Catalogus nr 5.indd - Den Hertog Bolland Rare Books

Catalogus nr 5.indd - Den Hertog Bolland Rare Books

Catalogus nr 5.indd - Den Hertog Bolland Rare Books


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MUSCULUS, Wolfgang (1497-1563). In Davidis Psalterium sacrosanctum commentarij: in quibuset reliqua catholicae religionis nostrae capita passim, non praetermissis orthodoxorum etiampatrum sententijs, ita tractantur, ut Christianus lector nihil desiderare ampliùs possit. Ultimòmagnâ diligentiâ recogniti. Basel, Sebastian He<strong>nr</strong>icpetri, [colophon: 1618]. Folio. (72) 1098 (2) pp.Contemporary blind-stamped vellum. 1.500,-[ 17 ]Last edition of Musculus’ thorough and massive commentary on the Psalms. Musculus, pastor in Augsburg between1531 and 1548 and professor of theology in Bern from 1549, belonged to the most influential exegetes of his time.He published many biblical commentaries, most of which appeared during his years in Bern. His commentary onthe Psalms, which had occupied him for nearly twenty-five years, was first published in 1551 and went throughmany editions. It demonstrates his extraordinary talents as a scholar of biblical languages and philology, as well ashis engagement with patristic and medieval exegesis. Calvin stated that had he seen it before he started workingon the Psalms, he would not have needed to publish his own commentary. - Small split in upper joint, marginalwormhole in first leaves of preliminary pages (not affecting the text), some browning, and some annotations onupper pastedown.VD 17 1:051948P.

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