
standard standard


Retractors1616-125-01 Trachea Hook, semi-sharp, 1-prongTrachea Hook, semi-sharp, 2-prong16-125-0216-125-03 Trachea Hook, semi-sharp, 3-prongTrachea Hook, semi-sharp, 4-prong16-125-04- 490 -

16 Retractors16-125-11 Trachea Hook, semi-sharp,short curve,1-pTrachea Hook, semi-sharp,short curve,2-p16-125-1216-125-13 Trachea Hook, semi-sharp,short curve,3-pTrachea Hook, semi-sharp,short curve,4-p16-125-14- 491 -

Retractors1616-125-01 Trachea Hook, semi-sharp, 1-prongTrachea Hook, semi-sharp, 2-prong16-125-0216-125-03 Trachea Hook, semi-sharp, 3-prongTrachea Hook, semi-sharp, 4-prong16-125-04- 490 -

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