Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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**% *»» 3|-._name<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and UnionDANVILLE COMMERCIAL-NEWS: Established 1866 by Short & Wright.1E. C. Hewes, business manager. NorthwesternPublishing Co., owners.Danville, population, 36,646. Situated in Vermilion County, 124 miles south <strong>of</strong>Chicago. C. & E. I.; C. C. C. & St. L.; N. Y. C; Wabash R.R.'s. Railroad shops; lumbermills; smelters;^^^^^^^^^^^brick yards; hardware factories;^^^^^H boiler and iron works. Coal mines. Agriculture.^^B The Commercial-News <strong>of</strong> today represents<strong>the</strong> best in Danville's <strong>newspaper</strong>s, consolidationleft this paper <strong>the</strong> sole survivor in <strong>the</strong> field. The«••_ jSNt first editor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> old Danville Commercial was^A P. D. Hammond, under <strong>the</strong> ownership <strong>of</strong> ShortJUk *" .^H & Wright. In 1S6? <strong>the</strong>y bought <strong>the</strong> Danville\ *\ ^^ I'l nndealer, merging <strong>the</strong> two papers under <strong>the</strong>V i] <strong>of</strong> Commercial and Plaindealer, but dropping<strong>the</strong> latter name in 1868, when <strong>the</strong> paperE. C Htms became <strong>the</strong> Danville Daily Commercial. In October,1867, Mr. J. G. Kingsbury became <strong>the</strong>editorial associate <strong>of</strong> Mr. Hammond on <strong>the</strong> Commercial, and in <strong>the</strong> same year. John C.Short retired from <strong>the</strong> firm, being succeeded by Abraham Sandusky and Andrew Gundy,<strong>the</strong> firm <strong>the</strong>n being known as John C. Short & Co. On July 14, 1873, A. Harper andO. E. Harper became <strong>the</strong> publishers under <strong>the</strong> firm name <strong>of</strong> Harper Bro<strong>the</strong>rs. After severalminor changes <strong>the</strong> paper was finallv sold to John H. Harrison and W. J. Parrett in1898. The late Mr. Harrison was editor for 30 years, and <strong>the</strong> late Mr. Parrett was generalmanager until his death in 1933. The Commercial-News is published every evening with<strong>the</strong> exception <strong>of</strong> Sunday, and on that day, publishes a morning edition.Circulation, 29,000.Advertising rate: local, sliding scale; foreign,'8 jc per line.Subscription rate: local, S4.00; foreign, $7.50.:DEER CREEK PROGRESS: Established 1892 by J. P. Slvter, <strong>the</strong> present editor.Published by Washington Printing Company.Deer Creek, population, 344. Located in Tazewell County, 14 miles east sou<strong>the</strong>ast<strong>of</strong> Peoria. N. Y. C. & St. L. R.R.'s. Agriculture.The Progress is a weekly paper, issued every Thursday, and is Independent inpolitical affiliation. It was founded by J. P. Slvter who controlled it until it was purchasedby <strong>the</strong> Washington Printing Company in 1928. Mr. Slyter has continued with <strong>the</strong>Progress as editor and business manager.Circulation, 5 2 8.Advertising rate: local, 20c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rate: local, SI. 50; foreign, Si. 50.I. S.DIVERNON NEWS: Established 1889 by I. T. Maupin.Dunn, publisher. T, P. Dunn, editor and business manager.Divernon, population, 1SS0. Located in Sangamon County.16 miles south <strong>of</strong> Springfield. I. C. R.R. Coal mines. Agriculture.The News is a weekly paper, with publication every Thursday.It is Republican in politics. I. T. Maupin was a former owner <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> News.Circulation, 6 5 0.Advertising rate: local, 20c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, S2.00.also Ladd Journal; Spring Valley Ga605

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