Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>FAIRFIELD, WAYNE COUNTY RECORD: Established 1868. J. H. Boze, editor;Wayne County Record, Inc., publisher.Fairfield, population, 3280, located in Wayne County, 42 miles east <strong>of</strong> Centralia.B. & O.; Sou<strong>the</strong>rn R.R.'s. Underwear, carpet and rug factories. Hardwood timber, agriculture,clover seed.The Wayne County Record is issued every Thursday, and is Democratic in politicalaffiliation.Subscription rate: local, $1.5 0.ELMWOOD PARK CLARION: Established 1926, by Arthur Fox, owner andpublisher.The Elmwood Park Clarion is a publication devoted to community and civic interestsin Elmwood Park, but maintains publication <strong>of</strong>fice in Chicago. This paper is publishedweekly, appearing every Wednesday. It is Independent in its political affiliation.Circulation, 15,000.Advertising rate: local, SI. 10; foreign, SI. 10.Subscription rate: local, $1.00; foreign, $1.00.DANVILLE TIMES: Established 1933. Dewey H. Matson, editor and publisher.Carl G. Sachett, business manager. Warren W. Wright, managing editor.Danville, population, 36,765. Located in Vermilion County, 124 miles south <strong>of</strong>Chicago. I. O; C. C. C. & St. L. R.R.'s. Manufactures bricks, building materials, zinc,candy, batteries, shoes, overalls. Ships coal and agricultural products. Coal mines. Dairy,poultry, truck and grain farms.The Times is a weekly, issued every Thursday. It is Independent in political affiliation.'PINCKNEYVILLE, PERRY COUNTY ADVOCATE: Established 1898 byParker and Baxter. F. E. O'Bryant and W. C. O'Bryant, publishers. F. E. O'Bryant,editor, since September, 193 3.Pinckneyville, population, 3 346. County seat <strong>of</strong> Perry County, located 62 milessou<strong>the</strong>ast <strong>of</strong> Belleville. I. C; M. P. R.R.'s. Manufactures dresses, shoes, hosiery, flour,plows, carriages, and lumber. Coal mines. Agriculture.The Perry County Advocate is published every Thursday and is Republican inpolitical affiliation. Previous to <strong>the</strong> time this paper was purchased by F. E. and W. C.O'Bryant, it was owned and published by Elbert Waller, and for 2 5 years it was ownedby W. W. Sims and known as <strong>the</strong> Pinckneyville Advocate.Circulation, 2016.Advertising rate: local, 25c; foreign, 30c.Subscription rate: local, $1.50; foreign, $2.00.FARMERSVILLE POST: Established 1900 by C. S. Betz. George H. Billings,owner and publisher since March, 1934.Farmersville, population, 513. Located in Montgomery County, 2 5 miles south <strong>of</strong>Springfield. I. C. R.R. Agriculture. Live stock.The Post is a weekly publication, issued every Friday. It is Independent in politicalaffiliation. T. P. Dunn and A. C. Brookman are former owners <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paper.Circulation, 600.Advertising rate: local, 2 5c; foreign, 2 5c.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, $2.00.•Sec also Ashley Washington County Gazette.562

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