Brennan Report - Department of Health and Children

Brennan Report - Department of Health and Children Brennan Report - Department of Health and Children


134Number Recommendation IT TimeframeRequirementsR5.16 The health board/hospital CEO should be responsible for determining the appropriate level and none Immediate and ongoingquantum of training and for putting in place the mechanisms necessary to ensure that training isdelivered.R5.17 The Executive should liaise with educators to prepare/train clinical Consultants/Heads of none Immediate and ongoingDepartment on an ongoing basis to understand and to work with new financial managementinformation systems.R5.18 The Department of Health and Children should liaise with the Higher Education Authority to none Immediate and ongoingintroduce a requirement for medical schools to develop programmes to ensure that every medicalstudent receives at least one module on health economics, technology assessment and financialmanagement and control issues.R5.19 A working group under the aegis of the Executive, in consultation with the Department of Health none On establishment ofand Children, should examine and make recommendations on appropriate incentives for thoseExecutiveclinical Consultants/departments that successfully implement recommendations above.PUBLIC PRIVATE MIX & SERVICE PLANNINGR5.20 All Service Plans, Practice Plans and monthly, quarterly and annual reports should include a clear While existing systems are immediatebreakdown between public and private costs and activities.sufficient to allowcommencement, full andeffective implementationwill require incrementalsystems developmentR5.21 A coding system should be put in place in all cases (e.g. outpatient activity, private patients having While existing systems are asaptests in a public hospital etc.) and in all hospitals to explicitly identify all activity as relating tosufficient to allowpublic or private patients, as appropriate.commencement, full andeffective implementationwill require incrementalsystems developmentR5.22 The coding system referred to at R5.21 above should allow for allocating of general overheads Systems development See R5.21incurred by hospitals between public and private patients so that the full cost of treating public andrequiredprivate patients can be calculated. The objective should be to identify the costs of treatingindividual patientsReport of the Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health Service

Number Recommendation IT TimeframeRequirements135R5.23 The Executive should publish in its Annual Report a comprehensive analysis of the amount of Systems development On establishmentpublic resources consumed by private patients within the public hospital sector. required of ExecutiveR5.24 Recognising that implementation of the information systems recommended in Chapter 10 will be While existing systems are immediatenecessary to produce accurate information in respect of R5.23 above and the lead in time for thesufficient to allowestablishment of the Executive, the Department of Health and Children should, on an interim basis, commencement, full andpublish such information using the best estimates that are available to it.effective implementation willrequire incremental systemsdevelopmentEXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEER5.4 Where they do not already exist, chief executive officers in all hospitals should immediately establish none immediatean Executive Management Committee.R5.5. The role of the Executive Management Committee should include: none See R5.4(i) Agree the hospital Service Plan;(ii) Monitor performance against budget;(iii) Agree corrective measures; and(iv) Advise on policy matters that may arise from time to time.R5.6 The membership of the Executive Management Committee should include, at a minimum: none See R5.4(i) The hospital CEO/manager (as Chairman);(ii) The head of the hospital’s finance function;(iii) A clinical Consultant; and(iv) The Director of Nursing.SERVICE PLANNING IN NON-HOSPITAL PROGRAMMESR5.27 In all other areas of the health service (i.e. non-hospital), the individual responsible for the budget none Following R5.33(whether clinical or non-clinical personnel) should be held formally accountable for financialperformance.R5.28 The CEO of the Executive and the health board CEOs should analyse the totality of non-hospital none On establishmentrelated health board activities into clearly defined care groups (e.g. community care, mental healthof Executiveetc) that are consistent throughout the system.Addendum

134Number Recommendation IT TimeframeRequirementsR5.16 The health board/hospital CEO should be responsible for determining the appropriate level <strong>and</strong> none Immediate <strong>and</strong> ongoingquantum <strong>of</strong> training <strong>and</strong> for putting in place the mechanisms necessary to ensure that training isdelivered.R5.17 The Executive should liaise with educators to prepare/train clinical Consultants/Heads <strong>of</strong> none Immediate <strong>and</strong> ongoing<strong>Department</strong> on an ongoing basis to underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> to work with new financial managementinformation systems.R5.18 The <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Children</strong> should liaise with the Higher Education Authority to none Immediate <strong>and</strong> ongoingintroduce a requirement for medical schools to develop programmes to ensure that every medicalstudent receives at least one module on health economics, technology assessment <strong>and</strong> financialmanagement <strong>and</strong> control issues.R5.19 A working group under the aegis <strong>of</strong> the Executive, in consultation with the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Health</strong> none On establishment <strong>of</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Children</strong>, should examine <strong>and</strong> make recommendations on appropriate incentives for thoseExecutiveclinical Consultants/departments that successfully implement recommendations above.PUBLIC PRIVATE MIX & SERVICE PLANNINGR5.20 All Service Plans, Practice Plans <strong>and</strong> monthly, quarterly <strong>and</strong> annual reports should include a clear While existing systems are immediatebreakdown between public <strong>and</strong> private costs <strong>and</strong> activities.sufficient to allowcommencement, full <strong>and</strong>effective implementationwill require incrementalsystems developmentR5.21 A coding system should be put in place in all cases (e.g. outpatient activity, private patients having While existing systems are asaptests in a public hospital etc.) <strong>and</strong> in all hospitals to explicitly identify all activity as relating tosufficient to allowpublic or private patients, as appropriate.commencement, full <strong>and</strong>effective implementationwill require incrementalsystems developmentR5.22 The coding system referred to at R5.21 above should allow for allocating <strong>of</strong> general overheads Systems development See R5.21incurred by hospitals between public <strong>and</strong> private patients so that the full cost <strong>of</strong> treating public <strong>and</strong>requiredprivate patients can be calculated. The objective should be to identify the costs <strong>of</strong> treatingindividual patients<strong>Report</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Commission on Financial Management <strong>and</strong> Control Systems in the <strong>Health</strong> Service

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