Brennan Report - Department of Health and Children

Brennan Report - Department of Health and Children Brennan Report - Department of Health and Children


Report of the Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health ServiceService PlanVoluntary HospitalUnder the Health (Amendment) (No.3) Act 1996, healthboards are required, within 42 days of receipt of their Letter ofDetermination, to adopt and submit to the Minister for Healthand Children an annual Service Plan, outlining the plannedactivity which they will deliver for the funding they have received.A publicly funded but privately owned hospital – typicallythese would have been owned and run by religious ordersin the past.Whole-time Equivalent Within the annual "Census", employee numbers arereported by the absolute number employed and arealso expressed as "whole-time equivalents" (i.e. convertingthe number of part time workers into an equivalentnumber of full time employees, by reference to the averagelength of the working week).14

Chapter 1 Introduction and BackgroundCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUNDThis Chapter explains how and why the Commission was set up, its membership, terms of reference andworking methods.1.1 BACKGROUNDThe Minister for Finance in his Budget Statement of December 5, 2001 announced theestablishment of the Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the HealthServices (the Commission). In that Budget Statement the Minister indicated that an independentCommission would examine, evaluate and make recommendations on relevant financial systems,practices and procedures throughout the health services. He placed particular emphasis on theneed to improve the management of public expenditure. The Minister stated, "We must focuson what we are achieving in terms of real outputs and outcomes. Such an approach will help deliverbetter public services. Increased expenditure is not always enough on its own". In the context of a125% increase in gross health spending between 1997 and 2002 (from ¤ 3.6 billion to over ¤ 8billion), the Minister went on to point out the challenge of ensuring that "the quality andquantity of services that people receive match this investment".On April 25, 2002, in consultation with the Minister for Health and Children, the Minister forFinance formally established the Commission.The Commission was given a mandate to reportby the end of 2002.1.2 MEMBERSHIPThe members of the Commission appointed by the Minister for Finance are:Professor Niamh Brennan (Chairman)Dr. Sean BarrettDr. Donal de BuitléirMr. Diarmuid CollinsMr. Pat FarrellMr.Tommie GormanMr. John P GreelyMr. George MansfieldMr. Jim McCaffreyMr. Michael McLooneMr. Dermot SmythMr. Maurice TempanyBiographical details of Commission members are attached in Appendix 1.The Department of Health and Children and the Department of Finance provided theSecretariat.The members of the Secretariat were: Derek Moran (Secretary),Tom Murphy, FionaPrendergast, Deirdre Galvin and Pat Creedon.15

<strong>Report</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Commission on Financial Management <strong>and</strong> Control Systems in the <strong>Health</strong> ServiceService PlanVoluntary HospitalUnder the <strong>Health</strong> (Amendment) (No.3) Act 1996, healthboards are required, within 42 days <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> their Letter <strong>of</strong>Determination, to adopt <strong>and</strong> submit to the Minister for <strong>Health</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Children</strong> an annual Service Plan, outlining the plannedactivity which they will deliver for the funding they have received.A publicly funded but privately owned hospital – typicallythese would have been owned <strong>and</strong> run by religious ordersin the past.Whole-time Equivalent Within the annual "Census", employee numbers arereported by the absolute number employed <strong>and</strong> arealso expressed as "whole-time equivalents" (i.e. convertingthe number <strong>of</strong> part time workers into an equivalentnumber <strong>of</strong> full time employees, by reference to the averagelength <strong>of</strong> the working week).14

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