Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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^llllNOIS NlWSI'U'lU DlKIt IOUY AND HlSTOKYWOOD RIVER DAILY PRESS: Established 1 91 S by C. V. Stahl, who has beenowner and editor since that date.Wood River, population, 8,136. Located in Madison County on<strong>the</strong> Mississippi River. C. & A.; C. B. & Q.; C. C. C. & St. L. R.R.'s.Oil refineries; tannery; cartridge and powder factory. Coal mines,limestone quarries. Agriculture.The Daily Press is published every afternoon, with <strong>the</strong> exception<strong>of</strong> Sunday. It is Independent in political affiliation. This paperserves <strong>the</strong> entire "Greater Wood River" industrial community, includingEast Alton, Shell City, Hartford, Roxana, and Wood River.Circulation, 1,145.Advertising rate: local, 3 5c; foreign, 3 5c.Subscription rate: local, 10c per week; foreign, 10c per week.ZEIGLER NEWS: Established 1919 by Hal W. Trovillionand M. A. Gurley. M. A. Gurley, editor and publisher.Zeigler, population, 3,790. Located in Franklin County, JOmiles nor<strong>the</strong>ast <strong>of</strong> Murphysboro. I. C; M. P.; C. B. & Q. R.R 's.Fruit, stock, dairying, farming. Bottling works. Coal mines.The News is a weekly publication, with Republican affiliations.Hal W. Trovillion is listed among <strong>the</strong> former owners <strong>of</strong> thispaper.M. A. Glki iCirculation, 1,500.Advertising rate: local, 20c; foreign, 30c.Subscription rate: local, SI. 50; foreign, SI. 50.ALEXIS ARGUS: Established 188 5 by D. M. Harkrader& Sons. J. C. and H. A. Baker, editors.Owned by J. C. BakerAlexis, population, 787. Located on <strong>the</strong>Mercer-Warren County line, 1 4 miles nor<strong>the</strong>ast<strong>of</strong> Monmouth and 18 miles northwest <strong>of</strong> Galesburg,on State Route 8 5. C. B. & Q. R.R.Agriculture, principally corn.The Argus is published every Thursday,and is Independent in politics. Former owners<strong>of</strong> this paper included E. E. Beswick, FrazierHunt, C. E. Robinson, F. L. McQuitty, C. E.Magnusen, and A. C. Olmstead. Since January,192 9, it has been under <strong>the</strong> ownership andJ. C. Baker management <strong>of</strong> J. C. Baker & Sons.Circulation, 900.Advertising rate:Subscription rate:20c; foreign, 2 5c.Si. 5 0; foreign, $1.5 0.603

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