Brennan Report - Department of Health and Children

Brennan Report - Department of Health and Children Brennan Report - Department of Health and Children


140Number Recommendation IT TimeframeRequirementsR7.7 National employment data should be reported by the Executive to the Department of Health and none Immediately on completionChildren within the revised Consolidated Integrated Management Reporting structure referred to of R4.4 See R9.4 and R9.5at recommendations R9.4 and R9.5.STAFFING LIMITSR7.8 The Department of Health and Children, in consultation with the Department of Finance, should none Within 2 monthsobtain from the health board CEOs accurate numbers and associated costs of employmentof report publication(in respect of both their own employees and employees funded by the health boards) to informthe appropriate authorised limit.R7.9 The Department of Finance and the Department of Health and Children, with expert assistance as none Within 6 monthsrequired, should fully review the existing methodology applied by the Department of Finance inof report publicationcalculating the numbers ceiling. The methodology should be based on data from health boards andhave regard to the lessons learned from costings produced as part of the "benchmarking" processand to the potential future information flows generated by investment in information technology(see Chapter 10 recommendations on PPARS).COMMON RECRUITMENT POOLR7.10 The recruitment of certain key financial, human resource management and information technology none Immediatepersonnel, necessary to the successful implementation of the recommendations of this report,should be by means of open competition i.e. from outside the Common Recruitment Pool.R7.11 In order to develop and retain suitably qualified personnel in the areas of finance, human resource none asapmanagement and information technology it will be necessary to create appropriate career structuresfor these personnel.R7.12 The operation of the Common Recruitment Pool should be reviewed having regard to its none asapappropriateness to a modern public service environment, the inflexibilities it engenders and thecapacity of the system to attract graduate, professional and other managers to the health service.R7.13 An accelerated management development programme should be put in place for senior managers in none asapthe health service.Report of the Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health Service

Number Recommendation IT TimeframeRequirementsAUDIT COMMITTEER8.1 The Secretary General of the Department of Health and Children, the board of the Executive, none Immediate for DoHCboards of the regional health boards, boards of agencies and other bodies under the remit of& health boardshealth boards and boards of other statutory agencies should establish an audit committee.and on appointment ofExecutive boardR8.2 The audit committee of the Department of Health and Children, of the Executive, of the regional none See R8.1health boards, of boards of agencies and other bodies under the remit of health boards and ofother statutory agencies should:(i) Be chaired by:(a) an independent outside person in the case of the Department of Health and Children;(b) a non-executive member of the board in all other cases.(ii) comprise at least 3 members, all of whom should be:(a) independent outside persons in the case of the Department of Health and Children;(b) non-executive members of the board in all other cases.(iii) Report on a regular basis to the Secretary General/board.(iv) Prepare an annual report for the Secretary General/board which, inter alia, should includea copy of its charter.R8.3 The audit committee should be required to follow best practice in ensuring independence and none See R8.1 and R8.2effectiveness in relation to internal audit, risk management and external audit (including managingrelations with the external auditor).R8.4 If necessary, legislation should be amended to facilitate these recommendations. none asapEXTERNAL AUDITR8.5 The draft statutory accounts must be approved by the health board by I April following year end none Immediateand the audited statutory accounts must be completed by the C&AG and laid before the Houses ofthe Oireachtas within 9 months of year-end in accordance with current statutory requirements.Where this requirement is not met, the CEO should be required to provide a written explanation tothe Secretary General, for inclusion in his report referred to at R8.6(v) setting out the reasons whythese statutory deadlines have not been met.Addendum141

Number Recommendation IT TimeframeRequirementsAUDIT COMMITTEER8.1 The Secretary General <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Children</strong>, the board <strong>of</strong> the Executive, none Immediate for DoHCboards <strong>of</strong> the regional health boards, boards <strong>of</strong> agencies <strong>and</strong> other bodies under the remit <strong>of</strong>& health boardshealth boards <strong>and</strong> boards <strong>of</strong> other statutory agencies should establish an audit committee.<strong>and</strong> on appointment <strong>of</strong>Executive boardR8.2 The audit committee <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Children</strong>, <strong>of</strong> the Executive, <strong>of</strong> the regional none See R8.1health boards, <strong>of</strong> boards <strong>of</strong> agencies <strong>and</strong> other bodies under the remit <strong>of</strong> health boards <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>other statutory agencies should:(i) Be chaired by:(a) an independent outside person in the case <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Children</strong>;(b) a non-executive member <strong>of</strong> the board in all other cases.(ii) comprise at least 3 members, all <strong>of</strong> whom should be:(a) independent outside persons in the case <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Children</strong>;(b) non-executive members <strong>of</strong> the board in all other cases.(iii) <strong>Report</strong> on a regular basis to the Secretary General/board.(iv) Prepare an annual report for the Secretary General/board which, inter alia, should includea copy <strong>of</strong> its charter.R8.3 The audit committee should be required to follow best practice in ensuring independence <strong>and</strong> none See R8.1 <strong>and</strong> R8.2effectiveness in relation to internal audit, risk management <strong>and</strong> external audit (including managingrelations with the external auditor).R8.4 If necessary, legislation should be amended to facilitate these recommendations. none asapEXTERNAL AUDITR8.5 The draft statutory accounts must be approved by the health board by I April following year end none Immediate<strong>and</strong> the audited statutory accounts must be completed by the C&AG <strong>and</strong> laid before the Houses <strong>of</strong>the Oireachtas within 9 months <strong>of</strong> year-end in accordance with current statutory requirements.Where this requirement is not met, the CEO should be required to provide a written explanation tothe Secretary General, for inclusion in his report referred to at R8.6(v) setting out the reasons whythese statutory deadlines have not been met.Addendum141

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