Bantry / Sunday 7 – Saturday 13 July - West Cork Music

Bantry / Sunday 7 – Saturday 13 July - West Cork Music

Bantry / Sunday 7 – Saturday 13 July - West Cork Music


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<strong>Saturday</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>July</strong>19.30 / The Mariner / €10IMRAM <strong>–</strong> MUSIC & POETRYTá draíocht faoi leith ag baint le Gearóid Mac Lochlainn. Athraíonn a chuid frithlaochrabuailte a ríocht agus a gcultúr agus iad ag dul ó áit go háit trí thír bhriste, mhacarónach.Tugann siad cúl do thraidisiúin sheanbhunaithe filíóchta, aistriúcháin agus seanchais nanGael, ag gluaiseacht ó fhilíocht na mbard go Spaghetti <strong>West</strong>erns, ó na Mississippi bluesgo hamhráin ar an sean-nós. Ina theannta anocht beidh an giotáraí Mark Braidner.File is ea Louis de Paor a thugann cuireadh don léitheoir súil eile a chaitheamh ar ansaol coitianta, file fuinniúil a chuireann an meafar neamhchoitianta inár láthair, file abhfuil an mothú agus an intleacht chomh tábhachtach lena chéile, an greann agus anghruaim i gcoimheascar go sáréifeachtach lena chéile. Beidh an sárcheoltóir RonanBrowne ina theannta anocht. Beidh Liam Carson, stiúrthóir na féile litríochta GaeilgeIMRAM, againn mar fhear an tí don ócáid dhátheangach seo.In his dazzling ‘macaraonic’ collection, Criss-Cross Mo Chara, Gearóid Mac Lochlain’sbeat-up anti-heroes leap back and forth, from Bardic poetry to Spaghetti <strong>West</strong>erns,from Mississippi blues to sean-nós, weaving a journey that explores the creative processitself. Tonight he is joined by guitarist Mark Braidner, whose mastery of styles includesblues, ragtime and hokum.‘This is an energetic, even boisterous, body of poetry, enlivened by a gift for theunexpected but compelling metaphor, ever ready to invite the reader to look afreshat the world of the everyday’. So wrote critic Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith of Louisde Paor, one of Ireland’s most distinctive poets. Tonight he will be read to stunningmusical backdrops created by piper Ronan Browne, a member of the group Crann,and the original piper in Riverdance, as well as the Afro-Celt Sound System. This bilingualreading is curated by Liam Carson, and funded by the IMRAM Irish LanguageLiterature Festival.Throughout the FESTIVAlPop-up PoetKeep an eye out for our Roaming Poet,Mary Noonan <strong>–</strong> you never know whereshe’ll pop up with a poem!Mary Noonan’s poems have been publishedor are forthcoming in Poetry London, The DarkHorse, The SHOp, The Stinging Fly, Wasafiri, Tearsin the Fence, Cyphers, Southword, The Moth, TheEcho Room, The Same, The <strong>Cork</strong> Literary Review,The Threepenny Review (2012), Penned: Zoo Poems(2009), The Alhambra Poetry Calendar (2010,20<strong>13</strong>), Best Irish Poetry 2010, The Captain’s Tower:Seventy Poems for Bob Dylan at Seventy (2010),in the on-line magazines Blackbox Manifold andBigCityLit and at the on-line archive fishousepoems.org. She was awarded the Listowel Poetry CollectionPrize in 2010. Her first collection, The Fado House,was published by Dedalus Press in 2012.Mary will be reading from her collection in <strong>Bantry</strong>Bookshop at 2pm on <strong>Saturday</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>July</strong>. Free copiesof The Fado House to the first two people who canlist the events at which she read during the week.29

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