Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>::DEERFIELD NEWS: Established in 1926. Present owner, Ray C. Pearson. Editor,Harold N. Ahlgren.Deerfield, population, 1,8 52. Located in Lake County, 24 miles north <strong>of</strong> Chicago.C. M. S. P. & P. R.R- Manufactures type molds, cement blocks. Nurseries.The News is published weekly, appearing each Friday. It is Independent in politicalaffiliation. Numbering among its former owners are Fred Anderson and M. Grenning.Circulation, 3 00.Advertising rate:local, 3 5c per inch; foreign, 5 0c per inch.Subscription rate: local, $1.00 per year; foreign, $2.00.fNORTHBROOK NEWS: Established 1924. Present owner, Ray C. Pearson. Editor,Harold N. Ahlgren.Northbrook, population, 1,193. Situated in Cook County, 30 miles northwest <strong>of</strong>Chicago. C. M. S. P. & P. R.R. Bank, Glenview. Brick and autotruck factories. Dailyand truck farms.The News is a weekly publication issued each Friday. It is Independent in politicalaffiliation. Numbering among its former owner is Fred Anderson and M. Grenning.Circulation, 400.Advertising rate: local, 3 5c per inch; foreign, 5 0c per inch.Subscription rate: local, $1.00 per year; foreign, $2.00.tNILES CENTER PRESS: Established in 1924. Present owner, Ray C. Pearson.Editor, D. Force.Niles Center, population, 5,007. Situated in Cook County, 10 miles northwest <strong>of</strong>Chicago, with elevated railroad service. C. & N. W. R.R. Brick-yards. Many large greenhouses.The Press is a weekly publication, issued each Friday. It is Independent in politicalaffiliation. Among its former owners are Fred Fulle and M. Grenning.Circulation, 1,475.Advertising rate:Subscription rate:local, 3 5c per inch; foreign, 5 0c per inch.local, free distribution.NASHVILLE NEWS: Established July 1,Editor, Ed. Schmitt.1934, by <strong>the</strong> present owner, Ed Schmitt.Nashville, population, 2,242. Located in Washington County, 3 5 miles sou<strong>the</strong>ast<strong>of</strong> Belleville. M. I.; L. & N. R. R.'s. Flour and grist mills; electric coal mining machineryfactory. Coal mines. Diversified farming.The News is a weekly publication, issued each Thursday. It is Independent Republicanin political affiliation.Circulation, 231.Advertising rate: local, 10c per inch; foreign, 1 5c per inch.Subscription rate:local $1.00 per year; foreign, $1.50 per year.•See also Northbrook News. Glenview View. Niles Center Tress.tSee also Deerfield News. Glenview View, Nilcs Center Press.*See also Deerfield News. Northbrook News, Glenview Yu».576

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