Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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IllI.NOIS XtWM'.MM It Dlltl < IOUY AND IIlSIORYDES PLAINES JOURNAL: Established 193 3 by <strong>the</strong> present owner. WilliamFabian. Editor, W'm. L. Fabian.Des Plaines, population, 8,798. Situated in Cook County, 16 miles northwest <strong>of</strong>Chicago. C. & N. W.; M. S. P. & S. S. M. R.R.'s. Manufactures electric light specialties,electric lamps, greenhouse supplies, foundry products. Ship flowers. Greenhouses. TruckI arms.The Journal is a weekly publication appearing each Friday morning. It has nopolitical affiliation. Originally this paper was called <strong>the</strong> Des Plaines Community BudgetBalancer with free distribution. On January 1st, 1934 <strong>the</strong> name was changed to <strong>the</strong>Journal, with a paid circulation.Circulation, 3,100.Advertising rate: local, 25, 30c per inch.Subscription rate:local, 75c per year; foreign, same.ZEIGLER MESSENGER: Establishel 1932.R. Phifer and M. E. Phifer. Editor, Charles L. Phifer.Present owners, Charles L. Phifer, VirgilZeigler, population, 3,816. Located in Franklin County, 64 miles sou<strong>the</strong>ast <strong>of</strong> Belleville.I. C; M. P.; C. B. & Q. R.R.'s. Bottling works. Coal mines. Fruit, stock, dairyfarms.The Messenger is a weekly paper appearing each Friday. It is Democratic-Independentin political affiliation. Originally <strong>the</strong> Messenger was published semi-monthly and waschanged to a weekly on September 1st, 1934.Circulation, 1,800.Advertising rate:Subscription rate:local, 3 0c per inch; foreign, 3 5c per inch.local, $1.50 per year; foreign, same.MATTOON INDEPENDENT WEEKLY: Established1933 by Everett Henne, <strong>the</strong>present owner and publisher. Editor, Everett Henne.Mattoon, population, 14,631. Situated in Cole County, 44 miles sou<strong>the</strong>ast <strong>of</strong>Decatur. C. C. C. & St. L. R.R. Railroad shops. Manufacturers shoes, steam engines,brooms, meter boxes, furniture, water filters, cone valves and water works supplies. Shipsagricultural products. I. O. O. F. Old Folks' Home. Agriculture. Corn, wheat, broomcorn.The Independent Weekly is a weekly publication appearing each Friday. It is Independentin political affiliation.Circulation, 1,500.Advertising rate:Subscription rate:local, 2 5c per inch; foreign, same.local, $1.20 per year; foreign, same.:CRESTON COURIER: Established 193 3 by Verdelle A. and John W. Tilton.Present owner, Nor<strong>the</strong>rn <strong>Illinois</strong> Democratic Publishing Co., Rochelle. Editor, F. J. Tilton.inCreston, population, 329. Situated in Ogle County, 5 miles east <strong>of</strong> Rochelle.The Courier is a weekly publication, appearing every Thursday. It is Independentpolitical affiliation.Circulation, 467.Advertising rate:Subscription rate:•Sec also Stcw.irJ Observer, Rochelle Leader.local, 20c per inch; foreign, 25c per inch.local, free; foreign, $2.00 per year.

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