] mRdsUnzrk ,oa ukfHk yEc dh eki Kkr dhft,ATrace the conic 14 − 4 + 11 − 44 − 58 + 71 = 0. Also find its foci, eccentricityand length of the latus rectum.fl) dhft, fd laukfHk;kWa ,d&nwljs dk yEcor~ dkVrh gSaAProve that confocals cut at right angle.izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft,Aifjfer lewg ds fy, dSyh izes; fy[kdj fl) dhft,AState and prove Cayley’s theorem for finite group.

Q12nh?kZo`Rr += 1 dk lEiw.kZ {ks=Qy Kkr dhft,AFind the complete area of ellipse + Assignment Question Paper – IIVhi&izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft,A3 2 4Q1 ;fn A = 2 0 2rks fn[kkvks fd A dSyh&gSfeYVu lUrq"V djrk gSA4 2 33 2 4If A =2 0 2 then prove that A satisfy Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.4 2 3Q2 pdzh; lewg dh ifjHkk"kk nhft,A fn[kkvks fd pdzh; lewg vkcsyh lewg gksrk gSADefine cyclic group. Prove that cyclic group is an abelian group.Vhi&izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 02 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft,AQ3 ;fn = rks fl) dhft, fd&(1 − ) − (2 + 1) − ² = 0If = , then prove that-(1 − ) − (2 + 1) − ² = 0Q4 fl) dhft,& h = h Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Prove that- h = h .fl) djks& ^^izR;sd ifjfer iw.kkZadh; izkUr ,d {ks= gksrk gSA**Prove that- “Every finite integral domain is a field.”fl) dhft, fd log cosh x= − + −… … … .. Prove that- log cosh x= − + −… … … ... gy dhft,& − 2 + = Solve- − 2 + = 'kkado + 2h + = 1 ds v{kksa dh yEckbZ rFkk lehdj.k Kkr dhft,AFind the length and equation of axes of the conic + 2h + = 1yEco`Rrh; csyu dk lehdj.k Kkr dhft, ftldh f=T;k 2 rFkk v{k js[kk&= = j[krk gSAFine the equation of righy circular cylinder whose radius is 2 and axis is the line-= = LVkWd izes; dks lR;kfir dhft, tcfd = yi + zj + xk rFkk lrg S] xksyk + + = 1 dkxy- lery dk Åij dk fgLlk gSAVerify Stoke’s theorem where = yi + zj + xk and S is the surface of the sphere + + = 1 above the xy-plane.Vhi&izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 01 gSaA bl [ka.M ds izR;ds iz’u dk mRrj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa nhft,AQ11 fdlh α € H ds fy, ;fn = ds tgkWa rRled gS rks fn[kkb, fd vkcsyh lewg gSAIf α € H such that = then show that G is an abelian group where e is an identity?Q12 lery esa xzhu dh izes; dk dFku fyf[k,AState Green’s theorem in plane.

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