Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>-•ARLINGTON HEIGHTS HERALD: Established 1926. Also COOK COUNTYHERALD: Established 1872. H. C. Paddock & Sons, publishers.Arlington Heights, population, 4,997. Locatedin Cook County, 22 miles northwest <strong>of</strong>Chicago. C. & N. W. R.R. Theater chair, furniture,school supplies, creamery package andmilk can manufactures. Agriculture.The Arlington Heights Herald is publishedas a weekly, on Fridays, and <strong>the</strong> Cook County1 lerald on Tuesdays. Both are Independentpolitically. H. C. Paddock, senior member <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> firm, came to <strong>Illinois</strong> in 18 54, two yearsafter his birth, and started publishing localcountry papers in 1882. The majority <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>H. C. 1'audock V r F,years or this halt century he has been publisher, ,, ill ,ilS. R. Paddock<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cook County Herald. Two sons, Stuart R. and Charles S., have taken over <strong>the</strong>more active management in recent years. Seven papers are published by this firm, alllocated in <strong>the</strong> neighborhood <strong>of</strong> Chicago.Circulation <strong>of</strong> Cook County Herald, 5,000.Advertising rate: 75c.DENNI HLASATEL: Established 1891. Joseph Neuzil, editor. Owned by <strong>the</strong> DenniHlasatel Printing & Publishing Company, 1545-49 W. 18th St., Chicago.The Denni Hlasatel is a daily paper, published every afternoon. It also issues a Sundayedition, and is Independent in political affiliation.Circulation, 50,283.Subscription rate: local, 15c per week; foreign, SI 5.00 per year.Advertising rate: local, 10c per line.DAILY ROVNOST LUDU: Established 1906 by Dennik Rovonst Ludu Co.F. H. Gruener, editor. Owned by <strong>the</strong> Daily Rovnost Ludu Publishing Assn., 15 In West18th St., Chicago.The Daily Rovnost Ludu is a daily paper, published every afternoon, with <strong>the</strong> exception<strong>of</strong> Sunday. It is devoted to Labor policies and also those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sick Benefit Society.Circulation, 22,2 5 5.Advertising rate: local, 50c; foreign, 75c per inch.Subscription rate: local, $6.00; foreign, $6.00.-f-BENSENVILLE, DUPAGE COUNTY REGISTER: Published by H. C. Paddock& Sons.Bensenville, population, 1,680. Located in DuPage County, 16 miles northwest <strong>of</strong>Chicago. C. M. St. P. & Pac. R.R. Milk bottling plant; paint factory. Agriculture.The Register is published each Friday, is Independent politically, and covers nor<strong>the</strong>rnDuPage County and vicinity.Combined with <strong>the</strong> Roselle Register, <strong>the</strong> total circulation is 2,000, and <strong>the</strong> advertisingrate, 50 cents.Register.See also Bensenvillc DuPage County Register, Moum Prospect Herald, Nile! Center Herald, Palatine Enterpriic. RosellefSee also Arlington Heights Herald.547

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