Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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deceasedBoetius Henry SullivanSULLIVAN. BOETIUS HENRY:Born at Chicago. <strong>Illinois</strong>. November18, 1885, son <strong>of</strong> Roger Charles Sullivan and <strong>of</strong> Helen Marie(Quinlan) Sullivan. Student at St. Ignatius College. Chicago; graduate<strong>of</strong> Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, 1905; B.A., Yale, 1909;LL.B.. Harvard, 1912. Married Mary Loretta Connery <strong>of</strong> Chicago.<strong>Illinois</strong>. December 27th, 1911. Children: Roger Charles II, MaryLoretta. Jane (deceased). Josephine M. ( I . Helen Marie andBoetius H.. Jr. Began as law clerk with <strong>the</strong> firm <strong>of</strong> Sears. Meagher &^ hitnev. Chicago, 1912. Member <strong>of</strong> firm <strong>of</strong> Meanher. Whitney, Bieks& Sullivan, 1915-1919, Cooke. Sullivan & Ricks since 1919. Director <strong>of</strong>United Biscuit Company. Sawyer Biscuit Company and Central WaxedPaper Company.He was first assistant secretary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Democratic National Conventionat Baltimore in 1912, which nominated Woodrow Wilson for President;and he was counsel for <strong>the</strong> Alien Propertv Custodian for <strong>the</strong>State <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong>, 1917-1921. He is a director <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Civic Hospital Association<strong>of</strong> Chicago and a life member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Geographic Society <strong>of</strong>Chicago. He is a member <strong>of</strong> Delta Kappa Epsilon and Phi Beta Chi.Clubs: Chicago Club, Chicago Athletic Association and Edgewater GolfClub. He is a Roman Catholic. Home: 350 Wellington Avenue. Office:310 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago. <strong>Illinois</strong>.

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